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This paper presents a study carried out by a group of Japanese researchers to critically review past researches and discussions on the multifunctionality of paddy rice cultivation, with the aim of describing the current status of the subject and providing options and potentials for future research and practices. The review was of over 200 documented articles on the major external functions. The results of this study revealed that the importance of multifunctionality is well perceived in Japan. The methodologies to measure and estimate the magnitude have been established for most functions. However, there is a need for more cases, to integrate all the functions at the local or regional scale to represent site-specific characteristics of multifunctionality. There is also a need to develop management practices to sustain and enhance the positive multifunctionality of paddy rice cultivation while minimizing negative effects to the environment, which may be brought into the agricultural policies. Except for Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, there are slightly different notions on multifunctionality in other monsoon Asia countries, but the gap in this notion is reducing following recent international activities.  相似文献   

The contingent valuation method was used with a payment card approach to estimate visitors’ willingness to pay (WTP) to conserve a traditional agricultural landscape of terraced paddy fields in coastal rural Japan. Eighty percent of participants indicated their WTP toward a conservation fund, with estimated mean and median WTP of JPY 953.5 (~?USD $8.99) and JPY 456.4 (~?USD $4.30) per visit per person. Personal income and proximity to residence both positively influenced WTP amount; visitors’ attachment to land and loyalty were positively associated with their willingness to pay for landscape conservation. Actual conservation costs are currently mostly funded by the public municipal budget (56%) and urban volunteers (43%), but government funding sources are declining and becoming unreliable. These findings suggest that visitor donations may supplement existing funding sources for the conservation of terraced paddy field landscapes. However, farmer successors are needed for farm management to sustain traditional farming and rural communities, since a living farm and a vigorous community are essential for rural tourism.  相似文献   

Industrial and urban developments in Indonesia focus on the economic merits, but neglect agricultural services that, when disappear, will destabilize the environmental and livelihood systems. A series of 5-year study has evaluated various aspects of multifunctionality and implications of paddy field conversion on the disappearance of multifunctionality. Soil loss from a series of 18 terraced paddy fields in central Java is negligible. Only a few terraces located along the streams directly caused sedimentation. The functions of flood mitigation, water-resource conservation, erosion reduction, organic waste disposal, heat mitigation, and rural amenity of paddy fields in Citarum watershed in West Java were significant. The ‘replacement costs’ of such functions was about 51% ($92.67 million yr−1) of the total price of rice of $181.34 million yr−1 produced in the 156,000 ha paddy field. This amount could be considered as free services by the farmers to the society. However, because of society's negligence and unawareness, conversion has been accelerating while development of new paddy fields has been decelerating in the last few years. Low and fluctuating price of agricultural products, unavailability or non-affordability of agricultural supplies and inaccessibility to market are among the major disincentives faced by farmers. Because of appreciable multifunctionality they produce, farmers deserve various incentives for the sake of environmental sustainability and other services.  相似文献   

简要地阐述了盘锦生态农业建设的主要模式,分析了各种生态工程的建设主要内容及对生态农业发展的作用;指出了生态农业是促进农业生产结构调整和农产品质量提高,实现农业和农村经济持续发展的新途径。  相似文献   

Recently, free trade of farm land, changes of agricultural policy and global climate changes have resulted a significant reduction of rice planting area and the multifunctionality values of paddy field in Taiwan. This study aims to evaluate the temporal changes of multifunctionality benefit of two major rice paddy plains in Taiwan. The main agricultural production regions of the Chou-Shui river alluvial fan and Ping-Tung plain are selected for the comparative study. The replacement method is adopted to quantify the multifunctionality of the paddy field. The results show that percentage of cultivated paddy to the total paddy gradually decreases from 92 to 80% and the external value remains from 572,000 to 668,000 NT$/ha in the Chou-Shui river alluvial fan. Whereas, the percentage of area of cultivated paddy to the total paddy markedly decreases from 37 to 23% from 1999 to 2006 and resulting the external values of paddy only ranges from 156,000 to 258,000 NT$/ha in the Ping-Tung plain. To maintain the sustainable agriculture in the paddy field, government needs to formulate incentive policy to conserve the paddy farming, promote, and transmit the general understanding of the environmental and living-hood multifunctionality values to the people.  相似文献   

阐述立体农业的概念、模式和特点,总结概括海南省发展立体农业的优势,立体农业在海南省农村发展中的作用和发展现状,并在此基础上提出海南省实现立体农业可持续发展的对策,为今后海南省立体农业的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The groundwater recharge function, one example of the multifunctionality of agriculture, is closely related to hydrogeological phenomena and socioeconomic factors such as pumpage and land use. A long-term evaluation of the groundwater recharge function is necessary to understand its role among the multiple functions of agriculture. The Nobi Plain, one of the largest coastal plains in Japan, was selected as the study area because it has experienced typical socioeconomic changes. We conducted a long-term evaluation of the groundwater recharge function based on simple water-balance equations using long-term data on groundwater levels and river flows. Leakage recharge from paddy fields in 1975 was about 2.8×108 m3/year, decreased to 0.6×108 m3/year in 1984, and ceased in 1985. Its monetary value of the function in 1975 was estimated by the replacement cost method, was about $56 million for 20 ha×103 ha of paddy fields. The value per unit area of paddy fields was calculated as $2820/ha and that in Japan was calculated as $400/ha. Paddy fields in suburbs of big cities have a higher value than the average paddy field in Japan. However, this recharge value is no longer produced because no leakage recharge occurs at present owing to socioeconomic changes.  相似文献   

我国加入中国东盟自由贸易区和WTO后,云南景洪市作为一个农业大市,在建设社会主义新农村背景下,迫切需要推进农村产业结构优化进程,变传统的小农经济结构为发达国家的现代农村经济结构。但景洪市农村产业结构还存在第一产业比重大且种植结构不合理,与农业有关的二、三产业发展滞后,产业关联程度低等问题。因此,宜深化种植结构和农产品流通体制;更新农民生产经营理念,提高农民整体素质;调整农业产业结构,发展特色农业;因地制宜,发展乡镇企业;发展外向型农业,带动农村第三产业的发展。  相似文献   

对海南省具有代表性的10个县市进行调研,阐述海南热带高校农业发展现状,分析其发展特点和在海南新农村建设中的作用,指出其存在的问题,并探讨海南热带高效农业的发展趋势,展望期发展前景。  相似文献   

In order to confirm that the regional function of Kanazawa’s irrigation water is representative of the urban type, and that Shichika’s irrigation water is representative of the rural, the contingent valuation method (CVM) was applied to determine the economic value of the functions aside from agricultural production, that is, the multi-functional roles of the irrigation water. The economic value of the regional function in Kanazawa was significantly lower than in the Shichika area, reflecting a difference in charge for irrigation water and people’s preference or consciousness in urban and rural areas. In urban areas, people tend to place a higher value on ground view, peace of mind and environmental friendliness. In contrast, in rural areas, irrigation water is presently used for domestic purposes. In other words, in urban areas people see water as public goods, while in rural areas the people see water as private goods. In addition, differences in the economic value of each item that was statistically significant for CVM were estimated using the Turnbull model comparing the items approved or rejected by the respondent.  相似文献   

The multi-functionality of agriculture was studied from June to December 2005 in an upland community in Central Luzon, Philippines, by looking across the entire basin of two small water impounding systems or SWIP (Maasin and Buted II). Several sub-studies were undertaken, namely (a) the role of dominant vegetative cover on the rate of surface runoff and erosion; (b) rainfall–runoff analysis in a sub-watershed (i.e., through runoff experimental plot) and within the main watershed (i.e., reservoir inflow analysis); and (c) the environmental functions of agriculture across the entire watershed. The results indicated that about 85% (i.e., throughfall) of rainfall could reach the ground as vegetations intercept the rest. The runoff experimental plot covering a sub-watershed revealed a good correlation between throughfall and runoff. On the other hand, monitoring of reservoir inflows through which surface runoff was measured indicated similar behavior. Integrating the result of runoff experimental plot studies and reservoir inflow analysis resulted to a rainfall–runoff relation which can be applied in the development of rainwater harvesting scheme. The result also showed the dominance of surface runoff as the main component of reservoir inflow, confirming the soil and water conservation, and flood prevention functions of the system. Flood analysis conducted in both SWIP confirmed their flood prevention function by reducing flood peak discharge. The difference between with and without the reservoir was also highlighted in the process. In the paddy field, a 5-cm water depth was consistently maintained, contributing in retaining about 0.543 and 0.272 MCM of rainwater in Maasin and Buted II, respectively. The value of fostering groundwater recharge throughout the entire system was almost equivalent to the value of flood prevention function. Moreover, SWIP also trapped sediments, thereby preventing offsite impact downstream and in surrounding areas.This paper is part of the progress report of the project “Multi-functionality of Agriculture in Selected Sites in the Philippines” presented in the 6th Meeting of the Working Group for the ASEAN-Japan Project on Multi-functionality of Agriculture in ASEAN Countries.  相似文献   

如何解决土地碎片化,农村"谁来种地,怎么种地"。山西农科院玉米研究所提出并推广"增益型、套餐式"农业生产托管下玉米全产业链服务模式。本文通过介绍其具体服务内容、盈利模式及其推广途径,探讨其对山西省农业发展、农村稳定与发展、农民增收的积极意义,并通过分析山西省农业生产托管面临的资金短缺、相关配套设施、风险预防机制不够完善、玉米农业生产托管适宜程度评价体系缺失等问题而提出合理化建议,为山西省玉米产业乃至整个农业提供参考。  相似文献   

云南陇川县根据农信通信息服务平台建设的不足,提出陇川县"三农"信息服务无缝覆盖平台建设的基本构想,希望通过全面开通农信通平台,达到畅通陇川"三农"信息,实现"三农"信息点对点的个性化服务,最终达到切实解决"三农"信息"最后一公里"的问题。  相似文献   

"三农"问题一直受到党中央的高度关注,多次提到要统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设,积极推动农业现代化建设。"十三五"规划中提出要走农业现代化道路,推进农业信息化建设。农业信息化是实现农业现代化的重要抓手,农业智能设备是农业信息化的重要组成部分。经过辽宁省几代农业信息人的努力,农业现代化有了较大的发展,农业信息设备认可度、使用度不断提升。该文从困扰农业智能设备产业发展的问题出发,结合笔者自身研究及实践给出相应建议,以期为推动辽宁省农业智能设备产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

农业科技传播是解决我国“三农”关键问题之一。在目前市场经济条件下,农业要走向市场,需要及时准确的科技信息指导生产,提高农业效益。现对我国当前农业科技传播的现状、新媒介对科技信息传播的作用及影响进行分析,并就如何快速发展新媒介、提高农业生产力,提出一些具体措施及建议。  相似文献   

梯田是宝贵的历史文化遗产,也是丘陵山区重要的基本农田。近年来随着我国城市化加快,传统农业收入低下、农村劳动力锐减等原因,导致大量梯田资源被荒废而得不到妥善利用。本文以台州市围绕稻油轮作技术推动梯田可持续高质量发展为例,从生产经营模式、轻简化栽培、绿色化发展、三产融合、文化传承等五个方面进行简要叙述,探讨如何更好的保护开发山区梯田,保障粮食安全,助推乡村振兴。  相似文献   

The objective of the study is surveying microbial quality of drinking water in Kashan rural areas and determining the rural population that using safe water in terms of microbial quality in second-half of 2008. In this cross-sectional study, microbial quality of water in all rural areas was determined in 3 stages based on 3 parameters as Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms and Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC). The results of this study illustrates that 100.0, 47.71 and 92.99% population in under coverage and non under coverage areas of Kashan Rural Water and Wastewater Company (KRWWC) and all Kashan rural areas, respectively using safe water in terms of Fecal Coliforms and 98.4, 21.2 and 88.00% population in under coverage and non under coverage areas of KRWWC rural areas and all Kashan rural areas, respectively using safe water in terms of Total Coliforms. There is also a meaningful difference in microbial quality between under coverage and non-under coverage rural areas. The results of this study express that the fecal contamination in under coverage rural areas is excellent, but there is a bad condition in non-under coverage areas. Generally, the microbial quality in all Kashan rural areas is approximately equal to national microbial criteria. Its been also illustrated that the role of KRWWC in supplying safe drinking water in terms of microbial quality for rural population is very important.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国水稻种植的环节中存在着化学肥料和农药过量、盲目施用的情况,造成生产成本的增加,形成了农业面源污染,影响了农业生产生活的生态环境安全和农产品质量安全.简要分析当前我国水稻种植中农药化肥的施用、农膜的使用等方面对农业生产环境和农产品安全造成的影响,提出对策建议,以期改善农业生产生态环境,加强农业管理,提升我国...  相似文献   

简述陇川县“三农通”信息服务工作,从开通就扮演着“新闻”和“科普”的双重角色,初步实现了让陇川县广大农民群众公平同步享有“三农”信息,成绩显著;归纳5年来陇川县“三农通”信息工作中存在的问题,提出了创新陇川县“三农通”信息工作的建议。  相似文献   

高度集聚是峰丛洼地区乡村聚落最明显的空间格局特征,其空间形态集聚分布是自然和人为因素共同作用的结果,可为乡村聚落分区管理提供基础依据。基于空间自相关理论,观测其聚落空间分布的关联性,分析聚落的空间集聚格局及其演变特征,结合乡村聚落相关整治规划原则,对宗地乡的乡村聚落采取适宜的分区管理方案。主要结论如下:(1)乡村聚落点规模、形状、分布均呈显著空间相关,正、负相关类型多以组团式分布;(2)不同的自然与社会经济特点区域表现出不同的集聚格局,地形地貌等自然条件控制下的乡村聚落规模、形状和分布的集聚区域空间一致性较强,而城镇化、工业化等人为过程则降低了其空间的一致性。据此可将乡村聚落分为3个管理区域,研究区东部低山丘陵区应发展特色农业管理区,适时调整优化乡村聚落用地结构以改善生产生活条件;研究区的南部地区应发展特色村庄发展管理区;研究区的西部地势相对较高区域应发展驱动产业用地管理区,道路通达性好,应因地制宜推行区域统筹的综合管理模式,实现乡村聚落的整合发展。  相似文献   

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