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林木采伐权的法律问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林木采伐权是权利主体根据依法取得的采伐许可的规定而享有的按照法定方式对林木进行采伐获得收益并排除他人干涉的权利,是林权处分权能的一个表现.我国有关林木采伐的制度中,还存在立法不完善、商品林的林木采伐权的限额制度过于严格以及管理机制不完善等不足.因此,只有明确林木采伐权的物权地位、完善林木采伐的法律制度并建立高效的林木采伐的管理机制才能保证林木采伐权真正实现.  相似文献   

阜阳市近日制定了《阜阳市林木采伐许可(审批)规范》,以规范林木采伐许可(审批)行为,全面提高林木采伐许可证发证质量。该《规范》共分林木采伐许可(审批)对象、林木采伐许可(审批)范围、林木采伐许可(审批)程序、林木采伐许可(审批)时限要求、林木采伐案卷归档和执行期六  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区人民政府《关于颁发林木采伐证的通知》中明文规定:“集体林和其他部门自己经营的林木采伐必须履行批准手续,由旗县林业行政部门发给采伐证,方可采伐,无证采伐的,以破坏森林论处。”可是,目前有的地方将集体林的采伐审批权随意下放给公社或大队,出现了乱批证、乱砍伐等混乱现象;有些地区个别人乘落实林业生产责任制之机,私分、私砍集体林木。据昭  相似文献   

<中华人民共和国森林法>第三十二条第一款规定:"采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;农村居民采伐自留地和房前屋后个人所有的零星林木除外."第五款规定:"农村居民采伐自留山和个人承包集体的林木,由县级林业主管部门或者其委托的乡、镇人民政府依照有关规定审核发放采伐许可证.  相似文献   

收集和分析我国现行的林木采伐利用管理制度和林木采伐作业设计,从林木采伐作业设计与年森林采伐限额管理制度、林木采伐许可证核发制度、木材运输证核发制度、伐区检查验收制度的设置4个方面详细阐述两者间需要衔接和匹配的调查、设计内容。分析结果表明,林木采伐作业设计是依法进行年森林采伐限额管理、林木采伐许可证核发、木材运输证核发和伐区检查验收的基础数据和资料,其调查和设计内容应符合林木采伐利用管理的要求,与采伐利用制度设置相吻合。  相似文献   

分析了各采伐类型、采伐方式的林木采伐设计必须提交的实质性内容,并以浙江省缙云县各采伐类型、采伐方式林木采伐作业设计为例,提出了应当规范和完善的内容,旨在提高林木采伐设计水平,并对林木采伐设计的两个问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

一、设计依据“4160”林业专用底盘是由哈尔滨林机所、东北林学院和哈尔滨林机厂联合设计组设计,哈尔滨林机厂试制的一种四轮驱动,折腰转向式大型林业用拖拉机。此底盘是一种基本机型,在其上增设或更换不同的工作装置,或作部分变动,即可变为集材机,伐木联合机、装车机、移动式索道、推土机、翻斗车、短途运材车等多种机型。可以用于采伐、集材、装车、运材、林业工程、营林生产等各种作业。此底盘的结构具有绞接车架、折腰转向、四轮驱动、液力机械传动、动力换档、中央制动等特点。并采用了防穿刺大型越野轮胎、伺服操纵,电子控制等先进技术,还装有内设冷热风装置的安全驾驶室。  相似文献   

<正>对林木实行凭证采伐管理,是落实森林采伐限额制度、科学控制森林资源消耗的具体措施。《森林法》第三十二条第一款明确规定,采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;农村居民采伐自留地和房前屋后个人所有的零星林木除外。采伐林木是否必须申领采伐许可证,应以此规定为唯一标准。实践中,采伐林地上的林木必须申领采伐许可证自然无可非议,但采伐非林业用地上的林木是否必须申领林木采  相似文献   

<正>为广泛征集社会各方面尤其是基层林业部门和森林经营者对林木采伐管理的意见和建议,进一步深化改革、创新机制、完善政策,使采伐管理更好地适应林业改革发展的新形势、新要求,同时为科学编制和实施"十三五"采伐限额、修改《森林法》等提供参考,国家林业局森林资源管理司和《中国林业》杂志社、《林业资源管理》编辑部联合组织开展"我为采伐管理改革创新献计策"2014林木采伐管理有奖征文活动,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。  相似文献   

《国家林业局关于超强度采伐林木行为如何定性的复函》(林函策字[2002]48号)载明,采伐的期限、数量(面积、蓄积)、树种、方式和强度等,都是林木采伐许可证规定的内容,在林木采伐许可证规定的范围内,没有按照林木采伐许可证规定的“采伐强度”指标而超强度采伐林木,也就是违反林木采伐许可证的规定进行采伐,应当定性为滥伐行为并依法处理。下面简要谈一下笔者对这个规定的理解。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):303-309
Global demand for treating prostate disorders with Prunus africana bark extract has made P. africana Africa's largest medicinal plant export. Unsustainable harvesting practices can lead to local extirpations of this multipurpose tree. Survey research targeting P. africana harvesters in a Tanzania forest reserve revealed that 78% of them used unsustainable harvesting practices. This research focused on establishing a socioeconomic profile of the harvesters, the profitability of their business operations, and identifying the factors that influence their selection of harvesting practices. Results indicate that harvesters have above-national-average education, double the average family size, and generate income exceeding government's minimum wages. Large family size and high earning potential imply increased future harvesting activity. Logistic regression results indicate that education and training level could predict the likelihood that a harvester would use unsustainable harvesting practices. Local- and district-level government organisations could implement a resource assessment as a basis to design and implement harvesting schedules and ensure that the harvesters receive appropriate training, regardless of their education level.  相似文献   


Despite an encouraging trend in North America of growing interest across a range of disciplines in non-timber forest products (e.g., this volume), NTFP harvesters' knowledge and practices continue to be poorly understood and undervalued, if not ignored, both by research scientists and forestland policy-makers and managers. This article explores why NTFP harvesting suddenly emerged in North America as an “issue” in the early 1990s. Drawing from a three-year study of chanterelle mushroom harvesters on the Olympic Peninsula Biosphere Reserve (Washington, USA), we discuss a variety of forces which intersected in this period to bring NTFP harvesting to wider attention. Unfortunately, harvesters continue to be excluded as knowledgeable actors in, if not legitimate co-managers of, temperate forest ecosystems, resulting in both passive and active harvester resistance to research and management, a devaluing of local harvesting traditions, and missed opportunities for collaboration. We reluctantly conclude that despite “New Forestry” co-management rhetoric, given existing institutional barriers and positivist scientific categories, NTFP workers will likely remain excluded from active roles in temperate forest research and management-contributing in turn to the ongoing legitimacy crisis of public and private forest management entities.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to test harvester group-guiding methods by comparing how the total log output distribution of independent harvesters differs from the total log output distribution of group-guided harvesters. In this simulation study four harvesters worked in their own stands in the same region for an identical target, given by a sawmill. Group-guiding was done by utilizing other harvesters’ bucking outcomes to fulfil the target log distribution better. Harvesters were combined to form a group in an adapting phase where a new price list was formed. For group-guiding, four different price list adapting methods were developed. There were five different simulations: four with adaptation and one reference simulation without adaptation. Apportionment degree and log/pulpwood proportions were calculated to compare the difference between the methods and reference simulation. With group-guiding, by adapting the price list harvesters reached the target distribution better than working independently. The best group-guiding method fulfilled the target distribution almost 9% better than independently working harvesters. However, the pulpwood proportion increased as a result of using the group-guided method.  相似文献   

Accurate positioning of single trees registered automatically during harvesting operations opens up new possibilities for reducing the field sampling effort in forest inventories utilising remotely sensed data. In the present study, we propose to use a harvester to collect single-tree data during regular harvest operations and use these data to substitute or supplement traditional measurements on sample plots. Today’s harvesters are capable of recording single-tree information such as species and diameter at breast height, and a cut-to-length harvester was equipped with an integrated accurate positioning system based on real-time kinematic global satellite positioning, as well as a low-cost global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver mounted directly on the harvester head. Positions from 73 trees were evaluated and compared to coordinates obtained using a total station. At the single-tree level, the mean error for the integrated positioning system was 0.94?m. The low-cost GNSS receiver mounted on the harvester head yielded a mean error of 7.00?m. The sub-meter accuracy obtained with the integrated system suggests that data acquired with a harvester using this positioning system may have a great potential as a method for single-tree field data acquisition.  相似文献   

Medium to large size harvester heads mounted on large machines are popular in Japan. These machines encounter some problems during thinning operations,e.g. damage to residual stand and the compaction of soil. The performance of these large harvesters was compared with that of smaller ones operating simultaneously in the same line thinning operation of the same stand. The results of a time study showed that mean cycle times for the smaller and larger harvesters were not significantly different. This means that the work efficiency of the smaller harvester can be at the same level as the larger harvester on sites similar to those of this study. The mean values “Feed” element of the cycle time, however, were significantly different. Although this time difference appears to provide an advantage to the larger harvester, simulation results show that the advantage is not great enough to significantly shorten the total cycle times. That is to say, the work efficiency remains essentially the same even if the feeding performance of the small size harvester becomes as high as that of larger ones. The small harvester performs adequately in thinning operations, and is not inferior to the larger ones. This result indicates that there is economic potential for small base machines that can be mounted with small harvester heads, resulting in less damage to residual trees and site soils during thinning operation. A part of this paper was orally presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1998). The time study research presented in this paper was supported by the National Federation of Logging Contractors Cooperative Associations.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):239-246
Due to the labour challenges in South Africa, mechanised forestry equipment has increasingly been required to operate in complex forest conditions – such as coppiced Eucalyptus compartments – where they have not operated before. For this reason, harvesters are either used in certain coppiced compartments with uncertain productivity expectations, or harvesters are not used in these compartments due to a lack of productivity knowledge. This research aimed to determine the influence of tree volume and tree form on the productivity of an excavator-based harvester in coppiced regrowth – with either double or single stems, or planted single stems – in Eucalyptus grandis pulpwood compartments. In addition, the stem felled first and the distance between stems were investigated for coppiced double stems. The stem felled first is whichever stem between the two coppiced double stems the harvester grabbed, felled and processed first. The tree volume was determined; thereafter the trees were classified into different form classes. The tree volume and the cycle time were used to determine productivity. The research results showed that planted trees had the highest productivity across all tree sizes, followed by coppiced single stems and then coppiced double stems. When harvesting a 0.2 m3 tree, the mean harvester productivity was 8.7 m3 per productive machine hour (PMH0) in coppiced double stems, 13.8 m3 per PMH0 in coppiced single stems and 16.1 m3 per PMH0 in planted trees. In coppiced double stems the productivity was significantly influenced by the size of the stem felled first. In coppiced double stems the productivity was not significantly influenced by the distance between stems. The productivity for both coppiced single stems and coppiced double stems was significantly influenced by stem form. The poorly formed trees had lower productivity compared to the trees with good form.  相似文献   

联合采育机多功能伸缩越障机构采用仿生学原理,以小松PC200-7挖掘机为基体改装而成,可提高采育机在我国林区复杂地形的适应性和越障能力。利用Solidworks和ADAMS两种软件建立越障机构的虚拟样机和仿真环境,分析其基本原理,对主要的铰接点进行优化设计,配置了液压系统,并通过试验验证了越障机构的可行性。  相似文献   

林木生物质收获机械发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与石化能源相比,林木生物质能的主要优点在于它的可再生性、低污染性和广泛的分布性。因此充分合理地利用林木生物质能源,可以缓解世界范围内面临的能源危机问题。本文论述了国内外林木收获机械发展现状,并针对目前我国林木生物质分布和应用情况,进一步指出了我国林木生物质收获机的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A field-based study was carried out to broaden our knowledge of fully mechanized cut-to-length harvesting productivity in naturally grown forests in the northern European part of Russia (NEPR). The recorded data comprised 38 midsized single-grip harvesters (JD 1270D) in clear-cutting operations in the Karelia, Komi, Vologda, Leningrad, Tver, and Kirov regions in NEPR, 4.3 million felled trees, and 1.4 million m3 u.b. (under bark) of processed timber. Harvesting operations were conducted in forest stands composed of spruce (48% on average), pine (19%), birch (22%), and aspen (11%), with an average stem volume 0.31 m3 u.b. The cut-to-length harvesters produced from 4.3 to 14.9 m3 u.b./productive machine hour (PMH) and 16.0–49.5 m3 u.b./stem processing machine hour (S proc MH). A machine evaluation analysis and a regression analysis were used to formulate models for predicting cutting productivity of modern single-grip harvester. The regression models were developed to estimate the productivity of the harvesters in the regions taking into account two significant factors influencing the productivity: the stem volume and tree species of the felled trees. Productivity/cubic meter u.b. of processed timber/PMH was calculated according to stem volume and tree species distributions in most forest-covered NEPR regions. Further research is suggested to improve the developed productivity models and to allow prediction of system performance over a broad range of stand and site conditions.  相似文献   

针对林间运输需求,提出了履带式多功能底盘的整体设计方案,并对该底盘的几个关键部件进行了设计。  相似文献   

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