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河南省番茄灰霉病菌对3种杀菌剂的抗药性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确河南省番茄灰霉病菌对苯并咪唑类杀菌剂多菌灵、二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂腐霉利和氨基甲酸酯类杀菌剂乙霉威的抗药性状况,2013年从河南省不同保护地中采集番茄灰霉病病果或病叶,经单孢分离共获得番茄灰霉病菌菌株139株。采用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)测定了其对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威的抗药性。结果显示:番茄灰霉病菌对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威产生抗性菌株的频率分别为81. 29%、80.58%和93.53%; 所测菌株对3类杀菌剂的抗性类型有BenRDicSNPCS、BenRDicRNPCS、BenRDicSNPCR、BenSDicRNPCR、BenSDicSNPCR和BenRDicRNPCR 6种,所占比例分别为2. 88%、3.60%、3.60%、5.04%、13.67%和71. 22%。表明河南省番茄灰霉病菌已对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威产生抗药性,迫切需要筛选新的杀菌剂防治番茄灰霉病。  相似文献   

北京地区番茄灰霉病菌的多重抗药性检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2009年12月-2010年5月,在北京12个郊区县采集番茄病标样150份,分离纯化得到109个灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)单孢菌株,用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)测定了其对苯并咪唑类(多菌灵)、二甲酰亚胺类(腐霉利)和氨基甲酸酯类(乙霉威)杀菌剂的抗药性。结果表明:番茄灰霉病菌对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威产生抗性菌株的频率分别为96.3%、80.7% 和58.7%;所测菌株对3类杀菌剂的抗性类型有BenRDicSNPCS、BenSDicSNPCR、BenRDicRNPCS和BenRDicRNPCR 4种,所占比例分别是19.3%、3.7%、21.1%和56.0%,表明北京地区番茄灰霉病菌对苯并咪唑类、二甲酰亚胺类和氨基甲酸酯类三类杀菌剂的抗药性严重,在生产中需慎用,应选择一些替代的新型杀菌剂和生物农药。  相似文献   

蔬菜灰霉病菌对腐霉利抗药性变异及其治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔬菜灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)分生孢子经紫外光灯照射,可获得10^-4~10^-5频率的腐霉利抗药性突变体。获得的13个抗性突变体的抗性水平平均EC50值为18.45ug/ml,EC90值为305.17ug/ml。抗性突变体的可溶性蛋白谱带比其亲本敏感菌株多2~4条,其中Rf=0.38的蛋白谱带是抗性菌株所拥有而敏感菌株所共同缺乏的。抗性菌株对腐霉利抗药性稳定遗传,具有与亲本菌株相同的致病性。苗期抗、感测定结果表明,灰霉克杀菌剂对腐霉利突变体具有明显的克抗作用。田间抗性菌治理使用灰霉克400~800倍对大棚番茄灰霉病平均防效为95.93%~75.8%,优于腐霉剂600倍的平均防效(61.32%)。  相似文献   

褐腐病菌Monilinia fructicola是引起多种果树褐腐病的重要病原菌,前期研究发现该病原菌对甲基硫菌灵的抗性与Tub2蛋白的多个氨基酸变异有关.为明确不同类型菌株的温度适应性及乙霉威是否对所有抗性类型菌株均具有抑菌活性,本研究测定了敏感型菌株S及3种抗性类型包括R(E198A)、R(E198Q)及R(F20...  相似文献   

番茄灰霉病菌对腐霉利的抗药性检测及生物学性状研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用区分剂量法,检测了来自福建省、上海市、辽宁省和内蒙古自治区不同采样点的番茄灰霉病菌Botrytis cinerea对腐霉利的抗性频率;选取未施药地区的敏感菌株,建立了灰霉病菌对腐霉利的敏感基线;比较了常年施药地区与未施药地区灰霉病菌的抗性频率差异,测定了施药10年以上地区番茄灰霉病菌的抗性指数;研究比较了抗、感菌株的生物学性状。结果表明:腐霉利对127株敏感菌株的平均EC50值为(0.31±0.08) μg/mL;供试4省市灰霉病菌对腐霉利均表现出了很高的抗性频率,其中内蒙古自治区和辽宁省采样点的抗性菌株频率高于90%;在施药历史超过10年的215株田间菌株中,抗性水平最高的菌株来自辽宁省,抗性指数为44.3;施药地区灰霉病菌的抗性频率均高于未施药地区;抗性菌株的抗药性可稳定遗传;供试11株抗性和敏感菌株在产孢量和孢子萌发率、菌丝生长速率、活体致病力等生物学性状方面的差异与其抗性水平之间无明显相关性。  相似文献   

采用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)和菌落直径法,对采自山西晋中、晋南、晋东南和晋北4个地区的188个灰霉病菌株对3种杀菌剂的抗性表现型和稳定性进行了测定,旨在了解灰霉病菌的抗药性状况和预测其抗性发展趋势。结果表明:对多菌灵的抗性表现型可分为敏感(S)、低抗或中抗(RM)和高抗(R),对腐霉利和乙霉威可分为敏感(S)和抗性(R)。以对多菌灵、腐霉利和乙霉威的抗性为序,检测出8种不同类型的抗性表现型,即RRR、RRS、RSR、RSS、RMRS、RMSR、RMSS 和SSR。各表现型的分布频率随各地区用药历史和水平的不同而变化,并与抗性监测结果相一致。对55个不同抗性表现型的单孢菌株的稳定性测定结果表明:继代无药培养10代后,以RRR和RSS型表现最稳定,而其余类型菌株均不同程度发生了变异,尤其是RMSS和RMRS型菌株100%发生了变异,抗性表现型不稳定的菌株占52.7%。对多菌灵的抗性变化趋势是由敏感向低抗、再向高抗发展;对腐霉利的抗性变化主要是由抗性转变为敏感;而对乙霉威的抗性则相对比较稳定。  相似文献   

设施蔬菜灰霉病菌对不同类型杀菌剂的抗性检测   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14  
为了明确设施蔬菜灰霉病菌Botryotinia fuckeliana的抗药性现状,采用菌丝生长速率法检测了20052006年采自浙江、江苏、山东和辽宁4省的144个菌株对6种常用防治药剂的敏感性。结果表明,灰霉病菌对百菌清已经产生了低水平的抗性,频率为5.56%,其对多菌灵的抗性非常严重,总的抗性频率为43.05%,高抗(HR)频率为27.08%;乙霉威的EC50值在0.137728.9μg/mL之间,平均为40.06μg/mL。其中多菌灵-乙霉威双抗频率为36.11%,且首次检测到了两种新的双抗类型。二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂在生产上已经应用近20年,但灰霉病菌对异菌脲和腐霉利只有频率为20%左右的低水平抗性,没有检测到高抗菌株;苯胺嘧啶类杀菌剂嘧霉胺虽然只应用几年时间,但已经产生了抗性,其抗性菌株频率为4.16%。研究表明,设施蔬菜灰霉病菌对常用的6种防治药剂均产生了不同程度的抗性。  相似文献   

湖南省草莓灰霉病菌对4种杀菌剂的抗药性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确湖南省草莓灰霉病菌菌株的抗药性状况,2013-2015年从湖南省不同地区草莓灰霉病病果或病叶上经单孢分离获得草莓灰霉病菌454株,采用最小抑制浓度法(MIC)检测不同地区草莓灰霉病菌株对多菌灵、腐霉利、异菌脲、嘧霉胺的抗药性。结果表明:草莓灰霉病菌对多菌灵、腐霉利、异菌脲、嘧霉胺的抗性频率分别为55.73%,77.31%、3.52%和77.31%;所测菌株对4种杀菌剂的敏感性类型有Cbz~RPcm~RIpd~RPmt~R、CbzSPcm~RIpd~RPmt~R、Cbz~RPcm~RIpdSPmt~R、Cbz~SPcm~RIpdSPmt~S、Cbz~RPcm~SIpd~SPmt~R、Cbz~SPcm~RIpd~SPmt ~R等6种,其所占比例分别为33.26%、5.07%、41.41%、4.63%、3.96%、11.67%,未发现对4种杀菌剂均敏感的类型,表明湖南省草莓灰霉病菌已对多菌灵、腐霉利和嘧霉胺产生抗药性,对异菌脲的抗药性较低。  相似文献   

不同类型杀菌剂对灰葡萄孢菌菌株的离体、活体毒力测定结果表明 ,苯并咪唑类的多菌灵、甲基硫菌灵之间 ,二甲酰亚胺类的腐霉利、异菌脲、菌核净之间表现交互抗性 ;苯并咪唑类和 N -苯氨基甲酸酯类乙霉威表现有负交互抗性趋势。离体测定中 ,对不同类型菌株以吡咯类杀菌剂咯菌腈 (EC50 200mg/ L) ,咯菌腈以及甾醇抑制剂戊唑醇、氟硅唑和丙环唑均表现出较高的活性。  相似文献   

为明确猕猴桃灰霉病菌对常见杀菌剂的抗药性状况, 本试验于2016年-2018年调查统计了四川猕猴桃生产中防控灰霉病所用的药剂种类和施药频次, 并从四川8个猕猴桃主产区采集病叶?病花和病果, 经单孢分离获得122个灰葡萄孢 Botrytis cinerea 菌株, 采用最低抑制浓度法(MIC)测定其对4种化学药剂嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利和异菌脲的抗药性?结果表明:用于四川猕猴桃灰霉病防控的药剂主要有8种, 其中嘧霉胺?异菌脲和腐霉利3种药剂施用频次最高; 猕猴桃灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利和异菌脲的抗性频率分别达95.08%?86.07%?80.33%和5.74%, 且不同产区的灰霉病菌对药剂的抗药性频率不同; 所测菌株对4种杀菌剂的敏感性类型共有8种, 其中以Pyr RFlu RPcm RIpr S(对嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利表现抗性, 对异菌脲表现敏感)类型为主, 该类型的菌株占65.57%, 对4种杀菌剂均表现抗性的菌株为7株?表明四川省猕猴桃灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺?咯菌腈?腐霉利和异菌脲已经产生了抗药性, 对异菌脲抗药性较低, 迫切需要筛选新的杀菌剂防治猕猴桃灰霉病?  相似文献   

为明确灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinerea对腐霉利的抗性现状,于2017—2018年采用单孢分离法从浙江省5个地区的草莓大棚共分离获得200个菌株.通过区分剂量法测定了其对腐霉利的抗性,对抗药性菌株的分子机制进行了分析,并根据抗药性分子机制,建立了B.cinerea腐霉利高抗基因型的环介导等温扩增(loop-med...  相似文献   

From 2005 to 2009, a total of 479 single-conidial isolates of Phomopsis obscurans were collected from strawberry. The isolates were characterized for their resistance to benzimidazole fungicides, diethofencarb, and sterol demethylation inhibitors (DMIs). Low-level DMI resistant isolates (DMI-LR) and two types of benzimidazole-resistant (Ben R) isolates, Ben R1 (benzimidazole-resistant and diethofencarb -sensitive) and Ben R2 (benzimidazole-resistant and diethofencarb -resistant), were detected. Both Ben R and DMI-LR isolates exhibited comparable growth, sporulation, and pathogenicity with the sensitive isolates. No significant difference in growth at low temperature was observed between Ben R and benzimidazole-sensitive (Ben S) isolates. Ben R1 was caused by a point mutation from GAG to GTG at codon 198 in the β-tubulin gene in Ben S isolates, predicted to cause a change from glutamic acid to valine. Ben R2 was induced by a point mutation from TTC to TAC at codon 200 in the β-tubulin gene in Ben S isolates.  相似文献   

In 2014 and 2015, a total of 151 tobacco brown spot (Alternaria alternata) isolates were collected from Guizhou Province in China to evaluate their resistance to the benzimidazole thiophanate-methyl, the carbamate diethofencarb, and the dicarboximide procymidone. Resistance to thiophanate-methyl and diethofencarb was observed in all isolates. Resistance to all the three fungicides, thiophanate-methyl, diethofencarb, and procymidone was detected at a frequency of 6.0%. The F167Y single mutation in the β-tubulin gene was found to be associated with resistance to thiophanate-methyl,but no mutation was found in the coiled-coil region of the histidine kinase-encoding gene OS1, a fungal gene for dicarboximide resistance. Procymidone applied at the rate of 20 mg l?1 inhibited spot lesion formation on tobacco leaves with an efficacy of 51.7% for the low resistance (LR) isolates and 74.2% for the procymidone-sensitive isolates. Thiophanate-methyl applied at 100 mg l?1, however, slightly promoted the expansion of disease lesions with an efficacy of ?7.7%. Azoxystrobin applied at 10 and 20 mg l?1 provided efficacies of 91.1 and 100%, respectively, regardless of whether the isolates were thiophanate-methyl resistant or procymidone-LR. Further studies suggested that azoxystrobin exhibited excellent protective activity and good curative activity against A. alternata in plants. The baseline sensitivity to azoxystrobin was then determined. In the presence SHAM, the mean EC50 values for conidial germination inhibition were 0.49?±?0.22 (Mean?±?SD) mg l?1. Interestingly, no resistance was recovered through UV irradiation or Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated mutagenesis. This research indicated widespread resistance to thiophanate-methyl and diethofencarb, low frequency of (6.0%) resistance to procymidone in A. alternata populations from tobacco, and suggested that azoxystrobin could potentially constitute a good alternative for the management of tobacco brown spot disease.  相似文献   

From 2003 to 2006, a total of 426 single-conidial isolates of B. cinerea collected from greenhouse vegetables in China were characterized for resistance to benzimidazole fungicides and diethofencarb according to inhibition of mycelial growth. Rapid development of double-resistance to benzimidazoles and diethofencarb was observed. Three types of benzimidazole-resistant isolates, Ben R1, Ben R2 and Ben R3 were detected. A new phenotype, Ben R3, which showed low level of resistance to benzimidazole fungicides and resistance to diethofencarb, was detected with frequencies of 6.8%, 10.0%, 13.2% and 12.4% from 2003 to 2006, respectively. Further studies indicated that Ben R3 was caused by a point mutation from GAG in sensitive(S) isolates to GTG at codon 198 in the β-tubulin gene, predicted to cause a change from glutamic acid to valine. Ben R3 isolates had comparable growth, sporulation and pathogenicity ability as isolates of other phenotypes but were more sensitive at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Partial DNA fragments of Botrytis cinerea field isolates encoding the putative osmosensor histidine kinase gene (BcOS1) were cloned by polymerase chain reaction amplification and the predicted amino acid sequences were compared between dicarboximide-sensitive and resistant field isolates. The predicted BcOS1p is highly homologous to osmosensor histidine kinase OS1p from Neurospora crassa including the N-terminal six tandem repeats of approximately 90 amino acids. Four dicarboximide-resistant isolates of B. cinerea (Bc-19, Bc-45, Bc-682, and Bc-RKR) contained a single base pair mutation in their BcOS1 gene that resulted in an amino acid substitution in the predicted protein. In these resistant isolates, codon 86 of the second repeat, which encodes an isoleucine residue in sensitive strains, was converted to a codon for serine. The mutation of Botrytis field resistant isolates was located on the second unit of tandem amino acid repeats of BcOS1p, whereas the point mutations of the fifth repeat of OS1p confer resistance to both dicarboximides and phenylpyrroles and also osmotic sensitivity in Neurospora crassa. These results suggest that an amino acid substitution within the second repeat of BcOS1p is responsible for phenotypes of field resistant isolates (resistant to dicarboximides but sensitive to phenylpyrroles, and normal osmotic sensitivity) in B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Forty-nine greenhouses of vegetable crops were surveyed in southeast Spain at the beginning of the disease season in December 1992 to estimate frequencies of resistance to benzimidazoles, dicarboximides and N -phenylcarbamates (NPC) in B. cinerea . Out of 261 isolates collected, 28% were sensitive to both benzimidazoles and dicarboximides, 15% were benzimidazole-resistant and dicarboximide-sensitive, 8% were benzimidazole-sensitive and dicarboximide-resistant and 46% were benzimidazole- and dicarboximide-resistant. Resistance to benzimidazole, dicarboximide and N -phenylcarbamate was determined by measuring the ability of each isolate to grow in the presence of carbendazim, procymidone and diethofencarb fungicides respectively. Carbendazim- or procymidone- resistant isolates were found in all surveyed greenhouses. Three isolates were found with resistance to carbendazim, procymidone and diethofencarb collected in two adjacent greenhouses that were sprayed with the carbendazim and diethofencarb mixture. All other isolates were sensitive to the mixture because they were either sensitive to carbendazim and resistant to diethofencarb or vice versa. Fitness of 31 isolates of B. cinerea was determined in vivo by measuring their sporulation and lesion growth rate on leaf disks. No fitness costs were associated with resistance to iprodione (dicarboximide) and benomyl (benzimidazole). Isolates with EC50 values higher than 101 mg/L for benomyl and 1.6 mg/L for iprodione were considered to be field resistant (they caused visible lesions on cucumber leaf disks treated with each fungicide).  相似文献   

The molecular basis of resistance to benzimidazole fungicides with laboratory and field mutant isolates of Botrytis cinerea was investigated. After chemical mutagenesis with N-methyl-N-nitrosogouanidine (NMNG) two different benzimidazole-resistant phenotypes were isolated on media containing carbendazim or a mixture of carbendazim and diethofencarb. The mutant isolates from the fungicide-mixture-containing medium were moderately resistant to carbendazim with wild-type tolerance to diethofencarb while mutant isolates from carbendazim-containing medium were highly resistant to carbendazim but sensitive to diethofencarb. The studied field isolates were highly resistant to benzimidazoles and sensitive to diethofencarb. Study of fitness characteristics of benzimidazole highly-resistant isolates showed that the resistance mutation(s) had no apparent effect on fitness-determining parameters. Contrary to this, the moderately benzimidazole-resistant strains, with no increased diethofencarb sensitivity, had a significant reduction in certain ecological fitness-determining characteristics. Analysis of the sequence of the β-tubulin gene revealed two amino acid replacements in the highly benzimidazole-resistant mutants compared to that of the wild-type parent strain. One was the glutamic acid (GAG) to alanine (GCG) change at position 198 (E198A), identified in both laboratory and field highly benzimidazole-resistant isolates, a mutation previously implicated in benzimidazole resistance. The second was a novel benzimidazole resistance mutation of glutamic acid (GAG) to glycine (GGG) substitution at the same position 198 (E198G), identified in a highly benzimidazole-resistant laboratory mutant strain. Molecular analysis of the moderately benzimidazole-resistant strains revealed no mutations at the β-tubulin gene. A novel diagnostic PCR-RFLP assay utilising a BsaI restriction site present in the benzimidazole-sensitive (E198) but absent in both resistant genotypes (E198G and E198A) was developed for the detection of both amino acid replacements at the β-tubulin gene.  相似文献   

In light of growing environmental concerns, surveys of fungicide resistance are needed to ensure efficient control of fungi and avoid unnecessary treatments. Investigations of fungicide resistance in Fusicoccum amygdali are scarce despite the economic impacts of this pathogen in peach and almond orchards. Thiophanate-methyl has been registered for more than 20 years to control F. amygdali but no resistance has been reported to date. This propesticide is metabolized by fungi into carbendazim, a β-tubulin inhibitor. Sensitivity to carbendazim of nine populations of F. amygdali from French orchards was assessed using germination bioassays. Also, resistance levels of 63 strains isolated from four populations were evaluated using mycelial growth assays. The underlying mechanism of resistance was investigated by sequencing the β-tubulin gene, the molecular target of thiophanate-methyl, in a set of isolates with different levels of sensitivity to carbendazim. Cross-resistance to thiophanate-methyl and to another β-tubulin inhibitor, diethofencarb, was also assessed in carbendazim-sensitive and -resistant strains. Isolates highly resistant to carbendazim were found in one of the nine orchards studied. Sequencing showed that resistant phenotypes carry a mutation in the β-tubulin gene leading to E198K substitution. Positive cross-resistance to thiophanate-methyl was confirmed and no negative cross-resistance to diethofencarb was identified in the phenotyped isolates, which were all resistant to this active substance. To our knowledge, this is the first report of resistance to thiophanate-methyl in F. amygdali. The high level of resistance of isolates sampled in one population is of concern, although the limited geographical scope of resistance suggests its recent emergence.  相似文献   

安徽省番茄灰霉菌抗药性测定和治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了安徽省番茄灰霉病菌对多菌灵、腐霉利、乙霉威的抗性。结果表明,田间有BSDSNS、BSDSNLR、BSDSNHR、BHRDSNS、BMRDLRNS、BHRDLRNS、BHRDLRNLR7种抗性类型,对多菌灵、腐霉利、乙霉威具有抗性的菌株分别占试验总菌株数的28.3%、20%和73.3%。  相似文献   

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