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对双行矮化超密度骏枣(Ziziphus jujuba cv.Junzao)园"三五九"树形和"小冠疏层形树形"2种树形产量、品质、经济效益方面进行对比试验。结果表明,"三五九"树形保持了枣树的密植状态,增加了果园空间利用率,"小冠疏层形"树形扩大了果树的结果面积,但在密植情况下不利于果树的通风透光;"三五九"矮化密植修剪,三五九"树形修剪技术能较大幅度地提高特级果和一级果的比例,但总体产量下降,"小冠疏层形"树形座果早晚基本一致(早座果时间为7月5日左右),枣果大小差异小、较均匀整齐,无畸形果、单位产量较高,但果品质量较差;"三五九"夏季修剪技术比"小冠疏层形"修剪技术用工多,费用高。  相似文献   

源库关系变化对果树产量及果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
果树经济产量和果实品质的形成实质上依赖于其源库互作关系,而源库关系的发生受光照、温度等环境因素的影响。因此,了解源库关系变化及环境因子对果树经济价值的影响具有重要意义。但是,目前关于果树源库关系变化及环境因子对果树产量及果实品质的影响问题尚缺乏系统的评述。文中基于源库概念和国内外有关果树源库关系的研究现状,综述了源库关系研究的主要途径、果树源库关系变化与环境因子跟果树产量和果实品质的关系,并对今后的研究方向提出了5条建议。  相似文献   

果树的光合作用,是决定果树的产量和果品质量的主要因素之一。果树产量的高低,果实品质的好坏,与果树光合作用的强弱密切相关。果树光合作用的强弱,又受树体结构是否合理所制约,树体结构合理的树,光照良好,  相似文献   

研究了自然开心形、直立圆柱形、一边倒形3种不同的树形对黄桃生物学特性、产量、品质和经济效益的影响。结果表明,与传统的自然开心形相比,直立圆柱形和一边倒形树形能有效提高黄桃的产量和经济效益,其中一边倒形树形的修剪更为省时省工,增产效果更加明显,为黄桃生产管理的最佳树形。  相似文献   

一、果树为什么要整形修剪果树的整形和修剪,是农业八字宪法“营”字的重要技术措施之一,在果树栽培管理上与施肥、浇水、中耕除草、病虫防治等措施同样重要。没有修剪过的果树,枝条密集紊乱,徒长枝、枯枝很多,光照不够,影响果实品质,病虫容易发生,引起落叶枯枝,使树株早期衰老。即使树株在壮年期间,也容易造成大小年结果现象。同时结果的部位距树干愈远,结果愈稀少,这样会给生产上带来很大的损失。修剪过的果树,树形美观,枝条分布均匀,有用的枝条多,光照良好,病虫害少,果实品质优良,营养枝  相似文献   

房山区采取措施大力发展设施果树产业为使房山区设施果树产业实现可持续发展,房山区园林绿化局下大功夫,狠抓设施果树发展。目前,房山区设施果树共有590余栋,合计350余亩。主要集中在长阳、阎村、窦店等平原地区。为大力发展设施果树,主要采取下几项措施:一、加强对适宜品种的筛选工作,栽植早产、高产、品质优良、市场前景好的品种。二、推广大桃纺锤树形、高密度种植模式,大幅度提高了单位产量。三、攻克红颜  相似文献   

浅谈果树整形修剪技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果树整形修剪是果树栽培管理中的一项重要技术措施是关系到果树能否优质丰产的关键环节。果树修剪是否得当,对果树结果迟早、产量高低、品质好坏、经济寿命长短以及是否便于管理等多方面都有直接的影响。因此应该引起广大果农的高度重视,果树适当整形修剪可以调整生长和结果的平衡关系、衰老与复壮之间矛盾,对于迅速提高产量和质量也是必不可少的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

光照影响果树的生长、发育、产量和品质。光强、光质和光时对果园生态环境产生影响。文章主要揭示了光量、光质和光时对果园的影响,为果树的栽培和管理提供理论依据,提高果树的光能利用率,实现果树的高产量和高质量。  相似文献   

陶如利  潘嵘 《湖南林业》2007,(12):21-21
低干、矮冠,是果树栽培发展的方向。要达到早果丰产的目的,必须提高枝叶量和覆盖率,充分利用光能。李树喜光,光照强度对其新梢生长和果实发育有着重要的影响。因此,李树树形宜采用自然开心形和疏散分层开心形。这两种树形易修剪易成形,结构简单。  相似文献   

果树病害防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果树病虫害的危害,不仅影响果树的产量和果品的品质,还会缩短结果年限、影响果树的寿命。介绍了不同树龄阶段果园病虫害防治对象、果树主要病虫害识别以及综合防治措施。  相似文献   

为了解Y形架不同整形方式对梨树生长结果的影响,研究了龙干式和二主枝2种Y形架整形方式下‘中梨1号’梨品种幼树树干直径、主枝直径、早期结果性能、果实品质等方面的差异。结果表明,龙干式整形的‘中梨1号’树干直径、主枝直径、40%以上节位结果枝条数、单株平均结果数等均显著高于二主枝整形的‘中梨1号’,表现出良好的幼树早期丰产性。但龙干式整形的树势相对中庸,果实平均单果质量略小于二主枝整形的‘中梨1号’。除了龙干式的果心占比稍大于二主枝‘中梨1号’,2种整形方式的‘中梨1号’果实在果形指数、果肉硬度和可溶性固形物含量等品质指标上并无显著差异。总体上,龙干式较二主枝式更容易整形,树势更中庸,幼树早期丰产性强,但需要强化水肥管理。  相似文献   

Caryocar brasiliense is a native tree found throughout the Cerrado savanna biome in central Brazil, and is exploited by rural population as food and industry. Although the abundance and popularity of this species in Cerrado have been an important component of local extractive economy, several aspects of sustainability as fruit production per tree size and growth rate have received little attention. We monitored, during two growing seasons, the stem growth rates and fruit production of tree in a wild population in Distrito Federal, central Brazil. The results showed a low growth rate of trees. The proportion of adult population fruiting was higher in 2006 than in 2007. For the smallest size (7.3-cm stem diameter) to begin fruiting, the estimated age was between 30 and 51 years old, and for tree with the largest stem diameter in the plot (43-cm diameter) the age was estimated to be between 110 and 153 years old. The whole fruit production by hectare was highly variable between years and was associated with differences in annual precipitation. The total fruit production was 1,004 fruits per ha (72.9 kg ha−1) in 2006, and 299 fruits per ha (21.7 kg ha−1) in 2007. The fruit production per tree was significantly positively correlated between 2006 and 2007 fruit season. Although an estimated fruit yield for whole Cerrado region is more than enough to support the actual demand, the slow growth rates and intensive harvesting indicates that more attention to sustainable management is required to avert demographic collapse of this cornerstone of the Cerrado extractive economy.  相似文献   

红荷包杏是当前国内自然形成的成熟最早的杏树良种,但对其开花坐果习性一直缺乏系统、科学的研究,生产上误解甚多。结合多年实践及科学设计研究方案,初步摸清了其不同树龄、不同树势、不同结果部位及不同结果枝类的败育花率和开花坐果习性。结果显示:红荷包杏坐果率的高低与树龄、树势、结果枝类、结果部位和开花批次有密切关系.红荷包杏幼树的早期丰产比较困难,其丰产稳产的时期在五年生以后才能达到;盛果期正常生长的红荷包杏树,以短果枝及花束状果枝结果为主;虫媒和人工授粉对红荷包杏的授粉、坐果起着决定性的作用,风媒对红荷包杏的授粉基本不起作用;红荷包杏白花坐果率不是零.  相似文献   

油茶树体培育修剪试验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过对油茶优良无性系进行不同程度的修剪试验发现,修剪对油茶产量均有不同程度的促进作用.树体开张茂密的树形经中度修剪,产果量的增长幅度为107.2%;树体直立茂密的树形经重度修剪,增产达99.4%.油茶树体修剪,对油茶成林果实主要经济性状也产生一定的影响,中度和重度修剪可以适当提高鲜果出籽率并使油茶果实增大.结合增产情况,对于树体开张茂密的树形,中度修剪有利,而对直立茂密的树形则以重度修剪较有利.  相似文献   

根据花椒树冠结构与产量的关系,确定影响花椒产量的主要结构因素,为丰产管理提供依据.对4个品种('大红袍'豆椒'黄盖狮子头'小红袍')的树龄、地径、树高、冠幅、标准枝(结果枝)数和产量进行调查,分析产量与树冠结构因子的关系.结果表明:(1)花椒适宜栽植密度约50株/666.7m2,栽植后树高应控制在2.50 m左右...  相似文献   

研究抖授黄连木花粉、自然授粉、套袋不授粉3种授粉方式对黄连木座果率和果实性状的影响,结果表明,不同授粉方式之间座果率有显著差异:抖授黄连木花粉平均座果率最高,达到61.75%;套袋不授粉座果率最低;自然授粉介于二者之间。不同授粉方式对果实性状有显著差异,其中抖授黄连木花粉千粒重、空壳率及含油率最高,套袋不授粉最低,自然授粉介于二者之间。从研究数据可以得出结论,抖授黄连木花粉能显著提高座果率和果实性状,可以在生产上应用。    相似文献   

Effects of irrigation deprivation during the harvest period on yield determinants in mature almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb cv. Nonpareil) trees were investigated during a 3-year field experiment. Return bloom and fruit set were measured on 2185 individually tagged spurs. Water stress resulting from irrigation deprivation during the harvest period, which purportedly coincides with the time of flower initiation, had no effect on the percentage of spurs that flowered or set fruit during subsequent years. Although water stress had no apparent effect on spur mortality, 66% of the tagged spurs died within 3 years. In addition, many spurs were vegetative by the third year, indicating the importance of spur renewal for sustained fruit production. Reductions in nut yield were evident after two successive years of irrigation deprivation during the harvest period. Regression analysis indicated a loss in yield of 7.7 kg tree(-1) in response to each 1 MPa decrease in stem water potential below -1.2 MPa during the previous seasons. The number of fruiting positions per tree (estimated indirectly for whole trees based on weight of current-year shoots > 5 cm in length) was negatively associated with water stress. Yield reduction in response to water stress during harvest appears to be a compound, multiyear effect, associated with reduced annual growth and renewal of fruiting positions.  相似文献   

本文对3个优良无花果品种在威远的引种适应情况进行了分析.通过对布兰瑞克、玛斯义陶芬和金傲芬的引种试验,将各品种的物候期、生长习性、果实性状以及果实产量与本地无花果品种进行比较分析.结果表明,3个无花果优良品种均能很好地适应威远的气候及土壤条件.引种无花果品种2003年定植当年单株挂果率均达到100%,次年生长迅速变化幅度最大,增幅主要源于新抽梢果枝的增加.与本地无花果品种比较发现,引进品种无花果果实在风味、平均果长、平均果径及平均果重方面明显优于本地品种,其中布兰瑞克的平均hm2产量最高,10 a生树平均hm2产量为31 500 kg;相同立地条件下,引进品种无花果果树生长水平、平均单株产量以及平均公顷产量均明显高于本地品种.3个无花果优良品种可以引入威远栽培.  相似文献   

The fruit of Vitellaria paradoxa is an ideal raw material in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and confectionery industries. There are no accurate data on annual fruit yield due to the lack of objective assessment tools. The objectives of this study were to develop fruit yield prediction models based on dendrometric and fruiting variables, to examine variations in these variables between upland and lowland populations in Burkina Faso, and associations between these variables. A total of 191 fruiting trees were selected according to crown accessibility, and 17 dendrometric and fruiting variables were recorded. The fruit yield, expressed in number of fruits per tree, fresh and dry weights of fruits, was assessed by collecting fruits dropped overnight until the end of the fruiting period. Fruit yield prediction models were derived for each population using partial least squares regression. The results showed significant differences in dendrometric and fruiting variables between populations (P < 0.01). The lowland population had the highest values for most of the dendrometric variables while fruiting variables were the highest for the upland population. A strong significant correlation (P < 0.01) was found between number of shoots and fruiting variables. Within individual trees, fruit yield was lowest for the bottom part of the crown and the section of the crown with north-east orientation. Fruit yield parameters were successfully predicted based on selected dendrometric and fruiting variables (prediction error = 0.092 and 0.125 for upland and lowland populations, respectively). All fruiting variables, number of shoots and crown attributes had the highest influence on the models.  相似文献   

综述了红松结实、红松坚果林培育、红松坚果型优树选育以及红松坚果林无性系选育与繁殖等方面的研究进展,并对今后红松坚果研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

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