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<正>1饲料的原因1.1缺钙产蛋鸡需要大量的钙来形成蛋壳,日粮中缺钙会产薄壳蛋或软蛋。1只鸡每天采食50~70g饲料,鸡对饲料中钙的利用率仅60%,单靠饲料中的钙是不够的。所以在鸡配合饲料中应添加3%~4%的贝壳粉以补充不足。1.2缺磷磷对鸡的骨骼、蛋壳和体细胞的形成,以及对碳水化合物、脂肪和钙的利用有重要作用。尤其母鸡需要更多磷,因为蛋黄中含有较多的磷。鸡日粮中磷的需要量为0.6%,其中有效磷应含0.5%。所以饲料中须加1%~2%的骨粉或磷酸钙,以补充钙磷不足。  相似文献   

虾壳蛋白钙的生物效价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用酸处理虾头,虾壳粉后,可获得蛋白含量质在76.55%,钙含量在15.20%,磷含量5.28%的优质钙磷蛋白。其必希氨基酸组成与牛乳极为近似(γ=0.9316,P〈0.01),含量占48.45%,对大鼠进行饲喂试验的结果表明,虾钙磷蛋白能极显著提高大鼠的增重率,饲料利用率,体钙储留率和骨钙含量,其效果与脱脂奶粉钙接近。  相似文献   

以南极磷虾为原料,采用柠檬酸钠溶液浸泡法从磷虾中提取磷虾油并对其工艺条件进行优化,以提取率、磷脂、酸值和流动性等衡量磷虾油生产成本和产品品质最重要的4个指标综合分析,确定最佳提取工艺条件:柠檬酸钠溶液浓度1.0%、料液比1∶5、浸泡时间3.0 h。在此工艺条件下,采用95%乙醇浸提磷虾粉,固液分离后,对分离得到的提取液进行减压蒸馏,除去乙醇后得到的磷虾油的磷脂含量为50.15%、酸值为10.33 mgKOH/g,磷虾油的提取率为14.9%,并且流动性较好。该工艺操作简单,安全实用,提取出的磷虾油磷脂含量高、酸值低、流动性好、品质稳定,极大提高了南极磷虾的综合利用率,具有重要的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

研究不同沉水植物对水体磷的富集和生物沉积能力,为湖泊生态修复中沉水植物优势种的选择提供理论依据。研究的沉水植物为菹草(Potamogeton crispus)和粉绿狐尾藻[Myriophyllum aquaticum(Vell)Verdc],每个锥形瓶4~5株,鲜重约1 g;锥形瓶中装有含无机碳和磷的培养液200 mL。外加无机碳为NaHCO_3,添加浓度1.5 mmol/L;无机磷为K_2HPO_4,添加浓度0.1 mg/L。添加药品后溶液的pH值通过1 M的HCl和1 M的NaOH调整到8.2~8.3。试验时间为1周,培养结束后检测植物全磷、植株灰分磷及灰分磷的组成。结果表明:菹草培养12 h后,溶液pH显著上升,pH漂移值显著高于粉绿狐尾藻;无机碳含量低于粉绿狐尾藻培养液,无机碳浓度显著性影响了△pH和溶液最后的无机碳含量,但磷浓度对△pH和无机碳含量无显著影响。无机碳添加和磷水平均显著影响了菹草的灰分总磷,但无机碳的贡献百分比(55.34%)高于磷(26.73%);无机碳添加显著影响了粉绿狐尾藻灰分总磷,而磷水平显著影响植物干重全磷。无机碳和磷浓度均显著影响了2种沉水植物灰分磷中H_2O-P百分比,但无机碳的影响占比更高(菹草46.16%,粉绿狐尾藻75.78%)。在试验处理条件下,2种植物的钙磷均占比最高,能通过降低水体磷含量抑制浮游植物的生长。  相似文献   

动物骨粉产品的研发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
动物骨头是肉类加工的副产品,由于富含蛋白质,钙、磷等微量元素以及多种维生素等营养成分,使其具有较高的营养价值,其对动物生产性能的促进作用早已被人们所认知,将其加工为骨粉后用于畜牧养殖已在生产实践中大量利用。了解骨粉的营养特性、掌握骨粉的加工及应用方法,将有助于充分发挥骨粉的营养功效,提高骨粉的利用价值。  相似文献   

斑点叉尾(鱼回)鱼骨制取胶原蛋白和骨粉的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鱼骨中蛋白质的存在会影响骨钙的吸收,将鱼骨中的蛋白提取出来加以利用,钙质保留在骨中,既充分利用了鱼骨中的蛋白质成分,又使高钙成分利于吸收,可以实现资源利用的"零废弃".试验在4℃条件下,斑点叉尾NFDAA(长吻NFDAA,Ictalurus punctatus)鱼骨先用0.1 mol · L-1的NaOH浸泡6 h,再用2.5%NaCl浸泡6 h去除杂蛋白,用10%的异丙醇溶液去除脂肪,0.1 mol · L-1的柠檬酸浸提3 d能较好的提取胶原蛋白,无色无味,提取率可达11.87%.粗提液再经盐析、透析可得到纯度较高的胶原蛋白制品.鱼骨胶原蛋白溶液的粘度随着蛋白浓度的增大而增大,其变性温度为33.9℃.SDS-PAGE试验结果表明,提取的NFDAA鱼骨胶原具有较高的纯度,含有2条α链,β链含量较高.提取胶原后的NFDAA鱼骨粉钙含量可达60%,作为钙添加剂加到饼干中,不会对饼干的口感和味道造成显著性差异,是良好的钙添加剂,可用于食品再加工.  相似文献   

鲢鱼骨胶原多肽螯合钙的制备研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章探讨了以鲢(Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix)鱼骨为原料,采用风味蛋白酶酶解制备骨胶原多肽水解液,剩余骨渣经乳酸提取制备骨粉酸解液(钙液),研究其通过螯合制备鲢鱼骨胶原多肽螯合钙的工艺条件。分析了酶解时间对鲢鱼骨蛋白酶解产物产品品质和功能特性(溶解性和热稳定性)的影响以及采用乳酸提取鲢鱼骨中钙时提取温度对钙溶出率的影响,并以螯合率为指标,考察pH、时间、温度和多肽液与钙液体积比对螯合反应的影响。结果表明,在温度50℃,按原料鱼排质量0.09%加入风味蛋白酶酶解30min制备出的鲢鱼骨胶原多肽具有良好的产品品质和功能特性;乳酸提钙时提取温度对钙溶出率没有显著性影响(P〉0.05);在pH8、温度25℃条件下,多肽液与钙液体积比1:1反应40min得到的鲢鱼骨胶原蛋白螯合钙螯合率最高(85.24%)。  相似文献   

选取平均体重为4.05 g的赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)鱼种1080尾,随机分成9组,每组3个重复,每个重复置1个1.6 m×1.2 m×1.4 m的养殖池饲养。采用3×3析因试验,研究赤眼鳟鱼种对配合饲料中钙磷的需要量及适宜钙磷比。钙和磷各分别设3个水平:0.6%、1.2%和1.8%,共配制9种试验饲料喂养45 d。结果表明:饲料中钙、磷的交互作用对赤眼鳟的特定生长率有显著影响(P<0.05),但钙、磷的交互作用对饲料系数和成活率的影响不显著(P>0.05)。饲料中钙水平对赤眼鳟的特定生长率和饲料系数无显著影响(P>0.05),但磷水平对赤眼鳟的特定生长率和饲料系数有显著影响(P<0.05)。赤眼鳟对钙、磷的需要量分别为0.6%~1.8%、1.2%~1.8%,而适合赤眼鳟生长的钙磷比为1∶1~1∶3。试验各组赤眼鳟肌肉的钙、磷含量及钙磷比以及脊椎骨的钙磷比差异均不显著(P>0.05)。但饲料中钙水平对赤眼鳟脊椎骨中钙、磷含量影响显著(P<0.05),骨中钙、磷含量均随饲料中钙水平增加而增加。  相似文献   

以半精制饲料及实用饲料对中华绒螯蟹一龄蟹种进行饲养试验,以增重率、饲料系数、蛋白质效率作为主要评价依据,研究了中华绒螯蟹的营养需求。试验结果表明,中华绒螯蟹配合饲料中蛋白源的适宜含量为 40% ~42.5%,碳水化合物为 15% ~20%,能量蛋白比为30.61~32.99kJ/g蛋白,脂肪含量为 3.6%,各类矿物质的适宜含量分别为:钙2.17%、磷1.33%、铁 100mg/kg、铜 100mg/kg、硒0.1~0.3mg/ kg,无须添加钾、镁,钙磷比为1.63∶1。  相似文献   

为有效开发利用(鮟)(鱇)鱼骨下脚料,实验采用酶解和超微粉碎技术从(鮟)(鱇)鱼骨中制备鱼骨超微钙粉,并对(鮟)(鱇)鱼骨超微钙粉进行生物利用率研究.结果显示,采用碱性蛋白酶净化鱼骨的优化条件为酶解温度50℃,酶解时间2.5 h,pH 11.0,用酶量1 300 U/g,此时的净化脱除率为33.8%;经100 min粉碎后的超微钙粉粒度分布较窄,平均粒径达到最小,为626.9 nm;动物实验结果表明,(鮟)(鱇)鱼骨超微钙粉的生物利用率较高,经100 min粉碎后的超微钙粉组的钙吸收率为79.3%~ 83.5%,明显高于对照的碳酸钙组.最优条件下制备的(鮟)(鱇)鱼骨超微钙粉色泽洁白,颗粒均匀细腻,无异味,钙含量达29.5%.研究表明,(鮟)(鱇)鱼骨超微钙粉是一种优质、安全、利用率极高的钙补充制剂.  相似文献   


Seabream fish bone powder was produced using different chemical methods and tap water. The effect of different chemical procedures (sodium hydroxide (NaOH); NaOH + citric acid; NaOH + sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); NaOH + ethanol (EtOH); and NaOH + hydrogen chloride (HCl)) and tap water on proximate composition, yield, mineral composition, color, and sensorial odor was investigated. Despite its high bone powder yield (59.39%), tap water treatment was not an efficient method due to low calcium (Ca2+, 232.13 g/kg) and phosphorus (P, 111.63 g/kg) concentration and heavy fish odor. Sensorial odor analysis of seabream fish bone powder showed that tap water received the lowest scores (1.71/5), while chemically treated samples received sensorial odor scores higher than 4.00, with an average of 4.61, indicating that they had a very slight odor. The best fish bone powder yield was obtained using NaOH treatment (21.46%), where Ca2+ (276.73 g/kg) and P (147.23 g/kg) content was also high. The utilization of chemicals in combination with NaOH did not increase the sensorial odor score of seabream fish powders but resulted in a decrease in powder yield. Moreover, the mineral composition of all chemical processing techniques was comparable. Processing by-products of seabream fillet production with 8% NaOH will contribute to daily Ca2+ and P intake of individuals.  相似文献   

Although silver carp bones (SCB) are generated as waste, they are a natural source of calcium and have the potential to be a food ingredient. When the SCB had been soaked in hot sodium hydroxide (0.8%), autoclaved, and ground into SCB powder (SCBP), the total calcium content, analyzed by inductive coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy, was about 32%. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy specified hydroxyapatite as the major calcium component. The soluble calcium in SCBP was found to be 0.59% in de-ionized water. SCBP induced the cross-linking of proteins in minced fish after incubation at 40°C, as indicated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Fortification of SCBP at 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0% (w/w) in fish emulsion sausage resulted in a decrease of moisture content, while the fat and protein contents increased slightly. Total ash content in the sausage increased significantly, and total calcium content increased 15-fold in fortified SCBP. The hardness and gumminess values of sausage were improved with the addition of SCBP, while the microstructure was not altered by SCBP.  相似文献   

The apparent digestibilities (availabilities) of dry matter, protein, phosphorus and selected minerals in fish and animal by‐products were determined using rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Blood meal (ring‐dried), feather meal and deboned fish meal had relatively high concentrations of protein, low concentrations of phosphorus and many minerals, and high digestibilities (availabilities) of these nutrients. Other animal by‐products, however, had high concentrations of minerals, including phosphorus, which are associated with the bone fraction. Availabilities of manganese and zinc in the diet were reduced by the inclusion of high‐ash animal by‐products in the diet, whereas availabilities of potassium, sodium and copper were relatively unaffected. Dietary concentrations of bone minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and ash were inversely correlated with availabilities (% of intake) of most minerals except copper in the diet. Also, dietary concentrations of bone minerals correlated inversely with the net absorption (mg g?1 diet) of zinc, manganese and magnesium in the diet. When rainbow trout were fed diets containing incremental concentrations of fish bones, the apparent availabilities of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron decreased as fish bone content in the diet increased. Reducing the bone fraction of high‐ash (high‐phosphorus) by‐product meals is therefore an essential approach to using such ingredients in low‐pollution fish feeds.  相似文献   

斑点叉尾鮰鱼骨胶原多肽螯合钙的制备及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以斑点叉尾〖XCF5H.TIF〗鱼骨酶解胶原多肽液和氯化钙为原料,螯合率为指标,在一定条件下制备胶原多肽螯合钙,并考察温度、pH、时间、多肽与钙的质量比对螯合率的影响。在单因素实验结果的基础上,采用BoxBehnken中心组合设计和响应面分析法,确定最佳螯合工艺条件为温度60 ℃、pH 5.4、时间1.5 h、质量比2∶〖KG-*2〗1,此条件下,螯合率达82.53%。紫外吸收和傅里叶变换红外光谱扫描的结果表明,骨胶原多肽与钙形成了螯合物,且其氨基酸组成符合典型的胶原样蛋白特征。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency in the diet of teleost fishes decreases the mineral content of bone. The present study investigated the changes in the microanatomy and metabolism of acellular-boned juvenile haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) in relation to the P content of the diet and to determine whether bone deformities develop in association with P deficiency. Fish were fed diets containing low (0.42% diet), optimum (1.02% diet) and excess (1.42% diet) levels of P for 8 and 20 weeks. At the end of two experimental periods, fish were subjected to gross examination, x-rayed, and the mineral content of the plasma and the vertebrae was measured. The vertebrae were also subjected to histological, histomorphometric and enzyme histochemical examinations to determine the level of bone formation and resorption. A P-deficient diet caused a delay in bone mineralization. In contrast, excess P in the diet increased matrix deposition and resulted in accelerated mineralization. Counting the numbers of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and measuring the mineralized bone and the non-mineralized bone suggest that P deficiency in haddock initially increases bone resorption and subsequently decreases bone mineralization followed by a decrease in bone formation. The increase of the number of osteoclasts in P-deficient animals suggests that osteoclasts could be involved in P homeostasis. In the same fish group low bone mineral and deformed bones observed on x-rays, could be the result of a decrease in mineralization of the bone matrix.  相似文献   


Five types of aquatic food industry waste products (carp offal, carp roe, fish frames, trout offal and surimi processing waste) together with fish meal were evaluated for their suitability as potential fish meal replacements, partially or wholly, in diets for three species (rainbow trout, Murray cod and shortfin eel) cultured in Australia, using a number of criteria.

The proximate composition of the ingredients on a dry matter basis including protein content, lipid and ash, varied considerably. The essential amino acid (EAA) contents of the waste products and fish meal decreased in the order: carp roe > fish meal > carp offal > ‘surimi’ processing waste > fish frames > trout offal. The results of cluster analysis of A/E ratios of waste products and fish whole body fell within three clusters. The EAAI of whole body tissue of Murray cod, rainbow trout and Australian shortfin eel however, were closest to fish meal, followed by fish frame waste and/or ‘surimi’ waste. The results on A/E ratios and EAAI did not conform to the raw data on TAA and EAA. Therefore, the study emphasizes the need to have a multi-prong approach to determine the suitability of ingredients for incorporation into fish feeds.  相似文献   

鱼油所含的不饱和脂肪酸既有助于脂的消化吸收、转运和形成,又是生物膜的重要结构物质.鲣鱼加工中产生大量的下脚料,如果用于提取鱼油,可以创造可观的经济效益.本文探讨了利用鲣鱼加工废弃物提取、精制、纯化鱼油的工艺条件,并且对从鲤鱼废弃物中提取鱼油并纯化出高不饱和脂肪酸的方法进行了研究,得到的鱼油中高不饱和脂肪酸占24%,其中...  相似文献   

The haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) is believed to be a potential candidate for aquaculture in the Atlantic coastal countries including the UK, Norway and Canada. However, under culture conditions, haddock will sexually mature prior to the attainment of a suitable harvest weight. Therefore, a long term tank based experiment was performed where three populations of haddock (hatched spring 2002, approximately 150 fish per population) were exposed to either a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP) or SNP until January or July 2003 and thereafter continuous illumination (Jan LL or July LL respectively) with individual growth rate and maturation status being recorded until July 2004 (27 months post-hatch). While the SNP treated population matured in the spring of 2004 (two years post-hatch) with 88% of the population being observed to release gametes, no mature individuals were observed in either of the LL treated populations and furthermore there was no evidence of gonadal development or elevation in sex steroids (testosterone, estradiol-17β or calcium). The application of LL appeared to directly stimulate the growth rate of haddock (e.g. 14 to 27% increase in weight thermal growth coefficient) and improve food conversion rates. At the end of the trial there was an approximate 50% increase in wet weight (SNP: 647 ± 53 g, Jan LL: 982 ± 34 g and July LL 985 ± 33 g), however no significant difference in weight in relation to the length of LL exposure was observed. Plasma melatonin analysis revealed that the natural diel rhythm had been inhibited in both LL treated populations. Along with highlighting the similarity in reproductive entrainment between haddock and other gadoids, these results demonstrate how photoperiod manipulation could be used as a management strategy to improve growth performance in farmed haddock stocks.  相似文献   

Georges Bank haddock is a recently recovered fish stock in the New England groundfish fishery. Due to federal constraints under the Magnuson–Steven Act, however, this stock cannot be optimally exploited due to the bycatch of other critical species in the New England groundfishery such as cod and yellowtail flounder which are overfished. The Ruhle trawl and Separator trawl are examples of recent advances in gear technology that have been shown to significantly increase haddock to bycatch ratios. This study models the groundfish fishery through a mixed-stock yield model which incorporates technological interactions. We also develop a socio-economic model that quantifies the amount of employment and producer surplus associated with three trawl types. Our results explore policy situations regarding the use of the new trawls. By bridging the biological and socio-economic models, we are able to view the fishery as a system that more accurately represents stakeholder views. Our model shows that each trawl, when used exclusively, produces different optimum strategies and therefore an optimum management strategy would most likely include a combination of trawl types. Our results also support the logic of using modified trawls for haddock fishing trips in which bycatch is strictly regulated (“B days”) as the Ruhle trawl is able to maintain 80% of catches caught by a conventional trawl while reducing bycatch up to over 60%. This paper is a first step towards an aid for policy makers to examine fishery gear trade-offs and the resulting biological and socio-economic consequences of different management actions within the constraints of the Magnuson–Stevens Act.  相似文献   

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