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新疆卡拉库尔羊感染绵羊慢病毒的血清学调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绵羊慢病毒(OvLV)感染已证实存在于新疆绵羊群体中的几个主要绵羊品种,即半粗毛(地毯毛)边区莱斯特(Border Leicester)羊及其与和田羊的杂种,细毛羊新疆美利奴羊(中国美利奴新疆型)和裘皮羊新疆卡拉库尔羊(新疆羔皮羊)。经病毒学和病理学研究证实,病原为1型绵羊慢病毒,边区莱斯特羊为对OvLV的敏感品种,新疆美利奴羊是对OvLV的低敏感性品种。为了探讨新疆卡拉库尔羊对OvLV的品种敏感性,作者等对新疆(南疆)阿克苏地区的新疆卡拉库尔羊的OvLV感染进行了血清学调查,本文报道两次调查的结果,并对本病的控制、影响血清学阳性率的因素和新疆卡拉库尔羊对OvLV的品种敏感性进行讨论。  相似文献   

澳系边区莱斯特公羊与甘肃高山细毛羊母羊杂交所生的边细一代羊,在天祝高山草原上放牧饲养,表现出较强的适应能力,其初生重,育成率,早期生长发育和8月龄屠宰净肉重,内脂重,眼肌面积等主要经济指标均优于细毛羊(P〈0.05)。初步认为,边区莱斯特是促进甘肃高山细毛羊早熟,提高产肉性能的较理想父本品种。  相似文献   

新疆绵羊进行性肺炎的血清学诊断(初报)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
历史和现况1966年和1967年,我国曾先后从澳大利亚和新西兰进口一批边区莱斯特羊,分给新疆360只,养在新疆南部于田羊场。这些羊自抵达新疆后,便发生一种“肺脓肿病”。临床呈现呼吸困难和渐进性消瘦,最后因衰竭、缺氧,以死亡告终。剖检见肺脏肿大为正常肺的3—4倍,质度似海棉橡皮样,纵膈淋巴结重量显著增大,组织病理学发现肺泡中膈  相似文献   

在繁殖季节10月,利用萨福克、无角道塞特和边区莱斯特品种羊的体内和体外冷冻胚胎,以小尾寒羊为受体进行胚胎移植,结果如下:受体羊的同期发情率达82.3%,体内冻胚的受胎率(54.5%)和胚胎利用率(50.0%)均明显高于体外冻胚的受胎率(30.6%)和胚胎利用率(27.3%),差异极显著(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

绵羊痒螨病是由痒螨引起的一种以剧痒、湿疹性皮炎、脱毛为主要症状的寄生虫病。该病一旦发生可迅速波及全群,且完全根治比较困难,直接影响养殖业生产的健康发展。笔者采用由北京中农华威科技有限公司生产的0.1%伊力佳注射液治疗该病取得了可靠的效果,现报道如下。1发病情况2000年9月定西县养殖厂饲养的边区莱斯特、小尾寒羊共35只中有5只出现燥动不安、擦墙,继之在背、臀等部出现掉毛现象,当时未引起饲养人员的重视。至10月中旬,先后有24只羊发生程序不同的掉毛、脱毛现象。经实验室确诊为绵羊痒螨病,即用0.1%…  相似文献   

中国绵羊进行性肺炎(梅迪)流行的血清学调查   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
用琼脂凝胶免疫扩散(AGID)试验检查了中国特定的绵羊群体中对绵羊进行性肺炎(Ovineprogressive pneumonia,OPP)病毒的抗体的分布。从中国华北和西北的新疆、内蒙、河北以及四川等省区的1,410头成年绵羊的血清样品中,病毒—特异性血清学分布率从内蒙与河北绵羊的0%到新疆绵羊的6%。年龄—特异性分布率在边区莱斯特(Border Leicester)纯种羊从1至4岁羊的37%到5至10岁羊的53%,在边区莱斯特与和田羊杂交三代(BHE_3)从1至4岁羊的8%到5至10岁羊的13%.品种—特异性分布率从纯种和田羊的3%到纯种边区莱斯特羊的44%。边区莱斯特与和田羊杂交一代(BHE_1)与杂交三代(BHE_3)对致病病毒的血清学分布率明显地低于边区莱斯特纯种羊(P<0.01),BHE_3对 OPP 病毒的血清学分布率明显地高于BHE_1(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

几种药物防治绵羊痒螨病的效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绵羊痒螨病是由痒螨科痒螨属的绵羊痒螨寄生在绵羊体表所引起的慢性寄生性皮肤病,以患羊发生剧烈的瘙痒、湿诊性皮炎、脱毛、患部逐渐向周围漫延及高度的接触传染为特征。据资料记载,赤峰地区1948年-1982年各旗、县、区的马、牛、羊、猪发生本病476126头(只),死亡26490头(只),致死率为5.57%,而发病最多的为羊,有335633只,占70.49%,死亡21440只,致死率为6.39%[1]。作者1992年调查发病严重的地区感染率为10%~15%,个别羊群高达40%~50%。为了有效的控制本病…  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究自然放牧条件下仲巴县霍尔巴绵羊不同生长阶段的屠宰性能及肉品质,评估霍尔巴绵羊实际养殖生产价值。选用体况、体型基本一致的3月龄霍尔巴绵羊牧群,自然放牧,于育成期(12月龄)和成年期(24月龄)随机选取牧群内试验公羊和母羊各10只,进行体重、体尺指标、屠宰性能、肉品质指标检测。结果表明:1)在育成期,公羊的体重、体高和体长显著高于母羊(P<0.05);在成年期,公羊的体重、管围显著高于母羊(P<0.05)。2)成年羊体重和胴体重显著高于育成羊(P<0.05),但是屠宰率显著低于育成羊(P<0.05)。相关性分析发现,宰前活重与胴体重呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与屠宰率呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),胴体重、屠宰率与宰前活重的回归模型中拟合系数(R2)分别为0.456和0.765,回归方程分别为Y=0.127X+11.656和Y=-0.955X+81.786。3)育成羊和成年羊的内脏器官占体重的比率分别为4.85%和3.56%,成年羊的头、蹄、肝脏、脾脏重量显著高于育成羊(P<0.05)。4)育成羊和成年羊羊肉中水分(73.49%v...  相似文献   

一种由支原体感染的绵羊增生性间质性肺炎的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1978年我省从新西兰引进边区莱斯特种羊(以下简称边羊),在其后代羊羔中发生了一种慢性肺炎病。以5—10周龄的羔羊最易感,表现为咳嗽、流鼻液、呼吸急促等症状;  相似文献   

<正> 根据我省养羊业生产的实际情况,引进的边区莱斯特羊和罗姆尼羊(新西兰)繁殖率很低,经过10余年的繁殖,数量越来越少。本试验试图应用胚胎移植技术,达到恢复和发展,从而使绵羊胚胎移植技术在养羊业生产中发挥应有的作用。 材料和方法 供体和受体羊:供体羊为老龄边区莱斯特品种淘汰母羊,受体羊为半细毛杂种母羊。 超数排卵的处理方法:在发情周期的第  相似文献   

AIMS: To estimate the number of cases of scrapie that would occur in sheep of different prion protein (PrP) genotypes if scrapie was to become established in New Zealand, and to compare the performance of two commercially available, rapid ELISA kits using ovine retro-pharyngeal lymph nodes (RLN) from non-infected and infected sheep of different PrP genotypes.

METHODS: Using published data on the distribution of PrP genotypes within the New Zealand sheep flock and the prevalence of cases of scrapie in these genotypes in the United Kingdom, the annual expected number of cases of scrapie per genotype was estimated, should scrapie become established in New Zealand, assuming a total population of 28 million sheep. A non-infected panel of RLN was collected from 737 sheep from New Zealand that had been culled, found in extremis or died. Brain stem samples were also collected from 131 of these sheep. A second panel of infected samples comprised 218 and 117 RLN from confirmed scrapie cases that had originated in Europe and the United States of America, respectively. All samples were screened using two commercial, rapid, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy ELISA kits: Bio-Rad TeSeE ELISA (ELISA-BR), and IDEXX HerdChek BSE-Scrapie AG Test (ELISA-ID).

RESULTS: If scrapie became established in New Zealand, an estimated 596 cases would occur per year; of these 234 (39%) and 271 (46%) would be in sheep carrying ARQ/ARQ and ARQ/VRQ PrP genotypes, respectively. For the non-infected samples from New Zealand the diagnostic specificity of both ELISA kits was 100%. When considering all infected samples, the diagnostic sensitivity was 70.4 (95% CI=65.3–75.3)% for ELISA-BR and 91.6 (95% CI=88.2–94.4)% for ELISA-ID. For the ARQ/ARQ genotype (n=195), sensitivity was 66.2% for ELISA-BR and 90.8% for ELISA-ID, and for the ARQ/VRQ genotype (n=107), sensitivity was 81.3% for ELISA-BR and 98.1% for ELISA-ID.

CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the ELISA-ID kit demonstrated a higher diagnostic sensitivity for detecting scrapie in samples of RLN from sheep carrying scrapie-susceptible PrP genotypes than the ELISA-BR kit at comparable diagnostic specificity.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The diagnostic performance of the ELISA-ID kit using ovine RLN merits the consideration of including this assay in the national scrapie surveillance programme in New Zealand.  相似文献   


It will probably never be known why New Zealand sheep up to 1952 remained free from the particular slow virus disease called scrapie. Scrapie has occurred for many years in European countries from which many of our earlier sheep breeds were imported. Between 1870 and the early part of this century a wide variety of British breeds of sheep were imported into New Zealand: these included, English Leicesters, Border Leicesters, Lincolns, Shropshires, Suffolks, Scottish Blackfaces, Norfolks, Wensleydales, Cotswolds, Dartmoor sheep, Ryelands, Dorset Horns, Hampshires, Romney Marshes and probably others. However, the main breeds upon which our sheep industry was founded were the Merino and the Romney Marsh. The Merinos came in large numbers from Australia, particularly following the Victorian droughts of 1851–1852. These sheep had been derived from Spain, North Africa, Germany and France. The Romney Marsh sheep, in direct contrast, came from a restricted part of England, namely the south-east counties of Kent and Sussex. The latter breed, either as a pure breed or as one of its main derivative breeds — the Perendale and the Coopworth, now makes up over ninety percent of our sheep population. A most interesting fact is that, in England where scrapie is widely endemic in many breeds of sheep, the Romney Marsh breed is reputed to be relatively free from this disease as a pure breed, but not as a cross-breed.  相似文献   

AIM: To use an established high through-put genotyping procedure to gain an estimate of the frequency of alleles of the prion protein (PrP) gene in some common sheep breeds in New Zealand. METHODS: Using a genotyping procedure based on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF), DNA samples from 3,024 sheep from New Zealand, including breeds such as Romney, Texel, Coopworth, Merino and mixed breed, were isolated, genotyped and the results analysed. RESULTS: The 15 scrapie genotypes commonly reported, and derived from the five commonly reported allelic variants (ARR, ARQ, AHQ, ARH and VRQ), were all observed in the samples analysed. The estimates were indicative of the frequencies in the population of alleles present in breeds of sheep in New Zealand. There was a significant difference between the frequencies of alleles between breeds, but the ARQ, followed by the ARR allele, were, except in Carwell sheep, the most common alleles present. CONCLUSION: This study gave an indication of the percentages of PrP gene alleles in sheep in New Zealand, including data previously unreported from breeds in this country. It is of interest because of the relatively large size of the sheep population in New Zealand compared with many countries, and it provides some useful information on the genetic susceptibility or resistance of the sheep population in New Zealand to scrapie. The frequencies of the alleles can be different for an individual breed compared between countries.  相似文献   

AIM: To use an established high through-put genotyping procedure to gain an estimate of the frequency of alleles of the prion protein (PrP) gene in some common sheep breeds in New Zealand.

METHODS: Using a genotyping procedure based on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF), DNA samples from 3,024 sheep from New Zealand, including breeds such as Romney, Texel, Coopworth, Merino and mixedbreed, were isolated, genotyped and the results analysed.

RESULTS: The 15 scrapie genotypes commonly reported, and derived from the five commonly reported allelic variants (ARR, ARQ, AHQ, ARH and VRQ), were all observed in the samples analysed. The estimates were indicative of the frequencies in the population of alleles present in breeds of sheep in New Zealand. There was a significant difference between the frequencies of alleles between breeds, but the ARQ, followed by the ARR allele, were, except in Carwell sheep, the most common alleles present.

CONCLUSION: This study gave an indication of the percentages of PrP gene alleles in sheep in New Zealand, including data previously unreported from breeds in this country. It is of interest because of the relatively large size of the sheep population in New Zealand compared with many countries, and it provides some useful information on the genetic susceptibility or resistance of the sheep population in New Zealand to scrapie. The frequencies of the alleles can be different for an individual breed compared between countries.  相似文献   

A flock of 294 Swaledale sheep was injected with brain tissue from different sources so as to include strains of natural scrapie currently affecting the Swaledale breed. Discounting intercurrent deaths, 85 per cent of the flock developed clinical scrapie within an observation period of 2557 days (seven years). Scrapie cases fell into distinct early and late groups, occurring at (mean +/- sem) 287 +/- 7 days and 1207 +/- 38 days after injection, respectively. Breeding groups were formed from the survivors after the early cases had occurred and successive lamb crops were produced. Two groups of progeny and two groups of controls were injected with scrapie. The incidence of scrapie in the progeny (27 per cent) was much lower than in the controls (64 per cent). The incidence in the progeny was also assessed in relation to the response of their parents: it was high (about 40 per cent) when one or both parents developed late scrapie but otherwise very low (about 5 per cent). Hence the progeny of surviving parents had a greatly reduced susceptibility to the strains of scrapie used. Seventy-two of these selected progeny formed a nucleus flock which is being bred at Redesdale. The next stage of the experiment is to assess the effect of selected rams in recorded flocks with a high incidence of natural scrapie.  相似文献   

To determine the levels of background scrapie-like pathology in the brains of clinically normal adult sheep, the brains of 1106 sheep from 28 known scrapie-infected flocks and nine apparently uninfected flocks were examined during 1998 and 1999. One per cent of the brains had vacuolar pathology and disease-specific accumulations of prion protein consistent with a diagnosis of scrapie. All the positive animals had at least one allele of the prion protein gene encoding valine at codon 136, and originated from flocks in which cases of clinical scrapie had been confirmed within the last four years. The parasympathetic nucleus of the vagal nerve was the most consistently and severely affected nucleus in the medulla oblongata, suggesting that the infection enters the brain via ascending fibres of the vagus nerve.  相似文献   


During recent years a specific myopathy has been recognized in lambs in the South Island of New Zealand. In view of the similarity of the lesions of this condition to “stiff lamb disease,” as described by various workers in the U.S.A. and also more recently by Cotchin in Great Britain, it was thought desirable to record the problem as encountered in New Zealand.  相似文献   


After the diagnosis of scrapie in an East Friesian ewe on the Mana Island quarantine station in September 1976, The Council of the New Zealand Veterinary Association sent the following telegram to the Hon. D. McIntyre, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries:—  相似文献   

Fetal (n = 21) and newborn (n = 7) Suffolk sheep were inoculated with scrapie virus isolated from other Suffolk sheep. Twenty fetuses, 76 to 109 days of gestational age, were inoculated IM in the neck through the uterine wall and were examined for virus 47 to 322 days later by mouse inoculation. Scrapie virus was not detected before 254 days of age; only traces of virus were detected in 3 of 7 lambs examined thereafter (2 at 254 days of age and 1 at 322 days of age). Virus was limited to the supra-pharyngeal, prescapular, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Seven lambs were inoculated into the palatine tonsils with scrapie virus as newborns (3 to 12 days old) and were examined for virus when they were 147 to 210 days old. Virus was not detected in the lymphoreticular tissues or terminal portion of ileum of any lamb. Failure to find scrapie virus in these lambs and in most lambs inoculated as fetuses might indicate few had became infected. However, if most lambs and fetuses had become infected, the long zero phase of the infection could have accounted for failure to find scrapie virus in many of them examined too soon after inoculation. The limited findings of this study indicate that efforts to demonstrate prenatal or neonatal transmission of scrapie by detecting virus are hampered by the slowness of its replication.  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate the cost of pneumonia and pleurisy in lambs to the sheep industry in New Zealand, in order to provide a reference for future cost-benefit calculations for control programmes to reduce the incidence of pneumonia. METHODS: An estimate of the economic cost of pneumonia and pleurisy in lambs was based on: cohort studies of the association between growth rate and the extent of pneumonic lesions at slaughter (n=14 flocks), the prevalence of moderate to severe (MS) pneumonia (> or =10% lung surface area affected) and pleurisy (n=1,719 flocks), the correlation between the prevalence of MS pneumonia and economic loss at the flock level, and data on annual slaughter statistics and carcass value in New Zealand. A stochastic spreadsheet model was developed and run with 1,000 iterations. Input variables represented by probability distributions were growth rate, average cost of loss according to the prevalence of pneumonia per month, carcass value, prevalence of pleurisy, and carcasses downgraded for pleurisy, and annual national slaughter statistics. The output was a posterior distribution of the annual cost of disease. RESULTS: The cost of pneumonia only included the loss associated with reduced growth rate, while mortality due to pneumonia was assumed to be low and was ignored. The cost of pleurisy included the loss associated with downgraded or condemned carcasses. Thus, the simulated annual average cost of pneumonia was NZ$28.1 (95% CI=NZ$15.0-42.0) million, and that of pleurisy NZ$25.1 (95% CI=NZ$10.2-48.1) million. The combined cost of pneumonia and pleurisy averaged NZ$53.2 (95% CI=NZ$32.4-78.9) million. The parameters with the greatest impact on the combined cost of pneumonia and pleurisy were prevalence of pleurisy between March and May, and cost of reduced growth due to pneumonia for lambs slaughtered in June. CONCLUSIONS: The average cost of pneumonia and pleurisy to the sheep industry in New Zealand due to reduced lamb growth and decreased carcass value is likely to be between NZ$32.4 and $78.9 million. This is a conservative estimate, omitting mortalities, indicating that pneumonia and pleurisy have substantial economic impact on sheep farming in New Zealand. Considering that 23,833,000 lambs were slaughtered in 2003/2004 (average value $65.56/lamb), this cost would equate to NZ$1.36-3.31 per lamb. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pneumonia and pleurisy are common diseases in lambs in New Zealand, leading to substantial economic loss to producers.  相似文献   

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