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不同啤酒大麦品种在陇中丘陵沟壑区的性状表现研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
观察和测定了6个啤酒大麦品种在陇中丘陵沟壑区的性状表现及品质变异情况.结果表明:甘啤2号、甘啤3号、甘啤4号和9303等4品种对当地环境具有良好的适应性,法瓦维特和Aspen表现较差.6品种收获籽粒蛋白质含量均超国家啤酒大麦标准,不适用于啤酒酿造.陇中丘陵沟壑区发展啤酒大麦种植,必须立足当地自然条件,培育适宜的专用品种.  相似文献   

啤酒大麦新品种在甘肃省中部地区的适应性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2004至2005年甘肃省啤酒大麦新品种多点试验结果表明,甘啤5号在甘肃中部地区丰产性、稳产性、适应性、抗逆性及农艺性状均优于当地小麦品种,而在三个啤酒大麦品种中,甘啤5号又明显优于甘啤3号和甘啤4号.其生育期114 d,属早熟品种,株高70 cm左右,穗长9.4 cm;穗粒数24.4粒左右,千粒重47.3 g,较抗倒伏,抗大麦条纹病和其它病害,可在甘肃省中南部旱作生态区大力推广.  相似文献   

播种期对新疆啤酒大麦农艺性状与蛋白质含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定新疆啤酒大麦优质高产栽培的适宜播种期,选用甘啤4号、垦啤7号、新啤4号、新啤8号作为试验材料,设置4月9日、14日、19日、24日、29日5个播种期,研究不同播种期对4个品种啤酒大麦产量与蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明:甘啤4号、垦啤7号、新啤4号、新啤8号这4个品种在4月份播种均能正常成熟,播种早的生育期长,播种晚的生育期短。从生育期天数来看,新啤4号新脾8号甘啤4号垦啤7号,随着播种期的推迟产量逐渐降低,蛋白质含量逐渐升高。建议甘啤4号和垦啤7号等中晚熟品种适期进行早播。  相似文献   

河西走廊地区是甘肃省百万亩优质啤酒大麦生产基地,具有得天独厚的自然资源优势,啤酒大麦是酿造啤酒的主要原料之一。其酿造的啤酒营养价值高,被誉为“液体面包”,市场需求量大。为使啤酒大麦品质符合酿造质量标准,其栽培技术极其重要。1良种的选用选用良种是啤酒大麦高产优质的关键。河西地区前几年主要以匈84为主,己有近十年的种植历史,由于连年种植,致使其品质、产量匀有所下降,各种病虫害也逐年加重,为此近年来甘肃各科研推广单位大力协作,相继选育出了甘啤3号、甘啤4号、垦啤2号、垦啤3号等适用于河西走廊地区的种植品种。在播前要进行…  相似文献   

甘肃省河西高海拔地区啤酒大麦新品种(系)适应性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过2004至2005年甘肃省啤酒大麦新品种(系)多点试验结果表明,甘啤5号在河西高海拔地区产量及丰产性虽较甘啤3号、甘啤4号两个品种低,但籽粒成熟度好,蛋白质含量较低,筛选率高,特别是休眠期缩短,水敏性降低,发芽率明显高于其它品种.说明该品种是适于河西沿山高海拔地区种植的新的早熟啤酒大麦品种,  相似文献   

甘啤8号是由甘肃省农业科学院经济作物与啤酒原料研究所以甘啤4号为母本、chariot为父本,2004年组配杂交组合,经14年选育而成的啤酒大麦新品种。2014—2016年参加甘肃省区域试验,同年参加甘肃省生产对比试验和生产示范,产量位居参试品系第一;2015—2016年参加第二届国家大麦(春播)品种区域试验,产量位居参试品系第一;2016年参加国家大麦(春播)品种生产对比试验。据百威英博武汉啤酒厂、中国食品发酵工业研究院、西北啤酒大麦及麦芽品质检测实验室分析结果,其酿造品质达到国标优级标准。该品种高产、稳产、适应性广、抗倒伏、抗病强,酿造品质优良,是一个具有广阔应用前景的啤酒大麦新品种。  相似文献   

优质高产啤酒大麦新品种陇啤1号是从匈牙利品种Jaxana中选择优异的变异单株培育而成,为二棱皮大麦,春性,生育期110 d左右,株高70~85 cm,穗长7.7 cm左右;穗粒数22粒左右,绝干千粒重43~45 g,绝干蛋白质9.7%~11.0%,2.5 mm筛选率在91%以上,浸出物(以干基计)达到81.8%、α-氨基氮为160 mg/100 g、糖化力为355.5WK,库尔巴哈值为42.4%,在两年甘肃省多点试验中,陇啤1号平均产量577.6 kg/667 m2,较对照品种甘啤4号、甘啤5号产量522.54 kg/667 m2,增产55.06 kg,增幅达10.54%,居参试品种第1位。与甘啤5号、甘啤4号相比较,具有丰产、抗逆、优质和广适等特点,不仅适宜甘肃省河西、"沿黄"、"引大"灌区和中南部雨养旱作区种植,也适宜于北方同类大麦种植区种植。  相似文献   

啤酒大麦新品种甘啤3号及其优质高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
啤酒大麦新品种甘啤3号是甘肃省农科院1987年以叙利亚国际旱农研究中心抗旱大麦品种S-3作母本,以优质、丰产、抗逆、抗病性强的匈牙利品种法瓦维特作父本杂交,经多年选育而成。该品种1999年通过甘肃省农作物品种审定委员会审定。甘啤3号以其高产、抗逆性强和酿造品质优良受到广大生产者和啤酒酿造企业的欢迎。2002年以来甘啤3号在甘肃省每年种植面积达6.67万hm2,成为甘肃省继法瓦维特之后又一啤麦主栽品种,并在新疆、内蒙古、宁夏和青海等省区开始示范推广。甘啤3号2003年获甘肃省科技进步一等奖。  相似文献   

甘肃省农垦农业研究院啤酒原料作物研究所经过 7年选育的啤酒大麦新品种垦啤 2号 ,具有丰产、酿造品质优良和抗倒伏、抗干热风等抗逆性强的特点 ,其株高 70 5~ 77 2cm ,多点试验平均单产 (每公顷产量 ,下同 ) 76 35 3kg ,比对照法瓦维特增产 7 9% ,生产试验示范平均单产6 775 1kg ,较对照法瓦维特、甘啤 3号、哈瑞特 (Harrington)分别增产 9 0 4 %、11 1%、9 5 % ,适宜我省河西啤酒大麦产区种植 ,也适宜在西北同类灌溉地区种植。  相似文献   

甘肃省农垦农业研究院啤酒原料作物研究所经过7年选育的啤酒大麦新品种垦啤2号,具有丰产、酿造品质优良和抗倒伏、抗干热风等抗逆性强的特点,其株高70.5~77.2cm,多点试验平均单产(每公顷产量,下同)7635.3kg,比对照法瓦维特增产7.9%,生产试验示范平均单产6775.1kg,较对照法瓦维特、甘啤3号、哈瑞特(Harrington)分别增产9.04%、11.1%、9.5%,适宜我省河西啤酒大麦产区种植,也适宜在西北同类灌溉地区种植。  相似文献   

为给甘肃省河西地区啤酒大麦的生产栽培提供理论依据,以甘啤6号和垦啤6号为试验材料,于2012-2014年在张掖市民乐、山丹和甘州区三个试点对不同种植密度的啤酒大麦的产量和品质进行了分析。结果表明,在450~900万粒·hm-2范围内,随着种植密度的增加,甘啤6号和垦啤6号的产量以及淀粉含量均呈先增后减趋势,千粒重呈下降趋势,籽粒蛋白质含量呈先降后升趋势,而种植密度对籽粒含水量和整齐度的影响不明显。建议甘啤6号和垦啤6号在河西地区适宜的播种量为600~675万粒·hm-2。  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is common in cereals that lack grain dormancy if maturing grain is exposed to rain. This phenomenon leads to immediate loss of seed viability, and since the malting process requires germination, its occurrence is highly undesirable in malting barley crops. Dormancy release rate is genetically and environmentally controlled. We evaluated the effect of temperature during grain filling on the dormancy release pattern (and then on the PHS susceptibility) of grains from five malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars widely sown in Argentina, with the aim of predicting PHS susceptibility of a barley crop from easy-to-gather data. Barley cultivars (Quilmes Ayelén, Q. Palomar, Q. Painé, B1215 and Scarlett) were sown on different dates over a 3-year period for generating variability in the thermal environment during grain filling. The period from pollination to physiological maturity (PM) was adjusted to a thermal time (TT) scale, which was then arbitrarily divided into 50 °C d intervals. Mean air temperature within each interval and for the whole filling period was calculated for the different sowing dates. Dormancy release pattern was followed by determining a weighed germination index (GI) throughout grain filling and maturation. We sought a linear relationship between temperature during grain filling and GI at some moment after PM. For all barley cultivars, except B1215, a significant (p < 0.001) and positive correlation was found between the GI of grains with 10–20% moisture content (fresh basis) and mean temperature within TT intervals located at the last stages of seed development. Then, simply temperature-based models for predicting crop PHS susceptibility were generated for each barley cultivar. Moreover, we intended a single, universal prediction model constructed with data from all cultivars. Two general forms were proposed, but the relationships were slightly less tight when each barley cultivar model was used. A preliminary validation for each cultivar model was done for three genotypes with independent data from four sites of the major barley production area in Argentina. When comparing experimental and field data regressions we did not find significant differences in slope for any cultivar (p > 0.25). However, most of the observed GIs were higher than predicted. This upwards displacement of GI–temperature relationship suggests the role of other environmental factors (i.e. water and soil N availability, day length), differing among tested locations. We are currently evaluating and quantifying the effect of these factors with the aim of improving PHS susceptibility prediction in malting barley crops.  相似文献   

The present study has investigated the individual and combined influence of pre- and post-anthesis temperatures and cultivars on the protein composition in barley grains. Two barley cultivars were grown in soil and hydroponic systems in daylight chambers with different pre- and post-anthesis temperatures. Size exclusion (SE)-HPLC was used to evaluate the protein composition in mature barley grains. The results showed that individual and interactive effects of pre- and post-anthesis temperatures and cultivar variations influenced protein composition in the barley grains. Pre-anthesis temperature greatly affected the amounts of total sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) extractable proteins (TOTE) and explained 30% of the variation in TOTE. The barley cultivars accounted for 20% of the variation in TOTE. Variation in malting barley cultivars was found to influence the SDS extractable small monomers (41% of the variation). Percentage of SDS un-extractable polymeric proteins in total amount of polymeric proteins (%UPP) was governed by post-anthesis temperature, accounting for 11% of the variation and cultivar differences accounted for 7% of the variation. Thus, the climatic conditions during the specific growing period and a choice of cultivars played a major role in determining the protein composition and ultimately the malting quality of spring barley.  相似文献   

The contribution of grain protein to the malting quality of barley (Hordeum vulgareL.) was investigated by comparing the hordein composition and the malting quality in barley produced under a range of field conditions. Two malting cultivars, Schooner and Arapiles, and one feed cultivar, Galleon, were grown under five nitrogen regimes in each of two years. Hordein composition of the grain was determined at maturity using a combination of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polacrylamide gel electrophoresis and laser densitometry. Malt extract was determined on all samples after micromalting. Variation in growth conditions resulted in a wide range of grain protein contents and malt extract values, as well as variation in the proportions of the individual B, C and D hordeins in the grain. D hordein in particular varied over a 10-fold range. High levels of all protein fractions were associated with low malt extract. Total protein, as expected, displayed a strong, negative correlation with malt extract. The relationship was cultivar specific and separate regression lines were generated for each cultivar. Of the individual hordein fractions, D hordein displayed the strongest negative correlation with malt extract and its relationship to malt extract was independent of cultivar. A consistent relationship between D hordein and malt extract was observed across seasons, treatments and cultivars that was indicative of a causal relationship between D hordein and malting quality. D hordein therefore offers an alternative measurement to total protein for the prediction of malting quality over a wide range of environmental conditions and cultivars.  相似文献   

大麦是兼食用、饲用、酿造于一体的作物 ,蛋白质含量是各种用途大麦的重要品质性状。本研究在我国南方冬大麦区设置 8个试点 ,测定分析了 10个大麦品种在各试点种植两年的蛋白质含量。结果表明 ,蛋白质含量在品种间、地区间以及年度间均存在着显著差异 ,两年平均 ,浙农大 6号和盐引一号分别为蛋白质含量最高和最低的品种 ,泰安和杭州是蛋白质含量最高和最低的试点。年度间和品种与地区及品种与年份之间的互作均达极显著水平。  相似文献   

千粒重是啤酒大麦重要的产量与品质性状。本研究通过来自全国各地的 10个品种在我国不同地区 8个试验点种植的结果分析 ,表明千粒重在品种间、地区间以及年度间均存在显著差异。两年平均 ,浙农大 6号和单二大麦分别为千粒重最高和最低的品种 ;8个试点中以荆州点的平均粒重最高 ,泰安点最低。  相似文献   

The amount of extract a malting barley cultivar can produce in the brewhouse will always be of crucial economic importance, and malts with high extract are desired. While the extract level of a particular cultivar is influenced, by genetics, environment and malting practice, it is anticipated that if quality grain is selected and optimally malted, extract levels will not vary much within samples of the same cultivar. Nevertheless, differences are observed in commercial practice, and the objective of this study is to determine which factors are most important in determining extract within a narrow population by use of statistical analysis. Four barley samples of the six-rowed malting cultivar, Tradition, were selected for the current study. All were of acceptable quality for malting. A randomized complete block design using barley sample, kernel size, germination days, and malting type as independent variables was carried out to give a wide variation in extract. Using analysis of variance and stepwise regression, results showed that soluble protein contributed the major variation (79%) in extract under different modification levels. However, under the same modification level, barley protein, 1000-kernel weight, and diastatic power explained the most (74.3%) variation in extract. The predicted extract equation takes the form: Extract=89.3−1.64Pr+0.16KW+0.019DPExtract=89.31.64Pr+0.16KW+0.019DP.  相似文献   

大麦醇溶蛋白与麦芽品质关系的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
综述了近年来有关大麦醇溶蛋白和麦芽品质之间关系的研究进展,分析了醇溶蛋白电泳条带模型与麦芽品质之间的关系。多数研究结果表明,二者之间没有关系,但是采用聚类分析发现,醇溶蛋白电泳模型以麦芽品质为依据进行分类是有效的;有关D醇溶蛋白与麦芽品质之间关系的研究结论也不一致,有研究认为D醇溶蛋白与麦芽浸出率之间呈显著负相关,并且这种关系不受品种和年份的影响。但有人利用Hor3缺失的近等基因系进行的研究结果则并不支持这一观点。另据研究,由D醇溶蛋白和B醇溶蛋白组成的凝胶组分含量与麦芽品质呈负相关。  相似文献   

为给优质啤酒大麦生产中合理施用钾肥提供依据,研究了施钾对河西绿洲灌区啤酒大麦产量和品质的影响,并对其经济效益进行了分析。结果表明,在固定氮磷和平衡微量元素的情况下,施用一定量的钾肥能显著提高该地区啤酒大麦的产量和经济效益,当施K2O 150 kg/ha时,啤酒大麦的产量和纯收入最高,分别为6 067 kg/ha和5 796元/ha,较对照增产24.1%,增收1 271元/ha。一定量的钾肥能显著提高啤酒大麦的粗蛋白含量,但对千粒重的提高不显著。  相似文献   

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