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红松种子的种皮坚硬致密,不易透水透气,而且含有单宁,妨碍种子发芽。因此,催芽时间较长。大量种子集中在春季播种,时间紧任务重还和农业争劳力。遇到春涝春旱等不良天气,影响播种和发芽。1974年我圃进行了红松秋播试验,结果幼苗长势良好。这几年我圃大面积实行秋播。幼苗均生长整齐,健壮。我局有些林场的苗圃也推广了秋播,幼苗也生长良好。具体作法是: 每年7月末8月初将红松种子浸种消毒混二倍河沙置于空屋内,水分保持在60%,每隔一天翻动一次,进入10月份每周翻动一  相似文献   

提高卫矛种子发芽率的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫矛种子因为有假种皮,种子内含油量高,休眠期长,采用一般处理方法不易出苗。对卫矛种子的发芽特性进行的研究结果表明:采种时间晚有利于提高卫矛种子的播种品质;隔年埋藏法,其种子发芽率达到96%,发芽齐而且快,只需要8天,技术方法易掌握,解决了卫矛种子处理难的问题。  相似文献   

将直径不同的RRIM600种子(1.61、2.05、2.50cm)播种于砂床,播种方式为水平(发芽孔平置)、垂直(发芽孔朝上)和反转(发芽孔朝下)。结果,水平播种的小粒种子以芽率最高,达88%,幼苗生长最壮。大粒种子发芽率最低。种子大小和播种方式对发芽率的影响  相似文献   

栾树在播种育苗中,因其种皮坚硬不易透水,如不经处理第二年春播,常不发芽或发芽率很低,故最好当年秋季播种,经过一冬后第二年春天发芽整齐。本文对栾树秋季播种育苗技术进行了简要介绍,内容主要有种子和土壤处理、播种方法、苗期管理等。  相似文献   

1育苗技术 紫穗槐主要采用播种育苗,也可采用插条育苗。 1.1播种育苗 1.1.1种子处理 紫穗槐因荚果皮含有油脂,不易被水浸透,发芽比较困难,播种前必须对其进行处理。具体方法是:春天天气晴好时,将种子散开在地面平坦硬实的地方于太阳下晒,并上下翻动,经约1~2天时间,  相似文献   

一、繁殖方法:主要以种子繁殖为主。也可压条和扦插繁殖。 种子繁殖在10~11月当果皮裂开露出红色种子时采种,选饱满、无病虫害的籽粒与湿细沙混合藏于窖内,上盖细土。厚朴种子的发芽温度在18℃左右,翌年早春,当日平均气温达到15℃时取出即可准备播种,厚朴种子表皮有腊质,水难渗入,播后不易发芽,需进行去腊处理,方法是将种子放在冷水中浸泡24~48小时,以种子表面鲜红色油脂层转为黑褐色,  相似文献   

油松种子发芽高峰期的预测张慧勤卢春霞王慈民(河南省林业勘察设计院)林木种子质量的好坏直接影响林木的生长发育。而种子的发芽能力是播种材料必须具备的基本条件,只有鉴定了发芽能力,才能判断一个种批的播种价值。但是,仅靠一个平均发芽率常常不能确切地反应种子的...  相似文献   

种子发芽测定是测定种子的发芽能力。 种子发芽能力是播种品质中最重要的生物学指标,只有鉴定了发芽能力,才能判断一个种批的播种价值,才能确定合理的播种量。所以,种子发芽测定是最重要的检验项目。  相似文献   

核桃种子烂种原因及发芽条件的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李近雨 《林业科学》1994,30(1):18-24
对核桃种子的采集时间、调制方法、浸种和催芽技术等几个方面进行了系统研究,并进行了种子生理学的测定,其目的是探明核桃种子的烂种原因和发芽条件。结果表明,采种过早和堆沤过久都会引起种子霉烂,而种子吸水不足则是导致沙藏烂种和播种烂种的主要原因。同时也查明,种壳的机械约束是种子发芽慢的主要原因,较高的环境温度和充足的种子含水量是核桃种子发芽的适宜条件。采取适当晚采,合理调制和沙藏前适当浸种,播种前晒裂种壳,播种后提高地温等措施,可以减少烂种,加快出苗速度,提高出苗率。  相似文献   

1播种育苗 1.1催芽 播种前把沙藏层积的种子取出,用清水洗净并用1000倍的多菌灵液浸泡片刻催芽。在背风向阳的地方挖宽1m,深20~30cm的条沟,将种子与湿沙混合均匀,盖上塑料薄膜催芽。两周以后,就有部分种子发芽,分批分期拣出发芽的进行播种。  相似文献   


Voles cause damage in forestry by eating the bark of seedlings and the seeds of conifers. Folivorous field voles ( Microtus agrestis ), restricted to various types of grassland, are mainly responsible for damage to bark, and granivorous bank voles ( Clethrionomys glareolus ), supported by most forest environments, for the consumption of seeds. Densities of bank and field voles, consumption of bark on indigenous and experimental woody plants, and consumption of experimentally supplied seeds were measured during the vole cycle 1997-2000 in relation to three habitat and three landscape variables. Landscape variables explained field vole densities and consumption of bark to a considerable extent, while habitat variables were more adequate for densities of bank vole and consumption of seeds. Field vole populations may demonstrate a ''mass effect'', where the success of early development and dispersal from subpopulations will decide peak numbers over entire landscapes. Numbers of field voles may affect numbers of the inferior bank vole. Thus, predicting the exact location of vole damage is principally difficult.  相似文献   

自1993年起对本局大趟子苗圃进行了蒙古栎秋播育苗试验,并对蒙古栎从采种、种子调制、田间管理及起苗、留床、造林等环节上形成了一套完整的科学育苗方法,避免了春播育苗种子储藏和鼠害等一系列不利问题,研究探索了最佳播种量和最佳经营密度。  相似文献   

本文介绍了白皮松容器育苗技术,包括育苗地选择、作床、育苗容器准备、营养土配制、种子处理、播种、苗期管理、立枯病防治等技术要点。  相似文献   

促进山苍子种子萌发研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
山苍子人工育苗种子发芽困难,烂种现象普遍。其主要原因是种实中存在柠檬醛等香精油。通过对山苍子果实及时调剂,用3%H_2O_2处理种子和层积催芽方法,可解除种子休眠及促进种子萌发。  相似文献   

华山松种子发芽影响因素和生活力检验方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以泾源县沙塘林场提供的华山松种子为试材,对华山松种子发芽的影响因素和生活力检验方法进行了研究.结果表明:纸床培养的华山松种子的发芽率要高于沙床培养的,两者之间存在显著差异;45℃清水浸种72 h的种子比用细纱1~5℃低温层积过的种子萌芽时间和萌芽高峰期明显滞后;染色时间20h、四唑浓度0.5%、染色温度20℃为检验华山...  相似文献   

Vegetative inoculum of Pisolithus tinctorius (Pt) produced by Sylvan Spawn Laboratories (C:N 50) and by research methods (IMRD), spore-encapsulated seeds, spore pellets, and sprayed spores were compared for efficacy in forming Pt ectomycorrhizae on pines in operational bare-root nurseries in South Carolina, Florida, and Indiana and in microplots and containers in Georgia. Two rates of application (0.33 and 0.16 liter/m2 of soil) of both sources of vegetative inoculum were similar in effect and formed abundant Pt ectomycorrhizae (Pt index > 50) and fruit bodies in all studies. Spore treatments formed consistently fewer Pt ectomycorrhizae than vegetative inoculum. The most effective spore treatment was spore encapsulated seeds. These results indicate that at a bed density of 270 seedlings/m2, 0.6 to 0.7 liter of vegetative inoculum is needed to obtain Pt indices > 50 on 1,000 pine seedlings.  相似文献   

Effects of drought stresses induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) (0.0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, with four replicates) on germination of Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) seeds produced in plantations (southern Keerqin sandy land) and natural forests (Hulunbeier sandy plain) were observed. The results indicated that the seeds from both provenances did not germinate when PEG concentration was more than 25%. The time of initial germination and that of its completion of stressed seeds from both provenances were delayed when compared with the unstressed seeds. The germination capacity and germination rate of natural seeds were significantly higher than those of plantation seeds for all treatment levels (P < 0.05). The mean growth rates of radicle and hypocotyl from natural seeds were significantly higher than those from plantation seeds at all treatment levels below 20% PEG treatment (P < 0.05). The ratios of radicle to hypocotyl of 20% PEG treatment were significant higher than those of the corresponding controls for both provenances (P < 0.05). These results suggested that Mongolian pine seeds/seedlings had stronger resistance to PEG drought stresses; 10% PGE stress did not significantly influence germination. Natural seeds exhibited more resistance to PEG stress than plantation seeds. It was concluded that drought stress on seed germination might be one cause of obstructed natural regeneration of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land. It is recommended that natural seeds be used for afforestation, and light drought stress (e.g., 10% PEG stress) may be useful in improving seed germination and the growth of radicles and hypocotyls.  相似文献   

In Ireland, the grey field slug (Deroceras reticulatum) is the predominant slug pest species in arable crops. It can cause enormous damage, but the knowledge about its feeding biology is limited. Adult species were reared under laboratory conditions, and the survival, feeding activity, and weight change of slugs when feed on maize, peas, or wheat seeds were investigated. An especially high mortality was experienced in the wheat treatment. It was hypothesised that the high mortality was due to a Fusarium species, however, a Fusarium infection of the wheat seeds was not confirmed. The weight change of the slugs was very variable due to a high egg production of some slugs. A second experiment examined the food choice and feeding activity of D. reticulatum when offered a choice of the three seed types. Most of the slugs preferred to feed on a mixture of seeds, but the highest feeding activity was recorded on the pea seeds.  相似文献   

种子介电分选技术研究新进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
赵金平 《林业科学》2000,36(Z1):97-103
本文讨论了植物种子的电场、磁场效应,肯定了电磁场处理对种子生理生化指标的正效应,它能提高种子活力和发芽率,增大发芽势;对国内外种子介电分选装置与设备的现状和发展作了介绍和分析;对介电分选机理作了进一步的探讨,提出了区别于传统分选技术的关键因素是电极化力。在分析分选电场的构成及计算方法的同时,对作为分选介质的种子在电场中的状态、介电性质以及影响因素作了说明,指出影响种子介电性质的主要因素是种子含水率  相似文献   

We examined the influence of nursery soil cover on germination of Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai. Seeds were sown under seeding bed conditions: (1) nursery soil (andosol) without soil cover, (2) Kanuma pumice without soil cover, (3) nursery soil with nursery soil cover, and (4) nursery soil with sterilized sand cover. Germination percentages were compared between these conditions. The germination percentage (8.8%) at 10 weeks after sowing under condition 3 was significantly lower than under conditions 1, 2, and 4 (56.8%, 52.0%, and 47.2%, respectively). Of the nongerminated seeds under condition 3, 75.0% were decayed and several fungi were isolated from decayed seeds. An inoculation test of isolated fungi Cylindrocarpon tenue, Cylindrocarpon sp., Fusarium oxysporum, and Botrytis sp. to seeds showed that these fungi caused seed decay. Our results indicated that nursery soil cover may not be suitable for T. dolabrata var. hondai seeds sown in nursery soil because of seed decay by pathogens.  相似文献   

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