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里下河低湿地适生树种调查及造林技术初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高邮34个常见树种耐涝性进行了调查,结果表明耐涝性强的树种有11个,耐涝性较好的树种有12个,耐涝性一般的树种有6个,耐涝性差的树种有5个。在平均地下水位-80cm以下、夏季短暂淹水(0~30d)的立地,营造防护林、用材林时,应选南林95杨、南林895杨、35杨等优良品种做为主要树种,其他耐涝性强及较好的树种作为辅助树种;在平均地下水位-20~-50cm,夏季淹水15~60d的立地,应以苏柳J799、J795、J172无性系为主要树种,除杨树外的其他耐涝性强的树种为辅助树种;低于-20cm、且经常淹水的立地,不适宜林木生长,需人工抬田,改地适树。杨、柳树造林时宜采用截根插干造林技术,以实现经济、高效和可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过对石灰岩山地植物区系分析和40年生以上大树、古树调查,选择100种以上地带性树种在不同立地类型进行适应性种植,并对这些树种钙的适应性、耐荫性、耐干旱性、耐土壤瘠薄性进行分析和对139个林窗的不同立地类型树木生长进行调查,最终确定石灰岩山地侧柏纯林演替的主要树种和配置树种。  相似文献   

分析盐碱地对树木的危害,阐述通过物理、水利和化学土壤改良的措施;在造林树种选择中以耐盐能力强、抗旱耐涝能力强、易繁殖、生长快、经济价值高为原则,选择了国槐、剌槐等11种乔木和灌木树种,并提出进行高标准、长周期的后期养护.  相似文献   

沙漠骄子──胡杨文/刘中汉胡杨。又称梧桐、异叶杨、陶来杨。它是荒漠沙区内唯一分布的天然乔木树种,其它树木不能跨越的禁区里。胡杨却傲然挺立,生长发育良好。真正显示出“沙漠骄子”的英雄本色,位受沙区群众的爱宠。胡杨具有耐高温,耐涝耐干旱,耐风袭沙埋,也耐...  相似文献   

文章通过为期60d田间模拟试验,以1年生落羽杉、乌桕实生苗为试才,采用完全随机试验设计,对两个树种在涝渍胁迫下的生长变化、光合特性及荧光动力学参数进行了初步研究。结果表明:在涝渍处理条件下,两个树种均产生了大量的不定根且生物量增量和相对生长率也表现出对涝渍胁迫的适应性。涝渍处理下,2个树种的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)均显著降低,涝渍程度越强,其下降幅度越大。两个树种相比,落羽杉具有更强的耐涝性。  相似文献   

5个油茶物种的耐涝性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以5个油茶(Camellia spp.)物种1年生实生苗为试材,通过调查淹水处理后不同时间植株的受害情况对其耐涝性进行研究,结果表明:普通油茶(C.oleifera)和广宁红花油茶(C.semiserrata)具有较强的耐涝性,淹水处理32天才完全死亡,而香花油茶(C.osmantha)、博白大果油茶(C.gigantocarpa)和陆川油茶(C.vietnamensis)耐涝性极强,整个试验期60天后均有10%以上的植株还存活,5个物种的耐涝性由强到弱依次为香花油茶>博白大果油茶>陆川油茶>广宁红花油茶>普通油茶;5个物种内不同单株间耐涝性均有差异,其中香花油茶单株耐涝性分离最大,其次是博白大果油茶和陆川油茶.  相似文献   

木兰科植物兼具观赏、药用、材用、生态和科研价值,文化内涵深远,适应范围广,几乎涵盖整个中国,可作为建设低碳生态园林城市的重要植物材料,但相对较差的抗逆性成为制约其园林应用推广的最大瓶颈。为发掘耐涝性种质资源,研究人员根据淹水胁迫过程中木兰科植物的表型变化,选定叶色变化、植株萎蔫情况、茎基部变化和成活率变化4个指标,将其定量分级,制定等级得分标准及评价方案,然后以各指标得分的总和对耐涝性进行综合评价,建立了木兰科植物耐涝性评价体系。研究已对31木兰科种类的2~3年生种播苗进行了耐涝性鉴定,初步筛选出3个耐涝性强的木兰科优异种质。  相似文献   

长三角平原水网地区耐湿景观树种引种适应性评价与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多点造林3~4年的观测结果,通过生长、耐涝性、抗风性、抗病虫害和景观指数等指标,对从美国引进的20个耐水湿树种和种源进行综合评价。以耐涝、抗病虫和景观价值为主要评选目标。结果表明:以水紫树、黑栎、沼地紫树、苏玛栎、纳塔栎、落羽杉、美国枫香和美国梧桐的综合表现为优,北美鹅掌楸、复叶槭、河桦表现较差。引种试验结果为长江中下游平原地区生态和景观建设提供了优良的树种资源。  相似文献   

@南方主要造林树种耐旱、耐盐碱能力的研究通过鉴定由南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院曹福亮教授承担的林业部重点指南课题《南方主要造林树种耐旱、耐盐碱能力的研究》于1997年12月31日在南京通过了由林业部科技司组织的会议鉴定。该课题的主要研究内容:(l)南方主要造林树种耐盐能力评价;(2)10个杨树无性系耐盐能力评定;(3)5个银杏品种耐盐能力研究;(4)南方主要造林树种耐旱能力评价;(5)野外林分调查和田间试验;(6)提高树木抗逆性研究。鉴定意见认为,该课题首次较系统、全面地对我国南方主要造林树种进行了耐旱、耐盐…  相似文献   

水涝对银荆苗成活率影响的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调查研究表明,2年生以上银荆苗具有一定的耐涝性,且随苗龄、苗高增大而增强。但当年生银荆苗不耐涝,故在圃地选择时,要确保排灌方便,不受淹。  相似文献   

The extensive flooding by the river Rhine on May 12 1999 provided an opportunity to investigate the impact of such an extreme event in terms of damage and mortality of adult trees in floodplains. Such data is highly valuable for determining the potential impact of climate change on the zonation of tree species along rivers. We analysed an extensive dataset of the damage and mortality suffered by groups of adult trees of the following species as a consequence of this flood: the hardwoods Acer campestre L., Acer platanoides L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Carpinus betulus L., Fagus sylvatica L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Juglans nigra L., Prunus avium (L.) L., Quercus robur L., Tilia cordata Mill., Ulmus laevis Pall. and Ulmus minor Miller, and the softwoods Salix spp. L. and Populus spp. L.A logistic survivorship curve revealed that mortality of A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus and T. cordata increased significantly with increasing duration of flooding; C. betulus and F. excelsior showed a significant increase of damage and mortality with increasing flooding depth. There was no mortality of Salix spp. and Populus spp. in either the flooded or unflooded areas. No statistically significant relationships were found for the other tree species. Multivariate analysis revealed that flooding duration, flooding depth and flooding velocity explain 19%, 11% and 8%, respectively, of the variation in damage and mortality of trees.The survivorship curves of adult trees obtained in this study were combined with similar curves of saplings based on an earlier study and applied in an individual-tree, process-based simulation model. The simulated effects of flooding on an initial random distribution of trees species on a hypothetical floodplain resulted in a realistic zonation of tree species along the river. When extreme events were simulated, the zonation shifted upward. This demonstrates the model's usefulness in assessment and planning studies of the impacts of climate change on tree species composition in river floodplains in north-west Europe.  相似文献   

We studied the flood tolerance of five tree species growing in the flooded forest adjacent to the Mapire river, in SW Venezuela. Mean photosynthetic rate and leaf conductance were 11 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) and 700 mmol m(-2) s(-1), respectively. Xylem water potential ranged from -0.08 to -1.15 MPa. Based on leaf gas exchange as a criterion of tolerance to flooding, two response patterns were identified: (1) decreasing photosynthetic rate with increasing flooding and leaf conductance (Psidium ovatifolium Berg. ex Desc., Campsiandra laurifolia Benth., Symmeria paniculata Benth. and Acosmium nitens (Vog.) Benth); and (2) independence of photosynthesis and leaf conductance from flooding (Eschweilera tenuifolia (Berg.) Miers.). In the first response pattern, declining photosynthetic rate with flooding may be interpreted as a sign of reduced flood tolerance, whereas the second response pattern may indicate increased flood tolerance. An increase in xylem water potential with depth of water column was found for all species (with the possible exception of P. ovatifolium), indicating that flooding does not cause water stress in these trees. Submerged leaves that had been under water for between four days and four months generally had photosynthetic rates and leaf conductances similar to those of aerial leaves, indicating maintenance of photosynthetic capacity under water. Daily positive oscillations in glucan content in submerged leaves of P. ovatifolium and C. laurifolia suggest that submerged leaves do not represent a sink for photosynthates produced by aerial leaves.  相似文献   

园林植物耐盐性评价体系建立、耐盐碱园林植物筛选及其在盐碱地园林绿化中的应用至关重要,可为盐碱地区园林绿化树种选择提供依据,以维持生物多样性和生态稳定性。文中从园林植物盐胁迫处理方式及处理时间、植物耐盐性评价指标、数据分析等方面对盐碱区景观绿化植物耐盐性评价进行讨论,发现评价中存在指标多、周期长、结果多样性等问题。同时从地域和形态习性的角度对景观绿化植物耐盐性鉴定进行了梳理,将我国常见的343种绿化植物按耐盐级别进行了分类,其中特耐盐植物80种、强耐盐植物103种、中度耐盐植物93种、轻度耐盐植物55种;南方耐盐植物明显多于北方,在耐盐植物种类和数量上,灌木多于乔木,而草本较少。概述了耐盐碱园林绿化植物的应用现状,对如何解决我国园林植物耐盐性评价、鉴定和在实际应用中的诸多问题,以及我国耐盐碱园林植物研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

John M. Lhotka 《New Forests》2013,44(3):311-325
This paper is an assessment of the effect of gap size on stand structure and species composition 48 years following treatment in a mixed broadleaf upland forest. Established in 1960, the study tests three circular openings, 15.2 m (0.02 ha), 45.7 m (0.16 ha), and 76.2 m (0.46 ha). Forty-eight years following treatment (2008) basal area, top height, and quadratic mean diameter were significantly lower in 15.2 m openings. Maple (Acer spp.) species had the highest mean importance value across treatments (0.40). Trends suggest that species composition of dominant and codominant trees among opening sizes may have been influenced by shade tolerance adaptations of the species groups present. Whereas 15.2 m openings were dominated by shade tolerant maple species, 45.7 and 76.2 m openings produced a mixture of commercial species including shade intolerant species such as yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), trees of intermediate shade tolerance like oak (Quercus spp.), and shade tolerant maple. Data further suggest the density of overstory oak was highest in the intermediate opening size (45.7 m), while yellow-poplar increased in the larger opening sizes. Evaluation of species shifts between 1981 and 2008 showed that relative basal area of maple increased across all treatments. Relative basal areas from 45.7 to 76.2 m openings suggest declines in yellow-poplar and other non-commercial species were balanced by increases in oak and maple.  相似文献   

Components of dehydration tolerance, including osmotic potential at full turgor (Psi(pio)) and osmotic adjustment (lowering of Psi(pio)), of several deciduous species were investigated in a mature, upland oak forest in eastern Tennessee. Beginning July 1993, the trees were subjected to one of three throughfall precipitation treatments: ambient, ambient minus 33% (dry treatment), and ambient plus 33% (wet treatment). During the dry 1995 growing season, leaf water potentials of all species declined to between -2.5 and -3.1 MPa in the dry treatment. There was considerable variation in Psi(pio) among species (-1.0 to -2.0 MPa). Based on Psi(pio) values, American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), dogwood (Cornus florida L.), and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) were least dehydration tolerant, red maple (A. rubrum L.) was intermediate in tolerance, and white oak (Quercus alba L.) and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.) were most tolerant. During severe drought, overstory chestnut oak and understory dogwood, red maple and chestnut oak displayed osmotic adjustment (-0.12 to -0.20 MPa) in the dry treatment relative to the wet treatment. (No osmotic adjustment was evident in understory red maple and chestnut oak during the previous wet year.) Osmotic potential at full turgor was generally correlated with leaf water potential, with both declining over the growing season, especially in species that displayed osmotic adjustment. However, osmotic adjustment was not restricted to species considered dehydration tolerant; for example, dogwood typically maintained high Psi(pio) and displayed osmotic adjustment to drought, but had the highest mortality rates of the species studied. Understory saplings tended to have higher Psi(pio) than overstory trees when water availability was high, but Psi(pio) of understory trees declined to values observed for overstory trees during severe drought. We conclude that Psi(pio) varies among deciduous hardwood species and is dependent on canopy position and soil water potential in the rooting zone.  相似文献   

Reforestation in the humid tropics and arid zones, where trees are often subject to stresses, is an effective approach for mitigating global warming. Forestation with Populus species that are tolerant to the stresses in such regions has been conducted. The selection of poplar trees with higher stress tolerance leads to more efficient reforestation. The genome-wide bioinformatics approaches of gene function have been used for revealing the mechanisms of biological processes, including such stress tolerance. The decoding of the poplar genome has been followed by the genome-wide identification of genes and then the inference of gene function for systematic understanding of biological processes. To predict gene function in poplar, we analyzed poplar gene expression data using DNA microarray datasets obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus database and developed a database for poplar gene co-expression analysis. Using the database, we illustrate the steps to retrieve two groups of co-expressed genes that are specifically expressed in experiments of hypoxic stress response in gray poplar, a flooding-tolerant tree species. Our database allows users to extract genes involved in biological processes, such as stress reaction, and then is useful for understanding such mechanisms in tree species.  相似文献   

江苏省森林资源现状与特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林资源二类调查是获取各基层单位森林资源现状与分布的主要方法,根据江苏省2009年森林资源二类调查结果,笔者通过提取各类林地、林木、林种、乔木林、竹林和灌木林的组成及分布等森林资源主要数据,并对单位面积蓄积、单位面积株数和树种结构等因子进行了对比分析,客观地反映了江苏森林资源快速增加、幼中龄林占优势地位、非公有制林业快...  相似文献   

杨树是杨柳科(Salicaceae)中杨属(Populus)植物落叶乔木的统称,是重要的速生树种之一,杨树产业在苏北地区是重要的支柱产业。植物寄生线虫是重要的病原物之一,其分布广泛,几乎每一种栽培植物都受线虫寄生,杨树在生长发育过程中也必然受到线虫的寄生和为害。为了解线虫对杨树的危害性,首先要对杨树寄生线虫种类展开调查,课题组前期已在江苏省2个地区进行了初步调查,调查范围有限(怀意君等,2010)。为了明确寄生江苏省杨树的主要线虫种类,此次选择在更广的范围内对江苏省杨树寄生线虫进行调查鉴定。下面就鉴定结果中的垫刃目(Tylenchida)和矛线目(Dorylaimida)线虫进行报道。  相似文献   

American chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.) was once a principal component of the eastern deciduous forest until it became functionally extinct as a result of the invasive fungus Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr. Restoration efforts are underway by means of a blight-resistant American-Chinese chestnut hybrid, and detailed silvicultural information, such as the shade tolerance of American chestnut and optimum site selection for restoration, is critical for planting success. In the present study, the physiological and morphological leaf characteristics of pure American chestnut seedlings, saplings, and mature trees were investigated in one of the few remaining stands of oak-chestnut vegetation (West Salem, WI) to determine shade tolerance. Seedlings, saplings, and mature trees had high maximum rates of photosynthesis, similar to shade intolerant species, and low light compensation points (LCPs), quantum efficiency, leaf mass per area (LMA), and percent nitrogen content, reminiscent of shade tolerant species. Dark respiration rates of seedlings and saplings were low, but increased in mature trees. LMA was found to significantly increase with height in the canopy, indicating a high level of light-induced plasticity. The results of this study suggest that American chestnut should be classified as intermediate in shade tolerance.  相似文献   

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