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An 18‐year‐old Arabian‐mix mare was presented with a history of severe colic. Emergency exploratory celiotomy revealed diaphragmatic hernia, with a large rent in the left dorsal aspect of the diaphragm and large colon volvulus. Attempts to close the defect in the diaphragm in dorsal recumbency were unsuccessful. Therefore, a thoracic approach through lateral thoracotomy was elected, and a mesh was attached to the diaphragm using skin staples. While in dorsal recumbency, the mare suffered from significant respiratory acidosis. Thus, the mare was tilted into reverse Trendelenburg (30° head upward) and ventilation improved markedly. The mare recovered uneventfully, and was doing well 5 years after surgery.  相似文献   

A 21‐year‐old Warmblood mare was referred to the Equine Department, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, because of recurrent unilateral nasal discharge 3 months after partial removal of a large cyst from the left maxillary and frontal sinuses. Endoscopic, radiographic and computed tomographic examinations showed that the remnant of the cyst, which originally had extended from the left maxillary and frontal sinuses into the left nasal cavity, had expanded and was obliterating the left middle nasal meatus. A direct surgical approach to the cyst through the left nasal and maxillary bones rostral to the facial crest was chosen, which allowed evaluation and removal of the entire cyst. Endoscopic examination 3 days post operatively showed no remnants of the cyst, and the mare was discharged in good health. Re‐examination one year later showed no recurrence of the cyst.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old, crossbred grey mare was referred for examination of a left-sided head tilt and neck stiffness which had been noted for several months. Radiographic examination of the head revealed severe periarticular bone formation surrounding the dorsal and ventral margins of the atlanto-occipital joint and a large multilobular bony mass encroaching on the guttural pouch. Computed tomographic examination confirmed a multiloculated bony mass invading the vertebral canal and causing marked spinal cord compression and displacement. Histologically, this was identified to be an osteochondroma and the horse was conservatively managed.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Thoroughbred mare found recumbent in the field was referred for further assessment with suspicion of a skull fracture. Neurological examination identified compulsive tight circling to the left, and hypermetria in all four limbs. The mare was obtunded, with a mild head tilt to the right, absent menace response of the right eye and decreased facial sensation on the right. Standing computed tomographic examination revealed a subtle depression fracture of the dorsal calvarium and moderate intra-axial midline shift consistent with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Despite supportive treatment, the mare deteriorated and was subjected to euthanasia. Post-mortem high field magnetic resonance imaging revealed findings consistent with a small cerebral contusion adjacent to the fracture site, and moderate to severe ipsilateral cerebral oedema within the caudal cerebrum and rostral brainstem, consistent with a coup contrecoup TBI. Brainstem lesions indicate a poor prognosis and support the decision for euthanasia. This is the first report of the imaging findings of a coup contrecoup TBI in a horse.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old Warmblood mare was presented to the clinic 8 h after being found by the owners with luxation of the second cervical vertebra. Clinically, the horse showed an extended posture and reduced movement of the head and neck. A defined lateral swelling of the neck at the level of the first cervical vertebrae was evident. Successful reduction was achieved with the horse under general anaesthesia in lateral recumbency using an electrically powered hand pallet truck. The mare showed no neurological disorders before or after reduction. Seven months after the incident the mare could be ridden and exhibited no functional abnormalities relating to the neck.  相似文献   

A 23‐year‐old, 467‐kg Palomino mare was examined for evaluation of sudden onset severe ataxia and depression. The mare had been found down in a pasture and was unable to rise. She was observed, by her owner, to be normal 24 hours earlier. This mare had resided with this owner for approximately 1.5 years, had always lived out on pasture, and had experienced numerous episodes of colic since the time she was purchased. Recent reported feed changes included introduction of new hay. Upon arrival at the hospital, the mare was severely ataxic in all 4 limbs and extremely disoriented. She head‐pressed several times during the course of the evaluation and yawned repeatedly. The mare was tachycardic, with a heart rate of 98 beats per minute, and tachypneic, with a respiratory rate of 60 breaths per minute, and the mucous membranes were hyperemic and purple, with a capillary refill time of greater than 3 seconds. The mare was blind bilaterally, as indicated by absence of both menace and pupillary light responses. She had bilateral facial nerve paralysis and decreased hypoglossal nerve function. She was able to prehend, but was dysphagic with decreased tongue tone and movement. Analysis of the venous blood revealed metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis with a normal pH of 7.38 (reference range 7.32–7.44), HCO3 of 13 mEq/L (reference range 25–30 mEq/L), PCO2 of 21.2 mmHg (reference range 36–46 mmHg), and BE of ‐12 mEq/L (reference range ‐1‐1 mEq/L).a It also revealed a low blood urea nitrogen concentration of 8 mg/dL (reference range 11–27 mg/dL) and a high blood glucose concentration of 263 mg/dL (reference range 63–134 mg/dL).a Both packed cell volume and total solids were high at 52% (reference range 32–53%), and 8 g/dL (reference range 5.8–7.7 g/dL), respectively. The blood ammonia concentration was 120 μmol/L (reference range 18–78 μmol/L)b.  相似文献   

A 7‐year‐old Warmblood mare presented with blood loss from a laceration of the medial digital artery sustained in the field. The mare was initially managed conservatively by pressure bandaging but the bleeding did not stop. After a blood transfusion the mare underwent arterial repair under general anaesthesia and was initially managed in a cast post operatively. Doppler ultrasonography 4 days post operatively confirmed effective blood flow distal to the arterial anastomosis and the mare was discharged from the hospital. At 6 months follow‐up the owner reported that the mare was sound at the trot with an excellent cosmetic outcome of the surgical site.  相似文献   

A four‐year‐old female French bulldog was presented for evaluation of acute, left‐sided peripheral vestibular syndrome. Computed tomographic (CT) examination of the head revealed the presence of air within the left cochlea and vestibule, consistent with pneumolabyrinth. This was concurrent with ipsilateral otitis media and externa. Pneumolabyrinth is an uncommon finding in humans and is most frequently due to head trauma and temporal bone fracture. This is the first report describing pneumolabyrinth in a dog, apparently of nontraumatic origin in this case.  相似文献   

The mare exhibits nocturnal uterine contractions in the last 6 days of gestation. It is hypothesized that estradiol 17β (O17β) may be associated with the nightly increase in uterine contractions. The 24‐h secretion pattern of plasma O17β was measured in 3 pony mares in late gestation to identify changes in release as the mare neared parturition. Blood was collected weekly at 08:00 hours beginning on day 240 and every third day from day 330 until delivery. Serial blood samples were collected from each mare every 30‐min for 24‐h beginning on gestation day 310 and every sixth day thereafter until parturition. Concentrations of O17β were elevated at night with lowest concentrations occurring directly before sunset (p < 0.01). The natural log of the variance was increased at sunset (p < 0.01) and was decreased during the 6‐h period immediately after sunrise. This pattern was especially evident in the 6 days that preceded parturition. The contrast between nocturnal and daytime concentrations of O17β in the last 6 days of gestation may contribute to night‐time delivery in the mare.  相似文献   

A 12‐year‐old Selle Français mare was presented because of inspiratory stridor, hypersalivation and dysphagia. A mass at the base of the tongue could be visualised by upper airway endoscopy, oral cavity examination and radiographs of the head. The exact localisation, extent of the mass and extent of tissue infiltration could only be defined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This Case Report illustrates the usefulness of MRI to assess the characteristics and extent of such a lesion and describes the appearance of peripheral nerve sheath tumour in the tongue of a horse.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old Quarter Horse mare presented for evaluation of chronic intermittent colic. Following extensive diagnostics, abdominal radiographs revealed two round, radiopaque objects in the caudal abdomen. Palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasonography of the reproductive tract confirmed that the round objects were uterine marbles. Dinoprost tromethamine (Lutalyse, 5 mg i.m. q. 24 h for 2 days) was administered to bring the mare into oestrus, and both uterine marbles were manually removed from the uterus following digital dilation of the relaxed cervix. Follow‐up with the owner 12 months after discharge revealed that the mare had shown no further signs of abdominal discomfort since having the uterine marbles removed. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first published report of chronic intermittent colic attributed to uterine marbles in a mare.  相似文献   

A 17‐year‐old Appaloosa mare presented to the emergency service for acute, traumatic, partial amputation of the tail at the level of the ninth coccygeal vertebra. The patient did not have tail or anal tone and did not respond to sharp stimulation of skin in the perineal region. Two grade 1 rectal tears were found during rectal palpation. Radiographs revealed dislocation of the second (Cd2) and third (Cd3) caudal vertebrae. The patient was treated with antibiotics, an anti‐inflammatory drug and stall confinement. The ninth caudal vertebra was surgically removed to facilitate closure of skin over the wound. When the mare was discharged after 7 days of hospitalisation, she had regained partial sensation of the perineum and partial function of the internal and external anal sphincters. At re‐evaluation one year following injury, the mare was able to move her tail laterally and had regained sensation of her perineum and tail; however, she still was unable to lift her tail.  相似文献   

A 16‐year‐old Arab mare was referred for treatment of a tachydysrhythmia detected on electrocardiogram by the referring veterinarian. Monomorphic, narrow‐complex ventricular tachycardia (VT) was confirmed by electro‐cardiogram in a normal base‐apex configuration. Subsequent diagnostic testing, including echocardiography and measurement of plasma cardiac troponin concentration, did not reveal a definitive cause for the dysrhythmia. Conversion of VT to ventricular bigeminy occurred following treatment with magnesium sulfate and lidocaine hydrochloride, administered intravenously. Treatment with orally administered propranolol subsequently led to conversion to sinus rhythm with intermittent ventricular premature complexes (VPCs). Oral prednisolone treatment was also initiated to address the possibility that VT resulted from underlying myocarditis. The mare was discharged with oral propranolol, a tapering course of prednisolone, and exercise restriction. Follow‐up cardiac examination 6 weeks later revealed persistent, intermittent VPCs and reversion to VT occurred during exercise. Sinus rhythm with intermittent VPCs was re‐established following the administration of lidocaine. The mare was again discharged with oral propranolol therapy, which was subsequently replaced with oral sotalol. Sudden death occurred 4 weeks later but a post mortem examination was not performed.  相似文献   

This report describes the successful management of a pregnant 14‐year‐old seven‐eighths Thoroughbred mare with an ovarian granulosa cell tumour. The mare initially presented with unilateral ovarian enlargement whilst being managed for artificial insemination, demonstrating normal ovarian function with ovulation from the contralateral ovary leading to conception. The mare subsequently re‐presented with stallion‐like behaviour at 3.5 months gestation and ovarian suppression was evident. The mare maintained her pregnancy and delivered a live colt foal at term. Ovariectomy was performed 3 months post foaling and the mare regained cyclic activity 9 months post surgery. The mare then conceived and became pregnant once more. The diagnostic and therapeutic challenges during pregnancy are discussed.  相似文献   

A 3‐year‐old pregnant Standardbred mare was treated at the University of Helsinki Equine Teaching Hospital for severe idiopathic immune‐mediated thrombocytopenia and haemolytic anaemia (Evan's syndrome). Despite initial improvement with supportive care and immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids and azathioprine, the mare died from a fatal cerebral haemorrhage on Day 21 of treatment.  相似文献   

A 20‐year‐old, Thoroughbred mare in the fifth month of gestation was examined for weight loss, pyrexia and lethargy. Physical examination, ultrasonography and radiography revealed a severe abscessing pneumonia and a dead fetus. The mare did not respond to symptomatic treatment and died suddenly. Necropsy revealed multifocal pulmonary abscessation. Rhodococcus equi was isolated from the lungs, liver and kidneys. Specific immune function of the mare and presence of the virulence associated protein A (VapA) of the R. equi isolated was not determined. It is likely that immunosuppression is required for systemic R. equi infections in adult horses; however, it is unknown if VapA is necessary to produce disease in adult horses.  相似文献   

A foal with a cranio‐dorsal coxofemoral luxation was treated with a prosthetic capsulorraphy technique after open reduction. After reluxation a femoral head ostectomy was performed for salvage purposes. The filly was discharged with minimal lameness and was using the limb properly after 51 days of hospitalisation. Four years later the filly is still doing well as a breeding mare, with an acceptable quality of life despite angular deformities in the contralateral limb.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old Italian Saddlebred showjumper mare was referred for investigation of recurrent colic. The mare had undergone surgery for left dorsal displacement of the ascending colon 5 years previously and had subsequently experienced several episodes of colic that had responded to medical treatment. Due to deterioration of the mare's clinical condition in the last episode, characterised by unrelenting pain and worsening of the cardiovascular parameters, the mare underwent repeat surgery for suspected colonic displacement. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a complete rupture of the mesocolon of the ascending colon. The mesocolon was repaired and the mare recovered uneventfully. She returned to training and competition and only a single episode of mild transient colic was recorded in the follow‐up.  相似文献   

Anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) has been reported to be elevated in mares with granulosa cell tumour (GCT). An 8‐year‐old Thoroughbred mare was presented for not being observed in oestrus after the beginning of the breeding season. Rectal palpation and ultrasonography revealed enlargement and cystic appearance of the left ovary while the right ovary was small with an anoestrous‐like appearance. The AMH concentration was 694.9 ng/ml. Presumptively diagnosed with GCT, the mare was subjected to tumour removal. Histopathology confirmed GCT. To evaluate changes of AMH concentration following surgery, blood samples were collected immediately prior to surgery, and on Days 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 after surgery. Thereafter, blood samples were collected monthly and also at the time the mare was observed in oestrus (148 days after tumour removal). The AMH concentrations decreased over the first 2 months after surgery (from 721.2 ng/ml to 0.1 ng/ml). Subsequently, AMH concentration increased and peaked at the time of oestrus expression (0.7 ng/ml). The mare then became anoestrous, and AMH concentration decreased and reached 0.2 ng/ml, which was not significantly different from the mean concentration of AMH in normal anoestrous mares (n = 5; 0.26 ± 0.07 ng/ml). In conclusion, the present report implies the potential use of AMH for determination of the time of follicular resumption in mares after GCT removal.  相似文献   

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