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在山东省发现的介壳虫有160多种,绝大多数危害园林植物,果树介壳虫也有数十种之多。最常见的有:草履蚧,危害核桃、苹果、梨、桃、樱桃等;康氏粉蚧,危害苹果、桑;朝鲜毛球蚧,危害杏、桃、李、梅等核果类,山东省发生普遍而严重;日本准球蚧,危害杏、桃、李、梅、苹果、梨等;东方胎球蚧,危害桃、葡萄、刺槐等多种果树和树木;日本龟蜡蚧,危害苹果、大枣、柿等,山东省在枣树上发生特别严重;梨夸圆蚧,危害苹果、海棠、枣等若干果树及树木,  相似文献   

周健 《现代园艺》2012,(6):69+71
全州县的园林植物病虫害以介壳虫的防治难度最大,经调查为害我县园林植物的介壳虫主要是吹绵蚧、樟白轮盾蚧及紫薇绒蚧,掌握其不同时期的生长规律是防治的关键,通过物理机械防治和正确使用化学药剂并结合生物防治达到了综合治理的目的。  相似文献   

危害果树的介壳虫主要有桑白蚧、朝鲜球坚蚧、龟蜡蚧、柿绵蚧、梨圆蚧、康氏粉蚧、草履蚧等,影响果实产量和品质,并传播病菌。梨圆蚧危害果实时,介壳虫周围的果面呈紫红色斑点,严重时果面发生龟裂;龟蜡蚧以若虫及雌成虫于枝条和叶片上刺吸汁液,排泄蜜露引起煤污病发生。介壳虫喜固定生  相似文献   

危害核果类果树的介壳虫主要有球坚蚧、盔蜡蚧、桑盾蚧、桑白蚧。由于近年来果农忽视介壳虫的防治,导致其虫口基数逐年增加,危害呈逐年上升趋势。特别是今年,桃、李等果树受介壳虫危害非常严重,受害严重的果园单枝虫口达到500个以上,致使枝条衰弱枯死,直接影响产量。  相似文献   

危害核果类果树的介壳虫主要有球坚蚧、盔蜡蚧、桑盾蚧、桑白蚧。由于近年来果农忽视介壳虫的防治,导致其虫口基数逐年增加,危害呈逐年上升趋势。特别是今年,桃、李等果树受介壳虫危害非常严重,受害严重的果园单枝虫口达到500个以上,致使枝条衰弱枯死,直接影响产量。1主要特点这几种介壳虫体形较小,成虫长2~9mm,体表被有蜡粉、介壳,药剂不易渗入。以刺吸枝条汁液的方式为害,造成枝条凹凸不平,树体衰弱,影响果品产量和质量。主要危害桃、杏、李等核果类果树,也危害葡萄、苹果、猕猴桃等。2发生规律桃球坚蚧、杏球坚蚧、桃盔蜡蚧每年发生1代,…  相似文献   

果树介壳虫的综合防治措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
据记载,我国寄生于植物的介壳虫约300多种,其中危害果树的主要有桑白蚧、朝鲜球坚蚧、日本龟蜡蚧、柿绵蚧、梨圆蚧、康氏粉蚧、草履蚧等。介壳虫危害果树,不仅影响产量,还影响果品质量,并传播病菌。如:梨圆蚧危害果实时,蚧虫周围的果面呈紫红色斑点,严重时果面...  相似文献   

在北方果区危害果树的介壳虫主要有朝鲜球坚蚧、大绵蚧、梨齿盾蚧、康氏粉蚧、草履蚧、桑白蚧、褐盔蜡蚧、桔矢尖蚧等,其中前4种介壳虫在局部地区危害猖獗,有继续扩散蔓延局势,给果树生产造成较大损失。  相似文献   

正柑橘介壳虫是柑橘上普发、多发和重发的最严重害虫之一,没有介壳虫的柑橘园不存在。危害柑橘的介壳虫有80余种,既常见又危害重的有矢尖蚧、吹绵蚧、堆圆蚧、黑点蚧、糠片蚧和褐圆蚧等10多种。柑橘受其危害,轻的树势衰弱、少量落叶落果、产量下降等,严重的枝枯叶落、大量落果和植株衰枯死亡等。  相似文献   

陕西渭北苹果园3种介壳虫发生规律及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陕西渭北苹果产区危害较为严重的介壳虫有长绵粉蚧、朝鲜球坚蚧和康氏粉蚧,观察研究了这3种介壳虫的发生规律,以及冬春气候因素对种群消长的影响,凡是冬春温暖干旱的年份,介壳虫发生危害要比冬春低温多雨年份严重。同时提出采取以农业防治为主,结合物理防治、生物防治和化学防治的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

正2020年4月22日,山东省平原县王大卦镇花园村凯特杏园内二年生枝上发现了桑白蚧越冬受精雌虫(图1)。桑白蚧别称桑盾蚧、桑介壳虫、桃介壳虫等,属同翅目盾蚧科,除危害杏树外,寄主还有柿、桃、苹果、梨、李、樱桃、葡萄、无花果、桑等树种。1危害特征一是群集性。以雌成虫和若虫群集固着在枝干上  相似文献   

为了筛选出高效低毒、对环境友好的黄秋葵介壳虫防治药剂,选取5种不同药剂并设置不同浓度梯度,进行连续2a的药效试验。试验结果表明,22.4%螺虫乙酯悬浮剂2000倍液速效性与持效性优异,可作为黄秋葵介壳虫防治的首推药剂。  相似文献   

实验测试了几种不同浓度的农药对蚧壳虫的防治效果,并分析了蚧壳虫防治的最佳时间,结果表明,成虫期喷药是防治蚧壳虫很有效的防治途径,选用氧化乐果1000 倍,敌杀死2000 倍,多磷威1000 倍或使用氧化乐果1000 倍加敌杀死2000 倍混合进行喷雾,均可取得理想的防治效果,防治率均在90%以上  相似文献   

以5个本地常栽的平菇品种为试验材料,出菇期间引入双翅目害虫平菇厉眼蕈蚊,进行抗虫能力试验,结果表明品种灰平的抗虫性最好。  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation strongly affects insect species diversity and community composition, but few studies have examined landscape effects on long term development of insect communities. As mobile consumers, insects should be sensitive to both local plant community and landscape context. We tested this prediction using sweep-net transects to sample insect communities for 8 years at an experimentally fragmented old-field site in northeastern Kansas, USA. The site included habitat patches undergoing secondary succession, surrounded by a low turf matrix. During the first 5 years, plant richness and cover were measured in patches. Insect species richness, total density, and trophic diversity increased over time on all transects. Cover of woody plants and perennial forbs increased each year, adding structural complexity to successional patches and potentially contributing to increased insect diversity. Within years, insect richness was significantly greater on transects through large successional patches (5000 m2) than on transects through fragmented arrays of 6 medium-sized (total area 1728 m2) or 15 small (480 m2) patches. However, plant cover did not differ among patch types and was uncorrelated with insect richness within years. Insect richness was strongly correlated with insect density, but trophic and α diversities did not differ among patch types, indicating that patch insect communities were subsets of a common species pool. We argue that differences in insect richness resulted from landscape effects on the size of these subsets, not patch succession rates. Greater insect richness on large patches can be explained as a community-level consequence of population responses to resource concentration.  相似文献   

The importance of the spatial as well as the temporal structure of habitat patches for urban biodiversity has been recognised, but rarely quantified. In dynamic environments the rate of habitat destruction and recreation (i.e. the landscape turnover rate), the minimum amount of potential habitat, its spatial configuration as well as the environmental conditions determining habitat quality are crucial factors for species occurrence. We analysed species responses to environmental parameters and to the spatio-temporal configuration of urban brownfield habitats in a multi-species approach (37 plant and 43 insect species). Species presence/absence data and soil parameters, site age, vegetation structure and landscape context were recorded by random stratified sampling at 133 study plots in industrial areas in the city of Bremen (Germany). Based on the field data, we predicted species occurrences by species distribution models using a multi-model inference approach. Predicted species communities were driven by successional age both at the scale of a single building lot and at the landscape scale. Minimum average succession time of brownfield habitats required to support all and especially regionally rare species depended on the proportion of available open space; the larger the potential habitat area the faster the acceptable turnover. Most plant, grasshopper, and leafhopper species modelled could be maintained at an intermediate turnover rate (mean age of 10–15 years) and a proportion of open sites of at least 40%. Our modelling approach provides the opportunity of inferring optimal spatio-temporal landscape configurations for urban conservation management from patch scale species-environment relationships. The results indicate that urban planning should incorporate land use dynamics into the management of urban biodiversity. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

为了明确西藏地区果园昆虫种类组成及多样性,对该地区果园昆虫种类、数量进行了系统调查,分析探讨了西藏地区低、中、高3个不同海拔区域果园昆虫群落的组成、群落丰富度、多样性、均匀度和优势度等特征。结果表明,在不同海拔的昆虫种类组成具有明显差异。调查共采集到昆虫标本877个,隶属13目47科71种,其中,低海拔地区共51种,占比71.83%;中海拔地区17种,占比23.94%;高海拔地区11种,占比15.49%。低海拔地区物种丰富度最高,为7.7344,高海拔地区最低,为2.1762;昆虫群落物种多样性、群落均匀度、群落相似性也随海拔的升高而降低,而优势集中度则随海拔升高而增大。在果园生态系统中,不同海拔生产者(果树种类)垂直分布的不同,消费者(果树昆虫,包括害虫及天敌)的组成及多样性亦不同;西藏东南部地区果园昆虫在低海拔生境中群落较为丰富,多样性指数、均匀度最高;高海拔地区群落优势度最高。  相似文献   

The influence of prey density, within-field vegetation, and the composition and patchiness of the surrounding landscape on the abundance of insect predators of cereal aphids was studied in wheat fields in eastern South Dakota, USA. Cereal aphids, aphid predators, and within-field vegetation were sampled in 104 fields over a three year period (1988–1990). The composition and patchiness of the landscape surrounding each field were determined from high altitude aerial photographs. Five landscape variables, aggregated at three spatial scales ranging from 2.6 km2 to 581 km2, were measured from aerial photographs. Regression models incorporating within-field and landscape variables accounted for 27–49% of the variance in aphid predator abundance in wheat fields. Aphid predator species richness and species diversity were also related to within-field and landscape variables. Some predators were strongly influenced by variability in the composition and patchiness of the landscape surrounding a field at a particular spatial scale while others responded to variability at all scales. Overall, predator abundance, species richness, and species diversity increased with increasing vegetational diversity in wheat fields and with increasing amounts of non-cultivated lands and increasing patchiness in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

River floodplains are among the most threatened ecosystems globally. Understanding the mechanisms that create and maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of floodplains, is therefore a prerequisite for developing scientifically-sound management and conservation strategies. We quantified the spatial distribution of lateral aquatic habitats (i.e. tributaries, ponds, backwaters) and the associated insect assemblages (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) along three Alpine river corridors (Tagliamento, Thur, and Rhône). Our objective was to assess the relative contribution of lateral habitats to river corridor diversity, and to identify the scale that contributed the most to regional (Alpine scale) species diversity. The number of lateral habitats decreased by 72 % from the near-natural Tagliamento (101) to the Thur river (42) and the regulated Rhône river (28). More than 50 % of the total species richness along each river was restricted to lateral habitats, which also exhibited higher taxon turnover rates (Whittaker’s beta diversity) than the associated main channel. Hierarchical diversity partitioning revealed that beta diversity among corridors was higher than expected, and accounted for 48 % of regional richness, partly reflecting biogeographical differences among catchments. However, diversity partitioning, excluding catchment-specific effects, showed that beta diversity among habitat types contributed significantly to regional richness (79 %). The present study is among the first to quantify the distribution and biodiversity of floodplain habitats along entire river continua. Our results demonstrated that biodiversity would be best preserved by protecting multiple catchments, and that lateral floodplain habitats contribute disproportionally to species richness at the river corridor and regional scale.  相似文献   

欧洲山芥(Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.)是一种能合成皂苷的二年生十字花科植物,被认为是研究皂苷生物合成、植物与昆虫协同进化的理想模式植物。综述了欧洲山芥形态及生物学特性、起源演化、抗虫相关次生代谢、营养条件及环境对抗虫性的影响、作为“诱杀作物”的优越性、抗虫基因定位等研究进展,并对存在的问题和发展方向进行了讨论,以期为充分利用该优异种质资源进行十字花科作物抗病抗虫遗传育种研究和进行重要流行病虫害的综合防治提供参考。  相似文献   

苹果、梨园悬挂黄色粘板诱虫的生态效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探索苹果、梨园悬挂黄色粘板诱集昆虫的生态效应,对开花前悬挂的黄板,到6月底麦收后收集样本,调查诱集昆虫种类和数量,发现不同生态条件下果园诱到的昆虫种类和数量差异很大,在果园周围种植有麦田的江苏丰县地区苹果、梨园,黄板诱集到大量的蚜茧蜂,苹果园诱集到昆虫的益害比为1∶0.16,在梨园诱集到昆虫的益害比为1∶2.05;在浅山岭区的河南陕县、灵宝市地区苹果园,黄板诱集昆虫的益害比分别为1∶2.92和1∶1.46;而在河南郑州市郊区梨园黄板诱集的昆虫益害比为1∶0.24。由此看出,在果园悬挂黄板治虫,要根据环境条件,及时悬挂与摘除。  相似文献   

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