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本文以方差分析研究闽中、闽南蔗区82/83年和83/84年两个榨季甘蔗蔗糖份和成熟期间自然气象要素的关系。闽中(仙游)和闽南(泉州、漳州、厦门、云霄)五个糖厂的全榨季平均甘蔗蔗糖份,82/83年榨季再次下降和83/84年榨季全面回升与工艺成熟期间自然气象要素的异常和好转十分默契,再次确认起主导作用的是气象要素。本文还简略地讨论了预防或减轻异常气象要素对甘蔗蔗糖份不利影响的技术措施。  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in the patterns of satellite-derived pigment concentrations around the Galápagos Islands during February and March 1983 are associated with unusual oceanographic conditions observed during the 1982-1983 El Ni?o. The redistribution of food resources might have contributed to the reproductive failure of seabirds and marine mammals on these islands during this El Ni?o.  相似文献   

Observations of the 1982-1983 El Ni?o make it possible to relate the anomalous ocean conditions to specific biological responses. In October 1982 upwelling ecosystems in the eastern equatorial Pacific began a series of transitions from the normal highly productive condition to greatly reduced productivity. The highly productive condition had returned by July 1983. Nutrients, phytoplankton biomass, and primary productivity are clearly regulated by the physical changes of El Ni?o. Evidence from 1982 and 1983 also suggests effects on higher organisms such as fish, seabirds, and marine mammals, but several more years of observation are required to accurately determine the magnitude of the consequences on these higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Snow accumulation measured during 1982-1983 on the Quelccaya ice cap, Peru, was 70 percent of the average from 1975 through 1983. Inspection of 19 years (1964 through 1983) of accumulation measured near the summit of Quelccaya reveals a substantial decrease ( approximately 30 percent) in association with the last five El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) occurrences in the equatorial Pacific. The ENSO phenomenon is now recognized as a global event arising from large-scale interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. Understanding this extreme event, with the goal of prediction, requires a record of past occurrences. The Quelccaya ice cap, which contains 1500 years of annually accumulated ice layers, may provide a long and detailed record of the most extreme ENSO events.  相似文献   

试验于1982—1983年在湖南常德县蒿子港进行。供试品种“湘矮早9号”,每亩施纯氮10.25公斤,每小区6蔸禾,设6~9个不同接虫量处理,1982年8次重复,1983年6次重复;在幼穗分化第4期(6月13日)接虫。试验结果表明,试虫主要为害倒二、三两叶,基本上未为害剑叶,按每虫一般取食20cm~2计算,1982年每亩8.47万头虫造成2%的产量损失,1983年每亩8.96万头虫造成2%的产量损失,与本文第Ⅰ,Ⅱ报的结果基本一致。  相似文献   

The breeding chronology and reproductive attempts of the seabird community on Christmas Island in the central Pacific Ocean (2 degrees N, 157 degrees W) were interrupted by the 1982-1983 El Ni?o Southern Oscillation. The resultant reproductive failure and disappearance of the entire seabird community of this equatorial atoll represents the most dramatic interruption on record of a seabird community located distant from coastal upwelling. Our data indicate the effect that the abiotic and biotic aspects of a global atmospheric-oceanic anomaly have on marine birds. The 1982-1983 El Ni?o Southern Oscillation provides an example of selective pressures and a natural experiment in the study of vertebrate population dynamics.  相似文献   

Anomalously high values of atmospheric angular momentum and length of day were observed in late January 1983. This signal in the time series of these two coupled quantities appears to have been a consequence of the equatorial Pacific Ocean warming event of 1982-1983.  相似文献   

Fiedler PC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4654):1251-1254
Satellite infrared temperature images illustrate several effects of the 1982-1983 El Ni?o: warm sea-surface temperatures with the greatest anomalies near the coast, weakened coastal upwelling, and changes in surface circulation patterns. Phytoplankton pigment images from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner indicate reduced productivity during El Ni?o, apparently related to the weakened coastal upwelling The satellite images provide direct evidence of mesoscale changes associated with the oceanwide El Ni?o event.  相似文献   

孟猛  宗美娟 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(24):14942-14944
[目的]研究基于NDVI的气候突变对植被的影响。[方法]基于我国1982~2000年的NDVI与气候数据,利用Mann-kendall(MK)突变检测方法,检测气候突变和NDVI突变,从而讨论2种突变之间的联系。[结果]大面积的月平均温度和降水量的突变发生在1983年,而在1999年发生范围最小;植被大面积突变现象出现在1983和1984年。温度突变引起的NDVI突变现象比降水突变引起的次数多,降水量的突变并不是发生NDVI突变现象的主要原因之一。小范围的温度突变很难在短期时间内对植被活动产生立即的影响,大范围的温度突变现象的发生将会对植被活动产生长期的影响。[结论]该研究为气候突变现象分析提供理论依据。  相似文献   

1982~1983年,在田间条件下,以中棉10号品种为材料,进行了黄淮海地区麦棉两熟制短季棉应用 DPC 诱导最佳部位成铃与优质栽培的研究,主要结果如下:(1)根据开花时间、开花部位、铃期、铃重等多因子相关的综合评价,确定了单株较佳的时空成铃结构,为定向诱导成铃提供了科学依据。(2)肯定了应用 DPC 化控措施对短季棉中棉10号早熟优质丰产的效果:可以促进提早开花结铃、增加前期成铃数;可以适当增加种植密度(每亩6000株提高到8000株),增加了群体最佳部位成铃的比重;皮棉单产可增加11%以上,并提高了霜前花百分率。(3)提出了在棉花优质栽培上应用 DPC 诱导最佳部位成铃的一般原理,以及适应于黄淮海棉区的化控技术指标参数和技术要点。  相似文献   

冬季干旱的果园,幼年桃树早修剪能提高花芽越冬力(即减轻冻花芽)早剪比晚剪提高了冬季和早春花芽中17种氨基酸总量、与早剪提高了花芽越冬力一致。17种氨基酸中有14种其含量变化趋势与总量相同,另外3种其含量变化趋势与总量则不同、早剪对其影响无规律性表现。  相似文献   

对梅花(Prunus mume S.et Z.)45个代表品种的雌、雄蕊能育性、自花、异花和天然授粉结实率等开花授粉习性进行了调查和实验,并连续三年用梅同杏(P.armeniaca)新疆‘大黄杏,(P.armeniaca cv'Large Yellow,)山桃(P.davidiana)、榆叶梅(P.triloba cv.)、碧桃(P.persica cv.'Alba plena')等杂交,共杂交17091朵花,收获种子123粒,获杂种苗21株。  相似文献   

本文通过82—83年10个区试品种稳定性参数分析,得知我校新育成的品种甘春78—2302,在83和82两年第一组的5个和6个试验点上,产量分别占第一和第二位。回归系数分别为1.3748和1.3717,大于1。离回归均方分别为4.6123和2.9076,差异均不显著。结果表明,甘春78—2302具有在高产条件下的特殊稳定性,是一个适于河西高水肥条件种植的比较理想的品种。而且在一般条件下也是一个比较稳定的品种。  相似文献   

A 1-year time series of volume transport through the Florida Straits near 27 degrees N was derived from an array of five subsurface current meter moorings. The transport estimates, determined on the basis of constant shear extrapolation of the subsurface velocities to the surface, are in good agreement with transports derived from submarine cable and Pegasus measurements. The annual transport cycle in 1982-1983 is complicated by large-amplitude fluctuations on time scales of 1 to 3 weeks, but it does exhibit a transport maximum in summer and a minimum in fall-winter, consistent with historical results and of similar magnitude. The energy density spectrum of transports is continuous with a slope of about -1.5 and does not show a gap between the periods of weeks and seasonal. Evidence was found for atmospheric forcing of transport fluctuations, with highest coherence between transport and the local meridional wind stress at periods of 10 and 15 days during the summer and 5 and 40 days during the winter.  相似文献   

Oceanographic events during el nino   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cane MA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,222(4629):1189-1195
El Ni?o events, the most spectacular instances of interannual variability in the ocean, have profound consequences for climate and the ocean ecosystem. The 1982-1983 El Ni?o is perhaps the strongest in this century. El Ni?o events usually have followed a predictable pattern, but the recent event differs markedly. The physical oceanography of this El Ni?o is described and compared with that of earlier events.  相似文献   

Temperature and size variabilities of the Western pacific warm pool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yan XH  Ho CR  Zheng Q  Klemas V 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1992,258(5088):1643-1645
Variabilities in sea-surface temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool were tracked with 10 years of satellite multichannel sea-surface temperature observations from 1982 to 1991. The results show that both annual mean sea-surface temperature and the size of the warm pool increased from 1983 to 1987 and fluctuated after 1987. Possible causes of these variations include solar irradiance variabilities, EI Ni?o-Southern Oscillation events, volcanic activities, and global warming.  相似文献   

北京居住楼区绿化的夏季辐射效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据我们1982—1983年在北京的观测,夏季居住区绿化具有良好的辐射效益。随着楼区乔木覆盖度的增加,庭院地面获得的直接辐射、漫射辐射、总辐射和辐射平衡均逐渐减小。居住楼区乔木覆盖度以小于0.7为宜,这时地面接受的太阳辐射日总量约减少三分之一,辐射平衡将减小一半左右。  相似文献   

The hundredfold speedup in glacier motion in a surge of the kind the kind that took place in Variegated Glacier in 1982-1983 is caused by the buildup of high water pressure in the basal passageway system, which is made possible by a fundamental and pervasive change in the geometry and water-transport characteristics of this system. The behavior of the glacier in surge has many remarkable features, which can provide clues to a detailed theory of the surging process. The surge mechanism is akin to a proposed mechanism of overthrust faulting.  相似文献   

辽宁兴城油松种子园无性系开花习性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1982—1984年在辽宁兴城种子园,3年的观测表明,49个无性系花期早晚和长短有较大差别。这与无性系本身的特性、花期前的积温、花期内的温度和湿度以及球花着生部位等有关。由于种子园中有部分无性系花期不遇,由此減少的杂交组合至少在1/10以上。嫁接后第九年雌球花产量较上年成倍增加,到第10年总产量仍持续上升,但早期结实量大于平均水平的约30%无性系,雌球花产量已有下降趋势。 迄今种子园中开花株数和雄球花产量稳定增长,多数无性系植株平均着花量约在700个上下,但仍有约半数无性系的1/3植株尚未开雄球花。种子园中花粉量不足,每公顷约产花粉2.8—3.7公斤,且种子园各无性系花粉比例极不平衡,5个无性系的雄花量占总量的一半以上。  相似文献   

Meteorological aspects of the el nino/southern oscillation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The single most prominent signal in year-to-year climate variability is the Southern Oscillation, which is associated with fluctuations in atmospheric pressure at sea level in the tropics, monsoon rainfall, and wintertime circulation over North America and other parts of the extratropics. Although meteorologists have known about the Southern Oscillation for more than a half-century, its relation to the oceanic El Ni?o phenomenon was not recognized until the late 1960's, and a theoretical understanding of these relations has begun to emerge only during the past few years. The past 18 months have been characterized by what is probably the most pronounced and certainly the best-documented El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation episode of the past century. In this review meteorological aspects of the time history of the 1982-1983 episode are described and compared with a composite based on six previous events between 1950 and 1975, and the impact of these new observations on theoretical interpretations of the event is discussed.  相似文献   

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