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The purposes of this study were to identify the source and frequency of agricultural injuries in Utah, and determine an injury rate for common agricultural activities. Previous studies conducted in Utah examined injury rates by utilizing emergency room logs. This study collected data directly from the source, farmers and ranchers in Utah, and included all modes of treatment. A random sample of Utah Farm Bureau members were mailed questionnaires to assess the number of injuries occurring during the past three years, the mode of treatment for the most recent injury, and the percentage of time spent in hazardous activities. The rate of injuries requiring medical treatment (19.9%) observed in this survey-based study was higher than reported in previous studies at the state and national level. Nearly half (48.7%) of the injuries reported were treated at home or by a family member. As in the previous Utah studies, working with horses was found to be the single most dangerous activity for agriculturalists in Utah in terms of injuries per unit time of exposure, followed by servicing agricultural machinery.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimated that 32,808 nonfatal injuries occurred to youth less than 20 years of age on U.S. farms during 1998. These data, however, do not allow for the identification of minority farm operators. The Minority Farm Operator Childhood Agricultural Injury Survey (M-CAIS) was conducted to provide an overview of the number of youth on minority-operated farms and their associated farm-related injuries during 2000. M-CAIS was conducted by the USDA for NIOSH through a telephone survey of 49,270 minority-operated farms identified in the 1997 Census of Agriculture. These minority-operated farms included four racial categories (black, Asian, Native American, and other) and operators of Hispanic ethnicity. This study included only racial minority-operated farms for analysis, white Hispanic farms were excluded. In 2000, there were an estimated 28,577 youth living on U.S. farms operated by racial minorities. In that year, these youth sustained an estimated 348 nonfatal injuries. Males accounted for 245 (70%) of the injuries to household youth. The majority of all injuries to household youth (247, 71%) occurred on livestock operations. Native American household youth accounted for both the largest number of injuries (177) and the highest rate of injury (24.0/1,000 household youth) on these farms. M-CAIS data indicated significant variation in injury rates among specific racial categories. Results of the M-CAIS suggest the need for prevention strategies to address issues found within these specific sub-populations of the agricultural community.  相似文献   

江苏扬中农村家庭生活用能和能源消费的研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
作为地处中国华东地区小康农村的典型,扬中农村家庭生活用能正处于商品能加速替代非商品能的时期。连续五年的家庭生活用能问卷调查表明,用能品种结构变化较大,电力和液化气消费迅速增长,而秸秆和煤炭的使用在下降;人均能源消费量相对稳定,但有效能消费却略有上升;分析表明,人均能源消费与人均收入、户均人口和人均作物收获量有一定的相关性。该文对农村家庭能源消费的性质、中国小康农村家庭能源消费的基本特征等一般问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In order to estimate the one-year cumulative incidence of work-related injuries in teenage agricultural workers and to characterize the patterns and types of agricultural work performed by teenagers, we performed a community-based random-digit dialing telephone survey. We used a sampling frame of farm and non-farm households to access information on teenage agricultural workers. An agricultural community in eastern Washington State was selected due to the high number of teenage youth and its agricultural economy. Teenage agricultural workers who worked for an agricultural business owned by one of their family members were more likely to work a greater number of seasons, work fewer hours per week, perform tasks involving driving, animal care, and mechanic work, and were less likely to be seasonal workers or work in the harvest than teenagers who did not work for a family member. A similar pattern of work differences was seen when comparing non-Hispanic to Hispanic agricultural workers. Teenagers working for a family member in agriculture had a higher injury rate than teenagers working for an agricultural business not owned by a family member. The injury rate among Hispanic teenage agricultural workers was also higher than that of non-Hispanics.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine associations between perceived psychosocial stress and farm injury among men and women in Ontario, Canada. Cross-sectional data from the Ontario Farm Family Health Study were used to investigate perceived levels of stress, farm injuries and their interrelationships. Age-standardized rates of injury were 13.3/100/year and 3.8/100/year for men and women, respectively. The most common types of injury were strains/sprains/torn ligaments and cuts/lacerations. Approximately 18% of men and 11% of women reported that their lives were "very stressful." Common sources of stress were money worries and feeling overworked. The risk for farm injury increased with level of stress. For men, the adjusted odds ratios for injury were: 1.00 (referent), 1.02 (95% CI: 0.72, 1.42), and 1.61 (95% CI: 1.08, 2.41)for lowest to highest stress levels, respectively. For women, adjusted odds ratios were: 1.00 (referent), 1.43 (95% CI: 0.83, 2.47), and 2.73 (95% CI: 1.38, 5.39). These risks were especially pronounced among women who were not employed off the farm. This study represents a novel quantitative analysis examining associations between perceived psychological stress and farm injury. Future research should investigate these associations in other farm populations, confirm their temporal directions, and further explore the effect of gender on the strength of these associations.  相似文献   

Annually, more than 6000 work-related injuries occur on Finnish farms. One-fourth of these injuries are classified as severe, resulting in considerable economic losses to agricultural enterprises and the national economy. The injury rate among farmers is more than twice that among all employees on average. This study aimed to identify the risk factors that should be considered when targeting interventions, thus improving their cost-effectiveness. The expected injury cost (EIC) risk index method, which combines the probability of injuries with their severity and costs, was implemented. The potential risk factors included the type of agricultural operation, worker characteristics (gender, age), agricultural work tasks performed, and the geographical location of the farm enterprise. Crop production emerged as the type of agricultural operation with the highest risk index (1.12). The lowest risk index was in sheep and goat husbandry operations (0.35). The risk index was higher for men compared to women (1.11 vs. 0.77). The highest risk age group was farmers from 55 to 59 years of age (1.36). Farmers under 40 (0.17 to 0.89) and over 65 years old (0.70) had the lowest injury risks. No evidence was found that dangerous regions are concentrated in certain geographical parts of the country. The most common agricultural work tasks in which injuries occurred were the repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment, the transportation and relocation of animals, and milking. These accounted for more than one-third of all compensated work injuries in 2005. The identified risk factors could be considered when setting priorities in injury prevention and resource allocation.  相似文献   

The National Coalition for Agricultural Safety and Health (NCASH) in 1988 addressed issues in agriculture and noted "a sense of urgency... arose from the recognition of the unabating epidemic of traumatic death and injury in American farming . . ." This article provides an update to the NCASH conference on traumatic injuries in agriculture, a history on how the facts and figures were arrived at for the NCASH conference, and a current report on the status of traumatic injuries in agriculture in the U.S. Fatal and nonfatal injuries are addressed along with national and regional surveillance systems. The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) was used for reporting national agricultural production fatal injuries from 1992-1998 (25.8 deaths per 100,000 workers), the Traumatic Injury Surveillance of Farmers (TISF) 1993-1995 was used to report nonfatal injuries occurring nationally (7.5/100 workers), and Regional Rural Injury Studies I and II (RRIS-I and RRIS-II) were used to illustrate a regional approach along with in-depth, specific analyses. Fatality rates, which showed some decline in the 1980s, were fairly constant during the 1990s. Changes in nonfatal injury rates for this sector could not be assessed due to a lack of benchmark data. The main concerns identified in the 1989 NCASH report continue today: tractors are the leading cause of farm-related death due mostly to overturns; older farmers continue to be at the highest risk for farm fatalities; and traumatic injuries continue to be a major concern for youth living or working on U.S. farms. Fatal and nonfatal traumatic injuries associated with agricultural production are a major public health problem that needs to be addressed through comprehensive approaches that include further delineation of the problem, particularly in children and older adults, and identification of specific risk factors through analytic efforts. Continued development of relevant surveillance systems and implementation of appropriate interventions are the primary challenges for the current decade.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the trends in agricultural injuries and illnesses in the past decade, as well as the needs for surveillance in the future. Agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries in the U.S. The fatality rate in agriculture remained high (about 22/100,000 workers) through the 1990s. and tractors remained the leading source of death, causing approximately 300 fatalities each year. Non-fatal injuries and illnesses decreased in the employed agricultural worker population. There are no adequate injury and illness data for self-employed farmers and family members to show trends over time. The reported injury rates have been 0.5 to 16.6/100 workers, based on the source of information. Many studies have shown high rates of respiratory and musculoskeletal symptoms, hearing loss, and skin disorders in agriculture. The overall cancer rate is lower; however, certain cancers are elevated in farmers. Surveillance information has not improved significantly in the past decade; however, many studies have provided more insight into the prevalence, incidence, and risk factors for injury and illness. Further efforts are needed to better define the populations at risk, including farmers and ranchers, family members, workers, migrant and seasonal workers, and others exposed to farm hazards. Fatalities are well documented, and it is important to continue existing surveillance in the future. Surveillance systems should be developed to collect information on agriculture-related non-fatal injuries and illnesses.  相似文献   

In North America, the spatio-temporal scale of deforestation has resulted in a 94% decrease in temperate forests within 360 years. Despite the enormous scale of this disturbance, agriculture is so pervasive in modern society that its impacts are highly underappreciated. We investigated the impact of current agricultural practices on a disturbance-dependent species in southern Québec, Canada. Of 30 wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) followed via radio-telemetry, 20% died as a result of agricultural activities. Anthropogenic mortality estimates for adults and juveniles in 1998 were 0.10 and 0.18, respectively. For 1999, these values were 0.13 and 0.17, respectively. Of those turtles that survived, many had injuries inflicted by agricultural machinery. Sub-lethal mutilation rates for adults were 90 ± 3% in both years, whereas the maximum frequency for juveniles was 57%. A Carapace Mutilation Index was derived to quantify the distribution and severity of injuries observed. Only male and juvenile Carapace Mutilation Index values differed significantly. Adults had significantly more carapace injuries and limb amputations on their right sides. This bilateral asymmetry of injuries resulted from of a combination of turtle flight behavior and traditional harvesting practices. We reiterate the recommendations of forage researchers: setting the cutting height of disc mowers to 100 mm increases harvest yields, reduces wear on machinery, and decreases soil erosion. A by-product of such a change in cutting height is that turtle mortality and injury rates should be reduced, as wood turtle carapace height is <87 mm. Without changes in agricultural practices, this population will be extirpated.  相似文献   

We conducted a population-based telephone survey addressing farm-work-related (FWR) injuries among California farm operators. Of 1947 participants (80.4% response), 135 farm operators reported 160 FWR injuries in the preceding year, yielding a one-year cumulative incidence for any FWR injury of 6.9% (95% CI 5.8%-8.2%), or a mean 8.2 FWR injuries per 100 farmers in the preceding year (95% CI 6.8-9.7). Multiple injury events in the same individual occurred more frequently than predicted by chance. Sprains and strains (29.4%) were the most frequently reported injury and predominantly involved the back. Overexertion represented the most frequent external cause (24.2%), followed by machinery (14.3%), falls (13.0%), and animals (12.4%). Factors associated with FWR injury included white ethnicity (OR 3.19; 95% CI 1.38-7.36), increased annual hours worked on the farm, low levels of administrative work, and increased percentage of time working with livestock. FWR injury experience of California farm operators is comparable with that reported for other agricultural populations. Above-expected frequency of multiple injuries supports involvement of personal or environmental risk factors. Preventive efforts should focus on higher-risk groups and preventing overexertion and muscle strain and injury related to machinery, falls, and animals, especially livestock.  相似文献   

The aims of this article are to assess injury characteristics and risk factors in the Iowa Certified Safe Farm (CSF) program and to evaluate the effectiveness of CSF for reducing injuries. This intervention program includes a health screening, on-farm safety review, education, and monetary incentives. Cohorts of farmers in an intervention group (n = 152) and control group (n = 164) in northwestern Iowa were followed for a three-year period. During the follow-up, there were 318 injuries (42/100 person-years), of which 112 (15/100 person-years) required professional medical care. The monetary cost of injuries was $51,764 ($68 per farm per year). There were no differences in the self-reported injury rates and costs between the intervention and control groups. Raising livestock, poor general health, and exposures to dust and gas, noise, chemicals and pesticides, and lifting were among risk factors for injury. Most injuries in this study were related to animals, falls from elevation, slips/trips/falls, being struck by or struck against objects, lifting, and overexertion. Machinery was less prominent than generally reported in the literature. Hurry, fatigue, or stress were mentioned as the primary contributing factor in most injuries. These findings illustrate the need for new interventions to address a multitude of hazards in the farm work environment as well as management and organization of farm work.  相似文献   

Women continue to make significant contributions to farming. Not only do women participate in the traditional roles of homemaker, caregiver, and wife, they also work side-by-side with their spouses in keeping the farm viable. More daughters are entering the farming business, either as partners with other family members or as independent operators. Each year since the United States Department of Agriculture began including gender in the Census of Agriculture, the percentage of women engaged in agriculture has increased, and women's participation in agriculture is increasing faster than in other business segments. This article examines the role of women in agriculture and how sociocultural, economic, and physical factors may affect women's exposure to injury-producing events and their knowledge and beliefs about injury prevention. To date, few studies have examined work-related unintentional injuries among farm women. Even less is known about the extent to which occupational risks are recognized when women seek medical care. Differences in size and stature, increased physical strain, and low maximal oxygen uptake may predispose women to ergonomic-related injuries. Limitations of current research and recommendations for future analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

Serious agriculture-related accidents are increasing in Iran, and this has come to the attention of authorities and planners. Due to the lack of data for this region of the world, research was conducted in different states of Iran to assess the most common causes of agriculture-related injuries. The relevant factors were divided into the three groups: personal, mechanical, and environmental. The major personal factors were education level, age, experience, injured limb, hospitalization period, gender, injury level, training, working hours, and insurance. The mechanical factors were machine type, machine part, mechanism of injury, machine's effective life, work activity at the time of injury, safety equipment, and insurance. The environmental factors were time of incident, geographical conditions of the accident location, and the time lapse between the accident and arrival at the hospital. The interactions between the various factors were also analyzed. All data were collected directly from farmers or their relatives. Data collection efforts were led by an official from the nearest health center or the local government agricultural office. The results indicated that 53% of injuries were related to personal factors, and 40% were related to the combination of personal and mechanical factors. The results confirmed that tractors and rotating parts were associated with the highest percentage of injuries in machine-related accidents. Lack of safety equipment and working beyond effective machine life was also observed in most cases. Personal factors need to be carefully considered in this region; insufficient levels of education and training were the main personal factors related to agricultural accidents. The results suggest that experience without training does not prevent injury, as more than 80% of injuries occurred to individuals with no training. Statistical analysis confirmed a significant effect of safety equipment and training on injuries. This study showed that agricultural injuries were severe in 60% of cases.  相似文献   

In 2004, the Agricultural Safety and Health Centers, supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, launched an initiative to conduct research on the consequences of and approaches to control of agricultural tractor-related injuries. The most significant cause of fatal injuries is associated with tractor overturns, and a recognized intervention to control these injuries is equipping the tractor with a rollover protective structure (ROPS). The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of tractor-related fatal and nonfatal injuries and their social costs. Based upon the annual average incidence of 125 tractor-overturn-related fatalities in the U.S. for the period 1992 to 2002, an analysis was conducted of injuries over the 25-year period 1997 to 2021. Using the number of fatalities as an index value, the analysis found that in 1997, there were a total of 2,412 tractor overturns. These overturns were associated with 125 deaths and 573 nonfatal injuries requiring at least outpatient treatment. Compared to ROPS-equipped tractors, 123 (98.6%) deaths and 543 (95%) of nonfatal injuries were associated with non-ROPS tractor overturns. The undiscounted social cost of these injuries totaled $1.5 billion in 2006 dollars for the 25-year period when using cost factors for the agricultural population. When discounted at 3%, this total was $1.1 billion, and when discounted at 5%, it was $0.9 billion. In an alternative analysis, when using cost factors for all occupations including agriculture, the undiscounted social cost totaled $2.9 billion, $2.1 billion when discounted at 3%, and $1.7 billion discounted at 5% for the 25-year period. Non-ROPS tractors as compared to ROPS-equipped tractors account for at least 97% of the costs, no matter the discount rate or cost factors used.  相似文献   

Cost-effective rollover protective structures (CROPS) are tractor model-specific rollover protective structures (ROPS) that are as effective as existing ROPS retrofits (passed standardized structural static testing such as SAE J2194), but less costly (less than one-half the cost of existing ROPS retrofits). This study estimated the expected effects and costs at a per-tractor level for two options: No-CROPS and Install-CROPS. Expected injuries per tractor were 0.00169 with no CROPS and 0.00016 with CROPS installed, resulting in 0.00153 injuries prevented per tractor over a 20-year period. Expected costs were $457 and $248 with and without CROPS, respectively, over the same time period, giving the cost per injury prevented as $136,601. Comprehensive sensitivity analyses indicated that the probability of an overturn is one of the most important variables. When the cost of intervention ($1,000 for purchasing, shipping, and installation of ROPS retrofit) is used in the analysis, the cost-effectiveness ratio is $497,000 per injury prevented over the 20-year period. Thus, installing CROPS instead of existing ROPS retrofits improved the cost-effectiveness ratio substantially, with a 73% reduction in the net cost per injury prevented.  相似文献   

基于农户分化的村域居民点用地特征分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
从地块尺度探讨农户分化背景下的农户层面居民点用地演变特征及其趋势,为构建农村居民点用地分类调控方向与模式提供依据。以重庆市潼南县崇龛镇古泥村为典型案例,从农户家庭收入、就业职业、就业地点3个方面对农户分化类型进行界定基础上,解析农户地块尺度居民点用地规模、形态、内部功能结构等方面的分异特征。结果表明,农户地块尺度居民点用地规模存在"农业种养殖主导生计类型"农户户均面积最大,"既离土又离乡式非农主导生计类型"农户人均用地面积最大,"离土不离乡式非农主导生计类型"农户户均用地面积和人均用地面积均最小;非农型、农业型农户地块尺度居民点用地斑块空间形态最复杂,就地非农型和农业主导型农户居民点用地斑块空间形态较为简单,且趋于规整的方形;就地非农主导型、农业主导型农户房屋形态更为紧凑和集约,农业型农户房屋形态更为松散和粗放;就地非农主导型、农业主导型农户房屋结构以砖混结构为主,非农型农户土木结构所占比例最大;农户分化对其居民点生产功能占地比例影响不大,农户非农化对其居民点居住功能影响较为显著,即农户非农化程度越高,其居民点居住功能越强;农户层面上居民点服务功能比例偏大是造成户均用地偏大和集约利用水平低下的重要因素,也是未来管制户均用地规模的重要突破口。  相似文献   

The California Agricultural Workers Health Survey was a statewide cross-sectional household survey of 970 hired farm laborers. Randomly selected participants residing in randomly selected dwellings were recruited in seven communities representing all of the state's agricultural regions. Participants were interviewed in their preferred language by professional staff. The response rate was 83%. The comprehensive interview included self-reported health conditions, doctor-reported health conditions, work history, workplace health conditions, field sanitation, and work-related injuries. A farm workplace injury during the twelve-month period prior to the interview was reported by 6% of male workers (95% CI: 4% - 8%) and 2% of female workers (95% CI: 1% - 3%). Significant numbers of both male (41%) and female (40%) workers reported persistent pain (every day for more than one week) in the back, neck, knees, shoulders, hands, feet, or multiple body parts. The number of body parts in which female workers reported persistent pain correlated with increased years of U.S. hired farm work (Spearman r = 0.24, p < 0.01). Direct contact with pesticides from being sprayed or drifted upon among both male and female workers was associated with multiple workplace health conditions such as irritated, itchy, or water eyes (male: OR 2.9, 95% CI: 1.6 - 5.0; female: OR 13.8, 95% CI: 4.3 - 44.7). Persistent stomach aches among male and female participants was associated with being required to taste unwashed grapes for sweetness while picking (male: OR 4.6, 95% CI: 2.1 - 9.9; female: OR 5.8, 95% CI: 2.6 - 12.6).  相似文献   

This is the second of three articles that evaluate the consequences of using rollover protective structures (ROPS) on agricultural tractors. It presents the results of a decision analysis that compares three strategies for preventing injuries when agricultural tractors without ROPS overturn. The three strategies examined are "do nothing", "install ROPS", and "replace tractor". The strategies are implemented over a five-year period and health outcomes expressed as fatal and nonfatal injuries are calculated over a 23-year period. The "do nothing" strategy would result in 1,450 fatalities and 1,806 nonfatal injuries, while the "install ROPS" strategy would prevent 1,176 fatalities and 957 nonfatal injuries, and the "replace tractor" strategy would prevent 1,188 fatalities and 967 nonfatal injuries. The latter two strategies reflect more than an 80% reduction in fatalities and about 53% reduction in nonfatal injuries. The study does not consider overturn injuries that result from tractors lacking ROPS and for which ROPS are unavailable.  相似文献   

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