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The endangered Tristan albatross Diomedea dabbenena is restricted to Gough and Inaccessible Islands. The species is killed as bycatch by longline fisheries in the South Atlantic, but the impact of this mortality is unknown. We satellite tracked 38 breeding Tristan albatrosses and assessed the seasonal and annual at-sea distribution of these birds in relation to reported pelagic longline fishing effort. These birds ranged across the South Atlantic from 50°W to 15°E with most (97%) daytime satellite fixes between latitudes 30°S and 45°S. Considerable fishing effort occurred within the same latitudes. Although there was no correlation between their at-sea distributions, there was a broad overlap between birds and fishing effort. Estimated bycatch rates for Tristan albatross and other Diomedea species in the South Atlantic, and the spatio-temporal overlap between birds and hooks, yield a predicted annual mortality of 471-554 birds, sufficient to cause population decreases of 3.6-4.3% per year. An index of bird × hook interactions (proportional density of birds multiplied by number of hooks by decadal period for each 5° square of longitude and latitude) indicated that 47% of annual interactions occurred in areas around Gough Island, and 11% and 15% of interactions in areas of the west and east Atlantic, respectively. There were also within seasonal differences in the key areas of overlap. The fishing fleets of Taiwan and Japan are likely to be responsible for most interactions based upon the reported magnitude of effort expended in the South Atlantic by these fleets. Ensuring that licensed fishing vessels within the Tristan da Cunha Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) operate using best-practise mitigation measures and with fisheries observer programs, could reduce the potential bycatch mortality of breeding Tristan albatrosses in this region by nearly one third. Thorough implementation of international agreements is required in areas of the high seas where most remaining interactions are predicted to occur.  相似文献   

We integrated satellite-tracking data from black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes; n = 7) and Laysan albatrosses captured in Alaska (Phoebastria immutabilis; n = 18) with data on fishing effort and distribution from commercial fisheries in the North Pacific in order to assess potential risk from bycatch. Albatrosses were satellite-tagged at-sea in the Central Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and tracked during the post-breeding season, July-October 2005 and 2006. In Alaskan waters, fishing effort occurred almost exclusively within continental shelf and slope waters. Potential fishery interaction for black-footed albatrosses, which most often frequented shelf-slope waters, was greatest with sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) longline and pot fisheries and with the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepsis) longline fishery. In contrast, Laysan albatrosses spent as much time over oceanic waters beyond the continental shelf and slope, thereby overlapping less with fisheries in Alaska than black-footed albatrosses. Regionally, Laysan albatrosses had the greatest potential fishery interaction with the Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) trawl fishery in the Western Aleutian Islands and the sablefish pot fishery in the Central Aleutian Islands. Black-footed albatrosses ranged further beyond Alaskan waters than Laysan albatrosses, overlapping west coast Canada fisheries and pelagic longline fisheries in the subarctic transition domain; Laysan albatrosses remained north of these pelagic fisheries. Due to inter-specific differences in oceanic distribution and habitat use, the overlap of fisheries with the post-breeding distribution of black-footed albatrosses is greater than that for Laysan albatrosses, highlighting inter-specific differences in potential vulnerability to bycatch and risk of population-level impacts from fisheries.  相似文献   

Albatross movements and foraging grounds during the post-breeding dispersal are poorly understood, despite their important conservation implications. We tracked four female black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes) for 100 days during their summer (July-September, 1997-1999) post-breeding dispersal off California, and compared their movements to the distribution of fishing effort from the Japanese Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) longline fishery. The tracked birds foraged largely along the transition zone between the California Current and the Central Pacific Gyre, and spent 25, 24, and 51% of their time at sea within the 200-mile exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of the USA and Mexico, and the high seas (international waters) respectively. The satellite-tracked birds occupied subtropical waters (18-20 °C) targeted by longline fisheries for tuna (Thunnus spp.) and broad-bill swordfish (Xiphias gladius), and ranged disproportionately farther during daylight hours, when tuna fisheries operate. The available data suggest that albatrosses overlap temporally and spatially with longline fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean. However, this research cannot directly evaluate whether black-footed albatross bycatch occurs in these fisheries. The coarse temporal (monthly) and spatial (1°×1°) resolution of the fisheries data, and the dynamic nature of the fishing effort inhibited a fine-scale analysis of albatross overlap with longline fisheries. While we documented substantial spatial overlap between albatross distributions and the Japanese EPO longline fishing effort during the 1980s, we found no co-occurrence during the 1990s. This study illustrates the value of satellite telemetry to assess national conservation responsibilities, and to identify potential interactions of protected species with fisheries not currently monitored by observer programs. Furthermore, our results underscore the need to exercise caution when interpreting satellite telemetry data for conservation purposes, because of the highly dynamic nature of pelagic fisheries.  相似文献   

As large, long-lived seabirds with delayed and slow reproduction, albatrosses have low intrinsic mortality rates and are especially vulnerable to extinction from extrinsic sources of mortality such as fishery bycatch. Leg-band recovery information for waved albatrosses revealed mortality from both incidental catch and intentional catch for human consumption. Annual adult survival in 1999-2005, estimated from capture-mark-recapture data, was lower than historical estimates. This recent increase in adult mortality probably contributed to recent and dramatic shrinkage of the breeding population; periodic matrix models confirm that population growth rate is most sensitive to changes in adult survival. Banding data and recovery information also suggest that capture by fisheries is male-biased, which should reduce fecundity in this species with obligate bi-parental care. This new documentation of bycatch, harvesting, and associated demographic consequences provides reason for serious concern about the persistence of the single breeding population of the waved albatross.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of seabirds are killed each year as a result of interacting with longline and trawl fishing operations, and the severity of the impact varies regionally. Shy and white-capped albatrosses, Thalassarche cauta and Thalassarche steadi respectively, are phenotypically similar species known to be incidentally killed by fishing operations. The magnitude of this mortality has not previously been assessed across their range. Here we examine recent effort and bycatch rates in fisheries known to incidentally kill these species and qualitatively evaluate the level of impact of each fishery. Results indicate that over 8500 of these albatrosses may be killed annually, although the reliability of this estimate is low due to the paucity of comprehensive observer data in most fisheries. Of the estimated deaths of all seabird species in the fisheries assessed, trawl and longline fisheries killed birds in approximately equal proportions, but when the mortality levels of shy-type albatrosses were examined, trawl fisheries were responsible for 75% of all deaths. Data suggest most of these birds were killed in South African, Namibian and New Zealand demersal trawl fisheries and the South Africa pelagic longline fishery. Because most adult shy albatrosses are comparatively sedentary and rarely found outside Australian waters, it is primarily juvenile shy albatrosses that regularly encounter fishing fleets known to kill large numbers of albatrosses. In contrast, throughout most of their range juvenile and adult white-capped albatrosses are exposed to fisheries that collectively kill many thousands of these albatrosses each year. These data emphasise the urgent need for robust assessments of the impact of bycatch at a species and population level, and the urgent implementation of effective mitigation measures.  相似文献   

A demersal longline fishery for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) that commenced off the Prince Edward Islands during 1996 has killed significant proportions of locally breeding albatrosses and petrels. As one of a suite of mitigation measures, we tested the efficacy of a Mustad underwater setting funnel to reduce incidental mortality of seabirds. The funnel, which deploys the longline 1-2 m beneath the sea surface, was used on 52% of 1714 sets (total effort 5.12 million hooks) over a 2-year period. Used in conjunction with a bird-scaring line, overall seabird bycatch rate was low (0.022 birds per 1000 hooks), and was dominated by white-chinned petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) (88% of the 114 birds killed). Bycatch rate was three times lower when the funnel was used both by day and at night. Daytime catch rates with the funnel were less than those attained during night sets without the funnel. In conjunction with other mitigation measures, underwater setting offers a significant reduction in seabird mortality in this fishery and could increase fishing efficiency by allowing daytime setting. However, small numbers of albatrosses were caught during daytime sets with the funnel, and its use for daytime sets should be closely monitored.  相似文献   

We conducted a satellite tracking study of the endangered short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) to determine post-breeding season distribution, the amount of time spent within exclusive economic zones of Pacific Rim countries, and assess factors affecting spatial and temporal overlap with commercial fisheries in Alaska. We obtained 6709 locations for 14 albatrosses (131-808 locations and 51-138 days of tracking per bird). Albatrosses ranged widely throughout the North Pacific Rim, spending the majority of time within the exclusive economics zones of Japan, Russia (Kuril Islands and Kamchatka Peninsula), and the United States (Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea, Alaska). We found evidence for gender and age-related differences in distribution and, therefore, potential interaction with regional fisheries. Overall, albatrosses spent the greatest proportion of time within the Alaska exclusive economic zone. Within Alaska, albatrosses occurred most frequently in fishery management zones that encompassed the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, and south of the Alaska Peninsula. Short-tailed albatrosses had the greatest potential overlap with fisheries that occurred along continental shelf break and slope regions, e.g., longlining for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), where albatrosses occurred most often. Some birds, however, also made frequent excursions onto the extensive Bering Sea shelf, suggesting significant potential for interactions with the large-scale walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) fisheries. Alaskan longline fishing fleets have been proactive in using seabird deterrent devices, however, our data further emphasize that such efforts beyond the Alaska exclusive economic zone would provide a greater conservation benefit for this species.  相似文献   

An age-structured model of a wandering albatross Diomedea exulans population is developed to stimulate population trends over time, using demographic parameters from the population at Possession Island, Crozets, during 1968–1986. The simulation results portray a population decreasing at a rate of 2·29% per year, which concurs with global population trends. Sensitivity analyses of model parameters indicate that both adult and juvenile mortality are contributing to the decrease. Wandering albatross mortality is presumed to have increased as a result of deaths caused by longline fishing vessels; such deaths are likely to be relatively more frequent among young, naive birds. The model is used to investigate the potential impacts of new longline fisheries such as that for Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in Antarctica. Assuming longline fishing operations affect juveniles more than adults, there is a time lag of 5–10 years before further decreases in population numbers are reflected in the breeding population. Also, because wandering albatrosses are long-lived, population growth rates take approximately 30–50 years to stabilize after a perturbation. Consequently, caution must be exercised when interpreting population trends; short-term (<20 year) estimates may not provide good indications of long-term trends.  相似文献   

The greatly increased use of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft to support the exploration and exploitation of oilfields in the North Sea gives rise to concern about possible disturbance to seabirds breeding in the flight paths. The observations reported in this paper were made at a mixed colony of fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis), shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), herring gulls (Larus argentatus), kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), guillemots (Uria aalge), razorbills (Alca torda), and puffins (Fratercula arctica), breeding on the Buchan cliffs about 40 km north of Aberdeen, on two days during egg-laying and early nestling stages of the breeding season.The number of birds in attendance at nests or nesting ledges were counted before and after the passage of aircraft, and general observations were made when the planes were overhead. The number of identifiable nests with 0, 1 or 2 adults was noted since disturbance might be most sensitively detected by the departure of non-incubating/brooding adults.No evidence was found to suggest that aircraft flying at heights of about 100 m above the cliff-top affected the attendance of incubating and brooding birds, and there was only a slight indication that a few of the ‘second adults’ at kittiwake nests may have flown off. Groups of kittiwakes resting on nearby cliffs or on the sea did take to the air in response to the planes, but they also did so frequently in the course of the day with no obvious cause. It is stressed that these findings cannot be extrapolated to other species of seabirds or to different conditions.  相似文献   

针对以往建鸡场时,由于整体布局不合理所出现的环境污染、防疫困难等问题,在新建鸡场时,根据当地的地理环境条件和卫生防疫要求进行了合理的整体布局,做到“工程防疫”;又针对肉种鸡传统的地面平养和两高一低饲养方式饲养管理困难、效果不理想、不适应大规模、高密度饲养等问题,在饲养工艺上采用了全程笼养和整场全进全出制。经过两年饲养6万套父母代肉种鸡,其效果达到成活率:育雏期98.8%~99.89%,育成期98%~99.6%,产蛋期(67周)92%;育成期整齐度84%~90%;入舍母鸡产蛋数194枚,合格种蛋180枚;种蛋平均受精率95%;节约饲料10.5%。提高了饲养密度,减少了固定资产投资,降低了每只鸡分摊的固定资产折旧等费用,使经济效益大幅度提高。  相似文献   

Fisheries are increasingly adopting ecosystem approaches to better manage impacts on non-target species. Although deliberate dumping of plastics at sea is banned, not all fisheries legislation prohibits discarding of gear (hooks and line) in offal, and compliance is often unknown. Analysis of a 16 year dataset collected at South Georgia indicated that the amount of gear found in association with wandering albatrosses was an order of magnitude greater than in any other species, reflecting their wider foraging range and larger gape. Unlike other taxa, most gear associated with grey-headed albatrosses was from squid and not longline fisheries, and mistaken for natural prey rather than the result of direct interaction. Observed rates of foul-hooking (entanglement during line-hauling) were much higher in giant petrels and wandering albatrosses than black-browed albatrosses, and no grey-headed albatross was affected. The index of wandering albatross gear abundance showed two peaks, the most recent corresponding with a substantial increase in the number of multifilament snoods (gangions), suggesting that the widespread adoption of a new longline system (Chilean mixed) may have been responsible. Although all identified gear was demersal, given the widespread use of similar hooks, little could be assigned to a specific fishery. Stomach content analysis suggested that 1300-2048 items of gear are currently consumed per annum by the wandering albatross population. Many hooks are completely digested by chicks, long-term effects of which are entirely unknown. We suggest a number of management approaches for addressing the problem of gear discarding, and guidelines for monitoring schemes elsewhere.  相似文献   

Seabirds such as albatrosses and petrels are frequently caught in longline and trawl fisheries, but limited demographic data for many species creates management challenges. A method for estimating the potential biological removal (the PBR method) for birds requires knowledge of adult survival, age at first breeding, a conservation goal, and the lower limit of a 60% confidence interval for the population size. For seabirds, usually only the number of breeding pairs is known, rather than the actual population size. This requires estimating the population size from the number of breeding pairs when important demographic variables, such as breeding success, juvenile survival, and the proportion of the adult population that engages in breeding, are unknown. In order to do this, a simple population model was built where some demographic parameters were known while others were constrained by considering plausible asymptotic estimates of the growth rate. While the median posterior population estimates are sensitive to the assumed population growth rate, the 20th percentile estimates are not. This allows the calculation of a modified PBR value that is based on the number of breeding pairs instead of the population size. For threatened albatross species, this suggests that human-caused mortalities should not exceed 1.5% of the number of breeding pairs, while for threatened petrel species, mortalities should be kept below 1.2% of the number of breeding pairs. The method is applied to 22 species and sub-species of albatrosses and petrels in New Zealand that are of management concern, of which at least 10 have suffered mortalities near or above these levels.  相似文献   

Connectivity among habitat patches has mainly been studied in relation to species-specific behaviours. However, the movements of animals among patches may have different functions, and tolerance to gaps between habitat patches may vary between these functions. We tracked the movements of greater flamingos during the breeding and post-breeding periods with the aim of illustrating how the degree of connectivity may vary depending on the biological processes underlying the movements between wetlands. Most foraging sites used by breeding adults in a colony in southern Spain were within 200 km of the colony site, although some birds eventually moved 400 km. After the breeding season, the adults remained for several weeks in specific wetlands, moving to other sites located 280-2100 km away to overwinter. During these movements the birds may use stopover sites, the conservation of which may be critical to facilitate long-range movements. Our results suggest that wetland connectivity during chick rearing does not seem to be determined by whether or not central-place foraging flamingos are able to reach wetlands located at the longest distance that they are able to fly during non-stop flights (>1000 km), but by whether they are able to sustain the energetic costs derived from frequent commuting. In contrast, long-distance movements were occasionally undertaken during the post-breeding period. The energetic costs of such flights could be paid by flamingos because these movements were infrequent. Thus, in the case of flamingos, connectedness thresholds between wetlands vary depending on the biological process involved (chick rearing or post-breeding movements). This emphasizes the need to consider different types of connectivity in conservation planning.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of human disturbance in nesting success of little tern (Sterna albifrons) and its interaction with the intrinsic seasonal variation in the birds’ breeding biology. During 2003-2005 we studied little tern nesting ecology in southern Portugal in two different types of habitat: their natural habitat (sandy beaches) and a man-made habitat (salinas). In both habitat types, annual variations were found in the distribution of nest initiation over the breeding season and in the size of the clutches. The percentage of nests producing hatched chicks varied between 26.7% and 66.4% in different years and habitats. The main causes of hatching failure varied between years and habitats, but predation, flooding and human activities were very common. No consistent differences in breeding parameters or nesting success were found between habitats. On sandy beaches, the effect of protective measures (warning signs and wardening) on nesting success, together with differences between years and within each breeding season, were assessed using a logistic regression model. The presence/absence of protective measures was the most important predictor of nesting success, with birds being up to 34 times more likely to succeed with protective measures. Seasonal declines were found for clutch size and egg volume, and season was also an important predictor of nesting success, with nests more likely to succeed earlier in the season. Hence, earlier breeders will be those that benefit more from protective measures, suggesting that conservation efforts for little tern can be maximised if concentrated earlier in the season.  相似文献   

Despite the worrying conservation status of several albatross and petrel population, the long-term trends of many populations remain largely unknown and the causes of decline in many cases are known or very strongly suspected to be incidental mortality in fisheries. Here we combine long-term monitoring of population trends, breeding success and band recoveries to examine the past and current status of five species of albatrosses and giant petrels breeding at the same site: sooty albatross (Phoebetria fusca), light-mantled albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata), wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans), northern giant (Macronectes halli) and southern giant petrels (Macronectes giganteus) on Possession Island, Crozet archipelago. We identified three groups of trends over a 25-years period (1980-2005) suggesting common underlying causes for these species in relation to their bioclimatic foraging ranges. The Antarctic species - light-mantled albatross and southern giant petrel - appeared stable and increased recently, the Sub-Antarctic species - wandering albatross and northern giant petrel - declined with intermediate periods of increase, and finally the subtropical species - sooty albatross - declined all over the period. Breeding success, indicative of environmental conditions, showed two kinds of pattern (low and fluctuating versus high and/or increasing) which were consistent with oceanographic variations as found in a previous study. We present the analysis of fisheries-related recoveries, indicative of fisheries bycatch risks showing specific catch rates. No direct relationship between population trends and longline fishing effort was detected, probably because census data alone are not sufficient to capture the potentially complex response of demographic parameters of different life stages to environmental variation. This study highlights the contrasted changes of procellariiform species and the particularly worrying status of the subtropical sooty albatrosses, and in a lesser extent of Sub-Antarctic species.  相似文献   

Management of crocodilians is often based on source-sink dynamics, protecting breeding habitat and concentrating hunting in other areas. Nest distributions shed light on habitat use by breeding populations, which might be used as a basis for monitoring and management. The heterogeneous spatial distribution of Melanosuchus niger and Caiman crocodilus in Amazonia has been suggested to reflect past hunting pressure, often underestimating the natural ecological peculiarities of these species. Ground nest surveys combined with satellite imagery allowed us to evaluate whether nest-site use by M. niger and C. crocodilus reflects environmental constraints or is a result of hunting pressure. Our results indicate that there is little evidence that hunting pressure shapes nest-site use of these species in our study areas. M. niger nests mainly on the shores of stable, temporally impounded floodplain lakes isolated from the early stages of the annual rising water of main rivers. This behavior facilitates the identification of suitable nesting sites using moderate-resolution remote-sensing tools and should guide monitoring efforts and the protection of these areas. In contrast, C. crocodilus is a generalist species, able to nest hundreds of meters inside the forest far from permanent water. This makes the occurrence and distribution of nesting-sites unpredictable using Landsat images. Although nests of this species can be found around lakes where nests of M. niger also occur, the protection of these sites might help to preserve only a small portion of C. crocodilus nesting females. Thus, conservation strategies for C. crocodilus should probably be based on different approaches.  相似文献   

We report the abundance, patterns of distribution and physical characteristics of Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) nests on Komodo Island in Indonesia. A total of 46 Komodo dragon nesting sites were identified, of these 26 nests were considered active for the 2002/2003 season. The distribution of nests coincided with large coastal valleys in northern Komodo Island. There was a significant preference by breeding females to utilize the mound nests (61%) over both open hillside (19.5%) and ground nests (19.5%). Further, within these mound nests, females discriminated for nests based on habitat characteristics, especially sunlight exposure. The main implications for management and conservation drawn from this study is that there is a small number of females nesting annually on the largest island within Komodo National Park. Further, continuation of nesting surveys could provide a cost effective accurate way to gather important long term demographic information on this species.  相似文献   

Until the 1980s, at least 31 pairs of long-legged buzzards (Buteo rufinus) nested along the streams of the Judean Mountains in Israel, mostly on rocky cliffs, which – according to existing literature – is the common nesting style of this bird. During the past 40 years, however, nesting in these areas has substantially decreased, with many pairs of buzzards now nesting on trees in the Judean Foothills.We suggest that the geographical shift in nesting area, and with it the dramatic change from nesting on cliffs to nesting on trees, is probably due to the increase in land cover (as a result of afforestation, expansion of human settlements and recovery of the Mediterranean chaparral) that has taken place in the Judean Mountains during the last four decades. Buzzards forage in open habitats and the change in land cover has hindered their ability to locate prey. Since there are no cliffs appropriate for nesting in the Judean Foothills, the buzzards were thus forced to adapt to a new style of nesting. This hypothesis is further supported by our observations that within their new nesting grounds in the Judean Foothills, breeding success was significantly related to the area of the open habitat within the territory.These findings have important scientific and ecological implications. We recommend that foresters should take into consideration the effect of afforestation on open-landscape raptors, and while planning new forests will consider also their needs, particularly leaving large open swaths of land as foraging grounds for such raptors.  相似文献   

The Tristan albatross Diomedea [exulans] dabbenena is the third rarest albatross species, with a breeding population of around 1500 pairs almost totally restricted to Gough Island in the Tristan da Cunha group, central South Atlantic. During January 2000, the entire breeding population of Gough was surveyed for the first time since 1956, and 2400 incubating pairs were counted. An analysis of the areas that are likely to have been surveyed most accurately in the past suggests that the population has decreased by around 28% over 46 years. The number of large chicks counted over three successive seasons (1999-2001) was highly variable (range 318-1129). The average count over this period (705 chicks) is less than counts made in 1979 (792) and 1982 (798). A total of 656 chicks were counted in September 2001, giving an island breeding success of just 27.3%. However, breeding success varied considerably in different areas of the island, ranging from 17.6 to 68.0%. During the 2001 season most breeding failures were of large chicks, and over 4 years where data were available, 75% of breeding failures occurred during the chick period. Predation by introduced house mice Mus musculus is the most likely cause of chick mortality. In a small study population, birds began breeding at an average age of 9.7 years and annual adult survival from 1985 to 2001 was 92.6% (SE=1.6%). Both breeding success and adult survival estimates are low in comparison with other Diomedea species and population modelling predicts a population decreasing at an annual rate of 2.9-5.3%. Further research is needed urgently to assess whether breeding success is typical, and to confirm that mouse predation is the cause of chick mortality. The low productivity of this species will compound the negative impacts of longline fishing mortality, which are likely to be reducing adult and juvenile survival.  相似文献   

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