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本试验通过开展发酵新型皇竹草制作、新型皇竹草饲料加工配比、饲喂、饲养成本等研究,发现饲喂25%发酵新型皇竹草配合饲料,试验组从岭藏鸡的平均日增重、平均日采食量显著低于对照组的,料肉比显著高于对照组的,但发酵新型皇竹草配合饲料的增重用料成本比对照组商品料的低2.05元/kg,且发酵新型皇竹草耐贮存,适口性好,也有较佳的增重效果,加之新型皇竹草易栽种,产量高,营养好,作为从岭藏鸡的饲料来源具有很大的开发价值和发展前景。  相似文献   

青贮皇竹草替代稻草饲喂育肥牛增重效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,瑞安市畜牧兽医部门利用荒山荒地积极引导当地农民大力发展种草养牛,取得显著成效,特别是引进和推广皇竹草后,因其产量高、营养丰富,很快在山区得到推广。在进行皇竹草鲜喂的同时,不少养牛场还将皇竹草青割后作青贮保存,效果更好。本试验利用青贮窑将皇竹草制成青贮饲料,在不改变育肥牛原有饲养管理方式和精料供给的条件下,用青贮皇竹草替代当地稻草饲喂肉牛试验,以研究青贮皇竹草对肉牛增重效果的影响。  相似文献   

皇竹草又名王草,是多年生耐刈割的速生性禾本科牧草。其植株高大,直立丛生,株高达300cm以上;皇竹草对土壤选择不严,具有良好的保持水土能力。皇竹草生长期长,在一般条件下,一次种植可利用6-7年。  相似文献   

文章综合分析了皇竹草的4种利用方式:青饲利用、青贮利用、氨化利用、干草利用,以及经济效益、生态效益、社会效益。提出了种植皇竹草是发展草地生态畜牧业,带领农民脱贫致富的有效途径。  相似文献   

皇竹草的栽培与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皇竹草是一种多年生禾草类植物,是由象草和非洲狼尾草杂交育成。学名为Ponnisetum hydridum,英文名为Hybrid Giant Napier,原产于哥伦比亚,因其叶长,茎似斑竹,又称竹草、甘蔗草、巨象草等。皇竹草最早是为改善生态环境从哥伦比亚引入我国海南省的。近几年的研究发现它具有很好的应用前景,可以作为一种营养价值较好的食用蛋白质新资源。皇竹草作为良好的动物饲料,近些年来已被我国海南、四川、湖南、江苏、广东、广西、江西等省份引种并应用。1皇竹草的饲用价值1.1优良生物特性皇竹草生长期短,产量极高,分蘖多,再生能力强。当年栽培的皇竹…  相似文献   

皇竹草是一种优质的牧草品种,属于禾科多年生草本植物,植株高大,茎杆似竹,此而得名。皇竹草叶质柔软,脆嫩多汁,适性好,叶量多,产量高,是牛、马、羊、兔、鱼动物的优质饲料。皇竹草适应性强,能在国多数地区种植。种植皇竹草收效快、效高,在饲料开发,水土保持,环境绿化等多面,具有重要的意义。生物学特性皇竹草属须根系,株高4至5米,茎粗可3厘米,节数有20~25个。用茎节作无性殖,2~5月份均可种植,约7~10天出芽,~10月份是皇竹草生长的旺盛季节,11月以后气温降低,生长速度慢,在0℃以上,株可自然越冬,高于零下5℃,地下根茎也越冬。皇竹草适应性…  相似文献   

沼液不同施用量对皇竹草产量及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何玮  王琳  张健 《四川草原》2012,(2):5-7,15
以皇竹草为供试材料,清水和复合肥为对照,设置不同的沼液用量梯度,研究了施用沼液对皇竹草产量以及土壤肥效的影响。结果表明,沼液用量在166.67t/hm2左右,能促进皇竹草的生长,提高产量,同时,能改善土壤的理化性质;而大量施用沼液,对牧草的生长有抑制作用,影响牧草产量。  相似文献   

何勇  李兴美 《饲料研究》2023,(11):110-112
试验旨在探究基肥法、追肥法,老篼繁殖、茎芽分蘖繁殖对皇竹草生长性能的影响。试验在相同茎芽分蘖繁殖方法下,探究基肥法、追肥法对皇竹草地径、株高、分蘖数及单株生物量的影响;在相同追肥法下,探究老篼繁殖、茎芽分蘖繁殖组对皇竹草地径、株高、分蘖数及单株生物量的影响。结果显示,8月下旬基肥法皇竹草株高、分蘖数均极显著高于追肥法(P<0.01),单株生物量极显著低于追肥法(P<0.01);老篼繁殖皇竹草株高、分蘖数和单株生物量均极显著高于茎芽分蘖繁殖(P<0.01)。9月下旬基肥法皇竹草单株生物量极显著低于追肥法(P<0.01);老篼繁殖皇竹草单株生物量极显著低于茎芽分蘖繁殖(P<0.01)。研究表明,在基肥下,皇竹草分蘖强度大、分蘖数多;当追肥后,皇竹草生长迅速、单株生物量增多。在老篼繁殖、茎芽分蘖繁殖方法下,当皇竹草密度不大时,皇竹草单株生物量与分蘖数呈正相关;密度过大时,皇竹草单株生物量与分蘖数呈负相关。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,甘蔗梢叶被加工为颗粒饲料销往外地以后,云南省云县纤维素饲料资源短缺现象越来越严重,牛、羊养殖户多数通过种植皇竹草来缓解这一难题。为了更好地扩大皇竹草的应用,保障牛羊生产的可持续发展,2013年,云县畜牧局专门对引进的皇竹草进行种植试验。1材料与方法1.1试验地与种茎2013年4月,在云县大寨镇龙潭村猛麻河边,海拔1 440 m处,选取平整,土层深度超过1 m,熟  相似文献   

通过地膜覆盖与未覆盖栽培,对牧草进行多茬次增产试验。结果表明,墨西哥玉米牧草和皇竹草栽培覆盖地膜均可刈割8茬次,比未覆盖地膜多增加刈割3次;墨西哥玉米牧草A组比B组增产65.84%,差异极显著;皇竹草A组比B组增产33.85%,差异显著;墨西哥玉米牧草A组比皇竹草A组增产14.55%,差异显著。  相似文献   

发展反刍动物绿色营养技术   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
作者把以提高反刍动物对日粮营养物质的利用率和减少对环境污染为目标的一整套实用的营养技术称之为反刍动物绿色营养技术。本文从提高氮代谢利用率、提高日粮能量利用率和提高日粮矿物质元素利用率三个方面介绍了国际上在这些方面的研究进展和技术进步 ,并着重介绍了内蒙古畜牧科学院近年来在发展反刍动物绿色营养技术方面的研究成果。本文介绍的反刍动物绿色营养技术措施有以下九种 :(1)饲料蛋白质保护和尿素缓释技术 ;(2)激素调控氮代谢技术 ;(3)进入小肠食糜氨基酸平衡技术 ;(4)降低甲烷发散技术 ;(5)日粮营养结构平衡调控技术(利用代谢葡萄糖调控组织代谢层次C3+C6 能占ME摄入量比值技术) ;(6)提高低质粗饲料的营养工程技术 ;(7)使用矿物质螯合物或络合物技术 ;(8)日粮阴阳离子平衡技术 ;(9)控制磷的排放技术。作者着重指出 ,在设计和使用这些技术时 ,应强调围绕一定的调控目标 ,将多种营养技术措施加以系统组合 ,充分利用其正组合效应 ,尽量控制或缩小其负组合效应 ,以达到充分发挥各种营养技术措施整体优势的目的。  相似文献   

鸭病毒性肝炎诊断技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了鸭肝炎病毒的诊断技术,包括常规的病毒分离技术、血清学诊断技术及分子生物学诊断技术,着重对目前广泛应用的血清学诊断技术如中和试验、琼脂扩散试验、凝集试验、荧光抗体技术、酶联免疫吸附试验和胶体金技术等进行了介绍,比较了各种方法的优缺点,并对鸭肝炎病毒诊断技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

Future developments in the manipulation of growth in farm animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anabolic steroid and antimicrobial growth promoters may be regarded as the first generation of animal growth promoters or performance enhancers. There is major investment in the development of new techniques to improve the efficiency of farm animal production. These techniques are reviewed under the headings of growth hormone (somatotrophin) and related techniques, immunological techniques, the beta-adrenergic agonists and the direct genetic manipulation of farm animals.  相似文献   

Perineural nerve blocks are often used in equine practice, especially since the use of diagnostic and surgical procedures in the standing sedated horse have expanded over recent decades. The purpose of this review is to discuss the different perineural nerve blocks for the equine head. The review starts with the currently most used blind approaches as described in textbooks and scientific studies. In human medicine, the role of guided techniques, such as ultrasound guidance, advanced imaging guidance and nerve stimulator guided techniques, is very extensively described. These techniques are promising to use in equine medicine as well. The first studies that describe these techniques in equine cases are also discussed in this review, as well as the possibilities for neuromodulation in equine pain syndromes like equine trigeminus-mediated headshaking and the role of perineural nerve blocks in diagnosing this syndrome.  相似文献   

Virus isolation, immunofluorescent staining and DNA probe hybridization, three techniques for the detection of pseudorabies virus (PRV) have been compared in pigs experimentally infected with the Thailand CB-1 strain PRV. The virus isolation and DNA hybridization detection demonstrated a good correlation in detecting infection in live animals by nasal swabbing. In white blood cells an earlier detection was seen with the DNA-hybridization techniques. Consistent results with all the three techniques tested were found in organ materials as nasal mucosa and tonsils as well as in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Objectives – To introduce the basic equipment necessary to perform interventional radiology (IR) techniques in the veterinary setting, particularly those procedures of interest to the criticalist. Data Sources – Veterinary and human literature as well as author's experience. Human Data Synthesis – Since the 1950s, diagnostic angiography has played an important role in human medicine. However, over the last 2–3 decades, this once purely diagnostic modality has become a subspecialty in human medicine with vast applications throughout the body. These techniques have replaced more invasive surgeries as the standard‐of‐care in many circumstances. Veterinary Data Synthesis – Although comparable data are not available in the veterinary literature, many IR and interventional endoscopy techniques are poised to replace more invasive procedures in veterinary medicine. In addition, these techniques have already been shown to offer treatment options for patients in whom more traditional therapies have failed, have been declined, or are not indicated due to comorbidities or substantial risk to patient health. Conclusions – Like our human medical counterparts, the use of IR techniques will likely play and increasingly important role in the care of veterinary patients. With this in mind, it is important to become familiar with both the equipment used in these techniques as well as their applications both currently in clinical cases and in the near future.  相似文献   

Transgenesis offers new possibilities to rapidly modify the genome of living organisms. The application of transgenesis to farm animals faces many problems, more than those observed in the transgenesis of laboratory animals, as there are currently many different techniques available to obtain transgenic animals, which all have problems regarding low efficiency and high costs. When these techniques are applied to farm animals the problems concerning transgenesis are multiplied. Two main techniques, male pronuclear microinjection and sperm mediated gene transfer, utilised in farm animal transgenesis, are briefly presented. The improvement of these techniques and the employment of other biotechnologies such as cloning, could expand the uses of transgenic farm animals for human health.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is the imaging technology of choice for the evaluation of the reproduction system and of pregnancy in both humans and animals. Over the past 10 years, there have been significant technological improvements of the equipment, while new technologies have been developed. Doppler, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, elastography, and 3D/4D ultrasonography are advanced ultrasound techniques that have been designed as methods to increase the diagnostic sensitivity of two-dimensional (b-mode) ultrasound, and not as stand-alone tests. The basic physics as well as the advantages and limitations of these advanced ultrasound methods are briefly described. In the reproductive diagnostics of small animals, these techniques have gained an increased popularity as proved by the increased publication of several reports that are also briefly summarized in this review. Clinical applicability is to date limited because of a lack of research on the diagnostic value in concrete situations. Future research projects should focus also on standardization of the used techniques, on determination of thresholds to discriminate between healthy or diseases or fertile versus infertile and on the predictive value of advanced ultrasound findings. Continuing development and optimization of different ultrasound techniques as well as the increase of related scientific interest and worldwide research promises that the clinical interest on the use of advanced ultrasound techniques will increase in future.  相似文献   

香根草研究与应用进展   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
对香根草Vetiveria zizanioioles的植物学特性、生态适应性、繁殖技术、种植管理技术及在农业、工程、环保、经济等领域的研究与应用状况和发展前景进行了系统总结,并且对香根草研究与推广中一些值得注意的问题进行讨论.  相似文献   

氟苯尼考检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氟苯尼考(FF)是兽医专用酰胺醇类广谱抗菌药物,具有安全高效、体内分布广等特点,在兽医临床上应用广泛.随着研究深入,氟苯尼考的检测手段从复杂、繁琐的电位法,发展到了简便、快速的、智能的色谱法;同时,各种先进检测技术的联用手段也得到了研究者的广泛应用,如色谱与质谱联用技术、毛细管电泳技术等,这些方法具有定性定量准确、抗干...  相似文献   

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