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牛双肌性状及其形成的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在 1 80 7年就在牛中发现了双肌现象。由于双肌牛具有瘦肉率高、肉质好的特点 ,因而一直受到人们的青睐。双肌现象在牛中较为普遍[1] ,迄今为止 ,已经在包括比利时蓝白花、皮埃蒙特在内的 1 4种牛以及羊、鼠中发现了双肌现象。本文仅对牛的双肌性状及其形成的分子机制作一综述。1 双肌牛的性状1 1 形态学性状 双肌牛的外部特征是臀部、大腿、上臂、胸及起支撑作用的中前端肌肉群异常发达。双肌牛皮下脂肪发育不良 ,皮肤较薄。与普通牛相比 ,双肌牛有较多的脂肪沉积于肌间和脂肪窝 ,且脂肪的沉积从内到外呈逐渐减少的趋势。双肌牛胴体…  相似文献   

皮埃蒙特牛产于意大利的皮埃蒙特地区,是优质的肉用牛品种,具有屠宰率高,优质肉比率高,皮下脂肪少,瘦肉率高,肉质细嫩等特点,因而皮埃蒙特牛的育种工作也备受关注。一直以来,皮埃蒙特牛的育种组织工作由ANABORAPI协会统一管理,开展皮埃蒙特牛的良种登记,后裔测定,冻精生产及推广,后备种牛培育等工作。育种目标也集中在肉用早熟性和母牛产犊顺利方面。本文主要对皮埃蒙特牛的品种、育种组织和育种方案做出介绍。  相似文献   

试验研究了“平凉红牛”群体中西杂牛(西门塔尔×秦川牛)背最长肌、米龙肉样的品质指标(系水力、蒸煮损失、嫩度、pH值)及常规营养成分(干物质、蛋白质、脂肪),结果表明:西杂牛胴体不同部位肉样品质均有较大差异且各指标变化趋势相似,背最长肌的系水力、蒸煮损失、嫩度(剪切力)和营养成分指标均优于米龙,符合背最长肌作为高档肉切块的特点。  相似文献   

皮埃蒙特牛与秦川牛杂交效果试验报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为提高秦川牛生长发育和产肉性能,引进意大利著名肉牛品种皮埃蒙特牛与非保种我秦川牛进行杂交试验。并与同期同龄的短角红牛、利水赞牛杂种后代进行比较。试验结果表明,皮秦F1生长发育,产肉性能明显优于秦川牛、杂交效果也好地短角牛和利木赞牛的杂交后代。  相似文献   

对平度市马戈庄肉牛育肥场的48头中国西门塔尔牛18~22月龄育肥公牛的产肉性能及牛肉质量进行测定,同时对胴体分割性状、优质切块性状做主成分分析。其结果:屠宰率、净肉率分别为60.38%、54.26%。高档牛肉质量符合美国部颁优级标准。胴体分割性状的前8个主成分累计贡献率达84.88%,与内用型牛的线性评定的反应内容基本一致。  相似文献   

对平度市马戈庄肉牛育肥场的48头中国西门塔尔牛18~22月龄育肥公牛的产肉性能及牛肉质量进行测定,同时对胴体分割性状、优质切块性状做主成分分析.其结果:屠宰率、净肉率分别是60.38%、54.26%.高档牛肉质量符合美国部颁优级标准.胴体分割性状的前8个主成分累计贡献率达84.88%,与肉用型牛的线性评定的反应内容基本一致.  相似文献   

为明确蜀宣花牛无角新类群胴体不同部位肌内脂肪酸组分和结构情况,选择10头体重为324.79 kg±43.51 kg的7~8月龄健康无角公犊牛作为试验动物开展育肥试验,试验期300 d,屠宰后45 min内采集里脊、外脊、眼肉、上脑、辣椒条、米龙、大黄瓜条、小黄瓜条、臀肉、牛霖、胸肉、腹肉和腱子肉共13个部位的组织样本,...  相似文献   

夏南横交牛与南阳牛肉用性能对比试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对10头18月龄左右未经育肥的夏南横交牛(含外血50.0%的3头,37.5%的4头,25.0%的3头)进行了屠宰试验,试验结果:屠宰率60.13%,净肉率48.84%,胴体产肉率82.63%,眼肌面积117.7cm^2,熟肉率58.66%,肌肉剪切力值2.61,肉骨比4.81:1,优质肉切块率38.37%,高档牛肉率为14.35%。与未经育肥的南阳牛相比,屠宰率和净肉率分别提高了7.93%和5.24%。表明:夏南横交牛产肉性能优于南阳牛,可用于生产高档牛肉。  相似文献   

正1基本情况中国黄牛头数将近1亿头,牛的存栏数居世界第三位,中国黄牛体型小,生长慢,产肉性能低,平均胴体重为130kg左右(畜牧业发达国家为300kg以上),中国牛肉产量仅为美国的1/3,致使中国人均牛肉食用量每年仅为3.6kg(美国为42.78kg)。为发展中国高产优质、高效的高档肉牛业,必须引进生长发育快、屠宰率和净肉率高的良种肉牛。皮埃蒙特牛产于意大利的皮埃蒙特地区,其特点是:体格中等大小,含双肌基因,饲料转化率高,皮  相似文献   

通过对中国荷斯坦阉割奶公牛与和杂牛屠宰性能和肉品质的比较分析,探索阉割奶公牛生产大理石纹牛肉的潜力。选取11月龄开始在相同饲养条件下强度育肥至26月龄的4头阉割奶公牛和5头和杂牛进行屠宰并对其屠宰性能、肉品质进行对比分析。结果表明:两组牛的屠宰率和肾周脂肪率差异不显著(P0.05);分割部位肉中上脑、眼肉、后臀腿、肩肉占胴体比例组间差异不显著(P0.05),但外脊、胸肉和腹肉的比例在组间差异极显著(P0.01),组间里脊比例差异显著(P0.05);辣椒肉和外脊2个部位的剪切力值、p H值、持水率、蒸煮损失、肉色指标组间差异均不显著(P0.05),小黄瓜条的剪切力值、蒸煮损失和p H值及肉色L*值组间差异显著(P0.05);在营养指标中,外脊的蛋白质、脂肪和水分含量组间差异不显著(P0.05),而辣椒肉和小黄瓜条的这些指标组间差异显著(P0.05)。结论,从11月龄强度育肥至26月龄,阉割奶公牛的屠宰率和肾周脂肪率与和杂牛的相近,而且背部肌肉的大理石纹相似,但前躯和后躯肌内脂肪沉积存在较大差异。  相似文献   

本试验研究了36头肉牛屠宰后热胴体分割部位肉块排酸处理提高嫩度的效果,结果显示:热胴体分割牛肉块成熟处理能够达到提高牛肉嫩度的目的。在生产上应用时,实施肉块在胴体上成熟处理72h,分割后的肉块再成熟处理96h即二次成熟处理牛肉品质较好。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine and compare the live traits, carcass yield and the physical, chemical, processing and sensory properties of meat from 20 Brahman grade cattle (crossbred cattle) and crossbred water buffalo (Philippine carabao × Murrah, Bulgarian or Indian) with an average age and weight of 29 months and 434 kg, respectively. The animals were fed a similar diet for 180 days before slaughter. A survey was performed to establish consumer meat preference between the two species. Live weights before slaughter of the two species were found to be different (P < 0.05) with the crossbred water buffalo showing higher bodyweight. However, the crossbred water buffalo had a lower (P < 0.05) dressing yield based on hot carcass weight and chilled carcass weight. The lower dressing yield of crossbred water buffalo can be attributed to its higher (P < 0.05) weights of edible and non‐edible slaughter by‐products. The chilled carcass yield of the forequarters and hindquarters from crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo were comparable when expressed as percent of live weight and chilled carcass weight. The estimated lean yield was higher in crossbred cattle than crossbred water buffalo. Crude protein, ash, fat, cholesterol, myofibrillar, sarcoplasmic and insoluble protein contents of the beef and carabao meat were all similar. Water holding capacity, pH, muscle fiber diameter, tenderness, firmness and marbling score in carabeef were all comparable to the beef. Redness was found to be higher (P < 0.05) in carabeef than the beef as measured with a color meter. The consumer meat preference survey showed that 55.9% selected the beef while 44.1% preferred carabeef. The color and amount of fat on the outside of the beef sample were primary in buyer selection.  相似文献   

The ability to evaluate carcass traits in live animals is of value to research, educational, and industry personnel. Ultrasonic technology has been tested since the early 1950s and continues to be under investigation as a means of accomplishing this task. The accuracy of ultrasound in predicting carcass traits is variable and is dependent on species, ultrasonic instrumentation, and(or) the skill of the technician. Based on this review, the ranges of correlation coefficients (r) for carcass traits as predicted by ultrasound to the respective carcass measurement are as follows: swine (fat .20 to .94; longissimus muscle .27 to .93), sheep (fat .42 to .95; longissimus muscle .36 to .79) and beef (fat .45 to .96; longissimus muscle .20 to .94; marbling .20 to .91). Although these correlation coefficients give an indication of the accuracy of ultrasound, it should be noted that these statistics do not reflect population variation or bias. Applications of ultrasound in swine finishing programs include the successful prediction of market weight carcass characteristics and the prediction of percentage of lean cuts before slaughter. In contrast, the application of ultrasound in lamb finishing programs has met with limited success. Most data indicate that weight and(or) visual estimations of fat are at least as accurate as ultrasound predictions of carcass composition. In beef finishing programs, ultrasound has, at times, been used successfully to predict fat and muscle traits before slaughter and beef carcass chemical composition. The ability to predict marbling, however, remains unclear and requires further investigation. Ultrasound has also been used in beef finishing programs to predict days on feed to a constant body compositional end point. When summarized, these data indicate that a single ultrasonic measurement of fat can be helpful in predicting days on feed in yearling cattle. When used alone, however, a single backfat measurement does not provide adequate accuracy. Therefore, factors such as age, sex, breed type, weight, and hip height are needed to help predict days on feed more accurately.  相似文献   

Although more than 3 million head of dairy cows enter the food supply chain in the U.S. every year, research on this topic remains limited and scarce. Meat production from dairy cows is a significant component of beef production, accounting for almost 10% of U.S. commercial beef production. Thus, the purpose of this review is to demonstrate the importance of dairy cows as a beef source, and to provide an overview on topics from farm to meat product—culling, marketing, transportation, welfare, body composition and its relationship with lactation particularities, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and traceability. Current scientific evidence has shown that culling a dairy cow at an appropriate time has beneficial effects on cow welfare and, consequently, cow value. During marketing the dairy cow is visually evaluated for health and factors associated with its expected carcass value; thus, marketing a well-conditioned cow will ensure that the animal is fit for transportation and provides high carcass yield. However, limitations such as low body condition score, lameness or mobility problems, and visual defects remain persistent. Even though beef harvest plants accommodate cows in all body composition states, the current carcass grade system does not reflect the mature cow industry needs. Therefore, improvement of the grading system could maximize carcass utilization and increase cow carcass value by recognizing subprimal cuts that could be merchandised as whole muscle cuts. Lastly, implementation of a traceability system would unify information from the farm to harvest assisting the industry in making further advancements.  相似文献   

南德温肉牛与张掖西杂牛三元杂交效果调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定本地肉牛主导品种,在原有利木辛、夏洛莱、皮埃蒙特等肉牛品种的基础上,从2004年开始引进南德温牛(冻精)与当地西杂牛进行三元杂交改良,止2007年2月,已产南杂牛3 345头,育肥出栏1 750头.总结了甘肃张掖牛改区三元杂交牛外貌特征,适应能力和繁殖能力的观察和调查结果,同时对初生、3月龄、6月龄体尺,体重进行了测定并与同龄二元杂交牛进行了比较,结果发现南德温三元杂交牛表现出适应性强、生长发育快等特点.为本市选择肉牛主导品种和肉牛良种繁育体系建设提供了多元化的品种来源及理论依据.  相似文献   

选择8~10月龄的关岭牛、西×关杂交牛(西门塔尔牛♂×关岭牛♀)、安×关杂交牛(红安格斯牛♂×关岭牛♀)、利×关杂交牛(利木赞牛♂×关岭牛♀)各8头,进行育肥生产雪花牛肉的试验研究。结果表明:在同一饲养管理条件下,西×关杂的宰前活重、屠宰率、净肉率、肉骨比值、眼肌面积、高档肉块重最高,依次为利×关杂、安×关杂、关岭牛;西×关杂组、利×关杂组、安×关杂组的宰前活重、眼肌面积和高档肉块重差异不显著(P〉0.05),但均显著高于关岭牛组(P〈0.01);关岭牛组和安X关杂组的肌内雪花状脂肪含量均为3级,优于西×关杂组和利×关杂组;综合评价关岭牛组和安×关杂组的胴体等级均为3A级,西×关杂和利×关杂的胴体等级均为2A级。结果显示,关岭牛虽然产肉性能不高,但机体内并不缺少优秀的遗传基因,具备选育成优质高产肉牛品种的种质基础。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究杂交组合对肉牛育肥效果的影响。采用单因素分组试验设计,选取体重和年龄相近、生长发育正常的西门塔尔牛×科尔沁牛(西科,A组)、夏洛莱牛×科尔沁牛(夏科,B组)及科尔沁牛(C组)各10头公牛,正试期95 d后,测定其体重,屠宰、肉品质等指标,并核算经济效益。结果显示,杂交对采食量无显著影响(P>0.05),但杂交组牛料重比、肌肉脂肪含量显著低于科尔沁牛(P<0.05),杂交组牛的胴体重、净肉重、胴体率及前腿、腹肉、脊肉和后腿重量均显著高于科尔沁牛(P<0.05),各组之间16种氨基酸含量差异不显著(P>0.05),西科、夏科杂交牛及科尔沁牛之间棕榈油酸、硬脂酸、亚油酸含量存在差异。结果表明,在本试验条件下,杂交组牛育肥效果和经济效益好于科尔沁牛,但科尔沁牛的脂肪和不饱和脂肪酸含量高于杂交组合牛;杂交组合对肉牛的综合育肥效果更好。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to determine the effects of different crossbred combinations on fatting performance in beef cattle. Using single factor randomized block design, 30 bulls (health, similar weight and age) were chosen, Simmental cattle×Kerqin beef cattle (group A), Charolais cattle×Kerqin crossbred beef cattle (group B) and Kerqin beef cattle (group C) were divided into three groups with 10 bulls per group. After 95 d, the body weight, slaughter performance, meat quality and the economic benefits of fattening were measured. The results showed that there were no significant influence on dry matter intake among trials (P>0.05). The F/G, ethanolic extract (EE) of muscle in crossbred groups (groups A and B) were significant lower than group C (P<0.05). The weight of carcass, weight of meat, rate of carcass, and the weight of shank, plate, chine and rump in crossbred groups were significant higher than group C (P<0.05). There were no significant difference in content of amino acids among groups (P>0.05),and it had difference in the content of palmitoleic acid (PAA),stearic acid(SA) and linoleic acid (LA). In this trial, it had better fattening performance and the economic benefits in crossbred cattle groups than Kerqin beef group cattle, but the ethanolic extract and unsaturated fatty acids of muscle in Kerqin beef cattle were higher than the crossbred groups, and it had better fattening performance by crossbred.  相似文献   

The mating of small beef type bulls (Angus, Eringer) to reduce difficulties at first calvings is increasingly applied in Switzerland. In contrast to this, calf producers refuse to use large type beef bulls on their cows because of direct and indirect damages due to increased calving problems. It proved to be an attractive alternative to use specially selected dual purpose bulls tested for ease of calving and high growth rate but low dairy performance, so called M-bulls (Meat bulls), out of the regular AI testing programme for Braunvieh and Simmentals.From 1974 to 1976, Charolais, Limousin and Piemontese bulls were included in the AI testing programme and compared with Braunvieh- and Simmental-M-bulls. Data included progeny from 47 bulls, 7936 calvings, 1137 animals with carcass gains, and 130 dissected carcasses. If calving performance and net gains are considered, the M-bulls compete well with the foreign breeds. If, in addition, the amount of meat in the carcass is taken into account, then Charolais and Piemontese crosses are superior. The problem is one of distributing gains and losses among calf producers, feeders and butchers. It needs specially tested bulls with emphasis on ease of calving out of the specialized beef breeds or sire lines to persuade the dairy farmer to cross his cows.  相似文献   

三元杂交牛12和18月龄肉用性能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
选择健康无病、发育正常、膘情中等的夏洛来×西门塔尔×本地牛(夏西本)、皮埃蒙特×西门塔尔×本地牛(皮西本)、利木赞×西门塔尔×本地牛(利西本)、西门塔尔×西门塔尔×本地牛(西杂二代)各10头,从6月龄开始育肥,测定其增重、饲料消耗及其12和18月龄的屠宰成绩。结果表明:平均日增重以皮西本、利西本较高,分别为0.96kg、0.90kg,并与西杂二代差异显著(P<0.05);饲料消耗以皮西本较少,每kg增重消耗精、粗饲料分别为4.03kg和5.98kg。以皮西本和利西本2个杂交组合的屠宰成绩较好,18月龄屠宰率分别为61.50%、61.17%,净肉率分别为52.59%、49.21%。各组试验牛的高档肉块比例随着年龄的增长相应增加。  相似文献   

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