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本文通过优势和配合力的分析研究小麦亲本选配问题。试验表明:杂种第一代的一株粒重、一穗粒重、千粒重的优势最大,一般比两亲平均值大20—30%;其次为株高和抽穗期:其他穗部性状的优势很小或无显性。应用遗传变量成分分析法估算八个性状的配合力,在供试的亲本中,以穗长和结实小穗数的一般配合力为最大;株高、一穗粒数和一穗粒重次之;千粒重与一株穗数,一般配合力和特殊配合力所占的比重互有高低,因组合类型而异;一株粒重的一般配合力最小,它的特殊配合力占居主导地位。一般配合力大的性状,杂种与两亲平均值的相关或迴归系数也大。初步认为,在第一代对亲本或组合的评价,既要看杂种的实际表现,还要考虑它的优势,而以前者为主要依据;两亲平均值也有相当重要的意义。  相似文献   

杨加银  盖钧镒 《作物学报》2009,35(4):620-630
2003-2005年以选自黄淮地区及美国的8个大豆重要亲本品种(系)及其组配的28个双列杂交组合为材料, 分析大豆亲本间的产量杂种优势及其配合力, 探讨高优势组合的遗传基础, 包括杂种优势与亲本系数、SSR标记遗传距离的相关。结果表明: (1)黄淮地区大豆亲本间存在产量超亲优势, 平均20.39%, 组合间差异甚大, 变幅–5.34%~76.88%, 优选出豫豆22×晋豆27、淮豆4号×晋豆27、诱变30×蒙90-24, 超亲优势分别为76.88%、29.90%和34.42%, 超标率均在25.00%以上, 晋豆27和诱变30为优秀亲本材料。单株荚数及单株粒数的优势和产量优势相对一致;(2) 大豆亲本间产量杂种优势既与双亲一般配合力之和及特殊配合力有关, 又不完全相关。高优势高产组合的亲本产量配合力特点为亲本之一具有较高的一般配合力, 或双亲具有较高的一般配合力之和, 兼有较高的特殊配合力。单株荚数和单株粒数的情况和产量一致;(3) 按亲本系数聚类和按SSR标记遗传相似系数聚类揭示的8个亲本间的遗传关系相对一致, 均分为两组, 一组包含6个黄淮中、南部品种(系), 另一组包含1个山西和1个美国品种。要获得高优势高产组合, 亲本间必须具有一定的遗传距离, 但遗传距离大并不一定都高产高优势, 还有其他因素决定杂种优势。  相似文献   

为了进一步挖掘矮秆超大穗小麦亲本在遗传育种中的应用潜力,为小麦高产、超高产育种选择优良亲本和最优杂交组合提供理论依据,选用5个矮秆超大穗小麦品种(系)作为父本,8个多抗丰产小麦品种(系)作为母本,按NCII遗传交配设计,采用8×5不完全双列杂交法,配制了40个杂交组合,对小麦亲本及杂种F1的株高、主穗长、单株穗数、结实小穗数、主穗粒数、主穗产量、单株产量、千粒重8个性状进行了考察,并在基因型方差分析显著的基础上进行了配合力评价及遗传力分析。结果表明:父本中A1、A3、A4是综合性状优良的亲本,其多数性状的一般配合力均较高,特别是穗长、主穗粒数、结实小穗数、主穗产量、单株产量的一般配合力高,而株高的一般配合力效应值较低,是很理想的矮秆超大穗多粒亲本材料。母本中B5、B6单株穗数一般配合力较高,株高的一般配合力效应值较低,可作小麦高产杂交育种的矮秆多穗型亲本使用。结合特殊配合力效应分析:组合B5×A3单株穗数、主穗产量、单株产量、千粒重特殊配合力效应最高,株高特殊配合力效应较低,可作为的矮秆、多穗、粒重高且高产的重点杂交组合。B2×A4主穗长、单株产量、单株穗数特殊配合力效应都较高,而株高特殊配合力效应低,可作为矮秆大穗高产的重点杂交组合。遗传力分析表明:单株产量、千粒重、主穗长、主穗产量皆在70%以上,表明这4个性状的广义遗传力较大,受环境影响较小,而狭义遗传力的分析除主穗长、主穗粒数、主穗产量、株高大于50%,其余4个性状均低于50%,说明受环境影响大,不宜早期选择,应该适当推迟选择的代数。  相似文献   

陆地棉配合力与杂种优势、遗传距离的相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
 用10个陆地棉亲本进行不完全双列杂交,共配置了45个组合,计算亲本的一般配合力(GCA)、特殊配合力(SCA)、杂种优势,并结合SSR标记研究了陆地棉亲本配合力与杂种优势、遗传距离之间的相关关系。配合力分析发现,10个亲本的一般配合力和特殊配合力存在显著或极显著差异。分析亲本配合力、杂种优势和遗传距离的相关性发现,子棉产量、皮棉产量、衣分的一般配合力和杂种优势呈显著或极显著相关,纤维长度、比强度、麦克隆值、株高、果枝数、单株铃数、铃重、子棉产量、皮棉产量、衣分的特殊配合力和杂种优势均呈极显著正相关,而与遗传距离相关均不显著。单株铃数、铃重、子棉产量、皮棉产量、衣分的杂种优势与遗传距离均为正向显著或极显著相关。在育种实践中这些显著或极显著相关的性状可能具有较高的改良潜力。  相似文献   

特用玉米主要性状的配合力及相关分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以 PST等 7个特用玉米自交系为亲本 ,按 griffing( )配成 2 1个杂交组合 ,分析单株粒重等 10个性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力 ,主要农艺性状和产量之间的关系。结果表明 :行粒数主要受加性基因控制 ,其余大部分性状的加性和非加性基因效应同时存在。在一般配合力效应上 ,同一性状不同亲本的效应值不同 ,各性状值的效应最高出现于不同亲本。在单株产量上 ,一般配合力效应值大小为 PHT>PYT>PHBT;特殊配合力效应较大的组合有 :PYT× PHT>PYT× PHBT>PHT× PHBT等 ,这些具有较高 SCA和 TCA的组合一般都符合本地种质与热带种质、本地种质与温带种质和热带种质与温带种质的杂交组配模式。相关分析表明 ,行粒数与产量关系最为密切 ,其次为株高、穗长。对于这些性状而言 ,一般配合力高的亲本容易产生特殊配合力高的组合 ,但也不排除一般配合力都不高的双亲获得较高的特殊配合力的可能性 ,根据配合力互补原理 ,可望从 7个亲本间选配出高产优质的组合。  相似文献   

糯玉米主要数量性状配合力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南糯白等8个糯玉米自交系为亲本,按griffing(Ⅳ)配成28个杂交组合,分析单株粒重等12个性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力,结果表明穗行数主要受加性基因控制,穗长主要受非加性基因控制,其余大部分性状的加性和非加性基因效应同时存在,在一般配合力效应上,同一性状不同亲本的效应值不同,各性状值的效应最高出现于不同亲本,在单株产量上,一般配合力效应值大小为南糯白>独白糯>湄潭白糯;特殊配合力效应较大的组合有南糯白×引糯,南糯白×独白糯等.对这些性状而言,一般配合力高的亲本容易产生特殊配合力高的组合,但也不排除从一般配合力都不高的双亲获得较高的特殊配合力的可能性,根据配合力互补原理,可望从8个亲本间选配出高产优质的组合.  相似文献   

为了明确玉米果穗相关性状的配合力及其遗传效应,按NCⅡ遗传交配设计,对参试的20个玉米自交系(9个母本,11个父本)的9个性状的一般配合力、特殊配合力、广义遗传力、狭义遗传力进行分析。结果表明,5个自交系JZF5、JZF2、JZM10、JZM5、JZM3在穗粒重等多个性状上兼具一般配合力(GCA)有益的显著或极显著值。穗粒重特殊配合力(SCA)排名前5的杂交组合JZF5×JZM4、JZF2×JZM1、JZF8×JZM5、JZF6×JZM5、JZF7×JZM5,它们的亲本之一穗粒重GCA为极显著正值,提示在杂交种组配时应兼顾GCA和SCA效应。穗长、秃尖长、行粒数、穗行数、水份含量加性遗传方差占比大于70%,穗粒重的加性遗传方差占比为35.7%,主要由非加性遗传方差构成。广义遗传力上,水份含量>秃尖长>穗行数>穗长>穗粒重>行粒数>穗轴重>穗宽>百粒重,其中秃尖长、穗行数的广义遗传力大于60%,水分含量的广义遗传力大于70%。狭义遗传力上,秃尖长>水份含量>穗行数>穗长>行粒数>穗轴重>穗宽>百粒重>穗粒重,其中秃尖长、水份含量和穗行数的狭义遗传力大于50%,适宜在早代进行选择;百粒重和穗粒重的狭义遗传力最低,分别是22.8%和19.7%,不宜在早代进行选择。本研究的果穗部分性状供试特性偏向父本,建议关注父本对玉米杂交种果穗相关性状的重要影响。  相似文献   

采用双列杂交的方法,按照P(P-1)/2对6个不同的亲本材料进行配合力分析,并分析了自交系的穗长、穗粗、行粒数、粒行数、粒重、千粒重6个产量性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力.结果表明:NS226、EGM-1、HA 8-2等亲本材料的一般配合力高,NS226×HA8-2、KS4455×EGM-1、系1523×HA8-2等组合的特殊配合力高.  相似文献   

利用6个粳型不育系和6个恢复系,采用不完全双列杂交法配制了36个杂交组合,对其8个数量性状的一般配合力及亲本间组合的特殊配合力效应进行了分析。结果表明,株高、穗长、穗总粒数、穗实粒数、稳秕粒数、千粒重这几个性状受亲本一般配合力的影响,单株粒重受特殊配合力的影响,单株稳数的一般配合力和特殊配合力作用相近。其中不育系552A的穗总粒数、稳实粒数、单株粒重等一般配合力的相对效应值较大,恢复系FR796、2002FR24的穗总粒数、穗实粒数、单株粒重的一般配合力的相对效应值较大。  相似文献   

孙佩  卫晓轶 《中国种业》2018,(11):63-65
为提高玉米育种效率,发挥黄淮海地区玉米种质资源的生产潜力,以3个自选系为母本,5个外引美系为父本作为基础材料,采用不完全双列杂交(NCII 3×5)设计组配15份杂交组合,分析其产量及产量相关性状亲本的一般配合力(GCA)效应和组合的特殊配合力(SCA)效应,并对各性状特殊配合力进行相关性分析。结果表明,7个产量性状中,百粒重组合间变异系数最大,达12.15%,产量组合间差异其次。各性状的遗传率为16.95%~86.20%;其中,出籽率最高为86.20%,行粒数最低为16.95%。产量相关性状与产量的特殊配合力相关性依次为:穗粗﹥百粒重﹥穗长,穗行数、行粒数及出籽率与产量的特殊配合力之间差异不显著,说明穗粗是筛选高产杂交种的关键。母本的3个自选系中S102产量的一般配合力最高,在穗粗、百粒重和出籽率性状上,S102的一般配合力均表现突出;父本M4的产量一般配合力最大,且M4的穗粗、穗行数一般配合力最高,说明S102和M4应作为今后研究的重点。从产量特殊配合力来看,S102×M5最高,杂交组合S103×M3和S101×M1也表现较为突出,均可作为今后育种的研究重点。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the genetic distances (GD) and phenotypic distances (PD) of parents and the specific combining ability (SCA) and heterosis effects. The experiment comprised 18 parental genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 76 F2 hybrids, obtained after crossing in a line × tester scheme. Parents and hybrids were examined in a field experiment conducted in a block design with three replications. SCA as well as mid-parent heterosis effects were estimated for selected morphological and technological traits. PDs and GDs were investigated between pairs of parental genotypes. GD between parental genotypes was evaluated by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Heterosis was observed in all hybrids, and protein content exhibited the highest heterosis among the seven examined traits. The relationship between PD and GD as well as the SCA and mid-parent heterosis effects were evaluated using correlation coefficient. The correlation between PD, SCA and heterosis were low and not significant for the examined traits, whereas the correlation between SCA, heterosis and GDs were significant for protein content and rheological properties. The results indicate that GDs between parents can be used to predict performance of hybrids for selected technological traits.  相似文献   

Five inbred lines, 10 single cross maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids and two standard cultivars as check were used to study the combining abilities and heterosis under three environmental conditions. Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) markers were used to study the genetic diversity (GD) and further to analyze relationship of RAPDs based GD with combining ability and heterosis in short duration maize. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients and linear regressions were analyzed to identify the most important factor determining heterosis and per se performance of the hybrids. Variances due to general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and their interactions with environment were found to be significant. Twenty random primers generated 179 RAPD fragments. Of these, 102 RAPD fragments were polymorphic. GD was determined using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient, and a dendogram was constructed by UPGMA cluster analysis. The RAPDs based GD exhibited non-significant negative or positive association, non-significant linear regression along with very low coefficient of determination (R 2) with SCA, high and mid parent heterosis (HP and MP) and per se performance of the hybrids. Significant positive correlations and regressions along with high coefficients of determination were recorded for SCA with HP, MP and per se performance of the hybrids. The HP and MP also established significant positive association and linear regression along with high coefficient of determination with per se performance of hybrids whereas the parental mean did not establish any significant correlations with the GD, HPH, MPH and grain yield of F1s. The present investigation, therefore, did not find any role of RAPDs based GD in determining hybrid heterosis and hybrid performance in short duration sub-tropical maize. The SCA, however, has emerged as the most important factor in determination of heterosis as well as per se performance of the hybrids in short duration maize.  相似文献   

An emphasis in maize breeding for areas with acid soils is the development of varieties with tolerance to P-deficiency plus high yield potential in acidic as well as normal soils. This study was carried out to assess the (i) genetic diversity within a set of tropical inbred lines developed from acid soil-tolerant populations; (ii) F1 yield performance, mid-parent heterosis (MPH), high-parent heterosis (HPH), and specific combining ability (SCA) in a diallel set of crosses under P stress (low P) and non-stress (high P) conditions; and (iii) the effect of P stress on the relationship between genetic distance (GD) and hybrid performance. Using field evaluation and molecular marker studies, the results show that these germplasm from the South American maize breeding program of CIMMYT for improving tolerance to acid soils had only a moderate level of genetic diversity. The utility of GD as a predictor of hybrid value is best up to a certain threshold, as correlations with GD became inconsistent when the inbred parents were greatly divergent. There was no correlation between GD and F1 grain yield, MPH, HPH and SCA when the GD was >0.77. The high correlation of GD with F1 grain yield and with SCA in specific subsets of crosses having a narrower range of GD shows that GD can be put to practical use in predicting hybrid performance. The highest correlation between GD and SCA, seen in the subset of crosses between lines within a cluster, was reasonably stable even when the environment had a severe effect on yield.  相似文献   

S. H. Tams    E. Bauer    G. Oettler    A. E. Melchinger    C.-C. Schön 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(4):331-336
Significant relative midparent heterosis (MPH%) for grain yield in triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.) has generated interest in the development of hybrid cultivars. The objectives of this study were to (i) examine the association between parental genetic distance (GD) and specific combining ability (SCA), (ii) investigate the existence of genetically distant heterotic groups in elite germplasm, and (iii) draw conclusions for future hybrid breeding in winter triticale. Genetic distance between 61 lines was estimated, based on 93 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker loci and 10 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) primer‐enzyme combinations (PEC). Agronomic data of 206 F1 crosses and their 61 parental lines grown in six German environments were published recently in a companion study. Correlations were made between SCA for grain yield, number of spikes/m2, 1000‐kernel weight and number of kernels per spike with GD estimates of the 56 female and five male parents (testers). Principal co‐ordinate analyses (PCoA) based on SSR data revealed no distinct subgroups in the germplasm. Correlations between GD and SCA were low for all traits (|r| ≤ 0.31), which hampers the prediction of SCA from molecular data. A multi‐stage procedure is recommended for future hybrid breeding in triticale by applying a pragmatic approach for the grouping of germplasm following the early history of hybrid breeding of maize.  相似文献   

对ZZ4完成了4轮MS1-HS和MS1选择.结果表明,经4轮选择的群体,两种方法均有效地保留了各主要性状的遗传方差.MS1-HS选择的群体遗传方差下降速率更慢,C4群体的单株籽粒产量的遗传方差仅减少3.7%.穗长、穗粗、粒行数、行粒数、出籽率、百粒重的遗传方差的变化与单株籽粒产量一致,MS1C4的遗传方差减少了8%~15%,MS1-HSC4的遗传方差仅减少了4%~15%.株高、穗位高、抽丝期、植株保绿度、抗倒性等相关选择性状的遗传方差的变化与产量性状基本一致.MS1-HS法对改良玉米群体籽粒产量与测验种间的特殊配合力十分有效,呈逐轮上升的趋势;改良群体与测验种综系140间的杂交后代产量平均每轮提高6%,杂种优势平均每轮提高6.9%.两种方法在改良群体产量性状一般配合力方面,均得到了良好的效果.同时,穗部性状及株高、穗位、抽丝期、散粉期、抗性等田间农艺性状的一般配合力也获得了同步改良.通过ZZ4改良群体与6个测验种间杂交组合产量及杂种优势的比较研究,得出ZZ4与黄早四类种质为杂种优势模式对.  相似文献   

玉米人工合成群体配合力效应及遗传潜势研究   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
选用6个自交系为测验种, 采用NCII遗传交配设计, 对以我国西南地区优良玉米地方种质巫溪14, 兰花早和北美, 热、 亚热带种质为主体的人工合成群体LBM、 WBM、 LLS、 WLS和两个美国优良群体BSSSR、 BS16等6个群体的配合力效应及遗传潜势进行了系统评估。 两年两地(武汉、 安阳)的研究结果表明: LBM、 WBM、 WLS群体的单株  相似文献   

Waterlogging tolerance (WT) is a major objective in chrysanthemum breeding programs, and although certain genotypes with different tolerance levels have been identified, their value as parents for WT breeding is unknown. Here, twelve F1 crosses derived from an incomplete diallel mating scheme were conducted to investigate combining ability and heterosis for WT and their relationships with parental genetic distance. The results showed that the membership function value of waterlogging (MFVW) was controlled by additive and non-additive gene effects, whereas other growth and biomass traits were mainly controlled by non-additive gene effects. The estimated broad and narrow sense heritabilities of the MFVW were 97.5 and 51.5%, respectively. Combining ability analyses indicated that ‘Nannong Xuefeng’ showing the largest general combining ability (GCA) effect for the MFVW was the best combiner, and identified several best cross combinations with high positive specific combining ability (SCA) effects for most WT-related traits. Mid- and high-parent heterosis occurred widely. The three distance measures, based on phenotypic traits (PD), molecular markers (GD) and markers linked with quantitative trait loci (QTL-GD), presented a non-significant correlation with combining ability except for the GD with GCA for the relative root fresh weight. The correlations between the QTL-GD and heterosis were significant for certain traits and generally higher than that of the PD or GD and heterosis. The SCA effects were positively correlated with heterosis for most of the WT traits (0.51 ≤ r ≤ 0.80). The findings benefit understanding the inheritance mode and then achieving desirable improvement for WT in chrysanthemum.  相似文献   

Hybrid breeding is a widely discussed alternative for triticale. Heterosis as well as general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were estimated for eight agronomic traits. The experiment comprised 24 F1 hybrids, produced by a chemical hybridizing agent, together with their six female and four male parents, grown in drilled plots in two locations. In comparison with the mid‐parent values, hybrids averaged a 6.4 dt/ha (10.1%) higher grain yield, 8.4% more kernels per spike, a 6.8% higher 1000‐kernel weight, 9.7% lower falling number (FN) and 4.4% greater plant height. SCA effects for grain yield were significant and ranged from 4.5 to 6.9 dt/ha for grain yield. Together with GCA x location interactions, they explained most of the variation. For 1000‐kernel weight, GCA effects were predominant. SCA and interactions with location accounted for most of the variation in FN, whereas interactions were negligible for plant height. Correlations between mid‐parent and hybrid performance and between GCA and per se performance of parents were tight for all traits except grain yield, which allows for pre‐selection of parental lines. Although the amount of heterosis in triticale at present is closer to wheat than to rye, by selecting parents for combining ability and identifying heterotic patterns, grain yield heterosis of up to 20% appears sufficiently encouraging to embark on hybrid breeding.  相似文献   

按Griffing双列杂交方法Ⅳ,对9个热带和温带玉米群体进行组配,获得36个杂交组合。2002年和2003年,采用混合线性(AD)模型和最小范数二阶无偏估算法(1)法(minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation, MINQUE),分别在河南安阳和湖北十堰进行田间鉴定,对产量和产量构成因素的遗传方差分量、杂交组合的基因型值进行了分析。结果显示,产量和产量构成因素的遗传方差分量及其与环境的互作效应大多达到极显著水平,但各项遗传方差分量对总表型变异的贡献有差异。对小区产量而言,各效应的贡献是显性>显性与环境互作>加性与环境互作>加性;而加性方差分量对总表型变异的贡献为穗行数>穗粒数>百粒重>小区产量。对这36个组合的群体平均优势和群体超亲优势进行了估计,并在此基础上引入群体间遗传差异的度量参数ω/(2μ),ω/(2μ) = 群体平均优势-群体超亲优势。对9个群体的比较表明,遗传差异与杂种优势之间不存在线性关系,亲本的遗传差异过大和过小都不利于产生强优势组合,具有中等遗传差异的亲本群体表现出了强的杂种优势。如组合3´6 (BSSS C9´Stay Green C4)、2´3 (BS16´BSSS C9)和1´3 (Suwan1´BSSS C9)都具有中等的遗传差别,有较好的杂种优势表现;BSSS C9与Stay Green C4和Suwan1、BS16和Suwan1在温带育种中值得关注,有可能形成新的杂种优势模式。  相似文献   

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