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旨在分析犬椎间盘疝出疾病的发病情况及相关的风险因素,为临床上犬椎间盘疝出疾病的诊断、治疗和预防提供参考。本研究收集了147例经临床体格检查、神经学检查、核磁共振影像检查综合确诊为椎间盘疝出的病例,回顾性分析了犬椎间盘疝出的类型、发病部位,以及与动物品种、性别、年龄之间的关系。结果显示,4种椎间盘疝出类型中,椎间盘脱出发病数最多,占43.9%;椎间盘疝出部位中,C6-T2脊髓节段发病数最少,T3-L3脊髓节段发病数最多;综合分析动物品种、发病年龄和椎间盘疝出类型,软骨发育不良品种的椎间盘疝出更易发生于成年期,且以椎间盘脱出为主,而其他犬种椎间盘疝出更易发生于老年,以椎间盘突出为主。本研究综合分析椎间盘疝出疾病的发病特点和流行病学特征,填补国内研究空白,为该病临床诊疗提供参考资料。  相似文献   

犬椎间盘突出是犬临床常见病 ,以疼痛、共济失调、后躯麻痹及轻瘫为特征。主要由椎间盘退变所致 ,但引起其退变的因素尚无明确定论。目前认为该病的发生与犬的品种、性别、年龄、激素、外力、生活习性、遗传等因素有关。从病史、症状、神经学检查及X线检查等方面可对该病作出诊断。采用保守疗法、手术疗法对本病进行治疗均可取得一定疗效 ,在治疗方面如能借鉴人医对椎间盘疾病的一些疗法 ,可望为兽医临床上对该病进行更好地防治  相似文献   

小型犬椎间盘疾病是小动物临床常见病,主要由椎间盘退变所致,以疼痛和运动障碍为特征。该病的发生与犬的品种、年龄、性别、外伤、激素、生活习性、遗传及椎间盘因素等有关。根据临床症状、神经学检查及X线检查等方法可对该病作出诊断。采用保守疗法和手术疗法对本病进行治疗可取得一定疗效。  相似文献   

1只8岁比熊犬因突然后肢瘫痪,无法正常行走,患病2 d不见好转,遂就诊。为了对该患犬进行诊断治疗,笔者采用临床检查、实验室检查(血常规、血液生化指标检查)、核磁共振(MRI)和电子计算机断层扫描(CT)检查对患犬进行诊断,并根据诊断结果进行治疗。结果表明:经过检查初步诊断该犬是由L3~L4椎间盘钙化并突出压迫脊髓导致后肢瘫痪,经过手术治疗加术后针灸、推拿,该犬后肢瘫痪成功治愈并出院。说明中西医结合治疗犬瘫痪的效果良好。  相似文献   

建立不同程度犬弥漫性颅脑损伤模型,研究磁共振成像(MRI)在犬不同程度颅脑损伤中的诊断价值,为犬临床影像学诊断提供参考。选取1岁龄比格犬18只随机分为对照组(3只)、颅脑损伤模型组15只(每组5只)。自制垂直落体打击模型装置,将100 g砝码分别从50,75,100 cm处落下打击颅骨开窗后的右侧额叶硬脑膜,造成不同程度的弥漫性颅脑损伤。使用MRI对犬头部进行T1WI、T2WI及液体衰减反转恢复序列(FLAIR)扫描,分析比较不同程度损伤影像表现、格拉斯哥昏迷评分(MGCS)及预后。结果显示,轻度颅脑损伤组MRI扫描表现为大脑皮质轻度水肿,MGCS预后良好;中度颅脑损伤组MRI扫描表现为大脑灰、白质中度水肿,中线轻微偏移,MGCS预后谨慎;重度颅脑损伤组MRI扫描表现为创伤部位大脑半球严重水肿、皮质血肿、脑室扩张、中线严重偏移,MGCS预后不良。结果表明,使用自制垂直落体打击模型能够模拟犬弥漫性颅脑损伤;MRI对犬颅脑损伤有十分重要的诊断价值;格拉斯哥昏迷评分对预后的评估具有重要作用。  相似文献   

犬椎间盘疾病(Intervertebral disc disease,IVDD)是由犬脊椎椎间盘的退化和脱出引起的疾病。IVDD主要指椎间盘突出症,是因椎间盘变性、纤维环破裂,髓核向背侧突出压迫脊髓而引起的,以运动障碍为主要特征的脊椎疾病,多犬种都可发病。临床上晚期X线检查可确诊,但早期和中期病变不明显时,X线诊断确诊有一定难度。为了对本病有更清楚的认识,以便及早确诊,我们对23例本病患犬进行X线诊断和X光片对比研究,为该病的诊断提供资料。  相似文献   

1只9岁中华田园犬后肢无力,不愿站立,保守治疗无效,为了对该病犬进行诊断,试验通过临床检查、实验室检查和影像学检查相结合的方法进行诊断,并根据诊断结果进行治疗。结果表明:病犬确诊为第十三胸椎和第一腰椎(T13~L1)的椎间盘突出。经半椎板切除术移除椎间盘突出物,术后配合保守疗法,患犬恢复良好。  相似文献   

椎间盘(Intervertebral disc,IVD)突出是指椎间盘变性、纤维环破坏、髓核向背侧突出压迫脊髓而引起运动障碍为主要特征的脊髓疾病。多见于体型小、年龄大的软骨营养障碍类犬,8岁以上犬发病率较高。本病颈、胸、腰椎均可发生,但胸、腰椎部发病率较高。如长毛犬、京巴犬、比格犬、腊肠犬、西施犬、德国猎犬、小狮子犬、小型猎兔犬及长耳西班牙猎犬等。椎间盘突出是在IVD退变的基础上发生的,但引起退变的诱因尚无定论,本病的发生可能与外伤、内分泌、自身免疫、遗传等因素有关。  相似文献   

脊髓造影(Myelography)是一种将造影剂注入蛛网膜下腔后再拍摄X线片的检查方法,此种检查方法根据造影剂的分布和充盈程度来诊断一系列脊髓相关疾病。本试验以临床病例为研究对象,结合X线平片和解剖(或手术)结果,考察脊髓造影在诊断犬椎间盘疾病时的诊断率和准确率,并对两种影像诊断方法进行比较。以期对椎间盘疾病的影像学诊断和选择通路手术治疗椎间盘疾病提供借鉴。1材料与方法1.1病例脊髓造影病例共33例,主要来自中国农业大学动物医院2003年10月到2005年12月之间,主人放弃治疗且怀疑患有椎间盘脊髓相关疾病的犬。其中有13例犬进行了解…  相似文献   

通过介绍1例犬脑膜脑炎的磁共振成像(MRI)影像诊断,探讨MRI在临床上的应用。患犬2个月前出现后肢轻瘫症状,MRI扫描脊柱未见任何异常,当地兽医诊断为外周神经炎,按外周神经炎治疗2周出院。1个月后复发,遂转院。转院后第3天中午突发流涎、全身癫痫症状,使用多咪静注射液后抽搐症状未见好转。血常规、生化检查未见异常,神经学检查显示眼球垂直震颤。对患犬进行脑部MRI检查,MRI结果显示患犬大脑扣带回T1WI序列均质低强度信号,T2WI序列较均质高强度信号;T1WI序列显示右侧海马体尾部有1个椭圆形均质稍低信号,T2WI序列下呈较均质高信号。结合患犬病史、影像检查结果及临床症状,怀疑患犬扣带回为坏死性病变,海马体尾部椭圆形病变为肉芽肿性脑膜脑炎。治疗方法为抗炎及使用抗癫痫药物苯巴比妥治疗,用药1周后痊愈。  相似文献   

Intradural disc herniation is a rarely reported cause of neurologic deficits in dogs and few published studies have described comparative imaging characteristics. The purpose of this retrospective cross sectional study was to describe clinical and imaging findings in a group of dogs with confirmed thoracolumbar intradural disc herniation. Included dogs were referred to one of four clinics, had acute mono/paraparesis or paraplegia, had low field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or computed tomographic myelography, and were diagnosed with thoracolumbar intradural disc herniation during surgery. Eight dogs met inclusion criteria. The prevalence of thoracolumbar intradural disc herniation amongst the total population of dogs that developed a thoracolumbar intervertebral disc herniation and that were treated with a surgical procedure was 0.5%. Five dogs were examined using low‐field MRI. Lesions that were suspected to be intervertebral disc herniations were observed; however, there were no specific findings indicating that the nucleus pulposus had penetrated into the subarachnoid space or into the spinal cord parenchyma. Thus, the dogs were misdiagnosed as having a conventional intervertebral disc herniation. An intradural extramedullary disc herniation (three cases) or intramedullary disc herniation (two cases) was confirmed during surgery. By using computed tomographic myelography (CTM) for the remaining three dogs, an intradural extramedullary mass surrounded by an accumulation of contrast medium was observed and confirmed during surgery. Findings from this small sample of eight dogs indicated that CTM may be more sensitive for diagnosing canine thoracolumbar intradural disc herniation than low‐field MRI.  相似文献   

Amy S.  Tidwell  DVM  Andrew  Specht  DVM  Lauren  Blaeser  DVM  Marc  Kent  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2002,43(4):319-324
Myelography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed on a 4-year-old neutered female Rottweiler with bilateral pelvic limb paresis. On the myelogram, there was extradural spinal cord compression at the level of the T11-12 intervertebral disc. Inadvertent placement of epidural contrast medium also allowed identification of a 1-cm circular filling defect in the epidural space dorsal to the compressed spinal cord. MRI showed partial loss of the nucleus pulposus signal of the T11-12 disc, a focal signal void within the vertebral canal at T11 compatible with a free disc fragment, and extradural masses compressing the spinal cord at T10-11 and T11-12. Hemorrhage within the masses was confirmed on T2*-weighted images. A mixture of hematoma and mineralized disc material was found at surgery, and there was no histopathologic evidence of neoplasia. In this article, the appearance on MRI of hemorrhage associated with intervertebral disc herniation is discussed.  相似文献   

Objective— To describe the influence of fenestration at the disc herniation site on recurrence in thoracolumbar disc disease of chondrodystrophoid dogs.
Study Design— Prospective clinical study.
Animals— Chondrodystrophic dogs (n=19).
Methods— Dogs were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (9 dogs) had thoracolumbar disc extrusion (Hansen type I) treated by hemilaminectomy and concomitant fenestration of the affected intervertebral disc and group 2 (10 dogs) had hemilaminectomy without fenestration. All dogs had 3 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations: preoperatively, immediately postoperatively to assess removal of herniated disc material, and again 6 weeks after surgery.
Results— There were 13 male and 6 female dogs; mean age, 7.1 years. Thoracolumbar disc herniation was confirmed with MRI. Immediate post surgical MRI revealed that the herniated disc removal was complete in all but 1 dog and that fenestration did not lead to complete removal of nucleus pulposus within the intervertebral disc space. On the 3rd MRI examination, none of the group 1 dogs had further disc material herniation at the fenestrated site. Six of the 10 group 2 dogs had a recurrence of herniation leading to clinical signs in 3 dogs (pain in 2 dogs, paresis in 1 dog).
Conclusion— In thoracolumbar disc herniation, fenestration of the affected intervertebral disc space prevents further extrusion of disc material.
Clinical Relevance— Fenestration reduces the risk of early recurrence of disc herniation and associated postoperative complications.  相似文献   

Morphology of the equine cervical intervertebral disc is different from that in humans and small companion animals and published imaging data are scarcely available. The objectives of this exploratory, methods comparison study were (a) to describe MRI features of macroscopically nondegenerated and degenerated intervertebral discs (b) to test associations between spinal location and macroscopic degeneration or MRI‐detected annular protrusion and between MRI‐detected annular protrusion and macroscopic degeneration, and (c) to define MRI sequences for characterizing equine cervical intervertebral disc degeneration. Ex vivo MRI of intervertebral discs was performed in 11 horses with clinical signs related to the cervical region prior to macroscopic assessment. Mixed‐effect logistic regression modeling included spinal location, MRI‐detected annular protrusion, and presence of macroscopic degeneration with “horse” as random effect. Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were determined. Reduced signal intensity in proton density turbo SE represented intervertebral disc degeneration. Signal voids due to presence of gas and/or hemorrhage were seen in gradient echo sequences. Presence of macroscopic intervertebral disc degeneration was significantly associated with spinal location with odds being higher in the caudal (C5 to T1) versus cranial (C2 to C5) part of the cervical vertebral column. Intervertebral discs with MRI‐detected annular protrusion grades 2‐4 did have higher odds than with grade 1 to have macroscopic degeneration. It was concluded that MRI findings corresponded well with gross macroscopic data. Magnetic resonance imaging of the equine cervical intervertebral disc seems to be a promising technique, but its potential clinical value for live horses needs to be explored further in a larger and more diverse population of horses.  相似文献   

Treatment recommendations differ for dogs with intervertebral disk extrusion vs. intervertebral disk protrusion. The aim of this retrospective, cross‐sectional study was to determine whether clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) variables could be used to predict a diagnosis of thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion in dogs. Dogs were included if they were large breed dogs, had an MRI study of the thoracolumbar or lumbar vertebral column, had undergone spinal surgery, and had the type of intervertebral disk herniation (intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion) clearly stated in surgical reports. A veterinary neurologist unaware of surgical findings reviewed MRI studies and recorded number, location, degree of degeneration and morphology of intervertebral disks, presence of nuclear clefts, disk space narrowing, extent, localization and lateralization of herniated disk material, degree of spinal cord compression, intraparenchymal intensity changes, spondylosis deformans, spinal cord swelling, spinal cord atrophy, vertebral endplate changes, and presence of extradural hemorrhage. Ninety‐five dogs were included in the sample. Multivariable statistical models indicated that longer duration of clinical signs (P = 0.01), midline instead of lateralized disk herniation (P = 0.007), and partial instead of complete disk degeneration (P = 0.01) were associated with a diagnosis of intervertebral disk protrusion. The presence of a single intervertebral herniation (P = 0.023) and dispersed intervertebral disk material not confined to the disk space (P = 0.06) made a diagnosis of intervertebral disk extrusion more likely. Findings from this study identified one clinical and four MRI variables that could potentially facilitate differentiating intervertebral disk extrusions from protrusions in dogs.  相似文献   

The radiographic and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings for four dogs with herniation of the Cd1–Cd2 intervertebral disc are described. All dogs were 7 years of age at the time of presentation, with one neutered male and three neutered females. Breeds included one Beagle, one Bassett hound, and two large, mixed breed dogs. All dogs had tail pain on manipulation, two had pain during defecation, and two maintained an abnormal tail position. Three dogs had radiographs in which mineralization within the disc space was apparent. Two of these dogs also had mineralization within the vertebral canal. Three dogs underwent MRI, which was characterized by varying degrees of disc herniation and nerve root compression at Cd1–Cd2. Mobility may be a factor predisposing to disc herniation in the cranial aspect of the caudal spine. We documented that caudal disc herniation does occur occasionally in dogs and that radiography and MRI may be used to identify this disease. Caudal intervertebral disc herniation should be considered as a differential for dogs with caudal vertebral pain, pain with tail manipulation, pain during defecation, or abnormal tail carriage.  相似文献   

The caudal lumbar and lumbosacral spine of 13 dogs with pain or neurologic deficits were evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Spin echo T1, proton density, and T2 weighted and gradient echo T2* imaging sequences were utilized. MRI permitted direct, multiplanar, tomographic visualization of the spine facilitating evaluation of all components of degenerative caudal lumbar and lumbosacral stenosis. Abnormalities detected included intervertebral disc degeneration, intervertebral disc protrusion involving both the vertebral canal and intervertebral foramina, articular process osteophytosis, articular process fracture, nerve root impingement by spondylosis deformans, and the presence of low signal material within the vertebral canal of 2 dogs with recurrent pain following previous spinal surgery. In all 7 dogs treated surgically, MRI findings were consistent with surgical findings.  相似文献   

Objective— To report clinical and diagnostic imaging features, and outcome after surgical treatment of ventral intraspinal cysts in dogs.
Study Design— Retrospective study.
Animals— Dogs (n=7) with ventral intraspinal cysts.
Methods— Clinical signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and surgical findings of 7 dogs and histologic findings (1 dog) with intraspinal cysts associated with the intervertebral disc were reviewed.
Results— Ventral intraspinal cyst is characterized by: (1) clinical signs indistinguishable from those of typical disc herniation; (2) an extradural, round to oval, mass lesion with low T1 and high T2 signal intensity on MRI, compatible with a liquid-containing cyst; (3) cyst is in close proximity to the intervertebral disc; and (4) MRI signs of disc degeneration. Although the exact cause is unknown, underlying minor disc injury may predispose to cyst formation.
Conclusion— Intraspinal cysts have clinical signs identical to those of disc herniation. Given the close proximity of the cyst to the corresponding disc and the similarity of MRI findings to discal cysts in humans, we propose the term "canine discal cyst" to describe this observation.
Clinical Relevance— Discal cysts should be considered in the differential choices for cystic extradural compressing lesions.  相似文献   

The cervical spine of 27 dogs with cervical pain or cervical myelopathy was evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Spin echo T1, T2, and post-contrast T1 weighted imaging sequences were obtained with a 0.5 Tesla magnet in 5 dogs and a 1.5 Tesla magnet in the remaining 22 dogs. MRI provided for visualization of the entire cervical spine including the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, vertebral canal, and spinal cord. Disorders noted included intervertebral disc degeneration and/or protrusion (12 dogs), intradural extramedullary mass lesions (3 dogs), intradural and extradural nerve root tumors (3 dogs), hydromyelia/syringomyelia (1 dog), intramedullary ring enhancing lesions (1 dog), extradural synovial cysts (1 dog), and extradural compressive lesions (3 dogs). The MRI findings were consistent with surgical findings in 18 dogs that underwent surgery. Magnetic resonance imaging provided a safe, useful non-invasive method of evaluating the cervical spinal cord.  相似文献   

Cranial thoracic intervertebral disc herniations have been reported to be rare in dogs due to the presence of the intercapital ligament, however some studies have proposed they may not be uncommon in German Shepherd dogs. The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare cranial thoracic intervertebral disc herniations in German Shepherd dogs and other large breed dogs (control group). Medical records at the Ontario Veterinary College were searched for German Shepherd dogs and other large breed dogs that had magnetic resonance imaging studies including the T1‐T9 region. For each dog and each disc space from T1‐T9, three variables (compression, disc degeneration, and herniation) were recorded and graded based on review of sagittal T2‐weighted images. Twenty‐three German Shepherd dogs and 47 other large breed dogs met inclusion criteria. The German Shepherd dog group had higher scores than the control group for compression (P = 0.0099) and herniation (P < 0.001), but not disc degeneration (P = 0.97). In the German Shepherd dog group, intervertebral discs T2‐T3 and T4‐T5 had an increased risk for compression and T3‐T4 had an increased risk for compression and herniation. Findings from this study indicated that German Shepherd dogs may be more likely than other large breed dogs to have spinal cord compression due to cranial thoracic disc herniations. Imaging of the cranial thoracic spine, including T2‐T3, is recommended for German Shepherd dogs with T3‐L3 neurological signs.  相似文献   

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