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近年来,防治小麦白粉病多采用特效药粉锈宁。但因药源不足、成本较高,在生产上不易被普遍接受。1984—1986年,本所及有关县11个点的室内及田间试验示范结果均表明,粉锈宁与氟硅脲减量混用的防治效果与粉锈宁常量单用时相仿,而持效期有所延长。其中“10%氟硅脲膏剂250克/亩+20%粉锈宁乳油10毫升/亩”是一种防治小麦白粉病较理想的混用配方。  相似文献   

近年来国内许多单位针对小麦锈病进行了大量的药剂防治研究工作。到目前为止,经过多年多点试验,肯定对锈病有显著防治效果,被认为有推广前途的药剂有磺酸类、氟素剂、代森锌、二硝散、石硫合剂等几种。达些药剂都是稀释成液剂后使用的。根据近年来经验,大面积使用液剂防治小麦锈病存在以下问题:(1)一般用压缩式喷雾器喷药,工作效率很低(一人一天一亩多地),要完成防治任务需占用大量人力,影响其他农活安排。(2)防治锈病的时间性很强,由于效率太低,做到适时防治非常困难。(3)所需喷雾器数量很大,非在短时期内所能供应。(4)喷雾需水量很大(每亩200斤),在水源较少地区,应用起来困难很多。如果能够改用粉剂就有可能解决以上问题。根据实测结果,估计用一架手  相似文献   

1989—1990年在河南省8个县市对农抗120防治小麦白粉病进行了田间试验。结果表明:在4月上中旬,小麦白粉病发生的病株率达15~20%,病叶率10%左右时,应用100ppm农抗120喷雾防治2次,防效达70~85%。防病效果与防治时间、喷药次数和发病程度关系密切。施药越晚,效果越差。农抗120的防治效果优于多菌灵等常用化学药剂,在发病初期喷药2次,防治效果与施用粉锈宁相近,可作为粉锈宁紧缺情况下的首选替补药物。但在病害大流行时施用,作用缓慢,效果较差。  相似文献   

过去多采用常量喷雾法喷洒水溶性杀菌剂。本试验采用低量弥雾法喷洒水溶性氟硅脲杀菌剂防治小麦条锈病,药效好,工效高,很适合小麦后期用药的要求,小麦千粒重和亩产量明显增加,经济效益显著。10%氟硅脲膏剂最适剂量是1斤/亩,37%氟硅脲晶粉是0.3斤/亩,最适喷液量是5~10斤/亩。根据试验所拟定的技术操作规程,经两年大面积试用,证明是可行的。试验表明,低量喷施水溶性杀菌剂后,了解掌握雾滴在后期小麦田株冠层中的运动分布规律对科学用药具有指导意义。  相似文献   

洪锡午 《植物保护》1965,3(2):47-47
1965年1月6—12日,中国农业科学院植保所召集了甘肃、陕西、山西、河北、河南、山东、安徽、江苏、四川、北京市等十个省市的有关小麦育种和锈病工作者,进行座谈。讨论在当前形势下,为迎接工农业生产高潮,小麦锈病的防治和研究工作如何革命化的问题。 会上,不少同志检查了过去锈病研究工作中存在的种种思想,认为今后要在较短时期内,控制锈病的为害,确保小麦丰产稳产,首先必须科研人员思想革命化,打破旧框框、洋框框;从当前生产需要出发,从实际出发,才能实现科研技术的革命化。  相似文献   

近年我省采用飞机喷药防治森林病虫害的面积不断扩大,本文在飞防区防治前后随机采取昆虫样本,以研究飞防喷药对昆虫及其多样性的影响,采用Bt+病毒、灭幼脲、苦参碱.烟碱乳油和森得保飞机喷药防治的各试验区内,调查发现飞机喷药防治前后各试验区出现的优势类群均为蜘蛛、鞘翅目、同翅目、膜翅目和双翅目昆虫。灭幼脲和森得保飞机喷药防治后生物多样性指数指数有所增加,且差异显著;Bt+病毒和苦参碱.烟碱乳油飞防后生物多样性指数指数有变化,但差异不显著。  相似文献   

氟硅脲是利用磷肥副产氟硅酸与尿素络合而成的新内吸治疗杀菌剂。自1971年研制成功以来,经15个省市试验和示范,防锈效果均优于常用杀菌剂敌锈钠,且具有药源充足、成本低廉、使用简便、对人畜安全、无残毒无污染等优点,有显著的防病增产效果,很受群众欢迎。  相似文献   

莱阳地区梨锈病防治适期研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在山东莱阳地区,梨锈病菌冬孢子角自梨花现蕾期开始陆续成熟,成熟的冬孢子角遇1.5 mm/d以上的降雨,萌发产生担孢子。经2~3次降雨后,冬孢全部萌发,以后不再产生担孢子。梨树初花后35 d内对锈病最敏感,即为防治期。若该期内降雨量大于1.5 mm/次、叶面结露时间长于7 h/次,担孢子即可侵染。其侵染量与梨园周围越冬菌原的数量、降雨持续时间和品种抗病性等因子有关。田间试验表明:担孢子侵染后至病斑显症前(约7 d)是内吸性杀菌剂防治的有效时期。病斑显症后只有少数杀菌剂能抑制病斑扩展,20.67%氟硅唑乳油、10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂和15%三唑酮可湿性粉剂3种药剂在病原菌侵入前喷施能有效地抑制担孢子侵染,持效期约7 d;担孢子侵染后喷药能有效抑制病斑显症,因此,要特别关注梨树初花时第1次降雨后梨锈病的防治。  相似文献   

选用适应当地的抗锈良种,是预防锈病保证小麦稳定增产的根本措施。在小麦锈病综合防治技术中,利用药剂防治是一项有效的辅助措施。下面谈谈我们是怎样应用药剂预防小麦锈病的体会。我们认为,要使药剂防锈工作达到既经济又高效的目的,应注意掌握以下四个问题:  相似文献   

1985—1987年,经温室、小区和田间示范试验证明,用15%叶枯宁胶悬剂,以300—1000ppm浓度,从孕穗初期起喷药防治小麦黑颖病,隔7—10天喷1次,连喷2—3次,防效达81—99%,可增产1—2成,经济效益显著;用该药浸种或随灌溉水施药,也有较好的防治效果。该试验结果,可供生产上大面积推广应用参考。  相似文献   

东北春小麦根腐病防治研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
东北春小麦根腐病Bipolaris sorokiniana(Sacc.ex Sorokin)shoem.是推广抗锈良种后出现的问题。苗期引起根腐,成株期发生叶斑、穗腐和黑胚粒。病菌有两种类型定名为H_1和H_2型,田间前者占优势。病种子和病株残体是田间发病的初侵染源,种子消毒和轮作可减轻苗期根腐并提高种子出苗率。根腐病菌寄主范围很广,来自29种禾本科杂草和作物上的菌株均能侵染小麦。温室和田间试验结果,小麦灌浆乳熟期发病对产量影响最大,也是形成黑胚粒时期。目前尚无免疫品种,农家种和半冬性品种比国外品种和硬粒小麦抗病,Triticum timopheevii表现高抗。采取种植抗病品种结合种子消毒、轮作、增施氮肥等综合防治技术是防治小麦根腐病的有效措施。  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the extent and distribution of Fusarium graminearum species complex (FGSC) diversity in rice seeds produced in southern Brazil. Four species and two trichothecene genotypes were detected among 89 FGSC isolates, based on a multilocus genotyping assay: F. asiaticum (69·6%) with the nivalenol (NIV) genotype, F. graminearum (14·6%) with the 15‐acetyldeoxynivalenol (ADON) genotype, and F. cortaderiae (14·6%) and F. meridionale (1·1%), both with the NIV genotype. Seven selected F. asiaticum isolates from rice produced NIV in rice‐based substrate in vitro, at levels ranging from 4·7 to 84·1 μg g?1. Similarly, two F. graminearum isolates from rice produced mainly 15‐ADON (c. 15–41 μg g?1) and a smaller amount of 3‐ADON (c. 6–12 μg g?1). One F. meridionale and two F. cortaderiae isolates did not produce detectable levels of trichothecenes. Two F. asiaticum isolates from rice and two from wheat (from a previous study), and one F. graminearum isolate from wheat, were pathogenic to both crops at various levels of aggressiveness based on measures of disease severity in wheat spikes and rice kernel infection in a greenhouse assay. Fusarium asiaticum and the reference F. graminearum isolate from wheat produced NIV, and deoxynivalenol and acetylates, respectively, in the kernels of inoculated wheat heads. No trichothecene was produced in kernels from inoculated rice panicles by any of the isolates. These findings constitute the first report of FGSC composition in rice outside Asia, and confirm the dominance of F. asiaticum in rice agroecosystems.  相似文献   

The accumulation of H2O2 (oxidative burst) and the progress of pathogen development were studied in compatible and incompatible wheat‐brown rust interactions. The accumulation of H2O2 was detected in 98·7% of guard cells with appressoria 8 h post inoculation (hpi). The reaction in both susceptible and resistant plants declined 2–3 days post inoculation (dpi). The second phase of the oxidative burst was observed in the mesophyll and/or epidermis. In susceptible plants it began 4–5 dpi and was detected only in the epidermis. In resistant plants the response was observed in the mesophyll. In moderately resistant plants it was induced 1–3 dpi, and the percentage of infection units reached 80–90% 8 dpi. This corresponded with severe necrotic symptoms. In highly resistant plants, the oxidative burst was short and transient. The percentage of infection units with H2O2 accumulation reached its highest level (60–70%) 2 dpi, and decreased thereafter. Four days later, the low percentage and weak DAB staining indicated very low H2O2 accumulation. The localization and the time‐course changes of the oxidative burst correlated with the profiles of the micronecrotic response, haustorium mother cell formation and pathogen development termination. An early and localized induction of oxidative burst followed by its rapid quenching correlated with high resistance and almost no disease symptoms. The possible correlation of the oxidative burst and pathogen development patterns with the level and durability of resistance conferred by Lr genes are discussed.  相似文献   

为西北农林科技大学小麦新育成品种(系)在黄淮麦区的大面积推广,该研究对83份西农新育成的小麦品种(系)进行苗期抗条锈病和白粉病鉴定,成株期抗条锈病、白粉病、叶锈病和赤霉病鉴定,并在田间自然环境下对其抗性进行鉴定及对相关抗病基因进行分子检测。结果显示,在苗期人工接种鉴定中,有63、29和16份小麦品种(系)分别对条锈菌Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici生理小种CYR32、CYR33和CYR34表现出抗性,9份小麦品种(系)对3个条锈菌生理小种均表现出抗性;有10、3和0份小麦品种(系)分别对白粉菌Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici生理小种E15、E09和A13表现出抗性。在成株期人工接种鉴定中,有23、15、28和62份小麦品种(系)分别对条锈病、白粉病、叶锈病和赤霉病表现出抗性。在83份小麦品种(系)中有6份在苗期和成株期均对小麦条锈病表现出抗性。在田间抗性鉴定中,有57、6、65和40份小麦品种(系)分别对条锈病、白粉病、赤霉病及叶锈病表现出抗性。在83份小麦品种(系)中,3份含有Yr5基因,22份含有Yr9基因,3份含有Yr17基因,2份含有Pm24基因,14份含有Lr1基因,所占比例分别为3.6%、26.5%、3.6%、2.4%和16.8%。  相似文献   

The generation and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide anion (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), were studied in the interaction between wheat cv. ‘Suwon 11’ and two races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (avirulent and virulent). Generation of O2 and H2O2 was analyzed histochemically using nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) and 3,3-diamino-benzidine (DAB), respectively. At the pre-penetration stage during appressorium formation both stripe rust races induced H2O2 accumulation in guard cells. In the incompatible interaction, a rapid increase of O2 and H2O2 generation at infection sites was detected. The percentage of infection sites showing NBT and DAB staining was 36.1% and 40.0%, respectively, 12 h after inoculation (hai). At extended incubation time until 24 hai, percentage of infection sites showing H2O2 accumulation further increased, whereas those exhibiting O2 accumulation declined. The early infection stage from 12 to 24 hai coincided with primary haustoria formation in mesophyll cells. In contrast, in the compatible interaction, O2 and H2O2 generation could not be detected in most of the infection sites. In the incompatible interaction, intensive DAB staining was also determined in mesophyll cells, especially in cell walls, surrounding the infected cells 16–24 hai; thereafter, these cells contained fluorescing compounds and underwent hypersensitive response (HR). The number of necrotic host cells surrounding the infection sites increased continuously from 20 to 96 hai. It might be concluded that H2O2 accumulation during the early infection stage is associated with the occurrence of hypersensitive cell death and that resistance response is leading to arrest the avirulent race of the obligate stripe rust pathogen. In the compatible interaction at 96 hai, H2O2 accumulation was observed in mesophyll cells surrounding the rust lesion.  相似文献   

The generation and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide anion (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), were studied in the interaction between wheat cv. ‘Suwon 11’ and two races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (avirulent and virulent). Generation of O2 and H2O2 was analyzed histochemically using nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) and 3,3-diamino-benzidine (DAB), respectively. At the pre-penetration stage during appressorium formation both stripe rust races induced H2O2 accumulation in guard cells. In the incompatible interaction, a rapid increase of O2 and H2O2 generation at infection sites was detected. The percentage of infection sites showing NBT and DAB staining was 36.1% and 40.0%, respectively, 12 h after inoculation (hai). At extended incubation time until 24 hai, percentage of infection sites showing H2O2 accumulation further increased, whereas those exhibiting O2 accumulation declined. The early infection stage from 12 to 24 hai coincided with primary haustoria formation in mesophyll cells. In contrast, in the compatible interaction, O2 and H2O2 generation could not be detected in most of the infection sites. In the incompatible interaction, intensive DAB staining was also determined in mesophyll cells, especially in cell walls, surrounding the infected cells 16–24 hai; thereafter, these cells contained fluorescing compounds and underwent hypersensitive response (HR). The number of necrotic host cells surrounding the infection sites increased continuously from 20 to 96 hai. It might be concluded that H2O2 accumulation during the early infection stage is associated with the occurrence of hypersensitive cell death and that resistance response is leading to arrest the avirulent race of the obligate stripe rust pathogen. In the compatible interaction at 96 hai, H2O2 accumulation was observed in mesophyll cells surrounding the rust lesion.  相似文献   

为明确不同浓度NH4HCO3、Cu SO4·5H2O和Fe Cl3·6H2O对南方根结线虫Meloidogyne incognita 2龄幼虫活性的影响,在盆栽条件下将化合物处理后的2龄幼虫接种番茄,通过根染色和根系冰冻切片法观察2龄幼虫的发育状况和根系内巨细胞的形成,并测定了番茄根系各生理指标的变化。结果表明,50mmol/L NH4HCO3、1.4mmol/L Cu SO4·5H2O和1.4 mmol/L Fe Cl3·6H2O处理南方根结线虫后,番茄根系内2龄、3龄及4龄幼虫数量均显著小于对照;根系内丙二醛、可溶性糖和游离氨基酸的含量均显著低于对照,根系活力显著增强;经NH4HCO3处理后,根系内巨细胞形成缓慢,14 d时出现巨型细胞空洞现象。3种化合物处理对南方根结线虫生长发育的抑制作用显著,处理后的线虫对番茄植株致病力减弱,表现为NH4HCO3抑制作用最强,Cu SO4·5H2O次之,Fe Cl3·6H2O最弱。  相似文献   

Genetic data showed that a common gene was present in the three differential wheat cultivars Heines VII ( Yr2 ), Heines Peko ( Yr2, Yr6 ) and Heines Kolben ( Yr6 ) expressed against the race 109E9 of Puccinia striiformis which possesses virulence for Yr6 and avirulence for Yr2 . This supported the hypothesis that Heines Kolben carries the gene Yr2 in addition to Yr6 for resistance to yellow rust in a genetic background in which Yr2 is weakly expressed in seedlings. F1, F2 and F3 progenies from the cross Heines Kolben × Peragis confirmed the monogenic segregation of Yr2 in Heines Kolben and demonstrated the variation of its expression with environmental conditions.  相似文献   

以Taichung29为背景的小麦抗条锈病近等基因系转育进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自1988年起,系统开展了以Taichung29为背景的小麦抗条锈病近等基因系转育及其基础性研究。采用回交法和系谱法相结合的转育方法,以春性品种Taichung29为轮回亲本作母本,分别与25个抗性供体即中国小麦条锈病菌鉴别寄主和国际上重要的抗条锈基因载体品种杂交、回交和自交。通过基因推导分析、单体分析和SSR标记技术检测目的基因,选育抗条锈近等基因系,现已获得重要进展,成功选育出8个以Taichung29为背景的抗条锈病单基因近等基因系,即Taichung29*6/Yr1、Taichung29*6/Yr2、Taichung29*6/Yr5、Taichung29*6/Yr7、Taichung29*6/Yr9、Taichung29*6/Yr10、Taichung29*6/YrSpP、Taichung29*6/YrKy2。另有9个组合转育获得343个抗性稳定株系,正检测其目的基因,3个组合转至BC6F3,自交纯合筛选抗性稳定株系,5个组合转至BC5,继续回交转育。  相似文献   

Genetics of Stem Rust Resistance in Wheat Cvs. Pasqua and AC Taber   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu JQ  Kolmer JA 《Phytopathology》1998,88(2):171-176
ABSTRACT Canadian wheat cvs. Pasqua and AC Taber were examined genetically to determine the number and identity of stem rust resistance genes in both. The two cultivars were crossed with stem rust susceptible line RL6071, and sets of random F(6) lines were developed from each cross. The F(6) lines, parents, and tester lines with single stem rust resistance genes were grown in a field rust nursery, inoculated with a mixture of stem and leaf rust races, and evaluated for rust resistance. The same wheat lines were tested by inoculation with specific stem rust races in seedling tests to postulate which Sr genes were segregating in the F6 lines. Segregation of F(6) lines indicated that Pasqua had three genes that conditioned field resistance to stem rust and had seedling genes Sr5, Sr6, Sr7a, Sr9b, and Sr12. Leaf rust resistance gene Lr34, which is in Pasqua, was associated with adult-plant stem rust resistance in the segregating F(6) lines. Adult-plant gene Sr2 was postulated to condition field resistance in AC Taber, and seedling genes Sr9b, Sr11, and Sr12 also were postulated to be in AC Taber.  相似文献   

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