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云居寺水土保持科技示范园区坚持以科学研究、生态治理、科技示范、和谐宜居为目标,结合示范区特点,以南泉水河的生态景观治理为轴线,建设核心区和拓展区两大区域,在核心区内形成水系生态景观带、水土保持生态治理区、雨洪集蓄利用展示区、水土保持科普教育宣传区、水土保持科学研究试验区的布局。示范园区首次建设微流域—小流域—大流域一体模式,为青少年提供了水土保持科普教育及动手体验场所,也为广大科研、技术人员提供了研究和技术交流的平台,同时带动周围发展,有力推动水土保持和生态建设工作的发展。  相似文献   

<正>云居寺水土保持科技示范园位于北京房山区大石窝镇,总面积1 696 hm~2,分为核心区和拓展区。核心区包括水土保持生态治理区、雨洪集蓄利用展示区、水系生态治理示范带、水土保持科普教育宣传区、水土保持科学研究试验区五个功能区,集水土保持综合治理、科学研究、科普教育为一体,展示北方土石山区的水土流失治理体系,为高校和科研单位提供科研平台。拓展区包括特  相似文献   

建设水土保持科技示范园可推进水土保持宣传教育和生态环境建设,为增强水土流失忧患意识,展示水土保持治理成果,提升水土保持科技水平,促进生态文明建设发挥积极作用。水土保持科技示范园集生态景观建设与水土保持产业引领、水土保持新技术、新理念试验示范、水土保持科学研究、实体成果展示、科普教育、区域水土流失动态监测为一体,将生态产业型水土保持模式引入水土流失治理中,使产业结构更加合理,增强了群众水土保持意识,为水土保持科研工作提供了可靠、稳定的试验与示范场所。  相似文献   

<正>9月19日,在全国科普日到来之际,山西省水土保持学会和山西省水土保持科学研究所联合参加了山西省2015年"全国科普日"暨第十二届"科普三晋"系列活动。共制作了6块水土保持专题宣传展板,对水土流失成因及其危害、水土保持措施、治理成效、监督监测等方面进行了图文并茂的展示;印制  相似文献   

正吴中区水土保持科技示范园位于江苏省苏州市吴中区越溪街道旺山村,园区面积610 hm2,共有生态修复保护区、水土保持成果示范推广区、水土保持苗木展示区、水土保持科研试验区、水土保持科普教育区五个区。园区科学布设了各项水土保持措施,形成了良好的水土流失综合防护体系,宜治理的水土流失面积全部得到治理。园区积极培育无公害茶叶和无公害经济林果,结合水土保持工程建设,营造旅游景点,形成"茶、果、林、旅游观光"治理模式,每年接待游客50万余人次。园区展馆面积500 m2,分为展示厅、多媒体教室、公共空间展示区和办公区域,采用声、光、  相似文献   

正9月14日,在全国科普日到来之际,山西省水土保持学会和山西省水土保持科学研究所联合参加了在省科技馆举办的山西省2016年"全国科普日"暨第十三届"科普三晋"系列活动。共制作了8块水土保持专题宣传展板,对水土流失成因及其危害、水土保持措施、水土流失治理成效、水土保持监督监测等进行了图文并茂的展示。印制了《水土保持法》、《水土保持读本(小学版)》等宣传资料,制作了印有  相似文献   

运用“三生空间”理念规划水土保持科技示范园   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]运用"三生空间"理念设计水土保持科技示范园的总体布局和功能分区,以提高园区在水土保持与生态建设、水土保持科学普及、水土保持政策宣传等方面的示范效应。[方法]基于综合遥感影像、野外实地勘查等资料,分析四川省彭州市宝山水土保持科技示范园区的"三生空间"格局与水土保持措施需求。[结果]①园区划分为河谷生活空间保土护岸人居环境维护区、山丘生产空间水土流失治理区和高山生态空间水土保持生态修复区。②生活空间需实施河道疏浚、护岸、河流生态廊道构建、道路与庭院水土保持等措施;生产空间需实施坡地改土造田、水系和路网建设等综合水土保持措施;生态空间需实施封山育林、泥石流治理等措施。③依托太阳湾景区,设置水土流失科研观测设施、水土保持技术展厅(馆)、水土保持措施及功能讲解标识牌等,对公众进行渗透式水土保持科普教育和宣传。[结论]四川省宝山是成都平原向岷山过渡的龙门山区,"三生空间"格局特征明显,水土保持与生态保育需求多样。运用"三生空间"格局设计园区总体布局和功能分区,具有系统性与综合性特点,可提高园区的综合示范和科普教育的效果。  相似文献   

青山湖水土保持科普馆位于重庆青山湖流域,作为重庆市水土保持科普教育的重要窗口和平台,馆内集中、系统地展示水土保持科普知识,馆外实地、直观地展示青山湖流域综合治理成果,充分发挥科普馆的教育示范作用。馆内分为7个科普分区,分别为序言、水土保持常识篇、清洁流域治理篇、水土保持成就篇、水土保持技术篇、水土保持时事篇和水土保持法规篇。自开馆以来,科普馆采取了制定年度宣传方案、统筹设计讲解风格、定期举办科普活动、实时更新等对策,充分发挥了科普馆的科普教育功能,有力推动了重庆市水土保持科普事业的发展。  相似文献   

<正>孟津生态水土保持科技园位于河南省孟津县城新老城区交接地带,占地0.8km~2,2000年动工兴建,2002年一期建设工程建成投入使用,主要设施有科普园、科普馆、宣传长廊、径流观测小区及水土保持护坡示范工程等,2007年被水利部命名为"水土保持科技示范园",2012年被水利部、教育部命名为"全国中小学水土保持教育社会实践基地"。为配合搞好水土保持国策宣传教育活动,园区管理部门以"完善功能、科教一体"为基本点,把水土保持普及教育从娃娃人手为切人点,注重水保示范与科普教育的融合,扎实推进了"水保教育进校  相似文献   

我国已进入生态建设和经济建设并行发展的新时期,经济发展对环境保护和治理越来越重视。我国传统茶园虽然通过茶林、茶果、茶药等种植模式提高了茶叶产量,增加了经济收入,但大部分茶园还是普遍存在茶叶品质不高、茶叶农残高、环境污染等问题,这不符合经济效益、社会效益、生态效益并重的生态农业的发展方向。目前,全国对生态茶园建设的重要性和紧迫性认识与日俱增,基于此,侧重于生态,从生态茶园的技术服务系统、标准化体系、政策支持体系、理论体系四个方面来谈生态茶园建设新模式。  相似文献   

Tetrahymena pyriformis cultures were maintained when transferred serially in solutions containing 105 to 107Klebsiella pneumoniae cells.ml?1, bacterial numbers that were observed to persist in the presence of protozoa. The number of cells of one strain of K. pneumoniae surviving predation in solution was essentially the same in the absence of an alternative prey as in the presence of a second K. pneumoniae strain. Toxins deleterious to protozoa did not appear as the animal consumed the bacteria. T. pyriformis reduced the abundance of Escherichia coli from about 108 to 106.ml?1. but the latter number persisted for 15 days; however, in solutions containing chloramphenicol, the abundance of E. coli fell to 590 cells. ml?1 in 15 days. In solutions containing the antibiotic, T. pyriformis reduced the Rhizobium sp. population from more than 106 to less than 103 cells in 10 days and K. pneumoniae from more than 108.ml?1 to zero in 18 days. An appreciable decline in abundance of these bacteria did not occur in the antibiotic-amended liquid free of protozoa. T. pyriformis did not greatly reduce Rhizobium sp. numbers when both were added to irradiated soil, but the predator caused the bacterial population to decline from 4 × 108 to fewer than 105.g?1 in 16 days in chloramphenicol-treated soil. Colpoda sp. inoculated with Rhizobium sp. into soil sterilized by autoclaving only reduced the prey abundance from 109 to 108.g?1, but the protozoan caused the bacterial population to fall to about 100.g?1 in 15 days in the presence of the antibiotic. The population of Rhizobium sp. added to nonsterile soil dropped from in excess of 108 to 6 × 106.g?1 in 29 days. but it declined to 550. g?1 in the same period when chloramphenicol was also introduced. It is concluded that the ability of these bacteria to maintain themselves in solution and in soil is governed by their capacity to reproduce and replace the cells consumed by predation.  相似文献   

The ionic composition of total suspended particulate (TSP) and fine (PM2.5) fractions was investigated from an 1,100 site in the middle of Mt. Halla in Jeju Island, Korea from March to November 2006. The sum concentrations of cation and anion species in TSP fraction were 205 ± 170 and 183 ± 164 neq m?3, respectively, while those for PM2.5 as 118 ± 129 and 88.5 ± 89.3 neq m?3, respectively. In TSP, the concentration of the major ions changed in the order of SO4 2? > NH4 + > Ca2+ > Na+ > NO3 ? > Mg2+ > K+ > Cl?, while its PM2.5 counterpart as NH4 + > SO4 2? > Ca2+ > NO3 ? > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ > Cl?. Inspection of the temporal variabilities of ionic components indicated that most ions peaked in spring or fall months. The back trajectory analysis showed that the atmospheric composition of the major ionic species was affected fairly sensitively by long-range transport from China under the favorable meteorological conditions. In contrast, the lowest ionic concentration levels were seen most abundantly, when air masses passed from South Sea. Hence, the analysis of ionic concentration data suggests that their distributions are controlled by the combined effects of various source processes including the most prominent Chinese origin and the meteorological condition favorable for such transport.  相似文献   

两种退耕还林模式对土壤微生物优势类群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以两种退耕还林模式的桦木林地、苦竹林地和农耕地(对照)为对象,对各样地土壤微生物优势类群数量的季节性动态变化、垂直分布特征及其与土壤酶活性的相关性进行了研究。结果表明,土壤微生物的优势类群为微球菌属(Micrococcus)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、链霉菌属(Streptomyces)、游动放线菌属(Actinoplanes)、酵母菌(未定属)、木霉菌属(Trichoderma)这6类。两种退耕还林模式下土壤优势微生物类群数量存在差异,春、夏、秋三季均为苦竹林所占比例最大,冬季为桦木林最大。两种林地和农耕地土壤微生物优势类群数量季节性变化规律为微球菌和酵母菌在夏、冬季较大,春、秋季较少;芽孢杆菌在秋季最大,夏季最小;游动放线菌与木霉菌数量在四季中变化不大;链霉菌是夏季最高,冬季最少。各优势微生物类群数量的垂直分布特征表现为微球菌、游动放线菌、木霉菌随土壤层的加深其数量逐渐降低,芽孢杆菌、链霉菌数量则随土壤层的加深而逐渐增加,酵母菌随土壤层的加深其数量减少,但趋势不明显。两种林地对各优势微生物类群数量的根际效应为:链霉菌和木霉菌的R/S值大于1,酵母菌的R/S值小于1,微球菌和游动放线菌在桦木林的R/S值大于1而在苦竹林小于1。在优势微生物类群和土壤酶之间,微球菌与转化酶,芽孢杆菌与纤维素酶,木霉和游动放线菌与过氧化氢酶,酵母与脲酶呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

An integrated model was developed to simulate the temporal change and spatial variation of temperature and spatial distribution of TM (total mass) and MC (moisture content) of the final compost for composting process of sewage sludge. The model included biodegradation kinetics of organic matter and balance equations of energy and mass. First-order assumption was applied to describe the biodegradation process with correction functions of temperature, oxygen, MC, and FAS (free air space). The transfer process was considered in balance equations of energy and mass. A finite difference method was used to solve the model. Two trials of 0.21 m3 were run to estimate parameters and evaluate the simulation. The model could predict TM and VS (volatile solid) of the final compost well, temporal trend of oxygen concentration and water removal, and also a good fitting of the temporal and spatial change of temperature. Hrx (reaction enthalpy of biodegradable volatile solid) and ηBVS (mass fraction of biodegradable volatile solid) were considered the most sensitive parameters based on the sensitivity analysis. Future research was suggested to focus on reasonable humidity assumption, measuring accurate value of thermodynamics and kinetics parameters of sewage sludge, and simulating the composting process with different aeration modes and turning of the pile.  相似文献   

It was revealed that the influence of soluble salts on the hydrophysical properties of clayed minerals depends on the nature of minerals, the properties and state of salt (in solution or sorbing), and the region of fundamental hydrophysical characteristics (FHCH). The treatment of clayed minerals by NaCl, MgCl2, Ca(CH3COO)2, and ZnCl2 solutions increased their water-retention in the range NaCl > MgCl2 > Ca(CH3COO)2 ≈ ZnCl2. Pb(CH3COO)2 decreased the water-retaining ability of clayed minerals in all the FHCH range. A differential characteristic of the action MgCl2, Ca(CH3COO)2, and ZnCl2 on smectite is decrease of capillary water deduction.  相似文献   

利用玻璃微电极技术测定了扬稻6号(籼稻)幼苗根尖细胞在吸收不同NO3-浓度(0.01、0.02、0.1、0.2、0.5、1.0和2.0.mmol/L)过程中膜电位的变化。结果表明,1)水稻根系吸收NO3-引起膜的去极化,去极化到一定程度后出现复极化;有小部分水稻根表现为超极化。在0.01~1.0.mmol/L范围内,去极化大小随外界NO3-浓度的增加而增加,且差异显著(P0.05)。0.01.mmol/L.NO3-产生较小的去极化,平均为3.8.mV;0.5.mmol/L.NO3-产生了最大去极化,平均为40.2.mV;当外界NO3-浓度大于1.0.mmol/L时膜电位去极化大小呈下降趋势。根系吸收不同浓度的NO3-而使膜电位去极化的进程符合Michaelis-Menten动力学。2)复极化有部分复极化和完全复极化两种。超极化也有两种:一种是膜电位先超极化,后缓慢复极化;另一种是先出现一个小的去极化,然后是较大幅度的超极化。3)运输蛋白抑制剂PGO抑制了根系吸收NO3-而产生的膜电位的响应。4)对于经CaSO4溶液预培养的水稻来说,C2+主要引起膜电位超极化。  相似文献   

In this study, the soil structure of two soils (Haplic Chernozem and Eutric Fluvisol) of different land uses (forest, meadow, urban and agro-ecosystem – consisted of four crop rotations) in Slovakia was compared. The soil aggregate stability was determined with a dependence on the chemical composition of plant residues. The quantity and quality of the organic matter was assessed through the parameters of the C and N in size fractions of dry-sieved and water-resistant aggregates. The soil structure of the forest ecosystem was evaluated as the best of all of forms of land use. Differences in the soil structure under the grass vegetation of a meadow (natural conditions) and urban ecosystem were also recorded. The agro-ecosystem was characterised by a higher portion (55.95%) of the most valuable (agronomically) water-resistant aggregate size fraction of 0.5–3 mm. Values of the carbon management index showed that the larger water-resistant aggregates were, the greater were the changes in the organic matter (r = ?0.680, P < 0.05). In addition, a smaller content of dry-sieved aggregates of the 3–5 mm size fraction was observed with higher contents of soil organic carbon (SOC) (r = ?0.728, P < 0.05) and labile carbon (CL) (r = ?0.760, P < 0.05); there were also greater changes in the soil organic matter and vice versa, higher contents of SOC (r = 0.744, P < 0.05) and CL (r = 0.806, P < 0.05) greater contents of dry-sieved aggregates of size fraction 0.5–1 mm. The soil structure of agro-ecosystem was superior at a higher content of cellulose (r = ?0.712, P < 0.05) in the plant residues. The higher content of cellulose and hemicellulose in the plant residue of a previous crop was reflected in a smaller CL content in the water-resistant aggregates (r = ?0.984, P < 0.05). A correlation was observed between a high content of lignin in the plant residue and a smaller SOC content in the water-resistant aggregates (r = ?0.967, P < 0.05). Lastly, a higher content of proteins in the plant residues (r = 0.744, P < 0.05) supported a greater content of dry-sieved aggregates of the 0.5–1 mm size fraction.  相似文献   

太行山低山丘陵区不同植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 通过样地法对小浪底水库库区山地生态系统不同群落间的Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)、Simpson指数(D1)、Margalef物种丰富度(D2)、种间相遇概率(P)和Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)等多样性指数进行研究,利用统计方法分析不同群落的物种多样性指数与其所处环境的关系。结果表明:1)物种多样性指数和丰富度指数与群落类型有密切关系,同一类型的群落中,多样性指数随演替时间表现出复杂的关系;2)土壤含水量对H′、P、Jsw、D1等呈极显著的正相关性,土壤厚度与H′、D1、P呈显著正相关性;多样性指数与坡度无相关性;土壤有机质、速效氮、速效磷等养分指标与多样性指数H′、D1有显著的正相关;3)多样性指数H′与乔木、灌木群落生物量表现为正相关关系,草本群落与D1相关性不显著;4)乔木林群落的恢复时间与Jsw、H′呈正相关关系,其余多样性指数(PD1、D2)与恢复时间关系不显著(P>0.05);恢复时间每增加10a,群落物种数平均增加约6种;5)物种多样性指数H′与灌木的盖度和高度呈极显著正相关性;有些单优群落随高度增加和盖度提高,多样性指数反而表现出降低;6)草本植物群落的高度和盖度与物种丰富度指数D2与呈显著的负相关关系,与H′相关性不显著。  相似文献   


A field experiment was conducted on Maury silt loam soil (Typic Paleudalf) during 2 years to determine the effects of rate of nitrapyrin and source of N fertilizer on soil pH and response of burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.cv.xKy‐14'). All sources of N were applied at the rate of 280 kg N ha‐1. The information was needed to increase the efficiency of N fertilizer use and improve the growth and safety of tobacco.

Results indicated that application of a NO3 source of N fertilizer or low rates of nitrapyrin (0.56 to 2.24 kg ha‐1) decreased surface soil acidification and the concentration of plant Mn, while plant dry weight early in the growing season was increased. The early growth benefits noted for .nitrapyrin did not lead to increased cured leaf yields or value. Cured leaf yield and value were highest in plots receiving Ca(NO3)2, followed by KH4NO3, then urea.

Concentration of protein N, total alkaloids, and total volatile nitrogenous bases of cured leaves increased and NO3 ‐N decreased as rate of nitrapyrin increased. Total N concentration of cured leaf, however, was not significantly affected by nitrapyrin application, indicating that the proportion of absorbed N as NH4 +increased as nitrapyrin rate increased.  相似文献   

A wheat seedling rhizobox approach was used to differentiate between the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere (bulk) soil amended with low and high rates of biochar (20 and 60 t ha−1 vs. control). Nitrate (NO3) was added as the main nitrogen (N) source because emerging biochar research points to reduced NO3 loss through leaching and gaseous loss as nitrous oxide. The rhizosphere under the different treatments were distinct (P = 0.021), with greater soil-NO3 and biochar-NO3 contents in the high biochar treatment. Biochar addition increased wheat root length ratio (P = 0.053) and lowered root N uptake (P = 0.017), yet plant biomass and N content were similar between treatments. The results indicate localisation of NO3 within the rhizosphere of biochar-amended soils which has implications for NO3 loss and improved nitrogen use efficiency.  相似文献   

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