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为了增加高原生态环境下牦牛的繁殖性能。本研究采取了在母牦牛围产期补饲的方法,在牦牛围产期,母牦牛自然放牧回圈后,每晚每头母牦牛补饲250g母牦牛浓缩精料补充料,连续补饲5个月。结果表明,试验组犊牦牛的初生重显著大于对照组(P0.01);而且试验组母牦牛产后体况评分比对照组高(P0.01),产后母牦牛当年的发情率和当年受胎率、产犊率、犊牛繁活率都比对照组高(P0.01)。对地处高海拔地区的自然放牧母牦牛围产期补饲母牦牛浓缩精料补充料后,能有效提高牦牛的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

为了对不同繁殖体况的母牦牛采取不同程度的补饲方案,研究补饲对母牦牛同期发情处理后发情和受胎的影响,从而探讨环湖地区牦牛繁殖率低下的形成机理及解决方案。试验选用青海省环湖地区3~10岁营养体况相近的受体母牦牛352头,按试验要求随机将青年牛、经产牛分为3组,分别补饲0,0.5,1.0 kg饲料,补饲时间为3个月,补饲结束后实施同期发情试验和定时授精,授精后40~60 d采用直肠检查法检查受胎情况。结果表明:补饲前与补饲后相比青年牛、经产牛营养状况差异显著(P<0.05),不同卵巢机能状态对母牦牛的发情率和受胎率的影响差异极显著(P<0.01),补饲Ⅱ组和补饲Ⅰ组青年牛、经产牛的发情率和受胎率与对照组相比差异极显著(P<0.01),补饲Ⅱ组与补饲Ⅰ组青年牛、经产牛同期发情处理后的发情率和受胎率与对照组差异显著(P<0.05)。说明母牦牛体内营养储备状况是制约牦牛繁殖率的关键因素,在传统的放牧条件下通过适度补饲能够改善母牦牛的繁殖体况和卵巢机能状态,可明显提高母牦牛的发情率和受胎率。  相似文献   

产后无发情和亚发情母牦牛激素诱导发情试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择怀孕母牦牛84头,在生产前后1个月进行补饲,其中40头在产后当年发情季节进行激素诱导发情试验,44头作对照;另选择60头自然生产的产后母牦牛在发情季节进行单纯的激素诱导发情试验,60头作对照.激素诱导发情方法是0 d注射氯前列烯醇0.2 mg,7 d后注射促黄体素释放激素A3 25 μg,连续3 d;在0和7 d进行直肠检查和血样采取,血样进行孕酮测定;测定处理时母牦牛卵巢状态,观察母牦牛发情配种受孕情况.结果显示,通过直肠检查和血浆孕酮测定,发现无发情状态的产后母牦牛占产后牦牛的63.33%和65%,亚发情的产后母牦牛占产后牦牛的36.67%和35%.采用氯前列烯醇和促性腺激素释放激素处理方案进行诱导发情,26.67%的产后母牦牛在处理后出现了发情;对怀孕母牦牛在围产期进行补饲,产后母牦牛在发情季节采用氯前列烯醇和促性腺激素释放激素诱导发情,有45.45%的产后母牦牛恢复了发情,而只补饲不进行激素诱导发情的母牦牛只有20%的母牦牛出现了发情;通过孕酮测定发现2组中激素诱导发情成功的母牦牛中,有68.18%和72%是处于亚发情状态的母牦牛.结果表明,氯前列烯醇和促性腺激素释放激素进行诱导发情的处理方案适合于产后亚发情状态的母牦牛.  相似文献   

补饲对青海高原型围产期牦母牛的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据妊娠期和牦母牛的饲养实际需要,将牦牛的围产期初步界定为妊娠31周到产后4周。在牦牛围产期进行补饲,产前的体况维持在2.65,产后的体况维持在2.48,难产降低12.79个百分点、产后发情提高37.51个百分点、犊牛成活率提高了11.66个百分点,犊牛体重增加了7.34kg。  相似文献   

在高原地区寒冷和漫长枯草期牦牛的生长性能较为低下,为了探讨围产期补饲对妊娠牦牛生产性能和犊牦牛生长发育的影响,本研究将16头一般资料相同的妊娠母牦牛作为研究对象,随机分为研究组和对照组各8头,研究组在围产期进行燕麦青甘草+营养舔砖+补充精料的补饲方式,对照组自然放牧,进行单因素设计试验,结果显示,研究组母牦牛产前和产后补饲体重显著高于对照组,研究组母牦牛产后体况评分显著高于对照组,牧草不足的情况下两组母牦牛在返青期的产奶量存在显著差异,研究组青草期日平均产奶量显著高于对照组,研究组犊牛的初生重变化显著优于对照组,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).  相似文献   

本研究旨在对不同繁殖体况的母牦牛在补饲的基础上,分别从营养、隔离断奶、激素选择考察影响母牦牛繁殖率及同期发情处理效果。选用青海省环湖地区480头5~10岁繁殖体况不同的母牦牛,按照试验要求将母牦牛分成不同的试验组别,采用相同的同期发情处理方案,通过不同程度的补饲,补饲组与对照组的排卵率和妊娠率对比差异显著(P〈0.05...  相似文献   

本试验探讨了高海拔地区进行冷季补饲对母牦牛繁殖性能的影响,对妊娠后期母牦牛每日用母牛专用浓缩饲料0.30kg/头补饲150d。结果表明:补饲期内补饲组母牦牛掉膘减重12.3kg,显著低于对照组减重30.2kg(P0.05);试验组母牦牛平均减重82g/d,显著低于对照组的201.3g/d(P0.05);暖季体重恢复期,补饲组母牦牛平均增重30.4kg,显著高于对照组25.2kg(P0.05);试验组母牦牛平均日增重253g,显著高于对照组的208.3g(P0.05);补饲组公、母牦牛犊初生重分别为15.1kg,14.3kg。对照组公、母牦牛犊初生重分别为11.9kg,10.3kg。补饲组公、母牦牛犊初生重分别比对照组提高了26.9%和38.8%,差异均极显著(P0.01);补饲组母牦牛发情率和连产率分别为44.7%和34.0%,比对照组提高了32.9%和22.2%,差异极显著(P0.01)。冷季对妊娠母牦牛进行补饲,可防止母牦牛掉膘减重,增加犊牦牛初生重,促进暖季带犊母牦牛体重增加、体能恢复,提高母牦牛发情率和连产率。  相似文献   

为了提高当年产犊母牦牛的发情率,我们对选定的120头怀孕母牦牛进行补饲,同时在犊牛产后3个月对犊牛进行隔离断奶,补饲试验于2010年3月初开始:100头母牦牛随机分为两组,试验组Ⅰ 50头母牦牛隔离断奶后进行同期发情和定时授精处理;Ⅱ组50头母牦牛隔离断乳.不进行同期发情处理,发情母牛进行人工授精。人工授精冻精液为荷斯坦和野牦牛冻精。配种45d后进行怀孕诊断。Ⅰ组发情39头,发情率为78%(39/50),怀孕34头妊娠率为68%(34/50);Ⅱ组发情31头,发情率为62%(31/50),怀孕27头,妊娠率为54%(27/50)。相同草场放牧50头适配母牦牛作为对照。对照组母牛和犊牛不进行隔离和短期断乳;对照组发情率为12%(6/50),妊娠率为6.32%(3/50)。试验结果表明,通过对带犊的母牦牛实施隔离断奶,能够明显提高当年产犊母牦牛的发情率和妊娠率。  相似文献   

试验拟从怀孕牦牛的围产期补饲、犊牛的隔离哺乳及产后牦牛的同期发情处理,考察不同的方法对对产后牦牛发情及受胎效果的影响,从而探讨产后提高牦牛繁殖率的解决方案。试验1考察补饲、隔离哺乳对产后牦牛发情周期恢复的影响,研究结果表明,补饲+隔离哺乳组与隔离哺乳组、补饲组及对照组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~30d,30~120 d)对比差异极显著(P<0.05);隔离哺乳组与补饲组发情季节发情率及妊娠率(30~120d)对比差异不显著(P>0.05),对照组与隔离哺乳组及补饲组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(30~120d)对比差异显著(P<0.05);试验2考察补饲、隔离哺乳对产后牦牛同期发情后发情与受胎效果的影响,试验结果表明,补饲+隔离哺乳组与隔离哺乳组、补饲组及对照组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~120d)对比差异显著(P<0.05),隔离哺乳组与对照组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~120d)对比差异不显著(P>0.05),对照组与隔离哺乳组及补饲组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~120d)对比差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为了使牦牛能够提前发情,缩短牦牛的繁殖周期,减少冷季对犊牛的影响,试验采用冷季补饲的方式,提高母牦牛营养促进早期发情。结果表明,试验组母牦牛在6月下旬发情16头,发情率为32.00%,到7月上旬共发情37头,总发情率达74.00%。对照组母牛6月份未发情,到7月上旬发情67头,发情率为51.54%。2015年、2016年数据显示6月份母牦牛未发情,到7月上旬各发情5头,发情率分别为2.63%和3.07%。因此,适时补饲能有效调控母牦牛提前发情配种。  相似文献   

[目的]为了对比带犊牦牛同期发情与自然发情繁殖效果的差异,作者根据实施的科研项目进行了两组试验,以便为甘南牦牛产业高质量发展提供参考资料。[方法]于繁殖季节在试验组母牦牛阴道内放置“孕激素阴道栓”并肌肉注射“氯前列稀醇”(CIDR+PG)诱发牦牛集中发情。[结果]结果表明,甘南牦牛在当年生产后,通过犊牛统一断奶,改变营养供给,产后3个月试验组和对照组母牦牛自然发情率分别为8%和19.2%。试验组母牦牛应用“放置孕激素阴道栓+肌肉注射氯前列稀醇”方法诱导发情后,总发情率达89.1%。试验组带犊母牦牛激素处理后受胎率为89.1%,对照组母牦牛自然发情率较低,自然交配后受胎率为100%。试验组和对照组母牦牛繁殖率、犊牛成活率分别为86.9%和19.2%、97.6%和100%,试验组犊牛的平均初生重、断奶重、6月龄重分别比对照组高1.51 kg、2.37 kg、3.28 kg,经差异显著性检验,试验组犊牛相关年龄段体重与对照组犊牛对应指标相比,初生体重差异显著(P<0.05),断奶重和6月龄体重差异极显著(P<0.01)。[结论]使用外源性激素诱发带犊母牦牛当年集中发情,母牦牛当年...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of BCS at calving and the amount of postpartum protein supplementation on the dominant follicle (DF) and behavioral characteristics at the first postpartum estrus of mature beef cows. Multiparous Angus x Hereford cows (n = 45) were fed to calve in thin (T; < 5) or moderate (M; >or=5) BCS. Cows were stratified by BCS and calving date, and randomly assigned to receive lesser (L; 1.2 kg/d) or greater (G; 2.5 kg/d) amounts of a 42% CP supplement. All cows grazed the same native grass pasture and were fed in individual stalls for 49 +/- 2 d. Beginning 20 d after calving, blood samples were collected from each cow thrice weekly, and estrous behavior was monitored continuously with a radiotelemetry system. At 4 to 16 h after the onset of estrus, size of the DF was determined by ultrasonography. Body condition score of T cows was less (P < 0.01) at calving than M cows; L and G cows had similar BCS at calving and at the end of the feeding period. Body weight gains during treatment did not differ for L or G cows. Duration from calving to first estrus was greater (P < 0.01) for T than M cows. The incidence of a short luteal phase before first estrus was not influenced by BCS or protein supplement. Concentrations of IGF-I in plasma tended (P < 0.07) to be greater and size of the DF was greater (P < 0.01) for M than T cows. Size of the DF tended (P < 0.06) to be greater for G than L cows. Duration and number of mounts received at the first estrus were not influenced by BCS or supplement. Pregnancy rate of M cows during the breeding season was greater (P < 0.05) than T cows. Postpartum protein intake and BCS at calving influenced the size of the DF at the first postpartum estrus in mature suckled beef cows. Cows should be managed to calve in moderate BCS and maintain BW after parturition to decrease the interval to first estrus, increase follicular development, and maximize pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

The influences of body condition score (BCS) at calving and postpartum nutrition on endocrine and ovarian functions, and reproductive performance, were determined by randomly allocating thin (mean BCS = 4.4 +/- 0.1) or moderate condition (mean BCS = 5.1 +/- 0.1) Angus x Hereford primiparous cows to receive one of two nutritional treatments after calving. Cows were fed to gain either 0.45 kg/d (M, n = 17) or 0.90 kg/d (H, n = 17) for the first 71 +/- 3 d postpartum. All cows were then fed the M diet until 21 d after the first estrus. A replication (yr 2; M, n = 25; H, n = 23) was also used to evaluate reproductive characteristics. Concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, NEFA, and thyroxine were quantified in plasma samples collected weekly during treatment and during 7 wk before the first estrus. Estrous behavior was detected by radiotelemetry, and luteal activity was determined based on concentrations of progesterone in plasma. All cows were bred by AI between 14 and 20 h after onset of estrus, and pregnancy was assessed at 35 to 55 d after AI by ultrasonography. Cows that calved with a BCS of 4 or 5 had similar endocrine function and reproductive performance at the first estrus. During treatment, H cows gained BW and increased BCS (P < 0.01), and had greater (P < 0.05) concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, and thyroxine in plasma than M cows. However, during the 7 wk before the first estrus, plasma concentrations of IGF-I, leptin, insulin, glucose, NEFA, and thyroxine were not affected by time. Cows previously on the H treatment had a shorter (P < 0.01) interval to first postpartum estrus and ovulation, and a larger dominant follicle (P < 0.01) at first estrus, than M cows, but duration of estrus and the number of mounts received were not influenced by nutrient intake. Pregnancy rate at the first estrus was greater (P < 0.03) for H (76%, n = 38) than for M (58%, n = 33) cows. Increased nutrient intake after calving stimulated secretion of anabolic hormones, promoted fat deposition, shortened the postpartum interval to estrus, and increased pregnancy rate at the first estrus. Concentrations of IGF-I and leptin in plasma were constant during 7 wk before the first estrus, indicating that acute changes in these hormones are not associated with the resumption of ovarian function in primiparous beef cows.  相似文献   

在青海省海南州贵南县塔秀乡,对32头带犊母牦牛进行了同期发情试验。试验结果显示:经CIDR+PMSG组合激素处理的试验I组母牦牛发情率达到83.33%,单激素PG处理的试验Ⅱ组母牦牛发情率为20.00%,对照组母牦牛在试验期间没有出现发情的母牛。试验I组母牦牛发情率极显著地高于试验Ⅱ组(P<0.01)。说明采用组合激素对处于哺乳期的母牦牛进行同期发情处理能提高牦牛的同期发情率。  相似文献   

在青海省环湖地区390头3~10岁繁殖体况不同的母牦牛中,研究了不同繁殖卵巢机能状态及胎次,母牦牛同期发情效果的影响。结果表明:初产青年母牦牛与经产母牦牛中隔年犊牛组与当年产犊牛组的排卵率及妊娠率有显著差异(P<0.05),经产母牦牛中无黄体卵泡组与有卵泡组和有黄体组排卵率及妊娠率有显著差异(P<0.05)。研究表明,年龄和胎次及卵巢的机能状态对母牦牛的同期发情处理效果有较大影响。通过生殖激素处理,能够明显改善母牦牛的生殖机能状态,从而提高母牦牛的发情及排卵效果。  相似文献   

Seventy-seven multiparous beef cows (Hereford and Angus x Hereford) with thin to moderate BCS at calving were used to evaluate the effects of body condition at parturition and BW change after calving on duration and occurence of luteal activity before and after first estrus. Blood samples were collected twice weekly after parturition to determine the occurrence of the first postpartum luteal activity (LA, progesterone > or = 0.5 ng/mL). Weight changes and BCS were determined at 2-wk intervals. Cows were exposed to bulls and observed twice daily for behavioral estrus. Luteal activity was classified as normal if plasma concentrations of progesterone were > or = 0.5 ng/mL for at least 11 d, or short if concentrations of progesterone were > or = 0.5 ng/mL for 10 d or less. The interval from parturition to first normal LA was shorter (P < 0.001) for moderate condition (BCS > or = 4.5) than for thin (BCS < or = 4) cows (58.3 +/- 3.2 vs. 93.3 +/- 5.1 d, respectively). Interval to first estrus also was shorter (P < 0.001) for moderate than for thin cows (53.3 +/- 3.7 vs. 89.3 +/- 5.6 d, respectively). Before the first normal LA, 78% of cows had an increase in progesterone for < 11 d. Postpartum weight change and BCS at calving did not influence the incidence of estrus associated with first normal LA. After the first estrus, 72% of cows had normal LA, 16% had a short luteal phase, and 12% lacked LA. Postpartum weight change and BCS did not influence the length of LA associated with the first estrus. Cows with normal LA had increased (P < 0.05) maximal concentrations of progesterone compared with cows that had a short luteal phase. When a transient increase in progesterone occurred before first behavioral estrus, 81% of cows had normal luteal function after estrus. We conclude that when beef cows are in thin to moderate body condition at calving, postpartum BW change and BCS at calving do not influence the duration of luteal activity before or after the first postpartum estrus.  相似文献   

[方法]对已经度过适应期的3~4岁青年公母牛30头(雌雄各15头)进行饲喂观察,每月称重2次,并对每月经济投入与牦牛的产出做相关分析。[结果]结果显示,1—5月份和9—11月份2个时段育肥效果很理想,日增重超过了0.4 kg/d,其中3月份的效果最理想,可达到0.5 kg/d;7—8月份时间段育肥效果很不理想,日增重几乎为0,7—8月份时间段内在沙漠地域中所建的牛场不适合育肥牦牛;虽然不同月份牦牛所产生的经济效益不同,但所有的月份对牦牛的身体并无明显的损坏作用。  相似文献   

Effects of supplemental degradable (DIP) and undegradable (UIP) intake protein on forage intake, BW change, body condition score (BCS), postpartum interval to first estrus, conception rate, milk production and composition, serum metabolites and metabolic hormones, and calf gain were determined using 36 primiparous Gelbvieh x Angus rotationally crossed beef cows. On d 3 postpartum, cows (average initial BW = 495 +/- 10 kg and BCS = 5.5 +/- 0.1) were randomly assigned to one of three dietary supplements (12 cows/treatment). Date of parturition was evenly distributed across treatment (average span of calving date among treatments = 2.4 +/- 2.5 d). Individually fed (d 3 through 120 postpartum) dietary supplements were 0.82 kg of corn and 0.23 kg of soybean meal per day (DIP), the DIP + 0.12 kg of blood meal and 0.13 kg of corn gluten meal per day (DIP + UIP), and 0.82 kg of corn, 0.07 kg of blood meal, and 0.08 kg of corn gluten meal per day in an isonitrogenous replacement of soybean meal (UIP IsoN). Cows had ad libitum access to native grass hay (8.5% CP) and trace-mineralized salt. Total OM intake was greater (P = 0.06) for DIP + UIP than UIP IsoN cows. At 30 d postpartum, DIP + UIP cows produced more milk than UIP IsoN, with DIP being intermediate; however, at 60 d postpartum, DIP + UIP and DIP cows were not different, but both had greater milk production than UIP IsoN (treatment x day interaction; P = 0.08). A treatment x day interaction (P = 0.06) for BCS resulted from DIP + UIP cows having the greatest BCS at 60, 90, and 120 d d postpartum and DIP having greater BCS than UIP IsoN cows only on d 60 postpartum. Serum insulin concentrations were highest (treatment x day interaction; P = 0.09) for DIP + UIP cows at 30 d postpartum but did not differ among treatment thereafter. Serum insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)-2 (34 kDa) and -3 (40 and 44 kDa) were greatest (P < 0.0003) for DIP cows. Serum urea-N concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in DIP + UIP cows than in either DIP or UIP IsoN cows. However, postpartum interval to first estrus, conception rate, and calf weaning weights were unaffected (P = 0.35, 0.42, and 0.64, respectively) by treatment. Although UIP in addition to or in replacement of DIP affected milk production and blood metabolites, the productivity of these primiparous beef cows was not altered. Thus, the type of supplemental protein does not seem to influence productivity of primiparous beef cows in production systems with conditions similar to our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

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