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太阳能暗管排水对银北灌区油葵土壤环境及产量影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对土壤盐渍化严重影响了宁夏银北灌区土壤环境和作物产量的问题,通过太阳能暗管排水区和非暗管排水区对比试验方法,着重研究了2017和2018两年太阳能暗管长时间持续排水对土壤环境和油葵产量的影响。结果表明:太阳能暗管排水可以有效改善土壤环境,使两年的地下水平均埋深分别增加4.5%和6.4%,地下水平均矿化度分别降低7.9%和9.0%,两年土壤平均脱盐率分别为4.7%和8.2%,对表层土壤的脱盐效果最为明显。同时提高了油葵产量和水分生产效率,两年油葵产量分别提高13.8%和21.6%,灌溉水分生产效率分别增加13.3%和21.8%,作物水分生产效率分别增加16.4%和22.9%。综合试验结果和经济成本考虑,油葵生育期灌水2次、播前灌水1次、冬灌1次,生育期5-9月持续排水,这是适宜惠农当地太阳能暗管排水条件下油葵的灌排制度。  相似文献   

暗管排水控盐对盐渍化灌区土壤盐分淋洗有效性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】解决盐渍化灌区土壤盐渍化较严重问题,明确暗管排水控盐对土壤盐分淋洗效果的影响。【方法】以灌区下游乌拉特灌域为研究区,通过野外实测和室内试验分析结合,采用经典统计学与地质统计原理,分析收获后、春灌前后暗管排水土壤盐分统计特征和空间异质性,及其土壤盐分和盐分离子脱盐效率和暗管排水对地下水埋深的影响。【结果】暗管排水0~20、20~40、40~100 cm土壤平均脱盐率分别为61.14%、52.78%、40.37%,随着土壤深度的增加,脱盐率减小。春灌后土壤盐分变异系数降低、空间自相关性增强,说明春灌后土壤盐分空间异质性均有所下降。土壤中除CO_3~(2-)表现为上升趋势外,其余各离子均表现为下降趋势,且HCO_3~-脱盐率最小,几乎不变,土壤各盐分离子脱盐率大小表现为:Cl~-K~++Na~+SO_4~(2-)Mg~(2+)Ca~(2+)HCO_3~-。暗管排水地下水埋深在灌后7 d开始下降,且下降速率较快,排水明沟深1.5 m,对地下水埋深的控制效果较好。【结论】利用暗管排水均能降低土壤含盐量,弱化土壤含盐量的空间异质性,土壤盐分由"高盐异质性"向"低盐均质性"转变,有效降低土壤盐分离子量,避免盐渍化过程中离子平衡失调,防止盐类向单一化方向发展。利用暗管排水技术降低河套灌区土壤盐分,控制地下水埋深,保证作物正常生长,防止土壤次生盐渍化具有重要意义;暗管排水技术可在河套灌区农业生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

【目的】探究暗管排水对鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗重度盐碱地土壤盐分运移的影响机制。【方法】按照暗管间距18 m、吸水管埋深1.2~1.5 m、集水管埋深1.8~2.0 m的参数,铺设暗管进行田间小区试验,利用空间插值、线性回归、主成分分析等统计方法,对2019年5—10月暗管排水条件下1 m土层的土壤含盐量、地下水埋深、地下水矿化度、灌排水水质、盐分离子等数据及其相互关系进行分析。【结果】(1)试验区1 m土层的盐分空间分布属于中等变异(25%~75%),土壤盐分类型为表聚型。(2)铺设暗管使地下水埋深增加了50~60 cm,试验结束时土壤盐分较试验开始时土壤盐分平均降低10%左右。(3)暗管铺设条件下,土壤盐分的主导离子为K~++Na~+、SO_4~(2-)和Cl~-,地下水中主导离子为K~++Na~+、Cl~-和HCO_3~-。(4)暗管铺设下黄河水灌溉后,土壤中HCO_3~-量增加56%,而其他盐离子量降低,SO_4~(2-)、K~++Na~+、Cl~-降幅较大分别为36%、34%、31%;灌水淋洗后,排水、地下水中各离子量均增加,排水矿化度增加幅度是地下水矿化度增加幅度的3.43倍。【结论】重度盐碱地铺设暗管,能控制地下水埋深,并降低土壤含盐量,有效促进土壤中SO_4~(2-)、K~++Na~+、Cl~-的淋洗排出,但同时要注意黄河水灌溉中HCO_3~-可能引起的土壤碱化问题。  相似文献   

暗管排水条件下春灌定额对土壤水盐运移规律的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨暗管排水条件下不同春灌定额对盐渍化灌区土壤水盐分布及作物产量的影响,以明沟排水常规春灌水平(2250m3/hm2)为对照组(CK),设置暗管排水条件下常规春灌灌水量的100%、90%、80%、70%(W1、W2、W3、W4)4个梯度,进行田间试验,研究不同春灌灌水量结合暗管排水技术对中度盐渍化土壤的淋洗效果,分析水盐分布规律、盐分离子淋洗效果、对地下水埋深的控制作用和对油葵产量及其水分利用效率的影响,确定最佳淋洗定额。结果表明:由于淋洗水量较大、排水较少,CK处理根层土壤含水率较高,但与W1、W2处理无显著差异。W1、W2、W3处理灌后均具有较好的脱盐效果,根层土壤脱盐率比CK处理分别提高了18.47、18.24、7.75个百分点(P<0.05),W1与W2处理间无显著差异,均显著高于W3处理(P<0.05);W4处理由于灌水量较小,其土壤脱盐效果显著低于其他处理(P<0.05)。W1和W2处理对土壤盐分离子淋洗效果较好,随着灌溉淋洗水量的增加,土壤的离子组成朝良性方向发展。W2处理春灌后地下水埋深下降时间最佳,5月底地下水埋深降到0.8m,刚好是油葵种植的最佳时间,W2能够较好地保持土壤墒情,且不影响作物正常耕作。W1处理油葵产量显著高于其他4个处理(P<0.05),分别较CK、W2、W3、W4增产3.27%、3.54%、6.46%、17.98%。土壤水分利用效率最高的处理是W2,与W1无显著差异,显著高于CK、W3、W4(P<0.05)。综上,仅从增产角度分析,W1处理显著高于其他4个处理(P<0.05),是可供选择的模式;若受水资源限制,则可采用减少20%灌水量(W3处理),脱盐效率略低,较明沟排水低2.99个百分点,可以增加改良周期,缓解土壤盐渍化。从对土壤控盐、节水、稳产与水分利用效率多角度综合分析,在常规灌水量基础上减少10%并结合暗管排水技术(W2处理)是适宜的灌溉模式。  相似文献   

正1创新背景暗管排水是一项有效的农田排水技术。暗管排水系统是由田间吸水管、集水管、检查井、集水井及出水管组成。吸水管用于直接排出土壤中多余的水,降低地下水位,调控土壤水盐状况;集水管用于汇集由吸水管排出的地下水,并输送到集水井。目前我国应用暗管排水,除能自流排出外,均使用电动水泵进行排水,在暗管排水集水井中安装潜水泵或污水泵,经过出水管将集水排到河、沟中,降低地下水位,调整田间土壤物理性状。为保证电动水泵使用效率及寿命,  相似文献   

通过厢沟与暗管组合排水试验,研究了不同小区雨后排水效果、棉花叶绿素荧光参数和棉花的农艺性状。结果表明,其他条件一定时,暗管区排水效果均优于非暗管区;其他排水条件一定时,2m厢沟间距的小区排水效果和生产效果好于3.6m厢沟间距的小区,其产量在5%水平上差异显著。地下水浅埋条件下,厢沟和暗管组合排水的生产效果和排水效果最佳。  相似文献   

为了探索膜下滴灌盐碱地在灌溉过程中暗管排水规律及土壤脱盐效率,设计了一种暗管排水模型试验装置系统来探究灌溉过程中暗管排水规律和排盐效果.试验通过控制灌水时间、灌水量、观测并记录暗管出水时间、排水流量、排水矿化度、土壤盐分剖面等指标,分析灌溉排水过程中暗管排水流速和排水矿化度特征以及各土层土壤脱盐效率.结果表明:经过3次灌水淋洗试验后,暗管排水流速最终趋于1.5~3.5 L/h稳定范围,排水矿化度稳定在20~40 g/L内;0~40 cm土层脱盐率高达85%,0~80 cm土层土壤脱盐率为80.5%,两暗管中间位置处脱盐率最小分别为57.96%,56.73%,69.29%,暗管上方脱盐率最大分别为71.73%,73.34%,84.26%,暗管排盐量占0~80 cm土层总盐分含量的28.9%,其余盐分被淋洗到了80 cm土层以下.  相似文献   

暗管排水和有机肥施用下滨海设施土壤氮素行为特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示暗管排水和微生物有机肥施用下滨海设施土壤氮素的归趋和转化机制,设计了暗管排水结合有机肥处理(S-OF)、暗管排水结合无机肥处理(S-IF)和无暗管排水的无机肥处理(CK),以葡萄和油菜间作栽培为模型系统,观测土壤总氮含量在垂直剖面上的分布、耕层土壤矿质态氮含量和有机态氮含量的变化及其与土壤理化性质的相关性。结果表明:暗管排水和微生物有机肥共同驱动下,土壤容重有所降低,孔隙度升高;暗管排水促使耕层土壤总氮向深层土壤迁移,相比S-IF,S-OF处理耕层土壤总氮的降低幅度较小;滨海设施土壤耕层的总氮80%以上以有机态形式存在,矿质态氮所占比例很小,S-OF处理有利于试验后期土壤矿质态氮含量的提升;耕层土壤矿质态氮含量与土壤有机质、总有机碳含量呈极显著正相关。暗管排水和微生物有机肥施用有利于改善滨海设施土壤结构,提高耕层土壤有机质和总有机碳含量,促进土壤有机态氮向矿质态氮的转化,本研究结果可为滨海设施土壤改良和水肥决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

滴灌条件下排水暗管间距对土壤盐分淋洗的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在滴灌淋洗条件下设计暗管排水试验,研究暗管不同埋设间距(15、20、25 m)对土壤剖面盐分分布及脱盐淋洗效果的影响。结果表明:滴灌淋洗期间,0~70 cm土层含盐量显著降低,与CK相比,试验地不同地段土壤平均含盐量减少10 g/kg以上。从暗管上方至相邻暗管中点位置处不同剖面土壤平均脱盐率逐渐减小,15、20、25 m间距小区在0~100 cm埋深土壤中点位置处最大脱盐率分别为84.01%、77.75%、73.98%,土壤整体脱盐率介于51.82%~60.43%之间。吸水管埋管间距越小,小区暗管排水阶段排水流量越大,排水矿化度、电导率也越大,但成本会略高。15 m间距相比20、25 m间距小区每公顷多投入的成本和平均脱盐率差值分别为8 430、12 570元和4.78%、8.61%;15 m间距暗管处理在水平距离暗管0、5、7.5 m处土壤脱盐率最大值分别为86.47%、85.15%、84.01%,且排水期间排水流量、矿化度、电导率最大,分别为2 m~3/h、189.15 g/L和35.9 mS/cm;土壤盐分淋洗效果优于20、25 m间距小区,淋洗相同盐分含量土壤所需灌水量也低于20、25 m间距;2次灌水后0~70 cm土层盐分整体已降至10 g/kg以下,作物生长条件大为改善,适宜作为指导新疆盐渍土改良滴管条件下暗管间距布设参数的依据。  相似文献   

为了探究不同外包滤料条件下的暗管排水性能和土壤脱盐效果,基于室内试验研究成果,在田间设置4种暗管排水系统(各系统中暗管埋深均为80 cm,间距均为20 m),所用外包滤料分别为68 g/m2土工布(L)、砂滤料(S)、68 g/m2土工布+砂滤料(LS)和无外包滤料(W),以当地常规明沟排水(CK)作为对照,通过田间试验分析了春灌过程中各暗管系统的排水性能指标及土壤脱盐效率.结果表明:相比处理W,处理L,S和LS平均排水速率提升了7.44%,12.55%和15.75%,平均流量衰减度降低4.07%;处理S和LS累积排水量提高了5.11%和8.31%(P<0.05).各暗管处理春灌后平均土壤脱盐率均达47%以上,较CK提升显著,其中处理LS效果最优,为50.94%.综上,应优先选择处理LS作为河套灌区暗管排水系统外包滤料布设方案.该研究结果可为河套灌区暗管排盐技术的推广应用提供理论支撑和科学指导.  相似文献   

The Leziria Grande area consists mainly of poorly drained, saline clay soils of marine origin. Three experimental fields were laid out to find whether subsurface drainage can be effective in lowering the groundwater table and improving desalinization.Subsurface drainage results in a lower groundwater table than does surface drainage. With increasing spacing, the groundwater remains at a higher level for longer periods, which is expressed here by the sum of exceedances of the groundwater table above 30 cm during winter.Soil salinity, expressed as EC1:2, and sodicity, expressed as E.S.P., decreased during the first 3 years, in which precipitation varied between 600 and 750 mm and the average drain outflow was about 250 mm. The leaching efficiency decreased with time, indicating that the removal of salt is a slow process in fine-textured soil.Application of gypsum lowered the E.S.P. The infiltration rate and the drain outflow increased. Although the total amount of salts in the drainwater was 40% higher than for the untreated plots, no lower EC1:2 values were found. This is ascribed to spatial variability in soil salinity.  相似文献   

暗管排水工程是控制灌区地下水位,防治耕地盐碱化的主要技术手段。【目的】综合考虑排水条件、排水目的等因素,选择合适的计算方法计算暗管间距。【方法】对几种常用的暗管间距计算方法进行了理论分析并总结了其适用条件,编写了基于VBA的计算程序以实现不同计算方法的优选并确定相应的暗管间距。在此基础上,选取宁夏引黄灌区2个典型暗管排水工程案例进行了分析计算。【结果】稳定流状态下,当kH/q≤100时,宜选择阿维里扬诺夫-瞿兴业公式计算暗管间距,当kH/q>100时,宜选择Hooghoudt公式计算暗管间距;非稳定流状态下,以治渍为目的地区选择按地下水位下降速度计算暗管间距,以防治盐碱化为目的地区选择按排蒸比计算暗管间距。【结论】利用VBA开发的程序可以解决暗管间距计算过程中较繁琐的迭代、累加等计算问题,操作便捷,实用性强;非稳定流方法更适合于宁夏引黄灌区暗管排水间距的计算,银北灌区宜按排蒸比计算暗管间距,银南灌区宜按地下水位下降速度计算暗管间距。  相似文献   

不同水土保持模式下坡耕地的土壤水分特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对松嫩平原北部丘陵漫岗区坡耕地存在的干旱与水土流失并存的问题,选取了垄向区田、鼠道、鼠道+暗管、鼠道+垄向区田、鼠道+暗管+垄向区田、常规耕作等6种水土保持技术模式,研究了土壤水分变化特征。结果表明,从整体上看,不同水土保持技术模式0~100cm土层土壤储水量与时段降雨量变化趋势一致,土壤储水量大小的技术模式依次为,鼠道+暗管+垄向区田>鼠道+垄向区田>垄向区田>鼠道+暗管>鼠道>常规耕作。各水土保持技术模式的总蒸散量大小依次为:鼠道+暗管+垄向区田>鼠道+垄向区田>鼠道+暗管>鼠道>垄向区田>常规耕作。研究结果为松嫩平原北部丘陵漫岗区坡耕地水土保持技术模式的合理选择提供依据。  相似文献   

Waterlogging and salinity are reducing the productivity of irrigated agriculture on clay soils in south east Australia. We compared five drainage treatments: (1) undrained control (Control); (2) mole drains (Mole); (3) mole drains formed beneath gypsum-enriched slots (GES) (Mole + GES); (4) shallow pipe drains installed beneath GES (Shallow Pipe); (5) deep pipe drains (Deep Pipe). The experiment was set out on a vertisol and our measurements were made during the growth of an irrigated onion crop.

Over the 3 months before the spring irrigations commenced, the perched water table on the Control was less than 400 mm below the soil surface for 27% of the time, whereas the shallow drainage treatments (Treatments 2, 3 and 4) reduced this time to less than 4%. During the irrigation season, the perched water table on the Mole + GES treatment rose above 400 mm for 3% of the time. The perched water table on the Mole treatment was above 400 mm for 14% of the time, compared with 19% of the time on the Control. The Deep Pipes were less effective in reducing the depth to the perched water table, both before and during the irrigation period.

Mole drains increased the gas-filled porosity above the drains. However, the gas-filled porosity remained below reported levels for optimum root growth. Although the drains effectively drained excess water, and lowered the water table, the hydraulic gradient was insufficient to remove all of water from the macropores. Gypsum enriched slots above the mole drains increased the gas-filled porosity in the slots but the drainable porosity in the undisturbed soil appeared to be inadequate for optimum root growth, even though some drainage occurred near the slots.

Discharge from the shallow drainage treatments averaged 58 mm for each irrigation, and was considerably more than the amount required to drain the macropores. The mole channels were in reasonably good condition at the end of the irrigation season, with at least 70% of the cross-sectional area of the channel open.

Shallow subsurface drains increased onion yield by about 38%. For each day the water table was above 400 mm, the yield declined by 0.23 tonnes per hectare. Farmer adoption of shallow subsurface drainage will depend on the long-term economic benefits (influenced by the longevity of the mole channels and yields response) and the need to develop more sustainable management practices.  相似文献   

在地下水位较高、地表易于形成积水的中国南方地区,通过农田排水措施可以及时排除多余地表积水,快速降低地下水位,以达到排涝降渍、协同调控的目的.文中基于室内砂槽试验,揭示暗管排水、明沟排水、不同反滤体高度的反滤体排水及改进暗管排水等措施的地下排水规律及效果.结果表明:将暗管周围土体置换为高渗透性土体介质的改进暗管排水可明显提高排水流量,当土体置换高度达2 cm时(对应于田间条件40 cm),其排水流量均高于相同埋深条件下的其他排水措施,达暗管排水的1.59~1.66倍;改进暗排在地表积水消失时仍保持较大的排水流量,可达相同埋深暗管流量的2倍以上,在积水层消失后,能迅速降低农田土壤水的渍害胁迫,将地下水位降低至暗管埋设高度;各种排水措施,在地表积水即将消失时,出现了流量与水头变化幅度较大的现象.相对于各种地下排水措施,改进暗管排水在除涝降渍中存在明显优势.研究结果可为涝渍灾害易发地区高效除涝降渍减灾工程设计和建设提供参考.  相似文献   

Crop coefficients for irrigating cotton in the presence of groundwater   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
A cotton crop coefficient was modified to account for the contribution of shallow groundwater to crop water use. The data used in the modification were developed using weighing column lysimeters. The percentage groundwater contribution to crop water use, expressed as a function of growing degree days for several salinities and two water table depths, was used in the regression analysis. Use of the modified coefficient was demonstrated by scheduling a subsurface drip irrigation system installed in an area with shallow saline groundwater. Use of the modified crop coefficient resulted in 25% of the cotton water requirement being extracted from shallow groundwater with a salinity of 5 dS m-1 without any adverse effects on vegetative plant growth and yield. Groundwater depth dropped from 1.2 to 2.2 m during the growing season.  相似文献   

为解决渍水胁迫这一困扰南方避雨栽培区农业生产的障碍性问题,定量评估施加生物炭对缓解作物渍害的影响,以避雨栽培番茄为对象,借助土柱试验,系统分析不同地下水位及生物炭施加量对作物耗水规律、土壤氧化还原电位及产量的影响。结果表明,地下水位越浅,作物渍害胁迫越严重,导致耗水量越少;施用生物炭后,作物耗水量显著降低,生物炭保水作用随地下水位降低而有所削弱。地下水补给量随地下水埋深变大而减小,相同地下水位条件下,施用生物炭可显著增加地下水利用量。施用生物炭可使土壤氧化还原电位变大,改善土壤通气性能。地下水位在-80cm时,5%生物炭施加量可显著提高番茄产量和水分利用效率,其增幅分别达到38.7%、56.6%,地下水位对番茄产量影响显著,而地下水位和生物炭交互作用对产量及水分利用效率影响均不显著。  相似文献   

The introduction of irrigated agriculture in the arid and semi-arid regions of India has resulted in the development of the twin problem of waterlogging and soil salinization. It is estimated that nearly 8.4 million ha is affected by soil salinity and alkalinity, of which about 5.5 million ha is also waterlogged. Subsurface drainage is an effective tool to combat this twin problem of waterlogging and salinity and thus to protect capital investment in irrigated agriculture and increase its sustainability. In India, however, subsurface drainage has not been implemented on a large scale, in spite of numerous research activities that proved its potential. To develop strategies to implement subsurface drainage, applied research studies were set-up in five different agro-climatic sub-regions of India. Subsurface drainage systems, consisting of open and pipe drains with drain spacing varying between 45 and 150 m and drain depth between 0.90 and 1.20 m, were installed in farmers’ fields. The agro-climatic and soil conditions determine the most appropriate combination of drain depth and spacing, but the drain depths are considerably shallower than the 1.75 m traditionally recommended for the prevailing conditions in India. Crop yields in the drained fields increased significantly, e.g. rice with 69%, cotton with 64%, sugarcane with 54% and wheat with 136%. These increases were obtained because water table and soil salinity levels were, respectively, 25% and 50% lower than in the non-drained fields. An economic analysis shows that the subsurface drainage systems are highly cost-effective: cost-benefit ratios range from 1.2 to 3.2, internal rates of return from 20 to 58%, and the pay-back periods from 3 to 9 years. Despite these positive results, major challenges remain to introduce subsurface drainage at a larger scale. First of all, farmers, although they clearly see the benefits of drainage, are too poor to pay the full cost of drainage. Next, water users’ organisations, not only for drainage but also for irrigation, are not well established. Subsurface drainage in irrigated areas is a collective activity, thus appropriate institutional arrangements for farmers’ participation and organisation are needed. Thus, to assure that drainage gets the attention it deserves, policies have to be reformulated.  相似文献   

The study describes the capacity of trees to control the rise in water table and thus prevent the formation of waterlogged soils and development of secondary salinization in canal irrigated areas. It was conducted in RCC lysimeters of 1.2 m dia. and 2.5 m depth filled with sandy loam alluvial soil (Typic Ustochrept), with provisions to maintain water table depth at 1, 1.5 and 2 m from the surface and groundwater salinity at 0.4, 3, 6, 9 and 12 dS m-1. The amount of water biodrained by eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) and bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea) at the given water table depths and groundwater salinity levels was monitored over four years by daily measuring the water needed for maintaining the water table. The trees continued to absorb and transpire water throughout the year, the capacity being more in summer and rainy than that was in the winter season. The eucalyptus plant could biodrain 2880, 5499, 5518 and 5148 mm of water in the first, second, third and fourth year of study period, from non-saline groundwater and a water table depth of 1.5 m. The amount of water biodrained was more at 1.5 m as compared to 1 and 2 m water table depths. The biodrainage capacity of trees was significantly affected by the salinity of the groundwater. However, even at salinity of 12 dS m-1, the eucalyptus plant biodrained 53% of that under non-saline conditions. It was calculated that biodrainage could control water table rises upto 1.95, 3.48, 3.76 and 3.64 m in first, second, third and fourth year, respectively. The secondary salinity developed in the root zone, upto 45 cm depth, did not exceed 4 dS m-1 even at water table depth of 1 m with salinity of 12 dS m-1. The volume of water biodrained by bamboo increased with time and could control water table rises upto 1.09, 1.86, 2.46 and 2.96 m in first, second, third and fourth year of growth, respectively.This study indicates that due to high transpiration capacity and an ability to extract water from deeper layers containing saline groundwater, the trees can control the rise in water table in irrigation command areas and prevent the formation of waterlogged and eventually the saline wastelands.  相似文献   

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