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甘肃省中部地区羊蜱传性血液原虫病的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道的是甘肃中部地区永靖、七里河等10县区的羊蜱传性血液原虫病的调查。共调查羊466只,其中绵羊374只,山羊52只,黄羊40只,每只羊抹血片2张,共镜检血片932张。发现绵羊泰勒虫和绵羊边虫两种病原。绵羊泰勒虫的感染为主,羊只感染率平均为45.24%,高的可达63.46%。共采集蜱1971只,经鉴定有青海血蜱、长角血蜱、森林革蜱和银盾革蜱4种。青海血蜱是绵羊泰勒虫的媒介蜱。  相似文献   

为了解新疆昭苏县马感染梨形虫情况及传播媒介蜱的种类,采用寄生虫病病原常规检查方法、分子生物学技术和血清学检测方法对200匹马进行马梨形虫的检测,对320只传播媒介蜱进行形态学鉴定。结果显示,血液涂片染色镜检红细胞染虫率为9.23%,PCR、cELISA对驽巴贝斯虫的检出率分别为28%和23.5%,对泰勒虫的检出率分别为36%和34%;对马体表和周边环境采集的320只蜱虫鉴定为草原革蜱和森林革蜱2种。本研究为该地区马梨形虫病的防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

研究如何对羊泰勒虫病进行有效的预防以及治疗。方法:从羊泰勒虫病流行较为严重的村中选择480只年龄在1岁以内的羊只,将其随机分为5组,每组各96只,分别对其采用不预防、灭蜱灵乳油、灭蜱灵乳油+伊利加注射液、灭蜱灵乳油+多拉菌素注射液、灭蜱灵乳油+多拉菌素+血虫净等方法进行预防;选取2018年1~12月发生羊泰勒焦虫病的羊只共364例。将其随机分为4各小组,每组各91例,分别采用不治疗、血虫净、血虫净+长效土霉素、青蒿琥酯注射液四种方法进行治疗。结果:灭蜱灵乳油+多拉菌素+血虫净的有效灭蜱时间为51d,发病率仅为6.25%,其有效率达87.78%;血虫净与长效土霉素联合治疗效果最佳,其治愈率可达90.11%。  相似文献   

养鸡治羊蜱效果好钱诗文(奉化市畜牧兽医技术推广中心)浙江奉化市杨村乡马头村某户饲养65只山羊,几年来受硬蜱侵害十分严重,每只羊体寄生硬蜱少则几百只,多则上千只。由于被蜱叮咬,影响山羊采食和睡卧,并引起皮炎或溃疡,造成羊只贫血、消瘦、羔羊生长发育受阻,...  相似文献   

1999-2001年,在永靖县羊血液原虫病流行区进行了最佳灭蜱药物筛选试验和抗原虫药物预防、治疗羊泰勒虫病效果对比观察试验。结果表明:最佳灭蜱药物是灭蜱灵,平均有效期为55d,灭蜱预防后的发病率可降低到3.07%;虫克星是理想的防治辅助用药;贝尼尔脂质体和贝尼尔与蜱灵配合应用后,预防保护期达54d、45d,用药后60d发病率为2%、2.27%,比对照组49.46%降低47.46、47.19个百分点,预防效果明显;贝尼尔脂质体和焦虫净的治愈率为95%、87.85%,比对照组35.71%提高59.29、52.14个百分点,是首选治疗药物。  相似文献   

甘南地区羊泰勒虫病的预防与治疗试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
2004年-2005年在甘南藏族自治州羊泰勒虫病流行的农区、半农半牧区及半林半牧区,进行最佳灭蜱药物试验和治疗羊泰勒虫病效果对比观察试验。结果表明:最佳灭蜱药物是长效阿力佳注射液和灭蜱灵油剂,平均有效期分别为44d、36d,灭蜱预防后发病率降到5.00%、2.86%;蒿甲醚、血虫克星、焦虫净及贝尼尔注射液对羊泰勒虫病的治愈率分别为92.30%、91.76%、90.47%7和90.43%,其治疗效果均较好,特别对发病初期轻症病羊治疗效果好。  相似文献   

甘肃省马驽巴贝斯虫病综合防治研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在查明了30余年来流行甘肃省陇东南地区的一种马病病原为驽巴贝斯虫病,传媒为森林革蜱和草原革蜱的基础上,开展了综合防治研究工作。通过抗血液原虫药物的治疗试验,证明咪唑苯脲、贝尼尔、黄色素、焦虫净对驽巴贝斯虫病的治愈率分别为100%、84.62%、81.82%、73.33%。对贝尼尔用药途径改肌注为静脉滴注后治愈率由84.625提高到90.63%,且副反应大幅度降低,药物预防试验中证明咪唑苯脲、焦虫净、贝尼尔预防效果均达98%以上,有效保护期分别为59、24、24天。应用敌杀死灭蜱预防,效果达100%,有效保护期为23天。成功地研制出了咪唑苯脲缓释剂,其预防效果达100%有效保护期为113天。研究制定了“三双”综合防治措施,在流行区15个县(区)实施3年,共治愈马类家畜119175匹,预防马类家畜905200匹。流行区发病率由13.85%降到0.095,死亡率由5.65%降至0.04%。,获得经济效益8908.98万元。  相似文献   

淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒(lymphocytic chorimeningtis virus,LCMV)是一种经鼠传播的人畜共患病毒。为明确东北地区LCMV在蜱的感染本底,2015年在吉林省采集蜱534只,其中草原革蜱占43.1%;森林革蜱38.4%;长角血蜱11.4%和全沟硬蜱7.1%。将采集蜱按蜱种及地区分组,进行宏病毒组测序,发现蜱感染LCMV。通过RT-PCR检测发现吉林省LCMV蜱感染率为3.5%,其中长角血蜱、草原革蜱、森林革蜱和全沟硬蜱感染率分别为12.2%,2.5%,4.4%和2.5%,长角血蜱携带率最高。通过全基因组测序获得LCMV全基因组序列,并对其进行遗传进化分析,结果表明东北地区蜱感染的LCMV属于基因Ⅰ型,提示蜱可能作为LCMV的传播媒介。本研究确定了东北地区蜱的LCMV感染率及基因型,为LCMV的防控监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为验证除癞灵喷雾杀灭绵羊颚虱、羊蜱蝇的效果 ,我们在昂思多乡阳坡村做了本次试验 ,现将结果报告如下 :1 材料与方法 :1 1 试验药品 :除癞灵 (有效成份 :蝇毒磷 ) ,含量 16 % ,辽宁省凤凰兽药厂生产 ,批号 2 0 0 0 0 42 1,5 0 0ml塑料瓶装。1 2 器械 :工农手动 16型喷雾器 ,容量 15kg。1 3 试验动物及分组 :选择在相同条件下放牧的自然感染绵羊颚虱、羊蜱蝇严重的绵羊 40只 ,在剪毛后 2 0天内 ,分为两组 ,每组 2 0只。1 4 试验方法 :1 4 1 试验组 (喷药前检查羊颚虱平均 7 5只 dm2 ,羊蜱蝇 6 8个 dm2 )按使用说明 1∶5 0 …  相似文献   

为了解新疆焉耆马体表硬蜱的种类及其遗传进化特性,选取5个焉耆马场作为采样点,采集马体表及其饲养环境中的硬蜱共830只,借助显微镜观察鉴定其形态结构;使用PCR对其COI基因进行扩增测序,利用Meagalign与Mega1 1.0生物学软件中的邻接法(NJ)进行同源性比较及遗传进化树构建,分析其遗传进化特征。结果显示:通过形态学和分子生物学鉴定,5个采样点的56匹焉耆马体表及其饲养环境中采集的830只硬蜱,分属于革蜱属的边缘革蜱、草原革蜱、森林革蜱。使用PCR扩增COI基因发现,在709 bp处出现与预期一致的目的片段;基于COI基因测序比对发现,采集的边缘革蜱、草原革蜱、森林革蜱同种间的同源性均达99.0%以上,其中边缘革蜱与新疆HM193889株位于同一分支,草原革蜱与新疆KF583573株位于同一分支,而森林革蜱与新疆MH079424株、山西MK213073株分属两个分支。结果表明,以上3种蜱中,边缘革蜱、草原革蜱具备较完整的遗传进化特征,而森林革蜱遗传进化特征不完整。本研究为地方蜱及蜱媒病防治奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An aqueous emulsion of amitraz (Bovitraz, Bayer AH), prepared and applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations, was evaluated for its activity against cattle ticks on a dairy farm in Ethiopia. Eight crossbred heifer calves aged between 6 and 8 months and heavily infested with ticks were selected and divided into equal treatment and control groups. The calves in the treatment group were hand-sprayed with the amitraz emulsion while the control group was left untreated. Each calf was restrained and ticks were counted and identified in situ. One hundred percent tick control was achieved on Day 3 after acaricide application, and this was maintained for a further 18 days. The residual effect was long, and protected the animals from re-infestation for 21 days. There was a significant difference between the mean number of ticks on the control group compared to the treated group (P < 0.05). An important finding in this trial was the rapid detachment of all tick instars from animals treated with the test acaricide.  相似文献   

The efficacy of milbemycin oxime against fourth-stage (L4) larvae and adults of Ancylostoma tubaeforme was investigated in a trial involving 24 young domestic shorthair cats. The animals were inoculated with approximately 300 infective stage three (L3) larvae and divided into three groups. After 12 days, eight cats (group 1) were treated with medicated tablets containing 4 mg milbemycin and 10 mg praziquantel to test the efficacy against L4 larvae; eight cats in group 2 were treated with the same tablets after 33 days to test the efficacy against adult worms; and eight cats in group 3 were treated with a placebo tablet. Faecal egg counts were determined periodically in each cat and after 40 or 41 days the number of worms in each animal was determined postmortem. The egg count reduction was determined by comparing the geometric mean numbers of eggs per gram of faeces in the placebo and medicated groups, and the worm reduction by comparing the geometric mean numbers of worms. The egg count reduction was more than 99 per cent in both treated groups, while the number of worms in groups 1 and 2 were reduced by 94.7 per cent and 99.2 per cent, respectively.  相似文献   

Influence of estrus synchronization of prepubertal gilts on embryo quality   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Synchronization and superovulation are commonly used to obtain large numbers of embryos for experimental and practical purposes. This study compared the number, quality, and in vitro development of embryos recovered from gilts following single or double estrus synchronization and superovulation. Prepubertal gilts from the single synchronization group were injected with 1500 I.U. PMSG and 1000 I.U. hCG 72 h later. The double synchronized group of gilts was treated with 750 I.U. PMSG and 500 I.U. hCG 72 h later. After 17 days, 1500 I.U. PMSG followed by 1000 I.U. hCG was administered. Five days after insemination embryos were recovered and cultured for 6 days. Both single and double hormonal stimulation schedules resulted in recovery of elevated numbers of embryos (28.4 and 23.4 vs. 11.3; p<0.01 and p相似文献   

A novel spot-on formulation containing metaflumizone and amitraz (ProMeris/ProMeris Duo for Dogs, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Overland Park, KS) was evaluated in a laboratory study to determine the appropriate dose for efficacy against fleas and ticks on dogs for 1 month. Thirty-six Beagles were randomly allocated to six equal groups and individually housed. One group remained nontreated. Another was treated with a placebo formulation (solvents with no active ingredients). Three groups of dogs were treated topically with the metaflumizone plus amitraz formulation (150mg of each of metaflumizone and amitraz/ml), at volumes providing doses of 10, 20 and 40mgeachactive/kg. The final group was treated with a commercial spot-on providing 6.7mgfipronil/kg. All treatments were applied to the skin at a single spot between the scapulae on Day 0. Dogs were infested with 50 adult brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) on each of Days -2, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33 and 40, and with 100 cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis felis) on Days -1, 6, 13, 20, 27, 34 and 41. Dogs were examined and parasites "finger counted" on Day 1 to estimate knock down efficacy, and all animals were comb counted to determine the numbers of viable fleas and ticks on Days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. There were no significant differences in parasite counts between the nontreated control and the placebo-treated control groups for either fleas or ticks (P>0.05) except for very slight reductions on Day 7 for fleas and Day 14 for ticks, demonstrating that the formulation excipients had no activity. The qualitative finger counts on Day 1 indicated that all of the insecticidal treatments resulted in a noticeable reduction in flea and tick numbers within 1 day of treatment. All of the metaflumizone and amitraz treatments and fipronil resulted in significantly lower flea and tick numbers relative to nontreated controls on all posttreatment count days (P<0.05). For the metaflumizone plus amitraz treatments, mean flea and tick counts for the 10mg/kg dose were significantly higher than those for the 20mg/kg dose (P<0.05) from Day 21 on. There was no significant advantage provided by the 40mg/kg dose over the 20mg dose throughout the entire study (P>0.05). The two higher metaflumizone plus amitraz doses provided >95% control of fleas and >90% control of ticks for at least 35 days after treatment, and this level of control was similar to that of the commercial fipronil product. The 20mg/kg dose was selected as the minimum commercial dose rate to provide effective flea and tick control for at least 1 month following a single treatment.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the morantel sustained release bolus (MSRB) in controlling gastrointestinal parasitism in beef cattle was assessed during the 1982 spring-autumn grazing season. Forty-eight cows and their calves were allotted to three equal groups. One group (T-1) served as a nonmedicated control group. One MSRB was administered to each calf of the T-2 group, and to each cow and calf of the T-3 group at the beginning of the study. The efficacy of the bolus was assessed by comparison of weight gain performance and parasitological data (fecal worm egg counts, herbage larval counts, worm counts from tracer and principal trial calves, and plasma pepsinogen level determinations). Though not statistically significant, treated calves from Group T-2 had a numerical mean weight gain advantage of 2.6 kg, and those from Group T-3 of 4.7 kg, over control calves. Average daily gains (ADG) for the three groups of calves were 0.69, 0.72, and 0.73 kg, respectively. Untreated cows from Group T-2 and treated cows from Group T-3 outperformed the control cows by 12.3 and 7.5 kg, respectively. Fecal worm egg counts from both groups of treated calves were significantly (P less than 0.01) lower than counts from control calves during the entire 169-day trial; notably, egg counts were reduced by 99% 28 days after MSRB administration to both groups of calves. There were no significant differences in the number of eggs counted from the three groups of cows, probably because of the very low numbers of eggs encountered. Mean total worm burdens of principal calves (six per group) necropsied at trial termination indicated a 91% (P less than 0.01) reduction in Group T-2 and an 87% reduction (P less than 0.01) in Group T-3. Worm-free tracer calves were introduced onto pastures every 28 days to monitor availability of infective larvae. The mean number of worms recovered at necropsy from tracer calves that grazed with control cattle increased as the season progressed. However, the numbers of parasites recovered each month from mid-August through mid-October from tracers that grazed pastures with treated cattle were lower (P less than 0.05) than those levels displayed at trial initiation. In addition, the mean numbers of worms from treated group tracers were lower than from the controls for each necropsy period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Relative resistance levels of cattle against tick infestations in the communal grazing area of Botshabelo in the south-eastern Free State were determined. The objective was to establish whether differences in resistance can be exploited to contribute to tick control methods used by small-scale farmers in resource-poor environments. Ten cows (Bos taurus crosses) between the ages of 18 months and four years were used and tick counts were conducted once a month over a period of 12 months to compare their total tick burdens. Tick burdens of the various animals were compared mutually as well as with the mean tick burden of the group as a whole. Tick numbers varied throughout the year on all individuals but some animals consistently tended to have either higher or lower numbers than the mean of the group. Tick burdens on cattle classified as having a relatively low resistance to tick infestations increased eleven-fold from January to June 1996 compared to a six-fold increase on cattle categorized as belonging to the high resistance group. Twenty-eight percent of the cattle in the total study group carried 50% of the ticks collected (60,079). It is recommended that farmers in the region visually assess B. decoloratus burdens, the most abundant tick species, and sell or cull the most susceptible animals first in their normal program of utilization of the animals. This should eventually result in the direct improvement of the overall tick resistance of their cattle herds.  相似文献   

Four groups of seven dogs were treated topically with a novel combination of fipronil, amitraz and (S)-methoprene in a spot-on formulation (CERTIFECT?, Merial Limited, GA, USA) on 28, 21, 14 and 7 days prior to tick infestation, respectively and acaricidal efficacy and transmission blocking compared with an untreated control group (seven dogs). All dogs were infested with adult Dermacentor reticulatus ticks harbouring Babesia canis canis. Babesia canis canis was transmitted by D. reticulatus to all seven untreated control dogs, confirmed following demonstration of clinical signs, by the detection of B. canis parasites in thin blood smears and B. canis canis PCR-RLB DNA assay on blood and the development of B. canis canis antibody titres by 14-21 days after tick infestation. The majority of treated dogs remained sero-negative for 42 days after infestation. Therefore, the treatment of dogs with CERTIFECT applied up to 28 days prior to infestation with D. reticulatus harbouring B. canis canis, successfully prevented the development of clinical signs of canine babesiosis.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in a peri-urban agricultural system at Botshabelo, a city in the south-eastern Free State. A questionnaire survey revealed that 88.5% of cattle farmers in the area experienced problems related to ticks and tick-borne diseases. Because of the cost of commercial acaricides the Botshabelo farmers use alternative, cheaper methods of tick control, including the application of used engine oil. The specific aim of the study was to determine whether used engine oil can effectively control ticks on cattle. From March to August 1996 the tick burdens of ten control animals and six animals treated by their owner with used engine oil were compared. The total tick burdens for the 6 month period differed significantly between the two experimental groups. The efficacy of the used engine oil on the treated group varied between 15.1% and 64.8% with a mean of 38.1%. Although commercial acaricides can be more cost-effective, the application of used engine oil can be useful to reduce tick numbers on cattle during periods of peak abundance. Another advantage in that the use of the oil will not influence existing endemic stability of Anaplasma marginale and Babesia bigemina infections because of the residual tick burdens after treatment.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a flumethrin 1% pour-on (Bayticol, Bayer AH) was evaluated against natural infestations of ticks on cattle on a dairy farm in Ethiopia during 1997/98. The cattle, (n = 92), which were Friesian/ Zebu crosses, were heavily infested with Boophilus decoloratus. Dry cows (n = 8) were randomly selected and allocated either into a treatment or a control group. Flumethrin 1 % pour-on was applied to the treatment group according to the manufacturer's recommendation, i.e. along the dorsal mid-line from the head to the base of the tail. Ticks were counted and identified in situ on treated and control animals. When the total tick counts of the treated group were similar to those on the control, the trial was discontinued. Excellent results were achieved with flumethrin against heavy tick infestations. There was a rapid kill after 24 h post-treatment, and from day 4 onwards 100% control was achieved and maintained for a further 29 days. The results obtained indicate that there was a significant difference between the mean tick counts of the control group compared with those of the treatment group (P < 0,05). The evidence presented here suggests that the flumethrin 1 % pour-on may be applied at 45 day intervals and should provide effective protection against the economically important ticks if it is used at the recommended dosage rate and applied correctly.  相似文献   

Groups of six, six and eight miniature gilts, respectively, received 5, 10 or 15 mg/day of altrenogest for 18 days, and the numbers of corpora lutea and residual follicles were counted approximately 14 days after the treatment by an exploratory laparotomy. They were compared with the numbers in a control group of eight gilts which were examined six to eight days after oestrus. The interval between the last dose of altrenogest and the onset of oestrus increased with the dose of altrenogest, and was significantly longer after the treatments with 10 or 15 mg/day than after 5 mg/day (P < 0.01). Significantly more corpora lutea were observed in the gilts receiving 5 or 10 mg/day of altrenogest than in the control gilts (P < 0.1). Groups of six, seven and six miniature gilts that had respectively received 5, 10 or 15 mg/day of altrenogest were artificially inseminated; four, six and five of the gilts in these groups farrowed, and their mean (sd) litter sizes were 5.5 (2.4), 6.8 (1.2) and 5.0 (2.3), respectively. All six of a group of control gilts farrowed and their mean litter size was 5.8 (1.2).  相似文献   

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