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原池底为正漏斗形,排污口设在池中央,池中沉淀的污物也集中于此。在养殖初期立管防逃用30目钢丝网期间,排污时,因污物颗粒大于30目网目,不能排出,常堵住立管,要不断地取下排污套网洗刷,排污工作量大,污物也不易排净;放鱼时,鳗鱼以中央排污口为园心游动,远离排污口,很少有鱼跟水而下,当水放至池底时,鱼游动的范围随水而缩小,当水快放结束时,  相似文献   

南美白对虾健康高效养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入探索南美白对虾健康高效养殖模式,提高养殖经济效益,我们在引进广东等地区高位池对虾高产养殖模式的基础上,在温岭市绿珍水产养殖场进行了南美白对虾健康高效养殖试验,取得了良好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,平均亩产939kg,亩净利润9017元。一、池塘条件1.池塘池塘9口,单口池塘面积4亩~5亩,面积总计43亩。上半年在原土池基础上进行改造,改建后养殖池塘堤坝高3.0m~3.2m,蓄水深2.5m,池中央设排污口,四周安装1m×3m的网闸各2道,池底铺设管径20cm的PVC管各2根,用于排污。池塘四周堤坝用水泥混凝土护坡,池底用水泥混凝土浇灌或用黄…  相似文献   

南方高位池养虾模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近几年南方沿海各省又掀起了新一轮的养虾热潮,特别值得关注的是广东、海南等省的高位池养虾模式。所谓高位池就是潮上带提水对虾精养池,与之对应的传统的纳潮式虾池称之为低位池。高位池单位面积产量高、效益好,能抵御风暴潮的袭击,安全系数大,养成率高;清淤、排污、晒塘方便彻底,易于日常管理,便于投饵、池水消毒和病害防治。高位池养殖模式实现了集约化高密度健康养殖,是现代化养殖业的重要发展方向。海南省的高位池从1997年的0.33万亩猛增到现在的6.24万亩,广东省湛江市现有高位池7万亩,养成率均在70%以上,每亩产量在800~1 000 kg左右,最高可达1 500 kg以上,屡破全国单产记录。  相似文献   

<正>四、高位池循环养殖模式1.技术要点高位池循环水流水养殖模式,结合水生莲菜而进行的综合种养模式,充分利用了水生植物的吸收作用,帮助解决了水产养殖中的尾水处理难题。该技术采用过滤吸附、净化沉淀、微生物修复、离心沉淀、中间排污、水车增氧、变频增氧、智能控氧、节能泵循环等技术,减少了药物的使用、减少了疾病的发生;大大提高了养殖产量,提高了水产品质量,提高了土地的利用率(详见图3)。采用高位池节能循环水养殖技术,每日定时排放池塘鱼类粪便沉积物,不仅改变了池塘鱼类  相似文献   

3.鲍的筏式养殖技术要点是什么? (1)养殖海区的选择 水深要求低潮时10米以上,水越深,水环境相对越稳定,养殖水层的调节越灵活。但太深时,筏架设置投资较大,一般15~20米为宜。 养殖区应远离工业排污和城市排污口,水质应达到国家颁布的渔业水质标准。盐度周年变化幅度不应超过  相似文献   

<正>花鳗苗从菲律宾引进到我国以来,许多研究者对其展开各个阶段的养殖研究,目前花鳗的养殖技术已经成熟,然而白苗期养殖仍存在成活率和生长率都低的问题。下面将花鳗白苗期的培育过程总结如下:一、养殖设备养殖池呈方形八角状,池底呈锅底形,面积为约150~200米2,池深1米。每池设有两台0.75千瓦水车式增氧机,使水沿顺时针方向循环流动,这样可以将粪便和残饵等集中到排污口,以便更好地排污。并  相似文献   

梁康成 《水产科技》1998,(5):9-10,8
高位池养虾是我市近两年来兴起的一种对虾养殖新模式。所谓高位池养虾,就是提高水位养虾,在海水高潮线以上的沙滩建造养殖池开展对虾养殖。其最大特点就是养殖池建在海岸线以上的沙滩上,不论高潮、低潮都能把池内水体排干,因而有别于传统的滩涂围垦挖池养殖模式。  相似文献   

<正>2012年12月-2013年11月我站在海南定大养殖有限公司宝峙无公害养殖生产基地实施《珍珠龙胆石斑鱼高位池无公害养殖技术研究》项目。经近一年时间的精心饲养与细心管理,项目各项技术指标全部完成,取得理想的结果,现将项目实施中的操作技术归纳总结如下,以供业内人士参考。一、养殖条件1.池塘条件旧高位池1口,面积5亩,设计池深3.5米,最大蓄水深度2.8米,池内壁铺砌水泥预制板,砂泥质池底且呈锅底状,池底部中央设置排水系统,可自流排干池水,进、排水渠道分开设置,配  相似文献   

福建省仙游县是中国大陆较早引进欧洲鳗鲡试养,并取得成功的县之一。现将仙游县近年来在欧洲鳗养殖领域的主要技术措施取得的进展情况介绍如下:一、养鳗池的改进初期欧鳗养殖池是根据养殖日本鳗的模式即大水泥池养殖,经过不断摸索改造,创新成为现在的中小型欧鳗养殖池。即:白仔池、黑仔池60~120米2/口,无角方形池,池高0.8~1米,池壁光滑,池中央设排污口,池底四周向中心倾斜,池中心向排水集鱼口倾斜。排污口设排污箱,依鳗苗大小不同,上覆不同网目的拦网。成鳗池150~250米2/口(12米×12米~16米×16米),池高1~1.3米,池底形状同黑仔池,排污…  相似文献   

正为探索海水养殖新品种、新模式,为渔民增收、渔业增效提供技术支撑,2019年日照市引进广东繁育的红罗非鱼苗种进行海水工厂化养殖试验并获得成功。一、养殖设施及放苗准备养殖池为常规工厂化养殖用池,池子的形状为圆形、40米~2、池深1.4米,池底平坦,池子中央略低于池底四周(便于排污),排污口设在池底  相似文献   

Commercial intensive aquaculture systems werebuilt and are managed in a somewhat differentway in each farm. To evaluate the effects ofseveral management procedures on water qualityin intensive fish ponds, data from severallocations, times and culture conditions indifferent farms were collected and are hereinanalyzed through multivariate statistics.Water quality in the intensive ponds depends onthe water entering, the biological processeswithin, and the water leaving the ponds. Areservoir used as source and sink water supplied theintensive ponds with higher organic loadingthan clear source waters, and its phytoplanktoncontent affected nitrogen cycling within theintensive ponds. The systems with a reservoirhad better water quality in the intensive pondsthan those with only clean source water.Within the ponds (1) compared to paddle-wheelaeration, aeration by pure oxygen increasedoxygen concentration, improved nitrificationand promoted decomposition that reduced organicloading. (2) In concrete ponds accumulation oforganic matter and development of anerobicconditions on the pond bottom was higher thanin the slippery plastic-covered ponds. (3) Allintensive ponds provided good growthconditions, tilapia biomass having relativelysmall influence on water quality. Only inpaddle-wheel aerated ponds did increased tilapiabiomass increased inorganic nitrogen compoundsand soluble phosphorus through excretion, andreduce organic nitrogen through a moreefficient removal of food particles.Water leaving the ponds removes matteraffecting water quality within the pond. (1)Draining sediments accumulated on the bottomavoided development of anaerobic conditionswhere denitrification and phosphorus liberationcan occur. (2) Water exchange removed particleswith nitrifying bacteria and algae that absorbnutrients. A high water exchange rate may havea negative effect from the water quality pointof view and from the extra costs incurred inenergy and feeds washed out.The processes described occur simultaneouslythroughout the culture period and shape waterquality dynamics in the ponds. This researchcontributed to the understanding of howmanagement procedures affect the differentphases of water quality dynamics in real-scaletilapia commercial intensive systems.  相似文献   

为提高内循环流水养殖池塘净化区域的净化能力,从重庆潼南区内循环流水养殖池塘的底泥中分离纯化得到一株光合细菌(命名为菌株GR01).通过形态学观察、生理生化鉴定、16S rDNA基因序列分析和扫描吸收光谱,对菌株进行分类鉴定.测定菌株GR01在不同温度、不同pH、不同盐度条件下的660 nm处的吸光度(A660),确定其...  相似文献   

采用低频率运转循环水处理系统(含粗滤器、臭氧仪、气液混合器,蛋白分离器、暗沉淀池等)联用池内设施(微泡曝气增氧机与净水网)开展凡纳滨对虾室内集约化养殖实验。研究了养虾池以水处理系统调控水质效果及氮磷收支。结果表明,养虾水经系统处理后,NO2-N(53.4%~64.5%)、CODMn(53.4%~94.4%)与TAN(31.6%~40.4%)被显著去除,有效改进虾池水质;养殖周期内未换水与用药,虾池主要水化指标均控制在对虾生长安全范围,7号实验池(100 d)与8号对照池(80 d)主要水化指标变化范围:DO分别为 5.07~6.70 mg/L和4.38~6.94 mg/L,TAN 0.248~0.561 mg/L和0.301~0.794 mg/L,NO2-N 0.019~0.311 mg/L和0.012~0.210 mg/L,CODMn 10.88~21.22 mg/L和11.65~23.34 mg/L。7号池对虾生长指数优于8号池(80 d虾病暴发终止),单位水体产量分别为1.398 kg/m2与0.803 kg/m2。氮磷收支估算结果:7号与8号池饲料氮磷分别占总收入:氮93.70%与92.37%,磷98.77%与99.09%;初始水层与虾苗含氮共占总收入6.30%与7.63%,磷共占1.23%与0.91%。总水层(含排污水)氮磷分别占总输出:氮56.45%与59.86%,磷53.26%与55.79%;收获虾体氮磷分别占总输出:氮37.07%与31.94%,磷21.37%与13.11%。7号池饲料转化率较高;池水渗漏与吸附等共损失氮磷分别占总输出:氮7.00%与9.34%,磷25.37%与31.10%。实验结果表明,虾池以低频率运转循环水处理系统联用池内设施可有效控制水质与虾病,具较高饲料转化率。  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾高位池养殖氮、磷收支研究及养殖效果分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)高位池养殖氮(N)和磷(P)收支情况进行系统研究,比较分析不同放养季节、虾苗品系以及是否进行分段养殖引起养殖效果的差异。结果显示,饲料是最主要的N和P输入源,分别占池塘N和P总输入的91.76%~93.68%和94.55%~96.97%。收获对虾输出N和P分别占总输入的29.46%~40.46%和12.64%~17.41%,随养殖废水排出的N和P分别占24.63%~54.52%和23.03%~59.02%,沉积在池塘底部的N和P分别占14.10%~44.59%和27.59%~62.25%。放养季节和虾苗品系对养殖效果有显著影响。夏季组(ZS)对虾平均生长速度达到0.175g.d-1,分别比秋季组(ZF)和冬季普通组(ZW)高73.0%和139.3%。ZW成活率77.70%~87.75%,显著高于ZS和ZF。与相同养殖季节放养一代苗的ZW相比,放养本地苗的冬季组(BW)养殖成活率62.10%~72.30%,单位面积产量8821~9878kg.hm-2,均显著较低。采用分段养殖的冬季标粗组(ZWb)养成池塘单造使用周期缩短56.13%。  相似文献   

微生物群落是养殖池塘生态系统的重要组成部分,了解环境微生物群落结构和功能,可有针对性地进行养殖环境微生态调控。在不同季节采集尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)和斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)池塘水样,分析硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO2-N)、氨氮(NH4-N)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)等理化指标,利用Biolog-Eco微平板技术分析水体中微生物对各类碳源代谢的平均颜色变化率,利用高通量测序技术分析其菌群结构。结果表明,1月淡水养殖池塘水质和菌群结构不同于其他采样时间,养殖鱼类种类对池塘理化指标和微生物菌群结构影响不大。不同采样时间的池塘理化指标差异显著,同一采样时间不同养殖鱼类池塘的理化指标之间无显著差异。其中,1月尼罗罗非鱼池塘中的NH4-N含量高于其他月份,且显著高于4月和7月(P<0.05);1月TP含量显著高于4月、7月和10月(P<0.05)。1月斑点叉尾鮰池塘的TP和NO3-N含量显著高于其他3个月份(P<0.05)。Biolog-Eco微平板技术检测到尼罗罗非鱼和斑点叉尾鮰池塘中的微生物群落对碳...  相似文献   

Commercial intensive aquaculture systems werebuilt and are managed in a somewhat differentway in each farm. To evaluate the effects ofseveral management procedures on water qualityin intensive fish ponds, data from severallocations, times and culture conditions indifferent farms were collected and are hereinanalyzed through multivariate statistics. Water quality in the intensive ponds depends onthe water entering, the biological processeswithin, and the water leaving the ponds. Areservoir used as source and sink water supplied theintensive ponds with higher organic loadingthan clear source waters, and its phytoplanktoncontent affected nitrogen cycling within theintensive ponds. The systems with a reservoirhad better water quality in the intensive pondsthan those with only clean source water. Within the ponds (1) compared to paddle-wheelaeration, aeration by pure oxygen increasedoxygen concentration, improved nitrificationand promoted decomposition that reduced organicloading. (2) In concrete ponds accumulation oforganic matter and development of anerobicconditions on the pond bottom was higher thanin the slippery plastic-covered ponds. (3) Allintensive ponds provided good growthconditions, tilapia biomass having relativelysmall influence on water quality. Only inpaddle-wheel aerated ponds did increased tilapiabiomass increased inorganic nitrogen compoundsand soluble phosphorus through excretion, andreduce organic nitrogen through a moreefficient removal of food particles. Water leaving the ponds removes matteraffecting water quality within the pond. (1)Draining sediments accumulated on the bottomavoided development of anaerobic conditionswhere denitrification and phosphorus liberationcan occur. (2) Water exchange removed particleswith nitrifying bacteria and algae that absorbnutrients. A high water exchange rate may havea negative effect from the water quality pointof view and from the extra costs incurred inenergy and feeds washed out. The processes described occur simultaneouslythroughout the culture period and shape waterquality dynamics in the ponds. This researchcontributed to the understanding of howmanagement procedures affect the differentphases of water quality dynamics in real-scaletilapia commercial intensive systems.  相似文献   

Bacterial community and abiotic environmental parameters in twelve freshwater aquaculture ponds were analysed. According to the major component of stocked animals, the ponds were grouped into four types: black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus, largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii ponds. Each type of pond was stocked with three species of Chinese carps (silver carp, bighead carp and gibel carp) to form a unique mode of fish polyculture or mussel–fish integrated culture. The bacterial composition was identified using 16S rDNA sequencing. Totally, 3701 and 11 150 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified from the water and sediment samples respectively. The number of OTUs, abundance‐based coverage estimator, Chao1 index and Shannon diversity index were lower in the water column than in the sediment, suggesting that diversity and stability of bacterial community were higher in the sediment. In the water column, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes dominated at the phylum level, and 26 dominant genera were identified. In the sediment, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria and Nitrospirae dominated at the phylum level, and 25 dominant genera were identified. Bacterial compositions between the ponds with different aquaculture modes were similar at the phylum levels, but varied at the genus levels. The bacterial composition in the ponds was correlated with hardness, ammonia and total nitrogen in the water column. This study indicates that the type of aquaculture mode is a factor regulating the microbial community, which provides an insight towards microbial management through probiotic manipulation in pond culture.  相似文献   

Water use and conservation for inland aquaculture ponds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The general hydrological equation, inflow = outflow ± change in storage, can be used to make accurate estimates of water use by ponds for inland aquaculture projects. The primary inflows are precipitation, runoff and regulated water additions. The main outflows are evaporation, seepage, overflow after storms and intentional discharge. Water conservation measures such as maintaining storage capacity in ponds equal to the normal, maximum daily precipitation, reduction in seepage beneath dams and through pond bottoms, fish harvest without draining ponds, and water re-use are discussed. Even with the implementation of water conservation measures, pond aquaculture is a water- intensive endeavour which consumes more water per unit of area than irrigated agriculture. However, the value of aquacultural production per unit of water used greatly exceeds that of irrigated agriculture. Reduction in effluent volume is the most effective water saving means, and not only reduces water consumption but also reduces the pollution potential of pond aquaculture.  相似文献   

池塘循环水生态养殖效果分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用多种生物修复技术结合池塘工程改造手段,构建封闭型池塘循环水生态养殖系统。养殖水体的水质指标监测结果表明,该循环系统对TN、TP、NH4+-N及CODMn的平均去除率分别达62.89%、60.24%、56.52%、47.81%,具有很好的净化效果,能够满足养殖用水的要求,在整个养殖过程中实现了养殖尾水零排放。该循环水养殖模式符合当前太湖保护的规划要求。  相似文献   

Ten water quality parameters were measured in influent and effluent water at 11 aquaculture facilities in Hawaii. The data were grouped into four categories based on the types of organisms cultured: freshwater fish, freshwater prawn, marine fish, and marine shrimp. Within each category, concentrations of most parameters were lognormally distributed and spanned one to two orders of magnitude. Geometric mean concentrations of suspended materials, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and pigments were highest in effluent from freshwater prawn ponds and lowest in marine fish pond effluent. Nitrate/Nitrite and total ammonia concentrations were higher in fish pond effluent than in crustacean pond effluent. Parameter concentrations were generally higher in effluent than in influent water, with freshwater fish and prawn ponds exhibiting the greatest increases in suspended materials and pigments. In contrast, nitrate/nitrite concentrations were lower in effluent than in influent waters. These data provide a basis for analyzing the environmental impacts of warm-water aquaculture effluent discharges.  相似文献   

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