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发声是一种复杂的综合性的活动,它可由不同的刺激因素诱发,其中听觉与发声中枢的关系则是十分密切的,特别是在鸣禽类,听觉反馈对它的发声学习鸣啭能力有着极其重要的作用。国外的学者对这方面的工作进行了一定的研究。而国内尚未见有这方面工作报导。Nottebohm(1979)提出金丝鸟的发声学习与听觉中枢反馈联系密切,幼龄鸟是通过模仿亲鸟或同类成鸟的鸣叫来学习发生的。如果幼龄鸟在学习发声阶段的某一临界期致聋以后将出现发声和鸣叫的异常(Marler 1977),从而说明听觉信息的传递对维持成体的鸣叫是至关重要的。对于控制蜡嘴、锡嘴雀两种鸣禽发声的主要中枢及传出神经通路,我们曾进行了一定的研究,证明在端脑内由上纹状体腹部尾侧(Hyperstriatumvertrale pars caudalis,HVC)发出纤维投射到原纹状体粗核(Nucleus robustus archistriatalis,  相似文献   

鸡日粮营养水平与免疫机能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营养,不仅是维持家禽健康生长和良好生产力的基础,而且对于维持家禽免疫系统的正常机能也具有重要的意义。本文就近年来有关日粮营养水平与鸡免疫功能的关系作一综述。1家禽的免疫系统和应答反应在长期的进化过程中,家禽形成了一套与体内外“敌人”作斗争的防御系统,包括非特异防御系统,有外部屏障(皮肤和黏膜),内部屏障(血脑屏障、血胎屏障),体内的正常菌群和特异性免疫应答(体液免疫、细胞免疫)。家禽具备完成此防御功能的免疫器官:中枢免疫器官(骨髓、法氏囊、胸腺),外周免疫器官(脾脏、盲肠扁桃体)。当感染性或非感…  相似文献   

画眉(Garrulax canorus)属雀形目,鹅科,画眉亚科噪鹛属。噪鹛属可能起源于中国西南的横断山脉,属下50多个种中,中国分布有33种。由于善鸣叫,该属很多种类被广泛作为笼养鸟,而画眉作为鸣禽的佼佼者,更是被大量笼养,而且还大量进入国际贸易,捕捉压力很大,已引起国际社会关注,CITES将其列入附录Ⅱ,于2007年7月20日生效。  相似文献   

鸣禽和观尝禽同其他动物一样,也会患诸多疾病。鉴于对他药物治疗报道极少,或用药不当出现事故而造成损失,特写此文可供参考。一对鸣禽和观尝禽药物治疗的总原则(一)及时发现患病,及时治疗:倘若鸣禽和观尝禽出现无食欲、萎靡不振、嗜眠、喜粪、眯缝眼睛或闭眼、流...  相似文献   

为了解玛可河保护区春季鸟类分布现状,研究鸟类群落结构及其多样性,2020年4月至5月采用样线法对保护区内5种生境类型的鸟类组成及多样性进行了连续调查。结果表明:共记录到鸟类84种,隶属于11目29科56属,其中优势种4种(白眉朱雀、红眉朱雀、橙翅噪鹛和红嘴山鸦)、国家一级重点保护鸟类4种(黑头噪鸦、猎隼、胡兀鹫和金雕)、国家二级重点保护鸟类10种。在居留型上,留鸟最多(51种,60.71%),其次是夏候鸟(28种,33.33%),旅鸟(3种,3.57%),冬候鸟和迷鸟最少(均1种,1.19%);在生态类型上,鸣禽(59种)>猛禽(8种)=陆禽(8种)>攀禽(5种)>涉禽(2种)=游禽(2种);在多样性和均匀度指数上河谷沿岸生境均高于其他4种生境(3.363 0、0.802 7)。玛可河保护区的鸟类物种多样性相对较高,相比青海省其他地域,东洋界物种相对较多。春季鸟类大多以繁殖鸟为主。  相似文献   

鸡传染性法氏囊病最佳免疫时机与治疗冯素华(河北省万全县畜牧水产局兽医站)鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD),是一种主要危害鸡的病毒性传染病。由于病毒侵害鸡的免疫中枢器官法氏囊,病鸡法氏囊中的B淋巴细胞大量遭到破坏,所以IBD引起免疫机能不全而降低疫苗的免疫效...  相似文献   

春日 陈与义(宋) 朝来庭树有鸣禽,红绿扶春上远林。 忽有好诗生眼底,安排句法已难寻。  相似文献   

朱四哀鸟的常规检查及6种传染病的血清学调查吴双民马玉玲陆红飞(中华人民共和国西安动植物检疫局,710068)朱四哀鸟[Nipponianippon(Temmineck)]又名红鹤、朱鹭,属灌鸟形目(Ciconiforne)科(Treskiornith...  相似文献   

一、动物对冷应激反应的神经机制 (一)中枢神经系统反应冷应激下,中枢肾上腺素能神经元被激活,引起外周自主神经(主要是交感神经)的活动加强,使外周神经和交感-肾上腺髓质系统(SAM)处于长时间高度激活状态,E(肾上腺素)和NE(去甲肾上腺素)的合成、释放和周转增强,  相似文献   

解剖观察的结果表明,Tuo鸟的鼻腔短而宽,鼻孔大而圆。喉腔黏膜不形成声带,因此,不能发声。气管长,肺不分叶。  相似文献   

2005年7月中旬,通过对北戴河地区鸟类的环志、换羽和寄生虫栖息地的调查,统计了繁殖季节后北戴河网场地区鸟类数量,揭示了现阶段北戴河地区鸟类的生存状况,并通过与近年来其他时段调查结果的比较可知,7月中旬北戴河地区候鸟较少,留鸟活动频繁,另外网场地区植被面积大,生境多样,适宜鸟类的栖息和繁殖。  相似文献   

2016年4月至2017年3月,采用样线法对福州动物园野生鸟类进行调查,记录鸟的种类和数量,分析鸟类多样性。本次调查共记录鸟类76种,隶属于10目32科。其中,非雀形目鸟类有21种,占总种类数的27.6%,雀形目鸟类55种,占总种类数的72.4%。该地区鸟类α多样性水平较高,Shannon-Wiener指数为2.8303;均匀度也较高,Pielou指数为0.6535。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to elucidate the relative susceptibility of broiler breed birds to synovitis and the relative resistance of laying breed birds to this disease. It was shown that difference in structure and chemical composition of fibrous connective tissue can be associated with this difference in susceptibility. A loose structure of fibrous connective tissue (common in broiler breed birds) appears to predispose to synovitis, whereas a compact structure (common in laying breed birds) can be associated with resistance to synovitis. The most fundamental approach to the synovitis problem would be the breeding of broiler breed birds with a compact structure of fibrous connective tissue. However, this approach does not seem to offer favourable prospects in the near future. For the present, synovitis resistance in broiler parents can be enhanced by practising a management scheme aiming at activation of the birds.  相似文献   

AIM: An intensive 2-year field study of 65 hihi (or stitchbirds) on Mokoia Island provided an opportunity to investigate the causes of mortality of this endangered species in a free-living environment. METHODS: The birds were observed daily during the breeding season (October to March) and every 4 weeks during the remainder of the year. Any abnormalities in behaviour, voice and body weight were recorded and all sick or dead birds which could be recovered were taken to the laboratory for necropsy. RESULTS: Thirty-one birds died during the period of this study. Aspergillosis was found to be the cause of death in six of nine adult birds examined post mortem. Some of the affected birds experienced subtle voice changes before becoming ill and all birds had granulomatous lesions in airsacs or lungs at necropsy. A further eight birds for which carcasses could not be found or which were autolysed showed similar clinical signs before death or disappearance. CONCLUSION: Because Aspergillus is an opportunist pathogen it seems likely that affected birds were immunosuppressed. This may have occurred during the breeding season which in this species is highly stressful. The presence of fungal material in bronchial exudate and the occurrence of the disease in mates, raises the possibility that aspergillosis in hihi may be contagious.  相似文献   

During an epornitic of velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease (VVND) in southern California, free-flying wild birds, captive and free-ranging semidomestic birds, and exotic birds were collected from the quarantine area to determine their role in the epizootiology of the disease. The VVND virus was isolated from 0.04% of 9,446 free-flying wild birds, 0.76% of 4,367 semidomestic birds, and 1.01% of 3,780 exotic birds examined. Three house sparrows and 1 crow directly associated with infected poultry flocks were the only free-flying wild birds from which VVND virus was isolated. Among semidomestic species, ducks, quail, chukars, pheasants, peafowl, pigeons, and doves were found to be infected. Psttacines, pittas, and toucans accounted for 92% of the VVND virus isolations from exotic birds. In addition, domestic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was isolated from 0.29% of the free-flying wild birds, from 1.65% of the semidomestic birds, and from 0.19% of the exotic birds collected. Hemagglutination-inhibition against domestic NDV was demonstrated in 0.24% of 3,796 wild bird serums, 8.28% of 2,004 semidomestic bird serums, and 3.90% of 231 exotic bird serums tested. Although few free-flying wild birds were infected with VVND virus in this epornitic, the isolation of domestic NDV strains from free-flying wild ducks and mourning doves suggests the potential for transportation of NDV over long distances by migratory birds.  相似文献   

Eighteen budgerigars with clinical signs of 'going light' were euthanased and examined post mortem; ingluvitis caused by Trichomonas gallinae infection was present in seven birds, proventriculitis associated with the presence of megabacteria in eight birds and in three birds both conditions were present. Haematological examinations of blood taken from the living birds showed that those with T gallinae infection had normal white cell counts whereas those in which megabacteria were present had significant leucocytosis and heterophilia. Some birds in both groups were anaemic. The findings suggest that infection with megabacteria may be responsible for a proportion of cases of 'going light' in budgerigars and that haematological examination can establish this diagnosis in living birds.  相似文献   

Experiments were set up to assess the effects of 'natural' and 'artificial' stresses on the re-excretion of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus in latently infected chickens recovered from the acute phase of the disease. The stresses were rehousing with the addition of ILT-free contact birds, corticosteroid treatment and the onset of lay. The contact birds were also monitored for transmission of the virus from the carrier birds. Rehousing with unfamiliar birds induced ILT virus shedding in one of five birds and there was evidence of transmission from this bird to its mate. The onset of lay had a significant effect on the overall shedding rates of the carrier birds. Nine of 10 birds shed virus after onset of lay compared with only two in the three-and-a-half weeks before, and there was a highly significant increase (P less than 0.001) in the overall number of virus isolations during this period. Corticosteroid treatment did not affect virus shedding. These results may explain some of the apparently spontaneous outbreaks of ILT which occur in the field.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: 4 captive adult Micronesian kingfishers (Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina) at 3 zoologic institutions were examined routinely or because of dyspnea or lethargy. CLINICAL FINDINGS: All birds had marked hepatomegaly. Two birds had dyspnea caused by compression of air sacs by the enlarged liver, and 1 bird had generalized weakness and lethargy. Three birds had distended coelomic cavities, and 3 birds were thin or had lost weight. There were no consistent abnormalities in blood analytes. Results of most ancillary diagnostic tests such as acid-fast staining of cloacal or fecal swab specimens and culture of feces for acid-fast bacteria were negative. Results of examination of hepatic biopsy specimens in 2 of 4 birds were suggestive of mycobacteriosis. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: 3 birds died or were euthanized soon after diagnosis. One kingfisher was isolated and monitored for 4 months without treatment and died during anesthesia for disease monitoring. Postmortem histologic examination revealed histiocytic hepatitis and acid-fast bacteria in all 4 birds. Bacteriologic culture of liver specimens yielded Mycobacterium simiae complex in all 4 birds. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Infection with M simiae complex should be considered in ill Micronesian kingfishers, and further monitoring is warranted to determine whether this is an emerging pathogen in this species.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the occurrence of Chlamydia psittaci in domesticated and wild birds and compare the sensitivity of molecular detection with cell culture isolation. DESIGN: Study of cell culture isolation and PCR detection of C psittaci in avian samples. PROCEDURE: Samples were obtained from 485 birds. Domesticated birds were selected at random from pet shops, private aviaries and zoos, while wild birds were captured locally, sampled, and immediately released. Swabs were collected from choanal slit, conjunctiva and cloaca of each bird and pooled. Samples were divided into equal portions for use in PCR dot-blot and cell culture detection. PCR and dot-blot detection was based on the ompB gene. RESULTS: Prevalence of infection varied markedly between flocks of captive birds. It was highest where there were frequent changes in the flock members or where there were many birds confined in small areas. C psittaci was not detected in wild birds or water birds. The sensitivity of cell culture compared to PCR dot-blot detection was 68%. All samples positive by cell culture were also positive by PCR. CONCLUSIONS: PCR-dot blot detection of C psittaci in birds appears to be more sensitive than cell culture isolation in this study. C psittaci infection of birds may occur in clinically normal captive birds.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a survey of the diagnostic use of transcutaneous sonographic examination of the urogenital tract of pet birds. Possibilities and limitations in imaging normal and altered components of this organ system are discussed. Ultrasonographic examination of the avian urogenital tract was evaluated in 386 pet birds. Abnormal clinical signs were present in 289 birds; 97 birds were normal. Transcutaneous ultrasonography proved to be a useful, noninvasive, and fast diagnostic tool, especially in imaging laminated eggs and changes of the oviduct. Until now, these pathologic changes were not diagnosable in birds with other common noninvasive methods (e.g. radiography). The imaging of low-grade changes of the oviduct, disorders of the kidney without enlargement of the organ, as well as roughening of the egg shell proved to be difficult. Sonographic imaging of neither the normal kidney nor the inactive gonads was possible.  相似文献   

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