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鸡脂肪肝出血综合征是指以肝脏发生脂肪变性出血而急性死亡为特征的疾病。该病主要发生于肉鸡、笼养蛋鸡,造成猝死、蛋鸡群产蛋下降,是鸡的一种因饲料中营养物质不平衡、体内代谢机能紊乱等因素引起的一种营养代谢病。发病后对生产造成的损害很大。2001年哈尔滨市某肉鸡场发生了脂肪肝出血综合征,现将诊疗过程报道如下。  相似文献   

脂肪肝出血综合征(Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome,FLHS)是由于饲料中营养物质过剩而某些微量营养成分不足或不平衡,造成鸡体内代谢机能紊乱而引起的,以肝脏发生脂肪变性出血而急性死亡为特征的疾病.  相似文献   

正蛋鸡脂肪肝综合征又称脂肪肝出血综合征或脂肪肝综合征,主要是因为蛋鸡采食了高能量的日粮,以及日粮中缺乏微量元素,引起机体脂肪代谢发生紊乱导致大量脂肪沉积于肝脏的一种营养代谢病[1]。其特征就是患鸡的肝脏肿大和出血,表面有大量脂肪且易碎。本病主要发生于产蛋高峰期较肥胖的蛋鸡,火热夏季较为多见,其病因较为复杂,可造成产蛋量下降,死亡率高,对养鸡业造成严重的经济损失。近年来,在养鸡业追求更高  相似文献   

1脂肪肝综合征 由于鸡摄入的能量过高,蛋白质含量过低,饲料中的营养物质不平衡,鸡体内代谢机能紊乱等因素引起,以肝细胞脂肪过量沉积而导致肝脏发生脂肪变性为特征,患病鸡多因肝脏出血而死亡。本病主要发生于笼养蛋鸡,造成鸡群产蛋量下降,影响正常产蛋高峰期的出现,该病呈散发性特征。主要因长期和大量饲喂高能量的饲料和鸡的运动不足,  相似文献   

蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征是一种脂类代谢紊乱疾病。其特征是肝脏细胞中沉积大量脂肪,表现为脂肪肝,有时肝脏出血。病鸡营养状况良好,产蛋减少,因为肝脏  相似文献   

蛋鸡脂肪肝综合征(FLS)又称脂肪肝出血综合征(FLHS),是以肝脏发生脂肪肝变性为特征的家禽营养代谢疾病.此病多发生于笼养蛋鸡的产蛋高峰期,引起产蛋量逐渐下降(2%~50%),由于早期临床症状不明显,很容易被忽视,给现代密集型养禽业带来了严重的经济损失.患病鸡一般初期无特征性症状,只表现为过度肥胖,其体重超出正常20%左右,常突然死亡;肝包膜破裂而导致出血,腹腔充满大量血液及血凝块,并有大量脂肪沉积,肝脏明显肿大、色泽变黄、质地脆并有油腻感,产蛋率下降;喜卧,腹下软绵、下垂,冠和肉髯褪色,甚至苍白.  相似文献   

脂肪肝综合征,是指笼养蛋鸡摄入过高能量日粮而运动受限制,导致能量代谢失衡,肝脏脂肪过度沉积的一种代谢性疾病。因该病常致肝脏破裂、出血,导致鸡急性死亡,故又称脂肪肝出血综合征。该病主要发生于笼养蛋用型鸡,特别是炎热夏季多见。  相似文献   

产蛋鸡脂肪肝综合征(FLS)是一种营养代谢性疾病,其特征是肝细胞中沉积大量脂肪,表现为脂肪肝,有时肝脏出血,鸡体肥胖,产蛋减少.  相似文献   

脂肪肝出血综合征(FLHS),又名脂肪肝综合征(FLS)或脂肪肝肾综合征(FLKS),是一种以肝脏脂肪变性为特征的营养代谢性疾病。多发于蛋鸡,尤其是笼养蛋鸡的产蛋高峰期。有人认为这是由于高产蛋鸡合成产品(鸡蛋)时,相应的加大了肝脏的代谢功能,造成了满负荷或超负荷运转,致使肝实质结构发生变性,呈现肝脏肿胀出血现象。本病的发病率一般较低,通  相似文献   

<正>鸡脂肪肝综合征又叫脂肪肝出血综合征,是由于营养障碍、内分泌失调和脂肪代谢紊乱导致脂肪过度沉积于肝脏,从而导致肝细胞及血管壁质地变脆而发生的肝出血的症状。鸡脂肪肝综合征可造成产蛋率下降,死亡率升高,对养禽业造成严重的影响。该病最典型的表现为剖检可见肝脏脂肪变性,肝破裂。死亡鸡处于产蛋高峰,输卵管中常见有正在形成的蛋,该病一年四季均有发生,以夏季居多,给养鸡业造成严重的经济损  相似文献   

The ability to image the liver in horses can add valuable diagnostic information or aid in guided biopsy procedures. Anytime the size, shape, position, and texture of the liver can be determined, additional information about the horse's condition is gained. Conditions such as cholelithiasis, neoplasia, fibrosis can be detected ultrasonographically.  相似文献   

The ruminant liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E J Ford 《The Veterinary record》1965,77(50):1507-1516

With respect to liver disease, the primary function of the laboratory is to identify its presence. Tests are not available that permit a specific diagnosis and an accurate prognosis. Several tests should be present in a minimum data base that can help identify hepatobiliary disease. They are ALT, SAP, total serum bilirubin, urine bilirubin, cholesterol, albumin, BUN, glucose, red cell morphology, and urine sediment. It is sometimes possible to tentatively identify whether a disease is primarily hepatocellular or biliary from the pattern of changes that occur in these tests. In addition, an estimate of the severity is sometimes possible when abnormal values are extreme. The keys are to avoid overinterpretation, use serial evaluations, and rely on a liver biopsy when definitive answers are needed. If liver disease is suspected but there are only marginal changes in the routine tests, the more sensitive tests of function, BSP retention and ammonia tolerance, are warranted. In the future, as more knowledge is gained about the responses of ARG, GGT, and ICG retention to naturally occurring diseases, these tests may join or replace some of those currently used. Also, as the ability to accurately and economically measure the various bile acids improves, a sensitive, yet noninvasive, method to detect and define modest changes in hepatobiliary function may result.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in liver enzymes are commonly encountered in clinical practice. Knowledgeable assessment requires a full understanding of their pathophysiology and provides an important means of detecting the earliest stage of many serious hepatobiliary disorders. The best interpretations are achieved using an integrated approach, combining historical and physical findings with routine and specialized diagnostic procedures and imaging studies. Information in this article provides the foundation, by example, for understanding the reliability of single time point enzyme measurements, the value of sequential measurements, the importance of interpreting the activity of enzymes in light of their half life and tissue of origin, and the influence of the induction phenomenon.  相似文献   

产蛋鸡脂肪肝综合征 ( FLS)是一种复杂的代谢疾病 ,病因涉及多种因素。其特征是肝细胞中沉积大量脂肪 ,表现为脂肪肝 ,有时肝脏出血 ,鸡体肥胖 ,产蛋减少。有的病鸡因肝功能障碍或肝脏破裂而突然死亡。该病主要发生于产蛋率高或产蛋高峰期的鸡群 [1] 。本病发病率因鸡的品种、品系、日粮组成和环境等因素不同而有差异 ,通常为鸡群的 1 %~ 2 % ,有时高达 5 %~ 7%甚至 1 5 %以上。死亡率一般低于5 % ,但有时高达 2 0 %甚至 30 % [2 ,3 ] ,给养禽业造成了严重的经济损失。由于该病多散发 ,在国内尚未引起有关方面的足够重视。当肝脏出血和…  相似文献   

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