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2006-2014年我国小麦品质在年度和品质区之间的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解我国小麦在年度间和品质区之间的品质变化,对2006-2014年我国10个品质区637个小麦品种6 339份样品的籽粒品质、面粉品质和面团流变学特性进行测定与分析.结果表明,(1)我国小麦籽粒蛋白质含量较高,平均达13.94%,湿面筋平均含量为30.4%;但蛋白质质量一般,沉淀指数平均值为32.1mL,稳定时间平均值为5.8 min,相对美国硬红冬小麦较低.(2)年度间小麦品质呈规律性偏态分布,平均值在年度间变化无规律;从品质类型看,强筋、弱筋小麦比例在减少,中筋小麦比例在增加.(3)品质区之间小麦质量差异较大,东北、北部和西北春麦区、华北北部强筋麦区、黄淮北部强筋与中筋麦区、黄淮南部中筋麦区蛋白质数量性状高于长江中下游中筋与弱筋麦区、四川盆地中筋与弱筋麦区和云贵高原麦区;蛋白质质量性状表现较为复杂,其中长江中下游中筋与弱筋麦区小麦稳定时间一般,但最大拉伸阻力较高,华北北部强筋麦区、黄淮北部强筋与中筋麦区和黄淮南部中筋麦区小麦稳定时间较高,但最大拉伸阻力一般;各品质区以中筋小麦为主.我国小麦总体质量表现为中等水平.小麦品种类型结构的变化是导致年度间小麦质量以及品质区小麦质量变化的重要原因,北方强筋麦区优质强筋小麦品种和南方弱筋麦区优质弱筋小麦品种减少,反映了强调产量、大力推广高产品种的生产实际情况.  相似文献   

小麦储藏过程中品质性状变化规律分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为了进一步了解小麦的后熟过程,确定最佳检测时间,使品质检测数据相对稳定,科学、准确地评价小麦品种的品质类型,对小麦和面粉不同的储藏时间及品质指标变化规律进行分析的结果表明,面粉和小麦在储藏过程中品质指标的变化规律是一致的。蛋白质和湿面筋的数量变化不大,沉淀值和延伸性的变化相对较大。小麦制粉后放置2d与15d的品质指标变化不显著。籽粒储藏2个月和5个月时,三种面筋强度类型品种的蛋白质、湿面筋含量和面团吸水率变异幅度较小。随着储藏时间的延长,面团流变学特性发生改变,强筋类品种面团的拉伸阻力增大,延伸性缩短。中筋和弱筋类品种随着储藏时间的延长,沉淀值下降,面团的拉伸阻力减小,延伸性增加,面筋强度减弱。中筋类品种的不同储藏时间品质变化相对较大。  相似文献   

为了解阿拉伯木聚糖流变性质及其与小麦品质的关系,对不同品质类型的小麦(强筋、弱筋)阿拉伯木聚糖(简称WEAX)的零剪切黏度(η0)及酶促氧化胶凝能力等指标进行了研究。结果表明,不同品质类型小麦间WEAX溶液的黏度特性存在一定差异,零剪切黏度值(η0)变幅为0.20~56.50 Pa·s,大部分集中在0.20~2.43 Pa·s,个别品种(中优206、烟农19)数值偏差较大。在过氧化物酶体系(POX/H2O2)作用下,WEAX凝胶特性(G′、G″值)差异显著,强筋与弱筋小麦中均存在胶凝能力或强或弱的品种,说明WEAX的上述流变特性与小麦筋力(或硬度)无直接关系。  相似文献   

氮素营养水平对不同类型小麦品种品质性状的影响   总被引:24,自引:9,他引:24  
为了给不同类型专用小麦大面积生产提供科学的施肥依据,利用不同氮素水平进行处理,分析了氮素施用量对强筋、中筋和弱筋三种类型品种品质性状的影响。结果表明,施氮量在0~300kg/hm2范围内,氮素与强筋和中筋品种的蛋白质含量呈显著正相关,与弱筋品种呈二次曲线关系;增施氮素能显著提高沉降值,降低弱化度,延长面团的形成时间和稳定时间,对增加面筋含量也具有一定的作用;粉质评价值随施氮量的增加而逐渐提高,公顷施氮量达到225kg后,氮素的调节效应减弱,中强筋品种出现负效应。  相似文献   

为给小麦优质生产品种的合理布局提供依据,以8个小麦品种为材料,对贵州小麦品质与其生态效应进行了初步研究.结果表明,贵州省生态环境对小麦籽粒的蛋白质含量与湿面筋含量影响较大,而沉淀值与面团稳定时间受小麦基因型的影响较大.贵州属强筋、中筋、弱筋小麦的混作区,东西两端属中筋、弱筋小麦混作区,中部属强筋、中筋小麦混作区,弱筋小麦所占比例最大,其次是中筋小麦,强筋小麦所占比例最小.不同品种在不同地区小麦籽粒的蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀值、面团稳定时间差异明显,其中面团稳定时间是影响小麦籽粒品质的限制性指标.弱筋小麦面团稳定时间与小麦拔节至成熟期的日较差、总降雨量呈二次曲线关系,日较差和总降雨量最优取值分别为8.55℃和404.375 mm,与日平均最高温度、日平均温度呈显著正相关,与总日照时数呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

不同小麦品种搭配生产兰州拉面专用粉的灰色关联度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究配麦粉制作兰州拉面的特性,将强筋小麦品种甘春20号与中筋小麦品种宁春18号或弱筋小麦品种高台麦分别以11种比例搭配成22份配麦粉,测定了其面粉理化品质及面团品质,并用灰色关联度分析法对所有配麦粉的兰州拉面品质做了初步分析.结果发现,所有配麦粉中拉面品质位居前5名的依次是甘春20∶宁春18=2∶8,4∶6,5∶5,3∶7,0∶10;甘春20号占100%或高台麦比例较高的配麦粉,品质名序都很靠后.这说明,较低比例的强筋小麦与较高比例的中筋小麦搭配的面粉适合做兰州拉面,单纯的高筋力和弱筋力小麦粉都不适合做拉面.  相似文献   

用9个高蛋白强筋硬质小麦(面包小麦)与一个低蛋白弱筋软质小麦按1:1搭配制粉,SDS沉降值、面粉吸水率等明显下降,各品种间表现一致。面包体积、面包评分、和面时间及粉质图稳定时间等,在各品种间反映不同,部分面包小麦品种搭配软麦后,面包品质保持不变,有的还有所改善 。  相似文献   

面包小麦掺混品质品种间差异的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用9个高蛋白强筋硬质小麦(面包小麦)与一个低蛋白弱筋软质小麦按1∶1搭配制粉,SDS沉降值、面粉吸水率等明显下降,各品种间表现一致。面包体积、面包评分、和面时间及粉质图稳定时间等,在各品种间反映不同。部分面包小麦品种搭配软麦后,面包品质保持不变,有的还有所改善。  相似文献   

我国小麦品质现状分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
为给小麦生产及粮食购销、加工企业提供小麦品种品质方面的信息,2003~2005年从全国各地征集了1334份小麦样品(包括369个品种),对其籽粒品质、面粉品质、面团特性及加工品质进行了测定和评价。结果表明,在所测试的品质性状中,稳定时间的变异系数最高(83.28%),其次为最大阻力、形成时间、拉伸面积、沉淀值、降落数值、延伸性、湿面筋和蛋白质含量,容重、出粉率和吸水率的变异系数较低(2.44%、2.84%、6.06%)。稳定时间、拉伸面积、形成时间、沉淀值、最大阻力等品质性状在品种间和年度间变化较大。与国家标准相比对,2003、2004和2005年测试样品中分别达到强筋和弱筋小麦国家标准主要指标的品种数为7、24、39个和2、6、12个。与农业部1986、1990、1994年三次面包品质测定结果相比较,我国强筋小麦的烘焙品质呈逐步改良趋势。  相似文献   

为明确不同类型小麦的面粉改良方案,为我国优质面包专用粉的生产提供理论与技术支持,以三个筋力不同的小麦品种宁麦13、扬麦16和郑麦9023为材料,通过洗面筋法提取各供试材料的湿面筋,将其冷冻干燥后按照7%、8%、9%、10%、11%的添加比例与各自面粉进行配比,对配粉的面包烘焙品质、面粉理化性质和面团流变学特性进行了测定分析。结果发现,随着面筋蛋白添加量的提高,配粉的蛋白质、湿面筋、谷蛋白大聚体(GMP)含量和沉降值逐步上升;粘度参数和面团弱化度有所下降;糊化温度和糊化时间呈上升趋势。在同一添加量下,强筋小麦的烘焙品质和面粉理化性质始终优于中筋小麦和弱筋小麦。随着面筋蛋白添加量的提高,面包体积、弹性、回复性、内聚力增大,而硬度、咀嚼性减小,感官品质得到改善。面筋蛋白添加量超过一定范围(宁麦13、扬麦16添加9%,郑麦9023添加8%),面包品质改良效果变缓,且色泽不断加深。综上所述,适量添加面筋蛋白可改变面粉的理化性质,提高其面包烘焙品质;配粉的蛋白质含量为18%左右是最经济的面包烘焙品质改良方案。  相似文献   

For the characterization of wheat quality, micro-extension tests for dough and gluten and a micro-baking test were developed using comparable dough compositions, the same mixing temperature and cultivar-specific mixing times. By means of these methods, the flours of 26 wheat samples were studied for dough development time, maximum resistance and extensibility of dough and gluten and loaf volume of the baked products. Standard methods (rapid-mix-test, gluten index determination) were used for comparison. The results indicated that the rheological properties of dough and gluten as well as the gluten index are correlated higher with the optimised micro-baking test than with the standard baking test. If flour protein or wet gluten content is included in the correlations, the extension test of gluten, which can be performed easily and reproducibly, allows a reliable prediction of the loaf volume obtained by the micro-baking test.  相似文献   

Comparison of quality of refined and whole wheat tortillas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of whole wheat flour instead of refined flour significantly improves the nutritional profile of flour tortillas. However, whole and refined flours differ in properties and in how they process, thus needing process modifications to get the desired product quality. To understand these differences, refined and whole wheat flours, dough and tortillas were evaluated and compared for physical and rheological properties. Overall, whole wheat flour required more water (59% of flour weight) than refined wheat (53%) to make machineable dough. Refined flour doughs were more extensible and softer than whole wheat flour doughs, thus easier to process. Whole wheat flour tortillas were larger, thinner and less opaque than refined flour tortillas. In general, refined wheat tortillas were more shelf-stable than whole wheat tortillas. Smaller particle size and less fiber in the refined wheat flour mainly contributed to the observed differences. Among the whole wheat samples, tortillas from strong flours had excellent shelf-stability, which must be considered when whole wheat tortillas are processed. This will minimize the need to add vital wheat gluten or other dough strengtheners.  相似文献   

Hard and soft wheat flours, which were used in the study, resulted in good and poor quality chapatis respectively. Gluten was isolated and interchanged among the two whole wheat flours and studied by scanning electron microscopy for its influence on structural characteristics of dough and its relation to chapati-making quality. Microscopic observations clearly indicated that larger gluten strands covered starch granules in hard wheat flour dough, while gluten was short and starch granules exposed in dough prepared from soft wheat flour. Greater film forming ability of gluten in hard wheat flour dough manifested in long and bulky starch strands interwoven with protein matrix in its chapati crumb. Higher moisture retention and starch gelatinization as a consequence of greater film forming ability of gluten in hard wheat flour resulted in pliable and soft textured chapati.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of NaCl on processing properties of different varieties of wheat flour and noodle quality, the rheological properties of dough, and the quality of white salted noodles made from three different varieties of wheat flour were evaluated. The results showed that the addition of NaCl had different effects on the rheological properties of different varieties of wheat flour. As NaCl concentration increased, the stability time of both intermediate-gluten and weak-gluten wheat flour increased, while that of strong-gluten wheat flour increased initially and then remained stable. The developing time of strong-gluten wheat flour increased, while those of both intermediate-gluten and weak-gluten wheat flour did not change significantly. The energy values of intermediate- and weak-gluten wheat flour did not change significantly while that of strong-gluten wheat flour increased. NaCl had no apparent effects on the hardness, springiness, gumminess, chewiness and resilience of noodles. The cooking loss of fresh noodles increased positively with increasing NaCl concentration. Microstructure of noodles showed that gluten network structure of noodles became more and more dense with increasing NaCl concentration. The effect of NaCl on gluten protein contributed to the change of rheological properties and noodle quality.  相似文献   

The effects of addition of whole barley and barley components (starch, β-glucans and arabinoxylans) on rheological properties of dough prepared from wheat flours with variable gluten quality (cv. Glenlea, extra-strong; cv. Katepwa, very strong; cv. AC Karma, strong; and cv. AC Reed, weak) were investigated in these studies using Mixograph and dynamic rheological measurements. Whole barley meal, starch and non-starch polysaccharides from hulless barley with variable starch characteristics (normal, high amylose, waxy, and zero amylose waxy) were tested. Upon addition of either β-glucans or arabinoxylans, significant increases in peak dough resistance, mixing stability, and work input were recorded in all flours. The addition of starch to various wheat flours reduced the strength of the respective flour-water doughs. The improvement of dough strength upon addition of waxy or zero amylose waxy barley meal was associated with the high content of total and soluble β-glucans present in barley samples. The addition of arabinoxylans or β-glucans increased the G′ of wheat doughs; arabinoxylans had a greater effect than β-glucans. Starch substantially decreased the elastic modulus of dough prepared from cv. Glenlea but waxy and high amylose starches increased the G′ of dough prepared from cv. AC Karma. A combination of the high amounts of non-starch polysaccharides and unusual starch characteristics in barley seems to balance the negative effects associated with gluten dilution brought about by addition of barley into wheat flour.  相似文献   

为明确食用胶在面制食品中的作用,以3种商业小麦粉(特一粉、富强粉、上白粉)为试验材料,分别添加不同比例的海藻酸钠、黄原胶、卡拉胶,分析其对面团流变学特性的影响。结果表明,小麦粉添加0.15%~0.25%的海藻酸钠,面团稳定时间显著提高,弱化度显著降低;添加0.10%、0.20%和0.25%的海藻酸钠,面团最大拉伸阻力显著提高。添加0.02%、0.06%和0.10%的黄原胶,面团最大拉伸阻力显著提高;添加0.10%黄原胶的面团拉伸面积也显著提高。添加0.10%的卡拉胶,面团稳定时间、拉伸面积显著提高,弱化度显著降低。食用胶因小麦粉品质不同对面团流变学特性的影响也不同,除添加0.25%的海藻酸钠外,其他添加量的3种食用胶均可降低特一粉的面团吸水率,提高上白粉的吸水率。研究认为,海藻酸钠、黄原胶、卡拉胶可显著改善小麦粉的面团流变学特性,增强面团筋力。  相似文献   

北京市售小麦面粉的品质性状评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解北京市场上出售的小麦面粉的品质状况,2004年从北京市场上抽取17个品牌的面粉对其主要品质性状进行了测试与评价。结果表明,(1)目前北京市售面粉多属特制一级粉,加工水平明显提高,用途也各有所偏重。湿面筋含量、吸水率、面团稳定时间和最大拉伸阻力的平均值已达到甚至超过了家庭面食加工的基本要求,但沉淀值和延伸度整体水平偏低。(2)市售面粉不仅不同品质性状的这标情况不平衡,而且加工精度和标注用途相近的面粉其品质性状尤其是面团稳定时间和最大拉伸阻力也存在明显差异,推测部分面粉的一些性状可能受到了面粉添加剂的强化。(3)面团稳定时间、最大拉伸阻力和面筋指数等与其它多个性状密切相关,但干面筋含量、吸水率、戊聚糖含量和沉淀值等和其他性状相关不密切,相对独立,可在更大程度上反映面粉品质的基础状况。(4)建议进一步加强品质育种工作,从基础上改善面粉的加工品质,同时还应注意配粉的研究。  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of flour–water doughs and hydrated gluten of different wheat cultivars were determined. Measurements were performed at small deformations (dynamic measurements) as well as at large deformations (biaxial extension measurements). Results of dynamic measurements of flour doughs related poorly to breadmaking quality. For hydrated gluten doughs, all having the same water content, it was found that glutens from wheat cultivars with good baking quality had higher values for the storage modulus,G, and lower values for the loss tangent. The relevant type of deformation around an expanding gas bubble is biaxial extension. Wheats with a good baking performance exhibited greater strain hardening and greater extensibility. The differences in strain hardening observed at 20 °C were also present at 55 °C. No clear effects of NaCl or emulsifiers on the biaxial extension properties of flour dough were found. Extensograms as well as Alveograms from the flour doughs showed that, in general, good baking flours exhibited stronger resistance to extension and a greater extensibility, but differences found were not directly related to the results of the baking tests. The results indicate that the baking performance of dough is related to a combination of at least three different rheological characteristics.  相似文献   

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