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对优质专用小麦“890 1 11 14”拔节期光合生理特性的观测分析结果表明 ,该小麦品种拔节期光合速率、蒸腾速率与CO2 吸收值有极显著相关性 ,而与光合有效辐射、CO2 初始浓度、气孔阻力等相关性相对较小。并建立了优质小麦“890 1 11 14”光合速率数值模型 ,经检验证明该模型可较好地表现拔节期优质专用小麦“890 1 11 14”光合速率日变化动态  相似文献   

"绵核1号"系盐亭县金土地农林发展有限公司从"温185"核桃实生变异优株选育而成,2012年4月经四川省林木品种审定委员会认定。2017年秀山土家族苗族自治县引进示范种植,表现出生长快、早实、早熟、壳薄、着果率高、果形美观的特点,适宜大力发展。介绍了"绵核1号"的品种特征特性、示范种植表现和栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

为探究追氮量对不同黑小麦品种(系)籽粒产量和品质的影响,本研究采用大田裂区试验设计,主区为11个黑小麦品种(系),副区为追施氮量0(N0,对照)、34.5(N1)、51.8(N2)、69.0(N3)kg·hm2,于小麦灌浆期测定旗叶叶绿素含量(SPAD值),成熟期测定籽粒产量及产量构成要素、籽粒氮素含量和品质指标。结果表明,旗叶SPAD值在追氮处理下均增加,除B145-2、L10056、L10058的旗叶SPAD值在N1最高,其余8个品种(系)的旗叶SPAD值均随追氮量增加而升高。追施氮肥均有利于增加黑小麦产量,与N0相比,N1、N2和N3的产量增幅分别为15.2%~99.7%、17.5%~80.9%和0.7%~69.9%。11个品种(系)获得最高产量的适宜追氮量因品种而异,其中L10056、B120-2、运黑14207籽粒产量随追氮量增加而增加,B145-2、L10058籽粒产量在N2最高,其余6个品种(系)籽粒产量在N1最高。追氮量、品种及二者交互均对产量及构成因素存在极显著影响。追施氮肥能够提高多数黑小麦品种籽粒氮素含量,其中B145-2、L10058和运黑14207在N2最高,18鉴46、临黑131、冬黑1号、临黑187、2002-4、运黑161在N1最高。追氮量与籽粒产量、氮含量、蛋白含量呈正相关(相关性不显著),而产量与籽粒蛋白含量及多数品质指标存在极显著负相关关系。综合考虑黑小麦产量及品质的提高,追氮量在34.5~51.8 kg·hm2之间较为适宜。本研究结果可为黑小麦合理施用氮肥提供参考。  相似文献   

为探究追氮量对不同黑小麦品种(系)籽粒产量和品质的影响,本研究采用大田裂区试验设计,主区为11个黑小麦品种(系),副区为追施氮量0(N0,对照)、34.5(N1)、51.8(N2)、69.0(N3)kg·hm2,于小麦灌浆期测定旗叶叶绿素含量(SPAD值),成熟期测定籽粒产量及产量构成要素、籽粒氮素含量和品质指标。结果表明,旗叶SPAD值在追氮处理下均增加,除B145-2、L10056、L10058的旗叶SPAD值在N1最高,其余8个品种(系)的旗叶SPAD值均随追氮量增加而升高。追施氮肥均有利于增加黑小麦产量,与N0相比,N1、N2和N3的产量增幅分别为15.2%~99.7%、17.5%~80.9%和0.7%~69.9%。11个品种(系)获得最高产量的适宜追氮量因品种而异,其中L10056、B120-2、运黑14207籽粒产量随追氮量增加而增加,B145-2、L10058籽粒产量在N2最高,其余6个品种(系)籽粒产量在N1最高。追氮量、品种及二者交互均对产量及构成因素存在极显著影响。追施氮肥能够提高多数黑小麦品种籽粒氮素含量,其中B145-2、L10058和运黑14207在N2最高,18鉴46、临黑131、冬黑1号、临黑187、2002-4、运黑161在N1最高。追氮量与籽粒产量、氮含量、蛋白含量呈正相关(相关性不显著),而产量与籽粒蛋白含量及多数品质指标存在极显著负相关关系。综合考虑黑小麦产量及品质的提高,追氮量在34.5~51.8 kg·hm2之间较为适宜。本研究结果可为黑小麦合理施用氮肥提供参考。  相似文献   

对引进的21个新品种(系)在甘肃河西灌区的生长发育、产量和适应性等主要农艺性状和特征进行了观察。结果表明,邯14-34、陇黄3号、晋科6号、中作J13162和石788 5个品种(系)折合产量分别为3 540.00、 3 220.00、3 193.33、3 006.67、2 986.67 kg/hm2,较对照品种晋豆19分别增产19.86%、9.03%、8.13%、1.81%、1.13%。其中邯14-34在河西灌区属于中熟品种,其他4个品种相对早熟,属于早熟品种。以上5个品种(系)适宜在河西灌区种植。  相似文献   

<正> 黑龙江省是我国重要的春麦产区,播种面积3000方亩以上。东部和北部国营农场又以小麦为主要粮食作物,播种面积占50—60%。收获时期正逢雨季,中熟和晚熟品种过多是,因不能及时收获会造成重大损失。研究表明,早熟品种可以躲开雨季,产量稳定性好。另外,广大低湿易涝地、坝外沿江地也都需种植高产的早熟品种。为满足生产需要,从1973年起开展了辐射选育早熟、高产、优质小麦新品种的研究,1985年定名为“龙辐麦2号”。  相似文献   

为探究不同熟性冬小麦品种库源分配对刈割的响应,在温室控制条件下,选取陇东地区常用的中熟(‘宁麦5号’和‘陇育4号’)和晚熟(‘西峰27号’和‘陇育1号’)冬小麦品种,测定不同品种冬小麦不刈割(对照)以及分蘖期刈割(留茬2 cm)后再生生长早期叶面积指数,花期和成熟期的物质分配构成。研究结果表明:不同熟期冬小麦刈割再生后的叶面积指数、光合产物分配均有所不同。刈割后再生生长早期,4个品种叶面积指数较未刈割均显著下降;再生至花期中熟品种‘宁麦5号’和‘陇育4号’的叶面积指数仍显著降低27%和17%,晚熟品种‘西峰27号’略降低6%,‘陇育1号’则上升7%。中熟品种‘宁麦5号’和‘陇育4号’再生至花期地上生物量降低18%和11%,晚熟品种‘陇育1号’上升13%;各品种再生至花期地下生物量较未刈割均呈下降趋势,并且中熟品种的下降幅度小于晚熟品种,但晚熟品种在成熟期出现增加趋势,‘陇育1号’显著增加26%。再生至花期中熟品种各部分可溶性碳水化合物含量均降低,而晚熟品种‘陇育1号’各部分可溶性碳水化合物含量增加2%~12%。可见晚熟品种‘陇育1号’再生至花期可溶性碳水化合物含量及干物质向叶、穗分配增加,资源再分配、源库协调能力强,为后期籽粒产量形成奠定了良好的基础,较中熟品种更适于在分蘖期利用青饲草、成熟期收获籽粒的利用方式。  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜重庆地区全程机械化种植的优质马铃薯品种,以当地主栽品种米拉为对照,引进8个新品种开展比较试验,对各品种的物候期、植株性状、块茎性状及产量等因素进行综合评价.结果表明:青薯9号、渝昌薯1号、渝薯7号和渝昌薯2号可作为优质中晚熟品种推广;费乌瑞它可作为优质早熟品种推广;红美可作为优质彩色品种推广.  相似文献   

为选育适宜武都市及同类地区推广种植,高产、稳产、抗逆性强且优质的冬小麦品种。以引11-12为母本、98t-23-101为父本进行杂交,采用系谱法选育出了冬小麦新品种武都23号。该品种生育期243 d,株高85 cm,穗长8.2 cm,穗粒数51粒,千粒重43 g。在2018 — 2020年甘肃省冬小麦区域试验中,平均折合产量7 542.3 kg/hm2,较对照品种兰天33号增产6.55%;在2020 — 2021年度甘肃省冬小麦生产试验中,平均折合产量为7 558.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种兰天33号增产7.35%。具有抗旱、抗锈,丰产等特点。适宜陇南市半山干旱半干旱区、徽成盆地和天水市麦积、甘谷及清水等地区种植。  相似文献   

冬小麦新品种长6388选育报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
由于干旱和极端天气等不利因素的影响及种植面积的不断缩减,限制了小麦产量和质量的进一步提升,亟需培育出高产、优质、多抗、广适性小麦新品种。山西农业大学谷子研究所2008年选用自育旱地冬小麦品种长8744作母本、水地冬小麦品种长4738作父本进行杂交,后代采用水旱交叉选育法、入选单株评鉴采用田间选择和室内鉴定相结合的方法育成了冬小麦新品种长6388。2016 — 2018年参加山西省中部晚熟冬麦区旱地组区域试验,2 a 12点(次)平均折合产量5 472.0 kg/hm2,较对照品种长6878增产9.8%。2017 — 2018年度参加山西省中部冬麦区旱地生产试验,平均折合产量4 525.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种长6878增产5.1%。该品种株高88 cm,穗长7.8 cm,平均成穗数675万穗/hm2,穗粒数30粒,千粒重42 g。中感条锈病、叶锈病、白粉病,抗旱性1~2级。适宜在山西中部晚熟冬麦区旱地及北方生态类似地区种植。  相似文献   

富硒强筋紫粒小麦品种——农大3753的培育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫色特用小麦(Triticum aestivum)新品种农大3753是由中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院选育的,由组合京冬8号/黑小麦76经系谱法选育而成,系谱号为:97冬加(2)-0-1-1-3-3-0。2006年通过北京市品种审定委员会审定。该品种为冬性,籽粒紫色,产量高,富含微量元素,强筋,营养品质和加工品质俱佳。本文详细介绍了农大3753的特点、选育过程和栽培措施,并初步分析了该品种株高低于双亲、加工品质优于双亲的原因,为该品种的推广种植,以及小麦新品种的培育开展提供必要的信息和借鉴。  相似文献   

The fate of urea-and ammonium bicarbonate(ABC)-nitrogen (N) applied by prevailing traditional techniques to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)or maize (Zea mays L.)grown in the fields of Fluvo-aquic soil was investigated using ^15N tracer-micro-plot technique.Results show that:(1) at maturity of wheat,N recovery in plants and N losses of urea and ABC applied at seeding in autumn were 31-39%,and 34-46%,respextively,while the corresponding figures for side-banding at 10 cm depth in early spring were 51-57%,and 5-12%;surface-broadcast of urea followed by irrigation at early spring was as efficient as the side-banding in improving N recovery in plants and reducing N loss,however,such techuique was found less satisfactory with ABC.(2)At the maturity of maize,N recovery in the plants and N loss of urea and ABC sidebanded at seedling stage or prior to tasseling ranged from 23% to 57%,and 9% to 26%,respectively.(3) Either in Wheat or in maize experiment,the majority of residual fertilizer N in soil profile (0-60cm) was in the form of biologically immobilized organic N,however,the contribution of ammonium fixation by clay minerals increased markedly nwith depth in soil profile.(4) Though the proportion of residual fertilizer N was generally highest in the top 20 cm soil layer,considerable reaidual N (nostly 6-11% of the N applied)was found in 60-100 cm soil layers.  相似文献   

From a nutritional point of view, cereal lipids include valuable molecules, such as essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and fat-soluble vitamins. Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) is an alternative hulled bread cereal mostly grown in Belgium, where it is mainly intended for animal feed but should increasingly be used for human consumption. The present research focused on phytosterol quantification by LC/APCI-MS2 in saponified wholemeal extracts of 16 dehulled spelt and 5 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties grown in Belgium during 2001-2002 at the same location. Glycosylated sterols and free and formerly esterified sterols could be determined in saponified extracts. Results show that the mean phytosterol content is comparable in both cereals (whereas other lipids, such as oleic and linoleic acids, are increased in spelt wholemeal): spelt extract has, on average, 527.7 microg of free and esterified sterols g(-1) of wholemeal and 123.8 microg of glycosylated sterols g(-1) of wholemeal versus 528.5 and 112.6 microg x g(-1) in winter wheat (values not corrected for recoveries). This is the first report on the application and validation of an LC/MS2 method for the quantification of phytosterols in spelt and winter wheat.  相似文献   

人工合成小麦衍生品种川麦47的抗条锈病SSR分子标记定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
条锈病是我国小麦最重要的病害之一,严重威胁小麦生产。川麦47是利用高抗条锈硬粒小麦-节节麦人工合成种基因资源与四川高产小麦绵阳26杂交、有限回交育成的高抗条锈病小麦新品种。为明确川麦47抗条锈性遗传基础,将川麦47分别与高感条锈小麦品种台长29杂交,获得杂交F1、F2群体;对川麦47与台长29构建的F2群体(355株)进行了条锈病抗性鉴定和遗传分析,结果表明,川麦47携带一个显性抗条锈病基因;利用SSR分子标记技术和F2分离群体分组分析法研究表明,该抗条锈病基因位于小麦1B染色体上,与微卫星分子标记Xgwm11、Xgwm18、Xgwm273和Xgwm498紧密连锁,遗传距离分别为2.2CM,2.2CM,4.5CM,3.9CM。川麦47可用于分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

以不同水分处理下的冬小麦为研究对象,通过基于红外测温技术的Jackson理论模式和Jones简化模式分别计算作物水分胁迫指数(CWSI),并以理论模式计算值为参考,对Jones模式反映华北地区冬小麦水分胁迫的表现进行初步分析.结果表明,两种计算模式得出的CWSI值与不同水分处理下的冬小麦根层土壤含水量均有较好的相关性,但Jones模式可更好地指示作物缺水状态,对叶片气孔导度的变化更敏感.根据研究结果初步确定了冬小麦高产条件下的CWSI阈值.本研究显示Jones简化模型能准确反映作物水分状态,并易于实现田间多点观测,可用于准确指导农田灌溉.  相似文献   

Selected primitive and modern wheat species were evaluated on the basis of their carotenoid composition and effects of the genotype and environment on lutein using spectrometry and liquid chromatography. Carotenoids in the wheat extracts were identified and confirmed on the basis of their UV/vis and mass spectra compared with those of authentic standards. The protonated molecule (M + 1)+ at m/z 569 was the predominant ion for zeaxanthin compared to the fragment ion at m/z 551 for lutein. A similar carotenoid profile was obtained for the wheat species investigated, but significant differences were observed in the concentration of carotenoids. Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) exhibited the highest level of all-trans-lutein, averaging 7.41 microg/g with small amounts of all-trans-zeaxanthin, cis-lutein isomers, and beta-carotene. Durum, Kamut, and Khorasan (Triticum turgidum) had intermediate levels of lutein (5.41-5.77 microg/g), while common bread or pastry wheat (Triticum aestivum) had the lowest content (2.01-2.11 microg/g). Lutein in einkorn appeared to be influenced significantly by environmental growing conditions.  相似文献   

Bread and different winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) products are the main sources of chromium in the human diet in Hungary. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) is able to give reliable results for Cr. In this study the chromium content of some winter wheat species was determined after wet digestion. Contamination was the most critical part of chromium measurement; thus, appropriate sample preparation and the cleaning of kernels before digestion were required. The chromium content was 2-3 times higher than expected when contamination occurred. Samples came from a field plot experiment and, therefore, the effect of fertilization (150 kg/ha N, 112.5 kg/ha P(2)O(5), and 132.5 kg/ha K(2)O) on chromium content of grains was studied. The average measured values of different species were 114+/-3 and 134+/-4 microg/kg for the control and fertilized plots, respectively.  相似文献   

作物冠层表面温度诊断冬小麦水分胁迫的试验研究   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
利用红外测温装置能够观测获得作物的冠层表面温度,从而诊断作物是否遭受水分胁迫。基于这种技术,使用作物水分胁迫指数CWSI反映我国华北平原地区冬小麦的水分胁迫状况。研究比较了作物水分胁迫指数CWSI的经验模式和理论模式,根据它们的波动特征,可以看出用CWSI经验模式反映华北地区冬小麦水分胁迫不很理想。研究分析了作物水分胁迫指数理论模式与其他一些反映作物水分状况的指标,包括叶水势、叶片气孔阻力,叶片最大净光合速率以及土壤水分含量之间的关系,结果表面理论模式与上述这些指标关系良好,表明其很好地反映了作物的水分胁迫特征。该研究给出了适合于我国华北平原地区冬小麦的作物水分胁迫指数计算的主要参数。研究从实际田间应用的可能性出发,分析并提出了作物水分胁迫指数经验模式和理论模式应用的改进方向  相似文献   

小麦和油菜Mn有效性差异的机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
By solution culture experiment,three wheat genotypes(Triticum aestivum,L.) and two oilseed rape genotypes (Brassica napus L.)differing in Mn efficiency under Mn-deficient conditions were used to study mechanisms of the difference in Mn efficiency between wheat and oilseed rape,The results showed that there were significant differences in the abilities of MnIV reduction and acidification in root rhizosphere between the two species.Compared with wheatl,oilseed rape had much higher reducing capacity and intensity of rhizosphere acidification under Mn-deficient conditions.Moreover,the higher ratio of functional leaves Mn/old leaves Mn in oilseed rape than in wheat was also an imprtant factor for the different Mn efficiencies between the two species.  相似文献   

Within the HEALTHGRAIN diversity screening program, the variation in the content of dietary fiber and components thereof in different types of wheat was studied. The wheat types were winter (131 varieties) and spring (20 varieties) wheats (both Triticum aestivum L., also referred to as common wheats), durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf., 10 varieties), spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L., 5 varieties), einkorn wheat (T. monococcum L., 5 varieties), and emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum Schubler, 5 varieties). Common wheats contained, on average, the highest level of dietary fiber [11.5-18.3% of dry matter (dm)], whereas einkorn and emmer wheats contained the lowest level (7.2-12.8% of dm). Intermediate levels were measured in durum and spelt wheats (10.7-15.5% of dm). Also, on the basis of the arabinoxylan levels in bran, the different wheat types could be divided this way, with ranges of 12.7-22.1% of dm for common wheats, 6.1-14.4% of dm for einkorn and emmer wheats, and 10.9-13.9% of dm for durum and spelt wheats. On average, bran arabinoxylan made up ca. 29% of the total dietary fiber content of wheat. In contrast to what was the case for bran, the arabinoxylan levels in flour were comparable between the different types of wheat. For wheat, in general, they varied between 1.35 and 2.75% of dm. Einkorn, emmer, and durum wheats contained about half the level of mixed-linkage beta-glucan (0.25-0.45% of dm) present in winter, spring, and spelt wheats (0.50-0.95% of dm). All wheat types had Klason lignin, the levels of which varied from 1.40 to 3.25% of dm. The arabinoxylan contents in bran and the dietary fiber contents in wholemeal were inversely and positively related with bran yield, respectively. Aqueous wholemeal extract viscosity, a measure for the level of soluble dietary fiber, was determined to large extent by the level of water-extractable arabinoxylan. In conclusion, the present study revealed substantial variation in the contents of dietary fiber and constituents thereof between different wheat types and varieties.  相似文献   

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