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<正>中国茶叶流通协会成立于1992年4月,是经民政部批准成立的全国性一级茶业社团组织。协会宗旨是:按照社会主义市场经济的要求,发挥行业中介职能、服务中国茶叶事业。目前协会内设办公室、会员、会展、信息、产业发展等部门,办公地点在北京。因工作需要,现面向社会公开招聘工作人员若干名。  相似文献   

<正>中国茶叶流通协会成立于1992年4月,是经民政部批准成立的全国性一级茶业社团组织。协会宗旨是:按照社会主义市场经济的要求,发挥行业中介职能、服务中国茶叶事业。目前协会内设办公室、会员、会展、信息、产业发展等部门,办公地点在北京。因工作需要,现面向社会公开招聘工作人员若干名。  相似文献   

总结并分析热科院生物所科研管理机制创新的做法:(1)全面推行聘任制度,公开招聘,引进创新型人才;(2)实行课题组长(PI)负责制,优化科研组织结构;(3)重视科研管理队伍建设,加强科研项目过程管理;(4)重视条件平台建设,优化资源合理配置;(5)“走出去,请进来”,开展一流的学术交流与合作。在此基础上,提出下一步努力的工作重点:(1)完善科研人员的考核评价制度;(2)组织、策划重大科技成果的集成;(3)加强科研试验基地建设,促进科技成果转化应用。  相似文献   

对于企业发展来说,人力资源是其中的关键性因素,如何协调好茶企内部人力、物力之间的关系,并使其转化形成现实的生产力,是茶企发展建设时需要思考的重要问题。文章具体结合了茶企员工招聘与配置流程,招聘方法,以及茶企人力资源管理现状,分析当前茶企在员工招聘配置中存在着目标确实制度不全,队伍不足等现实问题。针对这些问题,文章指出要在员工招聘时做好三匹配,即与企业文化的匹配、与岗位的匹配、与团队风格的匹配。并且,要增强茶企内部对员工招聘和配置的重视程度,丰富人才引进渠道,实施区别管理,进一步提升茶企人力资源管理实效,促进茶企的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国水稻研究所地处风景秀丽的杭州市,是以水稻为主要研究对象的多学科、非营利性国家级研究机构。水稻生物学国家重点实验室以原农业部水稻生物学重点实验室为基础、联合浙江大学相关学科进行建设,2 0 0 3年11月通过建设计划论证。实验室以水稻资源学研究和分子育种为重点,以水稻种质改良与创新的遗传学、水稻发育生物学、水稻环境生物学和分子育种为主要研究方向。现因事业发展需要,特向国内外公开招聘以下优秀人才。一、重点实验室主任1名任职条件:具有正高级专业技术职务和博士学位,在本学科领域有较高学术造诣,组织协调能力强,有良好的…  相似文献   

庞晓莉 《中国茶叶》2012,(10):27-27,34
目前,教育行业已公开发行的试题库、习题集五花八门,普遍应用于各学科、各领域,其目是便于学生学会举一反三,也便于管理者检验、评价教学效果等。西南大学茶学专业自2006年教学评估以来,大部分专业课已建立了试题库,但没有公开发行(表),更谈不上试题库维护和更新问题。既便是这样,学生如果挨个将试题库或习题集中的练习题做完,也很难分清侧重点,更容易让学习者失去许多主动学习的机会,进而学习效果(考试成绩)不佳。问题的症结在于教师自己出题自己使用,学生未能参与其中,教与学脱节。有关高校茶学专业课程考试命题及试题库建设问题有待探讨。  相似文献   

10月27日,天福茶学院举办2012届毕业生校园供需见面会,为800多名准毕业生与企业搭建平台,就顶岗实训及将来就业进行交流沟通双向选择。天福集团20多个地区以及70多家省内外企业招聘人员齐聚天福茶学院体育馆,共提供3000多个就业岗位,不少企业开出诸多优惠条件,诚心招聘英才,形成四抢一的火爆场面。  相似文献   

随着茶文化走向世界,饮茶习俗日益被西方所接受,我国茶叶企业迎来发展的关键时刻。茶叶企业需要进行转型,人力资源管理与招聘模式转变首当其冲。因此,本文对企业人力资源管理进行分析,探讨人才招聘在人力资源管理中的重要性,然后对当前传统茶叶企业在人力资源管理中存在的问题做出解答,最终提出相应的应对策略,希望对茶叶企业的转型有积极作用。  相似文献   

科研院所作为国家主要从事科学研究工作的事业单位,加强政务信息公开,推行阳光政务,既有利于增强广大科技职工对管理机构和管理者的认知与信任,也有利于巩固管理权力的合法性和民主性。通过对科研院所政务信息公开的内容、形式和程序进行剖析和研究,从加强领导管理、做好教育引导、强化监督检查等方面为科研院所加强政务信息公开工作提出建议。  相似文献   

为了紧跟国家就业政策,促进广大优秀农业人才的求职就业,保障农业企业在2009年的人才需求.整合农业企业人力资源需求信息,为用人单位和专业人才继续搭建一个交流平台,北京人才市场和全国最大的农业人才求职招聘网站农博人才网将于2009年3月1日在北京人才市场海淀分部共同举办“2009农业人才专场招聘会(北京站)”,这是今春首场农业人才招聘会,也是继2008年春季招聘会后,  相似文献   

大豆细胞质雄性不育系ZA的选育和初步研究   总被引:25,自引:8,他引:17  
赵丽梅  孙寰 《大豆科学》1998,17(3):268-270
寻找和选育不同细胞质来源的大豆细胞质雄性不育系,不论是对大豆细胞质不育系本身的研究,不审对大豆杂交种生产,都有极其重要的意义。本项的测交结果证实了大豆品系ZD8319含有雄性不育细胞质,以此为基础育成了细胞质雄性不育系ZA和保持系ZB,并找到了恢复系,同时,还发现了另一份材料(暂称XXT)也含有不育细胞质。  相似文献   

The diversification of farming landscapes is proposed as a method to increase farm productivity while at the same time enhancing pest regulation services provided by the natural enemies of insect herbivores. In this study, areas of diversified and conventional rice fields (with 2–14 fields per area?=?0.42–1.31 ha) were established at three sites in the Philippines. The diversified areas had a series (>?40 per hectare) of small (<?2 m2) vegetable patches interspersed along rice bunds (levees). The abundance of planthopper and lepidopteran pests in these areas was monitored during two consecutive cropping seasons using sweep nets with rice yield and damage recorded at the end of each season. Mortality of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) and yellow stemborer (Scirpophaga incertulas) eggs was monitored through field exposures of infested rice plants. There were no differences in rice yields between the conventional and diversified areas; however, a range of vegetables were produced as a supplementary product from the diversified rice areas. Diversification had no effect on planthopper or leaffolder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) abundance at the sites. Adult stemborers (Scirpophaga incertulas) were more abundant in the diversified areas; however, stemborer damage was similar between area treatments in both years. Vegetable patches did not increase parasitism of planthopper eggs; however, egg parasitism was highest close to the vegetable patches, suggesting that egg parasitoids interacted with the patches. Mortality of stemborer eggs was higher in the diversified areas than in the conventional areas. Parasitism due to Trichogramma japonicum and other egg parasitoids was also higher in the diversified areas. These results indicate the potential for vegetable patches to enhance the biological control services provided by egg parasitoids in rice fields; however, the study also indicates a need to carefully select vegetable crops that avoid any potential benefits for rice pests. We discuss the need for further research into diversified farms as a means of achieving sustainable rice production in Asia.  相似文献   

Polyurethane foam has been develocped for years. In the past, the most study is focused on one function of Polyurethane foam including noise absorption, thermal protection, and mechanical impact as well as cushioning properties, and thus interdisciplinary functions of these foam boards become an innovation research. Therefore, the objective of study is to develop the multifunctional protective composite boards which are suitable for diversified environments. In this study, the carbon fibers (CF) and glass fibers (GF) are used as reinforcements for PU composite boards which are denoted as CFR-PU and GFR-PU respectively. The composite boards are made with different thickness and different contents of reinforcing fibers. The drop-weight impact test adopts a circular drop weight that falls from a certain height in order to observe the deformation mechanism of the boards. Different fracture modes that are caused by the bursting, compression, drop-weight impact, and puncture resistance tests are then examined. The test results indicate that the CFR-PU and GFR-PU fiberreinforced composite boards have a satisfactory impact load of 90 % and a favorable absorption coefficient at a certain frequency, and also have improved mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Summary The micro-precipitin test and a bioassay using the local-lesion hostChenopodium quinoa were compared for their efficiency in detecting potato virus S in some potato cultivars grown in the open. TheC. quinoa bioassay was more sensitive than the serological test but used more space and was time-consuming. Guest worker from April–October 1976 as a fellow of the International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, the Netherlands  相似文献   

苦苣苔科报春苣苔属具有极其丰富的生物多样性,大多数都具有极高的观赏价值,而其多样化的花朵、叶片和植株形态使其具有开发为极具我国特色的新花卉的潜力。近年来,国产苦苣苔科植物,尤其是报春苣苔属越来越受到人们的重视,在世界苦苣苔科植物新品种登录权威——世界苦苣苔协会(The Gesneriad Society, GS)进行登录的报春苣苔属新品种日渐增多,而该属也有望得以被我国农业农村部新品种保护办公室列入植物品种保护名录。但是目前报春苣苔属植物在国内外均无相关的DUS测试指南与标准,这方面的工作亟待开展。因此,本研究根据植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性(简称DUS)测试的原理和技术规则,参考UPOV关于同科不同属的、源自不同国家的测试指南,结合资源现状,研制适用于我国报春苣苔属植物新品种测试的指南,对其适用对象、性状的选择与确定、性状分级、标准品种的选用和DUS判定标准进行详细研讨,为报春苣苔属植物新品种的授权提供测试技术的支撑,为极具我国特色的该类植物测试技术规程的建设与完善提供参考,为将这一类群的新品种培育、园艺化、产业化和新品种保护提供行业标准。  相似文献   

全面回顾和总结了内蒙古自治区甜菜育种50年所走过的历程,从育种机构的建立到各种育种方法的探索、育成的品种及在生产上发挥的作用等作了比较详细的总结和概括。  相似文献   

A refuge of conventional potato plants adjacent to Colorado potato beetle (CPB),Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)-resistant,Bt-potato (transgenic) plants may reduce opportunity for the development of tolerance to the resistant plants. The refuge strategy was developed on the basis of data available for CPB recruitment in conventional potato fields. This study was undertaken to provide information on CPB recruitment inBt-transgenic potato fields. A marking experiment was conducted over the 2000 and 2001 crop seasons to determine the relative contributions of beetle populations from fields 10 m, 175 to 300 m, and 1200 to 1280 m distant to the pattern of CPB recruitment (immigration) in aBt-potato field. Season-long CPB recruitment in theBt-potato field decreased with source distance in a manner similar to that previously reported in conventional potato fields. Although marked beetles from the 10-m field plot contributed more to the recruitment than the more distant fields, they contributed only 3.3% and 6.6% of the total beetle sightings in theBt-potato field. Therefore, results suggest that a larger acreage of conventional potato fields at some distance from the resistant crop could replace the adjacent designated refuge. Seasonally, beetles from the overwintering sites provided the first recruits to the resistant field. As their contribution declined, the overwintered beetles from the refuge were recruited until the beginning of the summer population. These results suggest that locating the resistant fields close to active overwintering sites will improve the probability that the refuge strategy will be effective by ensuring the presence of recruits at the very beginning of the crop season. The substantially lower recruitment level obtained for summer than for overwintered CPB in resistant and conventional potato fields highlights the need to reconsider the applicability of the refuge strategy for the summer population.  相似文献   

论述提高农民科技素质对新农村建设的重大意义,分析我国农民科技素质的现状及其成因以及农民科技素质偏低造成的影响,通过农民科技素质评价指标体系及其验证结果,提出构建多元化路径促进农民科技素质提高的对策与建议。  相似文献   

The key environmental benefits of faba bean are its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen symbiotically under a broad spectrum of environmental conditions and making this renewable resource available to show positive precrop effects in diversified crop rotations. Non-nitrogen precrop effects entail potential benefits via increased availability of soil phosphorus to the subsequent crops. Faba bean acts as a break crop in intensive cereal-dominated crop rotations.  相似文献   

论述了福建省自然条件与社会经济区域特征,阐述了福建发展特色农业的区域优势,指出了目前特色农业发展中存在的制约因素,提出应因地制宜,突出区位优势,从政策和科技投入人手,大力发展产业合作社,支持多元化和立体特色农业发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

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