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D62型细胞质光敏雄性不育小麦的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过春季了田间分期播种,冬季在温室在不补光种植,研究了具有D^2型细胞质(胞质供体为粗厚山羊草Ae.crassa)的Norin26异质系在呼和浩特自然光生长条件下的育性表现,结果表明:(1)不同播期的Norin26异质系在田间的不育株率均达到了100%,不育性在形态上表现为雄蕊心皮化;(2)三个播期的自交结实率分别为3月28日播种的为40.85%(半不育),4月7日播种的18.82%(高不育)4月  相似文献   

在不同自然生态条件下对编号为Ms-3,Ms-7,Ms-8,Ms-9的4份水稻温敏不育系分期播种,进行育性观察、差异性分析及稳定性研究,从而鉴定水稻温敏不育系育性转换是否彻底以及育性是否稳定.结果表明:4份水稻温敏不育系在元江可以繁殖,同期播种品种间育性差异不显著,不同播期对育性的影响较大,以3月8日播种水稻温敏不育系自交结实率最高;建水不同播期对水稻温敏不育系育性影响不大,但品种间育性差异显著,除Ms-7外,其它几个温敏不育系在不同播期不育度达99%以上,育性转换彻底,自交结实率的变异系数小,不育性稳定,可以制种.  相似文献   

在大田生产条件下对甘蓝型油菜胞质不育系130A自交和异交结实性研究结果表明:130A纱帐隔离自交结实,单株生产力7.9g,比可育株的23.4g低15.5g。在天然授粉情况下,130A的结实能力较强,单株生产力为24.3g,比可育株低3.7g。在大田开放授粉备件下,播种期之间130A异交结实形成的单株产量的差异很大,随着播种期推迟,单株产量呈下降趋势;130A自交结实随播种期波动变化,11月4日以后播种130A自交结果率为0,不育性表现稳定,前期130A不育性表现不稳定,上下波动。  相似文献   

粗厚山羊草细胞质普通小麦雄性育性光温反应的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对粗厚山羊(Ae.crassa)细胞质普通小麦异质系进行2a人工控光试验及分期播种试验.结果表明,粗厚山羊草细胞质普通小麦异质系具有光敏雄性不育特性,温度对育性亦有一定效应;不同异质系的光周期敏感性与核供体品种的光周期敏感性相关;六倍体的粗厚山羊草细胞质异质系与四倍体异质系育性的光周期反应有差异,前者对光周期较为敏感由于异质系育性的光周期反应是核质素作的结果,同时又受到了温度的影响,因此,有可能选育适应不同生态条件的光温敏不育材料.  相似文献   

雄性不育小麦BS210育性转换特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二系法杂交小麦属我国原创性成果,温光敏雄性不育小麦是二系法杂交小麦应用的核心。BS210是本课题组选育的小麦雄性不育材料,2012—2014年通过3个生态区分期播种试验和人工气候箱温光调控试验,研究了BS210的育性转换特性。在不育制种生态区,适期播种条件下,BS210的不育度可达95%~100%,其安全制种播种时期为安徽阜阳9月30日至10月10日、云南丽江9月30日;在可育繁种生态区,晚播条件下,BS210的自交结实率可达70%以上,其安全繁种播种时期为北京海淀11月10日、北京顺义9月30日至11月10日。BS210以温度敏感为主,光照时长对BS210育性影响较小,温度转换敏感期为药隔至单核期。在光照10.0~12.5 h时,其温度转换阈值为10~12?C;在光照14 h时,其温度转换阈值为8~10?C。在短日低温条件下,花粉粒碘染以染败为主,表现为不育;在长日高温条件下,花粉粒碘染为圆形、黑染,表现为可育。通过明确BS210育性转换特性,为指导BS210安全制繁种生态区的选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

高粱 A_2雄性不育系的鉴定 Ⅰ.育性反应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1983~1985年间观察了3份 A_2不育系(A_2TAM428,A_2Tx624,A_2Tx3197)与140份品种测交 F_1的自交结实率。结果表明,A_1不育系的恢复系或保持系,基本上也恢复或保持 A_2不育系的不育性;但也发现某些恢复 A_1不育系结实性的中国高梁地方品种和国外高梁品系却保持 A_2不育系的不育性。这证实 A_2不育系的育性反应确实与 A_1不育系  相似文献   

A1Tx3197曾经是我国广泛应用的高粱细胞质雄性不育系,20世纪70年代末,由于高粱丝黑穗病病菌生理小种分化,该不育系以及用其配制的杂交种逐渐失去了对高粱丝黑穗病菌的抗性。同时该不育系小花败育日渐严重,制种产量极低,甚至造成绝收。为了改良A1Tx3197的抗病性及抗败育性,本研究利用A2保持系在A1位点含有A1育性恢复基因MS1MS1和在A1细胞质背景下表现恢复的特点,以不育系A1Tx3197为轮回亲本,以含有抗丝黑穗病、抗败育基因的BV4为供体,通过杂交和多代回交,得到含有双抗基因的A2类型细胞质雄性不育的保持系BSx3197(MS1ms1ms2ms2),在该材料自交的同时,用其对A2细胞质雄性不育系进行细胞核代换,经过多代回交和自交,最终育成了抗丝黑穗病、抗败育的A2细胞质雄性不育系A2Sx3197和保持系BSx3197(MS1MS1ms2ms2)。结果表明,新选育的不育系A2Sx3197在A1和A5细胞质背景下表现恢复,在A2、A3、A4、A6和9E细胞质背景下表现不育,丝黑穗平均发病率为0~0.8%,败育率为0~8.4%,抗丝黑穗病性、抗败育性明显优于被改良不育系,接近或达到抗源供体BV4水平;而在抽穗期、株高、穗长、穗宽、千粒重、穗粒重、粒色、壳色、穗形、穗型等主要性状方面与A1Tx3197差异不显著。  相似文献   

曾章丽  陈大伦  张瑞茂 《种子》2004,23(11):53-55
在不同播种期条件下的育性观察结果表明:RM 3231 A和ZCL801 A的有粉花朵分别从播期为8月26日的8.8%、4.8%上升至11月14日的17.4%、9.4%;有粉花朵平均育性级别分别从1.28、1.32上升至1.5、1.52;群体不育度分别从97.2、98.4下降到93.5、96.4,RM 3231 A比ZCL801 A下降更快.在不同季节播种条件下的育性观察结果表明:在9月15日秋播条件下,RM 3231 A和ZCL 801 A的有粉花朵分别为11.3%、6.1%;有粉花朵平均育性级别分别为1.37、1.39;群体不育度分别为96.1、97.9.在塘头1月28日春播条件下RM3231 A和ZCL 801 A的有粉花朵分别为86.3%、45.8%;有粉花朵平均育性级别分别为2.66、2.68;群体不育度分别为42.5、69.4.在威宁夏播条件下,RM 3231A和ZCL 801A的有粉花朵分别为81.4%、43.6%;有粉花朵平均育性级别分别为2.2、2.25;群体不育度分别为55.2、75.5.说明两不育系的不育度在秋播条件下有随播期的延迟而下降的趋势,且前者比后者下降更明显.在春播和夏播条件下两者的不育度较秋播大幅度下降,且前者下降的幅度更大.  相似文献   

2301S是安徽省农业科学院水稻研究所选育的籼型温敏核不育系。为解决低温敏水稻核不育系繁殖中存在的问题,以2301S为材料,利用云南低纬度高海拔的特殊生态气候优势,根据温敏水稻核不育系2301S的育性敏感期以及抽穗扬花期对温度的要求进行繁殖试验基地的选择。研究不同海拔和播期对2301S繁殖产量及其构成因子的影响。结果显示:对于产量而言,不同海拔条件下2301S的最佳播种时期也存在差异,当海拔为1429 m和1532 m时,2301S的理论产量随播种时期的延迟先增加后降低,在海拔1429 m时,4月24日最适合播种,但在海拔1532 m时,4月14日则最适合播种;当海拔为1631 m和1663 m时,2301S的理论产量随播种时期的延迟而降低,4月4日则最适合播种。通过方差分析可知,海拔和播期及其两者的互作对2301S的产量及构成因子单株有效穗、实粒数、结实率和千粒重产生极显著的影响,海拔和播期对2301S总粒数的影响均达到极显著水平,而两者的互作效应不显著。结果说明,在低海拔地区延期播种和高海拔地区提前播种有利于其增产。本研究可以为解决其他低温敏水稻两系核不育系繁殖中存在的问题提供参考依据。  相似文献   

杨占烈  黄宗洪  向关伦  甘雨  潘建慧  姜萍 《种子》2005,24(12):105-107
G156S是具有披叶性状标记的水稻温敏核不育系,农艺性状一致,不育性稳定,育性转换起点温度低(≤23.5℃),育性转换明显,在贵阳生态条件下具有连续17 d的稳定不育期.2005年8月通过贵州省技术鉴定,其不育株率、自交不育度、花粉败育率均达100%.由于具有标记性状,在种子生产过程中,有利于除杂保纯和提高种子纯度,同时,在田间可以对杂交种纯度作出快速鉴定.  相似文献   

K. murai 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(6):592-594
Triticum aestivum cv. Norin 26 with the Aegilops crassa cytoplasm becomes almost completely male sterile when grown under a long-day condition (15 h of light or longer), but is highly male fertile under a short-day condition (14.5h or less). This type of male sterility is called photoperiod-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterility (PCMS). Genetic analyses were made of the fertility-restoring (Rf) genes effective against PCMS that are present in T. aestivum cv. Norin 61. Conventional and monosomic studies indicated that restoration of fertility is controlled by multiple Rf genes located on at least four chromosomes: 4 A, 1D, 3D and 5D. The genetic mechanism of fertility restoration by the genes of‘Norin 61’differs from the mechanisms reported for‘Chinese Spring’and a‘Norin 26’mutant line.  相似文献   

K. Murai    Y. Ogihara  K. Tsunewaki 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(3):205-209
Triticum aestivum cv. 'Norin 26' with Aegilops crassa cytoplasm shows photoperiod-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterility (PCMS). This alloplasmic line is almost completely male-sterile under long-day conditions (≥ 15h), but highly male-fertile under short-day conditions (≤ 14.5h). To obtain male—fertile mutants against PCMS, seeds of the alloplasmic line were treated with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). The M3 generation was evaluated for PCMS expression, and one fertility-restoring (FR-mutant) line showing high male fertility under the long-day conditions was selected. Reciprocal F, hybrids between the FR-mutant and the alloplasmic 'Norin 26' showed male sterility under the long-day conditions, and continuous segregation with respect to the degree of fertility restoration occurred in their F2 generations. These results indicate that multiple recessive mutations with minor effects, induced in the nuclear genome, are involved in the fertility restoration. In fact, no restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA between the FR-mutant and the alloplasmic 'Norin 26' are found.  相似文献   

Z. X. Fan    W. X. Lei    D. F. Hong    J. P. He    L. L. Wan    Z. H. Xu    P. W. Liu    G. S. Yang 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(3):297-301
Over the past decade, the polima cytoplasmic male sterility ( pol CMS) three-line and two-line systems have been developed for the production of hybrid seed in Brassica napus oilseed rape in China. The discovery of the novel pol CMS restorer line FL-204 is described here. It restores male fertility of hybrid plants in the pol CMS system, but hybrid seed production can only be carried out under autumn sowing in Wuhan in south China under moderate temperatures at flowering. The restorer cannot be used as a male for hybrid seed production in northwestern China (Gansu) under spring sowing conditions, because there it is more or less male sterile due to high temperatures at flowering. Because of this behaviour, it is referred to as a fertility temperature-sensitive restorer (FTSR) in this paper. F2, BC1 as well as double haploid populations were constructed to determine the inheritance of fertility restoration of FL-204 in the autumn at Wuhan and under spring sowing conditions at Gansu, respectively. Deviations from Mendelian genetics were observed. It was hypothesized that the change of fertility was the result of the interaction between nuclear genes [restoring gene ( Rf ) and temperature-sensitive genes ( ts )] and the cytoplasm. The Rf gene in FL-204 was incapable of restoring male fertility of pol CMS lines under spring sowing conditions at Gansu where it is inactivated by the recessive ts gene present in FL-204. However, the ts gene(s) could be non-functional under moderate temperature conditions at flowering at Wuhan which allows full expression of male fertility in FL-204. The recessive ts gene(s) can only be expressed in plants containing the pol sterile cytoplasm. A method for the utilization of the FTSR pol CMS restorer FL-204 for the production of hybrid seed in B. napus oilseed rape is proposed.  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻在热带稻区的育性转换特性与利用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张自国  杨静 《作物学报》1995,21(4):485-491
选用来自全国不同育种单位的各种类型光温敏核不育水稻材料,在海南省进行周年播种,对育性转换进行观测。试验表明,育性转换不同光温反应类型的品系在海南的育性转换存在很大差异,而同类不育系则表现了相同的转换趋势,其中育性转换可育上限温度高的高一低高型不育系在海南有明显的育性转换。由此,作者提出,低一低型和低一高型不育系在海南可以作为不育系用于水稻杂处优势利用,低一低型不育系可以考虑在海南繁殖,在海南冬繁时  相似文献   

A ‘‘two-line hybrid system’’ was developed using thermo-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterility (TCMS) from Aegilops kotschyi and is proposed as a means for seed multiplication and production of hybrid wheat. The TCMS line is crossed to a pollinator line during the normal wheat-growing season for production of hybrid wheat seeds, whereas the TCMS line is maintained through self-pollination in an environment with high temperatures. The male sterile wheat line KTP3314A, containing Ae. kotschyi cytoplasm and the short arm of chromosome 1B from Triticum spelta, was studied in different temperature regimes. KTP3314A was completely male sterile under normal wheat growing temperatures (<18 °C). Sterility of KTP3314A was partially restored when plants were grown at temperatures above 20 °C during growth stages 45–52. Male fertility was not correlated with day-length. A series of TCMS lines derived from KTP3314A showed similar environmental responses and performed well in hybrid wheat production at lower temperatures. Fertility of these TCMS lines at higher temperatures makes it possible to produce large quantities of male sterile parental seeds. Based on these findings, application of the TCMS-dependent two-line system in hybrid wheat breeding appears to have a promising future for hybrid wheat production.  相似文献   

玉米细胞质雄性不育性与乙烯的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
研究了玉米Mo17核背景三种雄性不育细胞质(T、C、S)系及正常可育细胞质(N)系小孢子发育不同阶段花药组织的乙烯释放量,发现不育系小孢子败育前的一、二个时期内花药组织乙烯释放量显著增加。同时设计的乙烯利及其合成抑制剂外源喷施实验也表明了其对雄性育性的逆转效应。讨论了植物激素对玉米细胞质雄性不育性的调控作用  相似文献   

One of the CMS systems presently investigated by rape breeders is the alloplasmic system derived from a male sterile radish and transferred to rape. However, these male sterile lines of rape with the radish cytoplasm exhibit yellow leaf colour at low temperatures. Moreover, no restorer genes for this system are known to occur in rape. The present investigation was, therefore, directed to the formation of new cross combinations between radish and rape in order to eliminate the above mentioned problems by additional transfer of corresponding radish genes into the rape recipient. After the initial intergeneric crosses, male sterile hybrids were received by in-vitro embryo culture and colchicine treatment. These hybrids were not backcrossed to rape as usual, but to one of the monogenomic ancestral species of rape, in order to increase the probability of allosyndesis between radish and rape chromosomes. After subsequent back-crossing with rape, the desired male sterile plants with 38 chromosomes were recorded, forming normal green leaves even at low temperatures. In a parallel backcross programme, restorer genes from male fertile radish were also transferred into rape by the same backcrossing procedure. The first alloplasmic male fertile plants were found in the BC: generation. They were cross pollinated to male sterile plants to prove their potential of fertility restoration.  相似文献   

一种普通小麦光温敏不育系的发现及初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
291S是笔者在普通小麦新品系西农291中发现的自然突变的雄性不育材料。本研究对291S的育性转换特性、雄性败育特点及不育性的遗传规律进行了初步分析。分期播种试验表明,291S是一种光温敏雄性不育系,秋播短日低温条件下表现为部分可育,春播长日高温条件下表现为高度不育,其可繁性和不育性经选择可以得到有效改良。291S在一定的光温条件诱导下会出现雄蕊心皮化现象。花粉粒I2-KI染色发现,291S在不育阶段花粉败育类型以圆败为主。遗传分析表明,291S可能为隐性核不育类型,其不育性由一对主效基因控制,还受到微效基因的修饰作用。291S类型的光温敏不育材料在两系法杂交小麦育种上具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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