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知识经济与中国农业现代化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了知识经济影响下,现代农业的内涵和特征。包括知识武装农业,生产要素智能化;经济活动信息化;农业产业高级化;资源和资本高效利用;环境与经济的持续发展以及农业,农民,农村“三位一体”;农业现代化,农村工业化,农村城市化,农民知识化“四化”联动;生产,生活生态“三生”统一等。  相似文献   

大食物观是新时代保障国家粮食安全的科学发展理念。树立和践行大食物观是适应我国农业发展形势、提升粮食供给质量的战略安排。在中国式现代化道路上生成的大食物观是传统粮食观念的延伸与拓展,是人民对美好生活向往的具体体现和推进农业现代化的重要内容。大食物观与中国式现代化的基本要义具有内在一致性,旨在保障人口大国的粮食安全,推动乡村产业振兴,促进物质富足和精神富有相统一,加强生态文明建设,展现中国智慧和中国方案。新征程上践行大食物观,要深化农业供给侧结构性改革以激活内生动力,强化科技领域创新以夯实粮食安全根基,落实生态环境保护举措以完善农业生产保障。  相似文献   

Food quality is an important issue on the global agenda, particularly in high- and middle-income economies, but of little concern in designing Mexico’s food policy. Food policy has focused on quantity and in the case of maize, on satisfying domestic demand by supporting large commercial agriculture and importing from abroad. However, and as argued in this paper, obtaining a food staple (maize-tortilla) of quality is also an important issue for rural households and contributes to motivating continued smallholder production. Based on case studies in the rural district of Atlacomulco, in the state of Mexico, as well as in two regions of the state of Chiapas, this paper analyzes the production and consumption strategies of rural households. We focus on goals of food security and quality and note differential trends among households of varying characteristics and local contexts. We find that the motivation of small-scale producers to grow maize should be supported by Mexico’s food policy.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture and ways to achieve it are important issues for agricultural policy. However, the concept of sustainability has yet to be made operational in many agricultural situations, and only a few studies so far have addressed the implementation process of sustainable agriculture. This paper provides an assessment of the Territorial Farming Contracts (TFC) – the French model for implementing sustainable agriculture – and aims to give some insights into the ways to facilitate the development of sustainable farming. Using a systems approach, the founding concept of the TFC model, an analysis has been made of the TFCs signed in the Midi-Pyrenees Region in south-western France. The results show that the first aspect of sustainability apparent in farmers’ projects referred to economic objectives. The environmental and social aspects were not foremost in the farming changes undertaken. In addition, the territorial dimension of the TFC was under-addressed. The majority of TFCs reveal a moderate or even low convergence with territorial priorities. These results are explained partly by the dominance of professional farming organizations in the implementation of TFC, and they imply that the organizational social dimensions of sustainability must not be neglected. Mohamed Gafsi is an assistant professor of farm management at the National School of Agronomic Training. He received his PhD in management science at the University of Bourgogne. His research interests include farm management and protection of natural resources, corporate environmental management, sustainable agriculture, and African family farms. Geneviève Nguyen is assistant professor in rural economics at the National Polytechnique Institute – National Superior School of Agronomy, in Toulouse. Her research interests include the dynamics of agrarian institutions in uncertain economies, the supply and organization of services in remote rural areas. Her research has been carried out in Europe, Africa, and Asia. She received her MA in Economics and her PhD in Agricultural Economics from the Ohio State University. Bruno Legagneux is assistant professor of farm management at the National Polytechnique Institute – National Superior School of Agronomy, in Toulouse. His research interests include farm management and the entry of young farmers into farming. Patrice Robin is an engineer agronomist. He received his diploma from the National Superior School of Agronomy, in Montpellier. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Toulouse. His research interests include agriculture and rural development, environmental issues, and food quality.  相似文献   

相对于全省非农区而言,河南省农区劳动力,特别是第一产业劳动力资源丰富,农业增加值占全省比重较大,但农区在"三化"协调发展方面仍存在一些问题。文章列举了中原经济区主体河南省农区"三化"不协调的主要表现,如农业结构层次和农民的组织化程度低、农村富余劳动力转移困难、农产品加工业发展仍然落后、结构转换失衡等,分析了产生问题的主要原因,如农业产业化水平不高、政策及制度缺陷等,并从加快推进农业现代化、积极推进农业工业化、实现城乡一体化发展等方面,提出了促进中原经济区农区"三化"协调发展的政策措施。  相似文献   

Over time, the corporate food economy has led to the increased separation of people from the sources of their food and nutrition. This paper explores the opportunity for grassroots, food-based organizations, as part of larger food justice movements, to act as valuable sites for countering the tendency to identify and value a person only as a consumer and to serve as places for actively learning democratic citizenship. Using The Stop Community Food Centre’s urban agriculture program as a case in point, the paper describes how participation can be a powerful site for transformative adult learning. Through participation in this Toronto-based, community organization, people were able to develop strong civic virtues and critical perspectives. These, in turn, allowed them to influence policy makers; to increase their level of political efficacy, knowledge, and skill; and to directly challenge anti-democratic forces of control. Charles Z. Levkoe recently earned a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. His research interests focus on alternative responses to urban and rural food security issues and considers the role of grassroots organizations, their connection to place and their ability to organize across scales. He has been active in food security and community gardening movements across Canada. This paper was prepared for the 2004 joint meeting of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food and Society. It was selected as the winner of the 2004 AFHVS Student Essay Contest.  相似文献   

水是农作物生长过程中不可或缺的成分,作为农业生产大国,在不断推进“三农”高质量向前发展的今天,为保证粮食安全,高效、科学的灌溉方式,将利于现代化农业长期发展。本文以河北省定州市农村农田为例,总结分析现代农村农田灌溉方式,旨在为加快现代化农田灌溉提供依据与参考。  相似文献   

The discovery of transgenes in maize landraces in Mexico, a center of diversity for this crop, raises questions about the potential impact of transgene diffusion on maize diversity. The concept of diversity and farmers’ role in maintaining diversity is quite complex. Farmers’ behavior is expected to have a significant influence on causing transgenes to diffuse, to be expressed differently, and to accumulate within landraces. Farmers’ or consumers’ perceptions that transgenes are “contaminants” and that landraces containing transgenes are “contaminated” could cause these landraces to be rejected and trigger a direct loss of diversity. Mauricio R. Bellon is a human ecologist working in the Economics Program of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Texcoco, Mexico. He received his MSc and PhD in ecology at the University of California, Davis. His current research includes projects that deal with on-farm conservation of maize, gene flow in traditional farming systems, and the impact of improved germplasm in the livelihoods of poor farmers. Julien Berthaud is a population geneticist working for the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). He received his PhD in plant science at the University of Paris 11. His current research includes projects related with the dynamics of genetic diversity, especially in traditional maize farming systems.  相似文献   

保证粮食安全的土地银行经营模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立农村土地银行是确保国家粮食安全、发展现代农业、解决农村资金瓶颈、建立农民增收长效机制的需要,也是我国实现农村重大变革的战略之举。基于粮食安全,以土地银行为研究视角,利用动态博弈中的相机选择问题分析模型,主要解决其运营需保持的最小经营规模及粮食作物与经济作物的种植比例,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文从我国的基本国情、人类发展需求、生态环境、技术进步,阐述了随着经济社会发展而不断拓展的现代农业的多功能性。论述了工业化、城镇化与农业现代化同步协调发展关系:即从现代农业发展的内涵和形态特征、农业食物保障、社会保障与生态保护、农业休闲旅游。指出多功能农业是农业现代化发展的必然选择;多功能农业为工业化提供资金、原料、市场与劳动力,为城镇化提供劳动力、食物、休闲与城镇人口;工业化、城镇化是多功能农业的发展基础。提出在现代多功能农业发展中必须统筹农业现代化与工业化和城镇化三化协调发展。  相似文献   

农村社区作为现代社会的重要组成部分,其稳定关乎整个社会大局的稳定。经济发展和科技进步在促进农村社区现代化的同时,也引发了诸如生产事故频发、价值多元化、认同感弱化、治安隐患多样化、信任感降低以及社会断裂等一系列影响社会稳定和发展的安全风险。在梳理风险和风险事故产生原因的基础上,根据农村社区的实际情况,从培育农村社区文化、引进综合型专业人才、发挥精英阶层在风险防控中的作用等方面提出有针对性的风险防控对策,以期减少农村社区因风险防控失当导致的损失,促进农村的社会稳定和经济发展。  相似文献   

种业关乎农业农村现代化、粮食安全以及人民美好生活。全面回顾了新中国成立以来种业在起步发展期、快速发展期和现代发展期3个历史阶段的发展特点,从保障粮食和农产品供给、科技支撑育种创新角度分析了3个阶段种业取得的突出成效,在加强种质资源保护、强化基础研究、突破关键技术、培育重大突破性品种等方面提出了种业科技发展方向,以期为推进种业创新发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

粮食安全是世界问题,也是中国现代化建设中永恒的主题。而黑龙江省是国家重要的商品粮基地,在保障国家粮食安全上具有特殊的战略地位。文章从黑龙江省农业现代化发展的粮食总产首破千亿斤、农业科技贡献率明显提高、优势产业不断发育壮大、农业机械化水平大幅度提高、农业生产经营方式发生变化和农民人均纯收入稳步增长等六方面的实践,证明了中国粮食安全的根本出路在于发展现代化大农业;并进一步分析了农业基础薄弱、科技支撑力不够、农业组织化程度不高是限制黑龙江省发展现代化大农业的主要因素,同时提出了强化现代农业科技支撑、夯实农业发展物质基础、构建完备的现代农业产业体系、建设绿色农业大省,加大对农业基础设施建设和科技的投入力度、在黑龙江设立国家现代农业试验区等相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

在对中原经济区农区范围界定的基础上,运用多指数综合分析法,从农业现代化、生态环境、工业化、城镇化以及协调性5个方面,对中原经济区主体河南省农区"三化"协调发展的现状进行了评估,据此诊断出中原经济区农区"三化"协调发展存在的主要问题及成因。研制出了传统农区实现"三化"协调发展路径必须要走的3个阶段:一是通过发展农业产业化,形成优势主导产业链,启动工业化进程。二是引导这些以食品工业为主的农产品加工业集中布局在城镇及产业集聚区,提高城镇化水平。三是以产业集聚促人口集聚,引导农村人口向城镇集中,深化城镇化进程。  相似文献   

中国刘易斯拐点和耕地红线的判断与三农治理新思维   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘易斯拐点的到来,导致传统劳动密集型农业生产模式的衰落,联产承包责任制的瓦解,粮食安全危机凸现;农地所有权的政府垄断也导致城市化成本过高,阻碍了农民的城市化,形成庞大的伪城市化人群,严重威胁到社会稳定。只有尽快改变以堵为目标的三农治理旧思维,充分利用耕地红线神话破产、刘易斯拐点到来的历史新机遇,进行深刻的农地制度改革,我们才能实现农地的规模化、产业化经营,降低农民的城市化成本,减少伪城市化人口,缓解国家粮食安全与社会稳定危机,实现城乡一体化的和谐发展。  相似文献   

吉林省玉米单产发展历程与提升路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省作为粮食主产省,是扛稳国家粮食安全重任的主力军。玉米是保障吉林省粮食安全的核心,而提升单产水平是玉米增产的必然途径。在梳理建国以来吉林省玉米单产发展历程的基础上,分析了良种对单产提升的贡献,并对吉林省玉米单产与国内外进行对比分析,指出了当前制约吉林省玉米单产提升的主要问题。为进一步提升吉林省玉米单产,提出应扎实开展种质资源保护鉴定评价工作、强化种质扩增改良、开展区域性玉米应用基础研究、突破关键核心育种技术、加快重大自主新品种智能化精准选育、创新黑土地绿色丰产生产技术等发展建议,为加快提升玉米产能、率先实现农业现代化、确保国家粮食安全提供了依据。  相似文献   

农业现代化是中国式现代化的重要组成部分。高质量发展阶段,日益严峻的农业生态问题迫切需要农业生态化转型,生态农业日益成为农业现代化变革的重要载体。就理论契合度而言,生态农业与我国绿色发展理念、高质量发展需求、赓续农耕文明、弥合城乡差距等现实农业发展要求具有内在一致性,蕴藏着赋能中国式农业现代化的深层理论逻辑。就实践经验而言,生态农业在推动农业发展绿色转型、加快生态化食物体系完善、构建立体循环农业产业体系等方面取得了一定成效,为我国建设中国特色社会主义农业强国提供了更多路径选择,彰显了其对中国式农业现代化的赋能作用。  相似文献   

畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用与现代生态养殖模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴信  万丹  印遇龙 《农学学报》2018,8(1):171-174
养殖业不仅为人类提供丰富的食物来源,还可提供有机肥原料,改善土壤生态环境,促进种植业增产增收,因此是一个与人类食物链和生态环境关系十分密切的产业,是一个既能影响土壤生态,又能影响种植业和人类食品安全的“承上启下”的产业。合理适度的养殖,有利于保持生态平衡,实现农业可持续发展。当前,中国养殖业还存在加工比重小、技术落后、高耗低效等问题;同时,由于集约化、规模化养殖的发展,畜禽养殖污染产生量大、处理成本高、综合利用率低,科学合理地处理养殖废弃物已成为农村环境保护治理的紧迫任务。笔者回顾了养殖业产业发展历程,总结了中国在养殖业领域取得的重要成果,分析了当前国内养殖业面临的养殖废弃物处理问题,凝练出了国内当前养殖业废弃物处理的形势任务,提出发展现代生态养殖是解决中国畜牧业转型升级过程中出现的新问题的必然选择,并对此展望了未来发展前景和趋势。  相似文献   

关于山西现代农业发展的战略思考   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
山西省作为农业欠发达地区,其未来农业如何发展,如何在山西特定自然生态条件下实现农业转型,实现农业现代化,是当前急需明确和解决的重大战略问题。建设现代农业的核心是在可持续发展的基础上,保证粮食安全和增加农民收入。分析了山西农业现状,借鉴国内外现代农业发展的先进经验,提出了今后山西农业发展的方向:至2020年,在耕地保有量400万hm2,基本农田保护面积333.5万hm2的基础上,调整作物种植结构,重点发展适宜半干旱地区的高产作物玉米和马铃薯,使粮食总产量达到140亿~150亿kg,人均粮食占有量达到390~410 kg的安全目标;大力发展畜牧业,畜牧业产值占到农业总产值的50%以上,实现畜牧强省的战略目标。  相似文献   

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