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杨光安 《中国麻作》1980,(2):34-36,10
款冬螟(Ostrinia Variolis(Bremer)),属鳞翅目,螟蛾科,是我县为害大麻的一种钻蛀性害虫,以幼虫蛀入茎杆为害。大麻被蛀食后枝叶枯死,蛀入部位膨肿,易风折倒伏,不仅严重影响生长发育,而且产量大减,严重为害地块可造成绝收。一般年份大麻被害率可达50-60%,重则达90%以上。一九七八年调查,严重发生地块被害率达97%,百株麻有虫288头,折杆率达50%。  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sa-tivae Blanchard)是多食性潜叶害虫。该蝇1993年最早在我国海南省的蔬菜田严重发生,次年6月山西省棉花所首次在棉花上发现此虫的严重为害,受害严重的棉田虫株率为100%,单株受害叶片数36.6%,单叶虫量最高达92头。10多年来,美洲斑潜蝇在我国的分布日益扩  相似文献   

稻小潜叶蝇在辽宁省各地稻田均见发生。田块低洼,周围为荒地、沼泽,禾本科杂草丰度较大的稻田发生较重;弯穗型品种较直立穗品种受害重。稻小潜叶蝇年发生4~5代,以第2代于水稻返青分蘖期发生为害水稻为主。登记药剂匮乏,以潜叶蝇、斑潜蝇登记药和防治返青分蘖期其他害虫的稻田常用药剂进行田间药效试验,采用育秧播种前拌种、移栽前苗床施药带药移栽和本田返青期全田施药3种处理方式施药,其中,苗床施药带药移栽方式最为经济有效。考虑到兼治其他害虫,农药品种以呋虫胺和氯虫苯甲酰胺为最优,防治效果为87.12%~91.76%,对稻水象甲等害虫的兼治效果较好。  相似文献   

通过对近年来菜用大豆上豆秆黑潜蝇发生情况及防治技术的调查研究,阐述了豆秆黑潜蝇在浙江省杭州市的发生规律、不同为害程度和为害时期与产量损失的关系,提出了相应的防治技术。  相似文献   

豆秆黑潜蝇[Melangromyza Sojae(Zehntner)]是河南省大豆的重要害虫之一。虫体小,分布广,钻蛀性强,以幼虫蛀食大豆主茎、侧枝和叶柄髓部,苗期危害对产量影响最大。1980年我们在河南省14个县、市调查结果,春大豆被害株率在70%以上,夏大豆被害株  相似文献   

大豆根潜蝇,又名大豆根蛇潜蝇、大豆根蛆,属双翅目,潜蝇科,蛇潜属。学名Ophomyia shibatsujc”,是黑河地区为害大豆幼苗根部、分布普遍、为害严重的一种小型蝇子。据1973年以来在六个县146个点的调查,苗期受害株率严重的达60—80%,百株虫数达45—66头,严重影响大豆幼苗生长,并造成缺苗,一般减产20—40%,高的可达60—80%,甚至毁种。我所从1973年起,对大豆根潜蝇进行了研究,现将研究结果报导如下。  相似文献   

咖啡黑小蠹的发生规律及药剂防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
咖啡黑小蠢是近年在兴隆华侨农场严重危害中粒种咖啡的重要害虫。据1989年对4—5年生咖啡树调查,植株受害率100%,枝条受害率29.7—82.5%,虫害枯枝率7.65—17.8%。该虫以雌成虫钻蛀咖啡枝条为害,幼虫和成虫取食蛀道壁上的真菌菌丝。田间种群数量通常在3月上旬开始剧增,3月中下旬为高峰期,7月至10月田间虫口极少,11月以后逐渐有虫口及虫枯枝出现。温度是影响虫口波动的主要因素。2.5%溴氰菊酶、25%杀虫双、40%乐菊酯各兑水1000倍对成虫直接触杀效果显著,死亡率均为100%。48%乐斯本、40%氧化乐果400—800倍液等12种杀虫剂田间喷雾对咖啡枝条蛀洞内的成虫、蛹、幼虫防效均不明显。  相似文献   

款冬螟(Ostrinia Varialis(Bremer)),属鳞翅目,螟蛾科,是我县为害大麻的一种钻蛀性害虫,以幼虫蛀入茎杆为害。大麻被蛀食后枝叶枯死,蛀入部位膨肿,易风折倒伏,不仅严重影响生长发育,而且产量大减,严重为害地块可造成绝收。一般年份大麻被害率可达50~60%,重则达90%以上。一九七八年调查,严重发生地块被害率达97%,百株麻有虫288头,折  相似文献   

大豆根潜蝇在我国主要分布在东北三省、内蒙古、河北、山东及山西等地,其中以黑龙江省等地尤为普遍。主要在大豆苗期进行危害,幼虫在大豆苗根部皮层和木质部钻蛀危害,造成根皮层腐烂,形成条状伤痕,导致大豆根系受损伤而不能正常生长和吸收土壤中的各种营养成分。2015年黑龙江省克山县大豆根潜蝇普遍发生,为了探求该虫害发生程度与前茬作物关系,同时初步统计该虫害发生程度。本研究在黑龙江省克山县大豆育种示范田进行,前茬作物分别为大豆、马铃薯、小麦,采用棋盘式取样法进行调查。结果显示:前茬为大豆的地块大豆根潜蝇发生程度最重,其次是前茬为马铃薯茬的田块,侵入率最低的是前茬为小麦茬地块。在调查所有的大豆株系中平均根潜蝇侵染率为66%,调查地块每平方米蛹的数量为21头,基本属于大发生。  相似文献   

茶叶是武夷山农场主要经济作物,栽培历史长、面积大。随着时间的推移,茶树病虫害种类不断变化,而且增多,影响了茶叶的产量和品质。近年来,茶场组织技术人员对茶树病虫种类的分布、发生和为害情况进行调查和观察,借以为开展综合防治提供依据。现将我场30O0多亩茶园病虫害普查情况初报如下:据全面调查和初步鉴定,共发现茶树害虫有9目43科89种,病害26种(详见附表)。其中病虫优势种群有害虫7种、病害8种。害虫种类中钻蛀性害虫以茶吉丁虫居首位,幼虫虫口密度为8,000—29,00O只/亩,严重被害茶园受害率高达99%,茶树被害致死率3…  相似文献   

Mineral, amino acid and fatty acid composition of pigeon pea meal were determined by analysis, while with chick essays, availability (true digestibility) of minerals and amino acids in the meal were estimated. Gross energy, metabolizable energy and true protein digestibility experiments were also conducted. Pigeon pea meal had a very high content of potassium, high content of potassium, high content of phosphorus, moderate content of calcium and magnesium and low content of iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Average availability of minerals was 58.09%. Amino acid content was low, especially cystine and methionine. Amino acid availability was 82.32%, lower than amino acid availability of soybean meal (>90%). Pigeon pea lipids were predominantly saturated fatty acids (69.04%) with low content of unsaturated fatty acids (30.69%) and a total absence of linolenic acid. Metabolizable energy content (N-corrected) was 11.08 MJ/kg in raw pigeon pea and 12.03 MJ/kg in toasted pigeon pea meal.  相似文献   

规模化稻鸭生产对早稻病虫害变化规律及经济效益的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过大田试验研究了规模稻鸭生态种养系统中水稻病虫害的消长变化规律及其经济效益。结果表明:规模稻鸭生态种养(IF)水稻二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱和稻叶蝉平均虫量较水稻单一种植(CK)分别下降54.4%,48.8%,73.6%和96.1%,纹枯病和稻瘟病病株率分别降低78.9%和48.5%;较常规稻鸭生态种养(CF)水稻二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱和稻叶蝉量分别下降18.2%,9.5%,7.0%和0.82%,纹枯病病株率降低35.5%,稻瘟病病株率升高8.0%。规模稻鸭生态种养稻飞虱和二化螟对水稻危害株率比常规稻鸭生态种养分别降低52.9%和6.9%。试验还表明,规模稻鸭生态种养系统中水稻二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟、稻飞虱虫峰迟现,持续危害时间短;纹枯病蔓延危害期缩短10~14d;水稻有效穗数、穗粒数增多,千粒重增加,空壳率降低,产量最高。规模稻鸭生态种养较常规稻鸭生态种养和水稻单一种植分别增收1024.32,1370.61元/hm2,增幅44.47%和70.03%。因此,规模稻鸭生态种养可以实现对水稻病虫害的生态控制,且经济效益显著提高,对于提升我国现代农业生产实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

辽宁花生网斑病发生危害及流行动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究旨在明确辽宁省花生网斑病的发生危害及流行规律,以指导田间病害防治。调查显示2011年辽宁各花生产区网斑病病田率为100%,病叶率32.9%~66.5%,病情指数11.1~35.5。葫芦岛、阜新、锦州发病较重,沈阳次之,铁岭发病最轻。不同品种花生网斑病病情严重度依次为四粒红>白沙1016>花育20>黑花生>白花生。通过SAS软件分析表明,Logistic模型能够较好地反映花生网斑病时间流行动态,并以此推导出病害流行阶段,病情指数增长最快为0.99/d。研究发现四粒红感病性较强,可成为流行学研究的良好试材。  [  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2006,96(1):80-89
Opinions differ on the necessity of deep tillage for sustaining crop productivity in the rainfed Vertisols of the semi-arid tropics of central India. We conducted a field experiment for 3 years (2000–2002) with a factorial combination of three cropping systems (sole soybean, sole pigeonpea and soybean/pigeonpea intercropping in 2:1 row ratio) and three tillage practices (conventional, conventional + subsoiling in alternate years and conventional + subsoiling every year). Objectives were (i) to examine the effect of subsoiling Vertisols on sustaining yield of soybean/pigeon pea intercropping, and (ii) to assess the frequency of subsoiling for realizing maximum yield and profit. Though there was a reduction in growth and yield of intercrops, higher soybean equivalent yield (SEY) and area-time equivalent ratio (ATER) value in soybean/pigeonpea intercropping system as compared to sole soybean had a yield advantage. The average yield advantage in intercropping system was 60% higher than that from sole soybean. The yield advantage of intercropping system in terms of ATER was 7% greater with subsoiling than conventional tillage. The yield response to subsoiling was consistent over the period and on an average, subsoiling increased yield by 20%. The effect was associated with improved water storage and root length density. However, with respect to energy use efficiency and profit, the effect of subsoiling was comparable to conventional tillage. The variation in net return and benefit:cost ratio in subsoiling every year and subsoiling in alternate years in sole soybean and soybean/pigeonpea intercropping was not significant. However, in sole pigeon pea subsoiling every year out-yielded subsoiling in alternate years. The interactive effect of subsoiling and intercropping increased the yield by 21–25%. Thus, under rainfed cropping where drought of unpredictable intensity and duration is a prevailing feature, soybean/pigeon pea intercropping could be a promising option, especially when combined with subsoiling in alternate years.  相似文献   

稻蛀螟类是水稻常见害虫,为查明稻蛀螟发生为害情况和探索在一定精度保证前提下简便、快捷地估计螟害株密度的方法,对海南省澄迈县老城镇龙吉村稻田稻蛀螟发生为害进行了系统调查,并利用稻丛螟害株密度m和稻丛螟害零频率P0分别拟合线性函数、二次函数、双曲线函数、指数函数、幂函数、对数函数等常用函数模型及Gerrard-Chiang模型和Wilson模型。结果表明,龙吉稻田发生的稻蛀螟种类为三化螟[Scripophaga incertulas(Walker)]和大螟[Sesamia inferens(Walker)],其中早稻以大螟为主,晚稻则以三化螟占优;早、晚稻的螟害株密度从分蘖后期至乳熟期均呈先上升而后下降趋势,晚稻分蘖后期的螟害株密度明显高于早稻同生育期的,而早、晚稻的螟害株密度在孕穗期、抽穗期和乳熟期等同生育期间的差异不显著;用螟害零频率估计早、晚稻和早-晚稻螟害株密度的最优模型分别为Gerrard-Chiang模型m=1.164 9(-ln P0)1.045 4、双曲线函数模型m=-0.943 5+0.951 3/P0和m=-0.952 5+0.958 3/P0。应用这些模型在相应稻季可根据三化螟和大螟为害的零频率便捷、有效地估计螟害株密度。  相似文献   

Peanut fields are monitored for pod rot, which is typically caused by Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani, in order to determine need, and the type and timing of fungicide applications. Pod rot can lead to damaged peanut kernels and when damage exceeds 2.49%, substantial price reductions occur. Nine fields or tests were sampled weekly for pod rot during the 2009 through 2012 growing seasons. The sampling was conducted on fields treated uniformly with fungicides for pod rot or within large research plots with various fungicide treatments. Pythium myriotylum was the most frequently identified pathogen species, although Rhizoctonia spp. were also recovered from diseased pods at all sites. Pod rot incidence was related to percent damaged kernels at harvest in 3 of 5 sites. Collection of 304 samples (sample unit = 46 cm of row) in a field was required to estimate 1% pod rot accurately (CV = 20%). There was a linear relationship between average % pod rot in a field, and the percentage of sampling units (absence/presence) with pod rot at low disease incidences. Scouting for pod rot of peanuts to make in-season fungicide applications will be hampered by high sample number, destructive sampling of plants, frequent sampling (due to rapid increase of disease), and the poor relationship between disease during the season and kernel damage at harvest. Making one preventative application at 60–70 days after planting may be a better practice than timing the initial fungicide application based on sampling for disease.  相似文献   

In the context of conservation agriculture on small scale farms of the Brazilian Cerrado, we hypothesized that planting a cover crop in relay with a commercial crop improves the efficiency of use of available natural resources, increasing biomass for use as fodder without reducing the grain yield of the main crop. The objective of this study was to measure the performance of two intercropped systems in terms of total above-ground biomass production and maize (Zea mays) grain yield: pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and Brachiaria (Brachiaria ruziziensis) sown as cover crops in established maize under a no-tillage management. The cover crops were sown at two different dates and a comparison was made with the three crops sown as a sole crop at the early sowing date. The experiment was conducted during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 growing seasons. Maize grain yield was not reduced by the presence of the relay cover crops in comparison with maize as the sole crop, even when the cover crop was sown soon after maize emergence. In contrast, the production of above-ground biomass by the cover crop was significantly lower when grown with maize than it was when grown as a sole crop. In the intercropped systems, when sown early, the cover crop produced higher total biomass than when sown late. Total above-ground biomass production of maize intercropped with a cover crop was much higher than that of any of the crops sown alone: the total biomass (average of the two growing seasons) produced by maize and pigeon pea was more than double that of maize grown alone. The land equivalent ratio (LER) of maize grain yield and biomass production was higher than one whatever the intercropped system used. It was particularly high when maize was intercropped with early sown pigeon pea; grain yield LER and biomass LER reaching, respectively, 1.72 and 1.73 in 2007-2008 and 2.02 and 2.03 in 2008-2009. These high LER values provide evidence for the complementary and the high efficiency of use of available resources by the intercropped plants and thus the advantage of such systems to produce both maize grain and cover crop forage under the conditions of our study.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2006,96(1):63-70
Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) seedlings compete poorly against the rapid growth of warm-season annual weeds. Weed control is required before this heat and drought-tolerant legume can be reliably grown in the U.S. southern Great Plains as a potential source of livestock hay between annual plantings of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Currently, no herbicides are labeled for use on pigeon pea grown in the U.S. Three years of replicated field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of applications (1× and 2× rates) of herbicides (pre-emergence, sulfentrazone + chlorimuron and metribuzin; post-emergence, imazapic and sethoxydim) on weed suppression, pigeon pea dry matter, and carry-over effects on a winter wheat crop. The most abundant summer weeds were broadleaf, and all herbicide treatments, except sethoxydim (grass herbicide), reduced weed densities compared to untreated plots without adversely affecting pigeon pea stands. Imazapic treatments provided the most effective weed control. Overall average pigeon pea dry matter ranged from 75 to 256 g m−2 with sethoxydim and the untreated control  metribuzin  sulfentrazone + chlorimuron  hand weeded control  imazapic. Compared to the hand-weeded control, imazapic treatments greatly reduced wheat dry matter (1×, 65% and 2×, 91%) and grain yield (1×, 59% and 2×, 93%). Imazapic should not be used unless nontransgenic imidazolinone herbicide tolerant wheat cultivars are planted. While the other herbicides decreased negative effects of weeds on pigeon pea dry matter without greatly affecting productivity of a following wheat crop, appropriate labels for each of these herbicides will be required prior to their use by southern Great Plains pigeon pea producers.  相似文献   

分析了松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatusHope)对马尾松(Pinus massonianaLamb.)林分节肢动物群落的影响。结果表明:随松墨天牛危害程度加重,马尾松林分中节肢动物的物种数和个体数明显下降,其捕食性、植食性功能群种类和个体数及寄生性天敌个体数明显减少;松墨天牛危害对灌木草本层节肢动物种类和数量影响最大,在重度危害林分中,灌木草本层的节肢动物多样性指数H′和优势集中性指数J均显著低于轻度危害林分中的指数;受松墨天牛危害后,林分中稳定性指数S1/S2和N1/N2显著下降,马尾松林分中节肢动物的多样性和稳定性及其天敌对害虫的制约潜能显著降低。  相似文献   

李磊  陈波  张海清 《作物研究》2010,24(3):164-167
种子发芽出苗率低是制约三倍体无籽西瓜生产的主要原因。试验以红小玉为材料,用0.1%H2O2,0.1%CuSO4+2%KNO3+KH2PO4混合液和20 m g/kg的GA3丙酮溶液作引发剂,在固体基质中吸湿32 h后回干,通过砂床发芽试验,测定种子萌发率和幼苗素质。结果表明,种子萌发率提高了44.6~62.4个百分点,并显著提高了发芽势、幼苗鲜重和根系活力。其中,GA引发处理的种子发芽率达88.23%,与破壳处理(CK 1)接近,比未处理(CK 2)提高了62.47个百分点;3种处理的苗鲜重均显著高于CK 1和CK 2,处理间差异不显著;3种处理均显著提高了幼苗根系活力,以0.1%H2O2处理效果最佳。3种引发剂结合固体基质引发处理,均可有效提高三倍体西瓜种子萌发率,并为培育壮苗奠定了基础。在固体基质处理过程中,西瓜种子吸水缓慢,给细胞膜的修复提供了时间,是种子可以达到引发促萌的原因之一。  相似文献   

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