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林权争议是林木、林地的所有者或使用者就如何占有、使用、收益和处分林木、林地问题发生的纠纷,实质是一种民事产权纠纷。林权纠纷中因争议的对象不同,其类型也不相同,一般情况有以下几种: 1、林木的所有权争议或者林木的使用权争议。这种争议的对象是林木的权属,不包括生长着森林、林木的土地的内容,即土地的权属是清楚的,但林木权属不清楚。 2、林地的所有权或者林地的使用权争议。这种争议的对象是林地的权属,不包括土地上生长着  相似文献   

分析了林地变更利用与经济发展的关系,为促进湖南省经济发展及土地集约高效利用提供更多的理论参考。研究基于Tapio脱钩模型,采用GIS空间分析法,对湖南省2014~2018年的林地变更利用与经济增长的脱钩关系进行了时空差异分析。结果表明:①2014~2018年湖南省及各市州的林地变更利用与经济发展的脱钩状态总体上呈弱脱钩型,各市州之间的林地变更利用与经济发展的脱钩状态存在明显差异;②湖南省及各市州的林地变更利用及经济发展脱钩系数总体上呈现先下降后上升的变化趋势;③在空间分布上,弱脱钩显著的区域总体上呈现分散态势,脱钩程度较低的主要集中分布在湘西地区,而从高度弱脱钩地区层面上,实现高度弱脱钩的区域数量有所增加,并且呈现出地区脱钩程度差距逐渐缩小的趋势。因此,提出了需要因地制宜地采取针对性的措施来提高林地变更利用效率,以便为湖南省经济发展提供长足动力。  相似文献   

<正>51.林权发生变更或灭失的如何登记?答:《林木和林地权属登记管理办法》规定:林权发生变更的,林权权利人应当到初始登记机关申请变更登记;林地被依法征用、占用或者由于其他原因造成林地灭失的,原林权权利人应当到初始登记机关申请办理注销登记。  相似文献   

本研究基于多元遥感卫星影像数据、湖北省2010年林地落界数据和其他相关数据,以地理信息系统为处理平台,解译出湖北省2012年林地分布图,得到2010-2012年湖北省各市州区的林地间动态转移矩阵,并结合全省各市州区的8个主要社会经济因子,对湖北省2010-2012年林地变更情况及其驱动机制进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)农村人口(X_8)是导致有林地变更(Y_1)和其他林地变更(Y_4)的主要社会驱动力,第一产业总值(X_3)是导致疏林地变更(Y_2)的主要社会驱动力,第三产业总值(X_5)是导致灌木林地变更(Y_3)的主要社会驱动力。(2)在对有林地变更进行主成分分析中,命名城市发展因子F_1(受国内生产总值X_2、第一产业总值X_3、第二产业总值X_4、第三产业总值X_5、基础建设投资X_6主要影响)及农村发展因子F_2(受年末总人口X_1、农村人均年收入X_7、农村人口X_8主要影响),得到有林地变更模型为Y_1=-0.644 F_1+0.742 F_2。从该模型可知有林地变更面积与城市发展成反比,与农村发展成正比。  相似文献   

美国阿拉巴马州奥本大学网站消息,对于土地所有者而言,管理土地及相关自然资源的主要目的是盈利。如果森林经营者利用土地培育松树,可以利用松针这种非木质林产品来获取额外的经济收益,尤其是在传统木材市场不景气的情况下。这将成为一种充分利用土地资源的方法。来自奥本大学的阿贝基·巴洛教授从事林业和野生动物学研究,并且是阿拉巴马州农业、林业和自然资源技术推广中心专家及临时助理主任。一直以来,他都在推广松针收集利用方式,为林主提供获得额外收入机会。作为一种自然生长过程,松针一般在生长两年后才会因为新松针的萌发而掉落,且在树龄达到35年时松针才会停止掉落。这些掉落的且层层堆积在林地地面的松针其实是一种非木材林产品,森林经营者可以将这些掉落的松针堆集起来,以每英亩或每捆为单位出售给零售商.  相似文献   

分析了泸溪县林地资源现状、特点和保护成效及存在的问题。从加强管护和加大改造力度,挖掘林地生产力;严格林地监管,确保林地规模适量增长;加快石漠化土地治理,推广造林新技术新方法;积极化解山林权属纠纷,稳定林权管理;积极编制林地保护利用规划,落实保护管理政策等几个方面提出了林地资源保护的对策和方法。  相似文献   

加拿大所有的士地都被称作皇家土地。它既包括被平原、山地和水面覆盖的土地,也包括皇家授予的土地上的任何权利、利益和财产。加拿大的土地占有权分为三类:私人占有的土地;联邦占有的土地和省管皇家土地.加拿大林地占有权、处置权和它的所有权基本上是分离的。林地的所有权是用各种各样的占有权和处置权来表示的,占有权的具体形式有:木材占有执照,森林占有执照,木材销售执照,小块林地经营执照,林场经营执照和纸浆材占有协议.我国目前尚无一套林地管理方面的系统方法.我们应当借鉴加拿大的做法,使之为我国的社会主义市场经济和现代化建设服务.  相似文献   

国家林业局目前对依法加强森林资源权属管理,保护森林所有者和使用者的合法权益做出具体规定。国家林业局对于森林资源权属问题规定,林权证是确认森林、林木和林地拥有权或使用权的唯一法律凭证,必须依法予以维护,任何单位和个人都不得非法改变。凡在已经核发林权证的林地上,又重复发放的其它土地权属证书一律无效,林业主管部门要报请政府责令原发机关收缴,并宣布作废。国家林业局要求各级林业主管部门要在县级以上政府的领导下,逐步开展林权清理登记和变更登记工作。对尚未核发林权证的森林、林木和林地要在ZOOO年前完成核发林权…  相似文献   

本文主要探讨"3S"技术在琼中县林地变更监测中应用的必要性。主要论述"3S"技术在林地变更监测中的综合应用;结合琼中县的实际情况,讨论存在的问题和解决方案;最后论述了"3S"技术在今后林地变更监测中的发展前景。  相似文献   

国家林业局对林权管理做出规定。家林业局日前对森林资源权属问题规定,林权证是确认森林、林木和林地拥有权或使用权的唯一法律凭证,必须依法予以维护,任何单位和个人都不得非法改变。凡在已经核发林权证的林地上,又重复发放的其它土地权属证书一律无效,林业主管部门要报请政府责分原发机关收缴,并宣布作废。国家林业局要求各级林业主管部门要在县级以上政府的领导下,逐步开展林权清理登记和变更的工作。对尚未核发林权证的森林、林木和林地要在2000年前完成核发林权证工作。凡是发生林权变化的,要及时进行变更或重新核发。对不规范…  相似文献   

This study addresses the question, ‘How can remaining forests be conserved when these are already individually privatized, and when the people prefer landuses other than forestry?’ These changes in landuse and forest ownership are demonstrated through a case study of a village in Ifugao, Philippines. A rapid and continued conversion of forest into agricultural land is observed, particularly for vegetable farming. Traditionally, most of the village total land area was under communal land ownership, but now almost half is under de facto private ownership. This transition in land (including forest) ownership is generally attributed to increased demand for land which is further attributed to changes in peoples’ values towards wealth accumulation rather than redistribution, greater integration to the market economy and a shift towards commercial agriculture. Past forest policies have been ineffective in regulating the landuse largely because they have not reflected local reality, and this appears to be true with the present national forest management strategy of community-based forest management. It is argued that the granting of land titles will improve forest conservation because it will improve the enforcement of forest laws and related contractual agreements. Based on the reality of private land ownership, it is further argued that forest policy in IP land should include private (individual, family or household) forest management. Given the possibility that indigenous people may prefer landuses other than forestry or may sell their property for various reasons, policies should regulate landuse as well as make it legal for IPs to transfer rights of ownership to ‘outsiders’. There is scope to improve the implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Forest change is of great concern for land use decision makers and conservation communities. Quantitative and spatial forest change information is critical for addressing many pressing issues, including global climate change, carbon budgets, and sustainability. In this study, our analysis focuses on the differences in geospatial patterns and their changes between federal forests and nonfederal forests in Alabama over the time period 1987–2005, by interpreting 163 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes using a vegetation change tracker (VCT) model. Our analysis revealed that for the most part of 1990 s and between 2000 and 2005, Alabama lost about 2% of its forest on an annual basis due to disturbances, but much of the losses were balanced by forest regeneration from previous disturbances. The disturbance maps revealed that federal forests were reasonably well protected, with the fragmentation remaining relatively stable over time. In contrast, nonfederal forests, which are predominant in area share (about 95%), were heavily disturbed, clearly demonstrating decreasing levels of fragmentation during the time period 1987–1993 giving way to a subsequent accelerating fragmentation during the time period 1994–2005. Additionally, the identification of the statistical relationships between forest fragmentation status and forest loss rate and forest net change rate in relation to land ownership implied the distinct differences in forest cutting rate and cutting patterns between federal forests and nonfederal forests. The forest spatial change information derived from the model has provided valuable insights regarding regional forest management practices and disturbance regimes, which are closely associated with regional economics and environmental concerns.  相似文献   

Natural forces and anthropogenic activities greatly alter land cover,deteriorate or alleviate forest frag-mentation and affect biodiversity.Thus land cover and forest fragmentation dynamics have become a focus of concern for natural resource management agencies and biodiversity con-servation communities.However,there are few land cover datasets and forest fragmentation information available for the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve (DHR) of Nepal to develop targeted biodiversity conservation plans.In this study,these gaps were filled by characterizing land cover and forest frag-mentation trends in the DHR.Using five Landsat images between 1993 and 2018,a support vector machine algorithm was applied to classify six land cover classes:forest,grass-lands,barren lands,agricultural and built-up areas,water bodies,and snow and glaciers.Subsequently,two landscape process models and four landscape metrics were used to depict the forest fragmentation situations.Results showed that forest cover increased from 39.4% in 1993 to 39.8% in 2018.Conversely,grasslands decreased from 38.2% in 1993 to 36.9% in 2018.The forest shrinkage was responsible for forest loss during the period,suggesting that the loss of for-est cover reduced the connectivity between forest and non-forested areas.Expansion was the dominant component of the forest restoration process,implying that it avoided the occurrence of isolated forests.The maximum value of edge density and perimeter area fractal dimension metrics and the minimum value of aggregation index were observed in 2011,revealing that forests in this year were most fragmented.These specific observations from the current analysis can help local authorities and local communities,who are highly dependent on forest resources,to better develop local forest management and biodiversity conservation plans.  相似文献   

To implement effective climate change mitigation and carbon sequestration activities in the southern US, nonindustrial private forest landowner (NIPF) participation is necessary because of the significant area of forest land under their ownership. For policy implementation to involve this major ownership group in climate change mitigation activities in this region, it is important to understand their forest management motivations and understanding toward carbon sequestration. This study develops a regional typology of NIPF landowners based on reasons for owning forest land in the southern US. The specific goals were to: (1) segment NIPF landowners into smaller homogeneous groups based on reasons for owning forest land; (2) identify landownership characteristics and forest management behavior by ownership groups; and (3) assess their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration by ownership groups. A principal component-cluster analysis of 735 responses to a mail questionnaire distributed to NIPF landowners in the southern US revealed three groups, which were named amenity, multi-objective, and timber-oriented landowners. The amenity group included 21% of the landowners, while the timber and multi-objective groups included 40% and 39% of the landowners, respectively. These landowner groups varied in terms of owner characteristics, forest species type and management behavior, climate change beliefs and understanding of carbon sequestration. The amenity and multi-objective owners tend to have more positive belief toward climate change than the timber group, but more landowners in each group indicated having poor understanding of forest carbon sequestration. The study fills a knowledge gap in research efforts by developing a regional typology of NIPF landowners and linking it with their forestry resources and management strategies along with their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

For any country, the forest policy is an important guideline to maintain forest resources and their interaction with other land uses. India devised its first National Forest Policy (NFP) back in 1894. There has been a paradigm shift from timber production to forest conservation followed by community-based agroforestry and social forestry bringing a change in perspective towards forest resources. This change has been socio-economic, cultural and ecological. Since the 1952 NFP, there has been an advocacy for 33% forest cover with a 60% forest cover in mountainous and hilly regions. This objective was reiterated in the NFP 1988 and also confirmed in the National Forestry Commission report in 2006. This paper reviews the probable reasons for these targets. This paper also analyzes forest cover trends at state level and assesses the likelihood of meeting the prescribed policy targets under present perspective of land use practices. Only three Indian states meet the prescribed policy, while three more have the potential to do so, if their state wasteland area is afforested. Among the rest, a few states may achieve the 33% goal provided land conversion to tree cover is not hindered, and adequate resources are available at state level. The Planning Commission (XI Five-year Plan, 2007–12) has emphasized inclusion of other natural ecosystems (including treeless areas and trees outside forests) to forest cover. The paper also examines the above prescribed targets in light of the Planning Commission recommendations. It is argued that that the NFP should be re-visited and revised to meet the targets, along with setting a more realistic and attainable target for Indian forest and tree cover.  相似文献   

A national assessment of how the number of parcel owners influence family forest land management and use decisions in the US was conducted using a subset of the US Forest Service’s National Woodland Owner Survey Dataset. Seventy-two percent of single parcel family forest land ownership respondents of at least 4.05 ha had multiple owners. The extent to which past land management practices and future intentions for the land are influenced by the number of owners of an individual parcel was evaluated. We also examined how landowner decision-making networks are related to past practices and future intentions. Contrary to previous findings, our research suggests that having more than one owner does not necessarily reduce the likelihood that a variety of different forest management activities, including commercial timber harvesting or wildlife habitat improvement, will occur. Moreover, we found that one-owner forested parcels are less likely to have experienced activities like harvesting, invasive plant removal, fire hazard reduction, wildlife habitat improvement, and cost-share program participation than parcels with two or more than two owners. We also found that family member involvement in landowner decision-making has a minimal effect on past and planned land management actions, while the involvement of a forester or land manager in decision-making increases the likelihood many land management actions have been or will be undertaken.  相似文献   

文章回顾了美国国有林的发展历程,并介绍了一些重大历史事件。作者着重阐明了美国国有林的管理体制和技术经济政策。  相似文献   

Collaborative Forest Management (CFM) of local forest users and governments promoted to achieve sustainable forest Social-Ecological Systems (SESs) by consolidating strengths of these actors. Although much of the writings on CFM acknowledge its potential to deliver sustainable SESs, knowledge about what specific role of government can strengthen local forest management and utilization is still poor at best. This study aims to fill the gap by analyzing meta-data from International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) database for 77 SESs (IFRI sites) in seven countries. We used Ordinal logistic regression to model association between government's Forester Department involvement in important forest management activities and sustainability of forest SES. Our result shows that Forester Department involvement in planting, forest maintenance activities and forest benefit sharing among forest users are associated with sustainable SESs while their involvement in monitoring, sanctioning and transfer of local people harvest right are associated with unsustainable SESs. Our finding has important implications for the ongoing local to global level discourse on how to structure appropriate government interventions to achieve positive social and environmental outcomes from local forest management. However, we suggest precaution not to overstretch the implication of our findings as a panacea for CFM.  相似文献   


The goal of this paper is to describe recent attempts to define the stewardship concept and to translate it into action on the ground. The focus is on national forest lands and the unique challenges federal land managers face in working with the public to implement a concept that has different meanings to a variety of stakeholders. Stewardship requires more flexibility than is often found under existing administrative authorities. Large, bureaucratic agencies face many barriers in applying creative and innovative solutions to existing problems, not the least of which are internal and external reward structures. While there exist some authorities that allow for the creative testing of stewardship contracting projects on the ground, a number of challenges remain. Two significant ones are: (1) the need for a clearer, consistent understanding (by both Forest Service employees and constituents) of the authorities that can be used to test stewardship concepts; and (2) a more broad-based agreement on the desired outcome of stewardship projects. Given the current lack of understanding and agreement on how to implement stewardship concepts, the most effective means of moving the issue forward will be to apply innovative tests of contracting methods under current or new temporary authorities. These tests should be designed, implemented, monitored, and evaluated using broad-based, inclusive, on-the-ground coalitions that create effective ties and linkages between local and national levels.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use by family forest landowners of educational programs provided by Washington State University Cooperative Extension (WSUCE), and the associated use of technical assistance programs provided by state and federal agencies and the private sector. Approximately 100,000 family forest owners controlled 19% or over 1.2 M ha of Washington’s forestland and accounted for 29% of the timber harvested in the state on a volume basis in 1998. A variety of public and private assistance and education programs are available to encourage and help family forest owners manage their forests. In 1999 a mail survey was conducted to evaluate use and effectiveness of Washington’s family forest assistance and education programs. Over half of the 872 responding family forest landowners had contact with an extension educator, program or educational material, and about three quarters of these respondents gave an overall rating of the usefulness of extension programs and materials as good or excellent. Respondents attending WSUCE forestry educational programs have larger median land ownership size, are older, have owned their forests longer, have a higher rate of absentee ownership, and are better educated than non-users. They are more likely to actively manage their forests for timber production and exhibit a clearer understanding of the multiple-use capabilities of their forests.  相似文献   

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