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用DNA 探针检测我国栽培的无核葡萄及辅助育种初探   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
 用葡萄无核基因的特异探针18 bp (5’CCAGTTCGCCCGTAAATG3’) 检测了我国栽培的21 个无核葡萄品种和9 个有核对照品种的无核性, 证实了该探针可以对葡萄无核基因进行准确的检测和鉴定; 通过该探针对有核×无核(红地球×红光无核) 杂交后代无核性状的鉴定, 并对照大田结果, 证明了18 bp检测葡萄无核基因探针具有预测葡萄无核性状的作用。  相似文献   

In grapes, seedlessness is an important quality attribute for fresh consumption. There are seedless cultivars but their berries are often very small. A cane-scoring technique proved effective in increasing average berry size of ‘Emperatriz’ seedless grape by 16% in a 4-year experiment, and increased bunch weight by 8.2–28.6%, compared with unscored bunches, depending on the year, but had no effect in ‘Aledo’ seeded grape. This effect was due to: (1) a significantly higher daily berry growth rate in scored vines at 30–50 d after scoring; (2) an advance in time of accumulation of reducing sugars, particularly glucose; (3) a reduction of berry water potential of seedless ‘Emperatriz’ of similar values to those of seeded ‘Aledo’. Cane scoring showed no negative effect on the number of harvested bunches per vine the year following the scoring year, both in ‘Emperatriz’ and ‘Aledo’ cultivars.  相似文献   

以无核的欧洲葡萄作母本,抗病性强的‘北醇’‘左优红’‘塘尾’作父本,大田杂交后在胚败育前采集幼果,无菌条件下采用离体胚挽救的方法获得杂种后代植株,研究了亲本基因型、胚萌发培养基中蔗糖浓度和GA_3浓度对无核葡萄胚挽救育种效率的影响,并对杂种幼苗进行分子标记辅助选择,以期为无核葡萄胚挽救育种效率的提高提供参考依据,并初步筛选出无核抗病葡萄新材料。结果表明:获得232个杂交株系,练苗成活株系227株。以‘无核白鸡心’‘昆香无核’为母本的杂交组合胚挽救效果较好,适宜在无核葡萄胚挽救中作母本。胚萌发培养基中最适蔗糖浓度为2.0%,胚萌发培养基中最适GA_3浓度为0.5μmol·L-1;对获得的杂种后代幼苗,利用2种葡萄无核标记SCF27-2000、SCC8-1018对124株胚挽救杂交子代无核基因进行分子标记检测,初步确定无核株系74株,胚挽救后代无核率为59.7%,利用葡萄抗白粉病标记ScORN3-R对65株胚挽救杂交子代进行抗白粉病基因检测,65个胚挽救杂交后代株系均未扩增出760bp抗白粉病标记特异性条带。  相似文献   

牛茹萱  张剑侠  王跃进  翟焕  赵凯 《果树学报》2012,(5):825-829,965
【目的】为了培育抗病抗寒无核葡萄新品种,【方法】以2个种子败育型无核品种‘波尔莱特’、‘红无籽露’作母本,以抗病抗寒的中国野生山葡萄株系‘黑龙江实生’、‘双优’及欧山杂种‘北醇’、‘00-1-10’(‘玫瑰香’ב黑龙江实生’)分别作父本杂交,授粉51 d后将胚珠分别接种于ER和MM4培养基上进行胚挽救,培养60 d后在WPM+BA 0.2 mg.L-1培养基上诱导成苗。【结果】结果表明,2个母本品种胚挽救的适宜培养基不同,‘波尔莱特’作母本适合于ER培养基,‘红无籽露’作母本适合于MM4培养基。2个母本基因型对胚珠的发育率和成苗率的影响差异不大,‘波尔莱特’略优于‘红无籽露’;但4个父本基因型对胚挽救效果影响较大,以欧山杂种‘00-1-10’和‘北醇’作父本的杂交组合胚株的发育率和成苗率明显高于山葡萄‘黑龙江实生’、‘双优’作父本的杂交组合。共获得无核葡萄胚挽救新种质50个株系。【结论】在胚挽救过程中,不同基因型的无核葡萄适宜于不同的基本培养基,欧山杂种比山葡萄更适宜于作杂交的父本。  相似文献   

树莓杂交后代实生苗部分性状的遗传变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对树莓4个杂交或自交得到的197株2a生实生苗的重要经济性状进行了调查和遗传分析.结果表明,亲本性状各异树莓杂交后代表现了相近的果形分布比例,均以圆锥形为主,其中3个组合后代中圆锥形果实超过了75%;短圆锥形和球型果比例相近,总和接近25%,后代中还出现了少量比例的畸形果.杂交后代可溶性固形物含量的分布受亲本影响,但变异幅度较宽.平均单果重受亲本影响极大,大果型品种美国22号和图拉米的后代的大果型比例偏多.图拉米是优良的无刺树莓育种亲本,其自交后代出现了21%的无刺植株.  相似文献   

几种生长调节剂对火星无核葡萄种子形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶建敏  庄智敏  章镇  邵宏干  蔡斌华 《果树学报》2006,23(4):534-537,i0003
利用植物生长调节剂促使假单性结实的无核葡萄产生具有生活力的种子,采用或不采用胚培养获得实生苗,为无核葡萄育种提供一条便捷途径。采用不同生长素类和细胞分裂素类生长调节剂对火星无核葡萄花前2周进行不同浓度的处理,对果实的有核率、种子形成大小、单果种子数目及种子成苗等方面进行了研究。BA、CPPU、KT、IAA、IBA、NAA不同浓度的处理都能使火星无核葡萄产生残核。BA5、10mg/L,IAA10、20mg/L,IBA20mg/L的处理有核率达100%;KT5mg/L处理种子大小指数96.6%,为最大,而CPPU10mg/L处理种子大小指数74.5%,为最小;BA5mg/L处理单果的平均种子数3.1粒,CPPU10mg/L处理单果的平均种子数0.5粒。KT5mg/L和10mg/L处理诱导产生的种子离体培养露地播种得到萌发苗。结果表明,生长素类和细胞分裂素类生长调节剂可以促进无核葡萄形成具有生活力的种子,可为无核葡萄育种提供一种新的简便方法。  相似文献   

首次引入内源激素平衡[(1AA+GAs+CTK)/ABA]概念,比较分析了荔枝三种类型果实(大核、小核、无核)内源激素平衡的动态变化;揭示了无核果在花后3d相对高水平的生长促进类激素(IAA+GAs+CTK)及花后ABA水平的持续下降是其具有单性结实能力的主要原因;同时,揭示了坐果期低水平的IAA、GAs及相对较低的(IAA+GAs+CTK)/ABA值是小核品种严重生理落果的主要原因;并比较了荔枝果实各组成部分(果皮、假种皮、种子)内源激素平衡的差异,认为胚的正常发育对维持荔枝果实后期的生长发育有重要意义,是大核品种后期生理落果较少的内部生理基础。  相似文献   


We have determined the S-RNase genotypes of 33 new apple cultivars and lineages produced in Japan, 44 unknown cultivars and two lineages, and 22 triploid progenies. We have speculated on the putative parentage of new cultivars and lineages based on their S-RNase genotypes and also identified mistaken parents. In the case of the triploid progenies, the breeding of new cultivars using a triploid paternal parent may pose problems due to its low pollen viability. Nevertheless, diploid and triploid progenies were obtained using a triploid maternal parent. We have compiled a database of 516 apple S-RNase genotypes, including those previously investigated, which included a survey system for cultivar combinations, showing those that were fully-incompatible, semi-compatible, or fully-compatible, together with information on the PCR-RFLP method used for the identification of S-RNase genotypes and S-RNase allele designation (available at http://www.agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~0hort/apple/).  相似文献   

黄瓜种质资源单性结实性评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
 在春季日光温室条件下,对75份黄瓜种质资源的单性结实性进行了评价。结果表明:75份材料的单性结实率在0~100%呈连续分布。其中强单性结实材料40份,占53.3%,中等单性结实材料24份, 占32%,弱单性结实材料11份,占14.7%。其中的24份品种资源中,强单性结实品种20个,占83.3%,其余为中等单性结实。单性结实性强弱表现为坐果率的差异,不同种质资源无籽果实与有籽果实的单瓜重和瓜形指数基本相似。单性结实性一般随着节位升高而增强,其评价工作可侧重于20节内的低节位。  相似文献   

两个胚败育率不同的枣品种果实生育期内源激素的变化   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
祁业凤  刘孟军 《园艺学报》2004,34(6):800-802
 以胚轻度败育的冬枣和胚高度败育的梨枣为试材, 用高效液相色谱法对其果肉和种子的内源激素进行了测定。结果表明, 梨枣果肉在坐果后20 d 以内的玉米素(Z) 含量及坐果后30 d 以内的GA3 、IAA 含量皆高于冬枣果肉, ABA 出现较冬枣早40 d , 冬枣种子Z 含量在坐果后20 d 达到最高值, 远高于冬枣果肉; GA3 一直保持很低水平。冬枣种子IAA 在坐果后40 d 达到最高峰, 以后一直保持较高水平, 远高于冬枣果肉; IAA/ GA3 、IAA/ Z值直至坐果后55 d、40 d 保持低水平, 但之后急剧提高。梨枣坐果后10 d ,无仁果肉的3 种生长类激素含量皆高于有仁果。幼果果肉中高水平的生长类激素不利于胚的正常发育, 而幼胚中高水平的Z和IAA 有利于胚的正常发育。  相似文献   

用于无核葡萄选育的胚挽救技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过4a的连续试验,观察了无核葡萄果粒及胚珠发育变化,对胚挽救的多个影响因素包括品种、接种时间、培养基和培养方式进行了研究。结果表明,红脸无核、底来特、黎明无核作母本的胚珠萌发率较高;各品种适宜的接种时间为无核白花后26d,红脸无核花后35d,爱莫无核×火焰无核花后48d,底来特×红宝石无核花后56d;用Nitsch作基本培养基优于B5;添加BA0.2mg/L获得的胚珠萌发率最高;常温黑暗、固体培养有利于胚珠的发育。已定植结果的无核葡萄杂交胚挽救后代的无核比率平均为58.6%。将胚挽救技术用于无核葡萄育种是十分有效的。  相似文献   

【目的】为了快速有效地利用基因工程的方法获得柑橘无核新种质,【方法】以我国特色多核柑橘优良品种锦橙实生苗上胚轴切段为外植体,采用根癌农杆菌介导法进行能导致种子败育基因CG1-400-RNase的转化;为快速有效地筛选出转化子,在实生苗上胚轴切段转化再生过程中,根据不同发育阶段的组织或器官对抗生素的敏感程度不同采用不同的选择压。【结果】结果表明,在抗性芽再生过程中卡那霉素质量浓度设定为50 mg.L-1,获得的362个抗性芽转入卡那霉素质量浓度为100 mg.L-1的伸长培养基中进行伸长培养后,进行早期PCR检测,获得28个阳性芽;经过不定芽诱导生根或试管嫁接,获得22株完整植株。【结论】再生植株经PCR和Southern杂交检测,获得2株目的基因以单拷贝的形式插入锦橙基因组的转基因植株,为最终获得具有无核性状且可稳定遗传的柑橘新种质奠定了基础。  相似文献   

There is a high diversity among cultivated walnut trees in Iran due to its long time of seed propagation and vast area of cultivation. In this study some morphological characters as well as Simple Sequence Repeat (SSRs) markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity and relationships among 31 Iranian walnut genotypes along with four foreign cultivars. The nut weight ranged from 7.52 to 17.73 g, kernel weight from 4.00 to 9.83 g, and kernel percentage ratio from 38.78 to 67.05% among studied genotypes. In SSRs analysis, nine primer pairs were tested that produced 39 alleles ranging from 2 to 8, with a mean value of 5.10 allele per primer. The Iranian genotypes showed relatively high diversity both for their SSRs loci and morphological traits. Although the foreign cultivars (‘Serr’, ‘Vina’, ‘Franquette’ and ‘Lara’) clustered with each other, they also laid close and within the Iranian genotype. The results of the study provided us with valuable diversity among our genotypes which could be used for breeding studies and also showed the power of genetic markers for analysis and evaluation of this diversity.  相似文献   

葡萄杂交后代主要经济性状的遗传倾向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对10个杂交组合与5个自交后代801个株系的遗传变异分析结果表明:果粒重量、含糖量和含酸量的遗传均符合数量性状连续变异的遗传特点。子代果粒重量小于亲本值,并趋向小粒亲本,出现超高亲个体的比例较低,平均遗传传递力为70.34%。欧美杂交种品种间杂交和欧亚种与欧美杂交种间杂交传递力高于欧亚种品种间杂交;可溶性固形物含量均值接近亲本值,超高亲比例大,表明含糖量遗传中加性效应较大,在后代中选择高含糖量单株的潜力大,组合传递力为101.7%,欧美杂交种品种问杂交传递能力较弱,而欧亚种与欧美杂交种杂交,性状传递能力较强;含酸量的遗传中含有较大比例的负向非加性效应,子代含酸量大大高于亲本值,后代含酸量普遍升高,超低亲单株比例低,选择难度较大。平均组合传递力为134%,欧亚种品种问杂交遗传传递力高于欧美杂交种品种间和欧亚种与欧美杂交种种间杂交。  相似文献   

ISSR molecular marker was used to investigate genetic diversity of ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes of Mashhad Esteghlal orchard and its relationship with other commercial and native cultivars of pear. Among ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes of Mashhad Esteghlal orchard 23 genotypes were selected base on difference in tree vigor, leaf color, shape and color of fruit and also 33 other commercial and native pear cultivars from Esteghlal orchard and other Mashhad commercial orchards were studied. A total number of 230 DNA fragments were obtained using 11 primers of which 225 were polymorphic. On average, each primer produced 20.9 bands. Dice similarity coefficient ranged from 0.27 (between ‘Dom Kaj’ and Asian pear) to 1 (between ‘Dare Gazi’ 1 and 2 genotypes). Sample cluster dendrogram indicated that 56 genotypes were divided into 12 distinct clusters. The dendogram generated on the principle of Unweight Pair Wise Method using Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) was constructed by Dice coefficient and the genotypes were grouped into 12 clusters. ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes did not show 100% similarity due to seed propagation or mutation, as ‘Dare Gazi’ 3 and 18 genotypes had the lowest similarity coefficient (0.64). Asian pears were placed in a separate group from European pears. And ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes from different orchards were grouped separately, but all of them are called as ‘Dare Gazi’ pear for convenience. ISSR molecular marker can well identify the genetic variability among genotypes and cultivars and found suitable for grouping them.  相似文献   


Until recently, olive breeding programmes have been based exclusively on cultivated olive germplasm (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. europaea), in contrast to breeding in other fruit crops where the use of wild relatives has been widely reported. In this study, ten agronomic traits were evaluated in two progenies derived from controlled crosses between the Spanish olive cultivar ‘Picual’ (female) and two wild (O. europaea subsp. europaea var. sylvestris) genotypes (males). The results of this evaluation were compared with the progenies of crosses between ‘Picual’ (female) and the three cultivars, ‘Sikitita’, ‘Meski’, and ‘Zaity’ (male). The two ‘Picual’ × wild genotype progenies had the highest mean values for vigour traits (i.e., tree height and trunk diameter). Progenies from both ‘Picual’ × wild genotype crossess also showed the highest percentages of trees (53.8% and 37.5%) with a short juvenile period, compared to the progenies from crosses between ‘Picual’ and each of the three cultivars ‘Sikitita’, ‘Meski’, and ‘Zaity’ (0%, 5%, and 3.6%, respectively). Significant differences were also observed between progenies in fruit traits as well as in oil contents and fruit weights. Progenies from both crosses with wild olive showed lower values for the fruit traits evaluated than the cultivated olive progenies. However, significant improvements were achieved compared to fruit traits in the wild parents. The implications of these results for the future use of wild germplasm in olive breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

红宝石无核胚珠败育的直观形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以红宝石无核和谢花红为试材,系统研究花后不同时期胚珠败育数量、形态特征及不同时期胚珠的体积和重量变化.结果表明:2个品种在胚珠发育前期都会因授粉受精不良引起部分胚珠发育不良,产生畸形胚珠,所不同的是红宝石无核花后34 d时畸形胚珠率急剧上升至81.48%,随后在较短时间内胚珠全部畸形,且这些畸形胚珠与前期授粉受精不良引起的胚珠畸形在外观形态上存在差异.与对照相比,红宝石无核的胚珠体积和重量也是在花后34 d达到顶峰,随后呈下降趋势,而谢花红胚珠体积及重量在46 d达到高峰,随后基本稳定.因此,花后34 d是研究和利用红宝石无核非常重要的时期.  相似文献   

影响番茄兼性单性结实及果实发育的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兼性单性结实番茄Severianin,RP75/59,PSet 1,Oregon Spring和Santiam可在不利环境条件下自然结果,但用植物生长调节剂点花能显著促进结果,而非单性结实番茄在相同条件下自然坐果率极低。人工蕾期辅助授粉能显著提高单性结实番茄的坐果率和单果种子数,并降低其单性结实率。去雄处理导致 Severianin和Oregon Spring的坐果率显著降低,而去雄同时授无生活力花粉能使 RP75/59的坐果率显著提高,但这两处理对其它品种的坐果率无明显影响。单性结实番茄的单果重与果内有无种子以及种子多少无明显相关,但大果型品种OregonSpring无籽果实有更高的平均单果重。  相似文献   

Cytokinin amounts were determined in the ovaries of flowers and fruitlets on leafy and leafless inflorescences of seeded and seedless cultivars of Citrus sinensis, C. reshni and C. clementine. Flowers were sampled over a 65 day period from before anthesis to after fruit set, during the period from fructification to fruitlet expansion. Cytokinin activity appeared in both organic and aqueous phases obtained in the extraction process. Generally, the maximum activity in the organic phase occurred at anthesis, except in ‘Navelate’ orange, and decreased sharply following petal fall, whereas the aqueous phase had more cytokinins later, when the fruitlets had reached 1-2 cm diameter. The effect of pollination on cytokinin-like compounds was studied in seeded cultivars. The pollinated ovaries showed a peak in cytokinin activity at anthesis, in contrast to unpollinated ovaries. Partition chromatography of the organic phase on Sephadex LH-20 indicated five zones of cytokinin activity, four of which had the same elution volumes as ribosyl zeatin, zeatin, isopentenyl adenosine and isopentenyl adenine.  相似文献   

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