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The objective of this study was to investigate immunolocalization of steroidogenic enzymes 3βHSD, P450c17 and P450arom and their expression during the breeding season in wild male raccoon dogs. The testicular weight, size and seminiferous tubule diameters were measured, and histological and immunohistochemical observations of testes were performed. The messenger RNA expression (mRNA) of 3βHSD, P450c17 and P450arom was measured in the testes during the breeding season. 3βHSD was found in Leydig cells during the breeding and non‐breeding seasons with more intense staining in the breeding season. P450c17 was identified in Leydig cells and spermatids in the breeding season, whereas it was present only in Leydig cells in the non‐breeding season. The localization of P450arom changed seasonally: no immunostaining in the non‐breeding season; more extensive immunostaining in Leydig cells, Sertoli cells and elongating spermatids in the breeding season. In addition, 3βHSD, P450c17 and P450arom mRNA were also expressed in the testes during the breeding season. These results suggested that seasonal changes in testicular weight, size and seminiferous tubule diameter in the wild raccoon dog were correlated with spermatogenesis and immunoreactivity of steroidogenic enzymes and that steroidogenic enzymes may play an important role in the spermatogenesis and testicular recrudescence and regression process.  相似文献   

The seasonal spermatogenesis and localization of inhibin/activin subunits (alpha, betaA, betaB) in the testes of wild ground squirrel has been previously described; however, the expression pattern of activin receptors and cytoplasmic signaling SMADs has not been detected in any seasonal breeders. The objective of this study was to investigate the abundance and cellular localization of activin signaling components in testes of the wild ground squirrel during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. The immunolocalizations of ActRIIB (activin type II receptor B) and activin-related SMADs (phospho-SMAD2/3, SMAD4 and SMAD7) were observed by immunohistochemistry. Total proteins were extracted from testicular tissues in the breeding and nonbreeding seasons and were used for Western blotting analysis for ActRIIB and SMADs. Immunoreactivities of activin signaling components were greater in the testes of the breeding season, and then decreased to a relatively low level in the nonbreeding season. ActRIIB and related SMADs were widely spread in the active testes, while spermatogonia were the predominant cellular sites of activin signal transduction during arrested spermatogenesis. The dynamic regulation of activin type II receptor and SMADs indicated that the activin signal pathway played an important paracrine role in seasonal spermatogenesis of the wild ground squirrel. Furthermore, the distinct localizations and immunoreactivity of ActRIIB and SMADs might suggest different functions of activin in seasonal spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal changes in spermatogenesis and the immunolocalization of the inhibin alpha and inhibin/activin (betaA and betaB) subunits during the breeding and non-breeding seasons in the wild male ground squirrel. The testicular weight and size and seminiferous tubule diameter were measured, and histological observations of testes were performed. The sections of the testes were immunostained by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method (ABC) using polyclonal antisera raised against porcine inhibin alpha, inhibin/activin betaA and inhibin/activin betaB during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. There were marked variations in testicular weight and size and seminiferous tubule diameter between the breeding and non-breeding seasons, and all types of spermatogenic cells, including spermatozoa, were found in the breeding season. In addition, immunoreactivity was also detected for the inhibin alpha, betaA and betaB subunits in Sertoli and Leydig cells during the breeding season, but immunostaining was only present for the inhibin alpha and inhibin/activin betaB subunits in Sertoli cells during the non-breeding season. These results suggest that seasonal changes in testicular weight and size and seminiferous tubule diameter of wild ground squirrels are correlated with changes in spermatogenesis, and the cellular localization of the inhibin/activin subunits showed season related changes in the breeding and non-breeding seasons.  相似文献   

Feral raccoons (Procyon lotor) have been growing in number in Japan, and they are becoming a problematic invasive species. Consequently, they are commonly captured and killed in pest control programs. For effective population control of feral raccoons, it is necessary to understand their reproductive physiology and ecology. Although the reproductive traits of female raccoons are well known, those of the males are not well understood because specialized knowledge and facilities are required to study them. In this study, we first used a simple evaluation method to assess spermatogenesis and presence of spermatozoa in the tail of the epididymis of feral male raccoons by histologically examining the testis and epididymis. We then evaluated the possibility of using 7 variables—body weight, body length, body mass index, testicular weight, epididymal weight, testicular size and gonadosomatic index (GSI)—to estimate spermatogenesis and presence of spermatozoa in the tail of the epididymis. GSI and body weight were chosen as criteria for spermatogenesis, and GSI was chosen as the criterion for presence of spermatozoa in the tail of the epididymis. Because GSI is calculated from body weight and testicular weight, this model should be able to be used to estimate the reproductive state of male raccoons regardless of season and age when just these two parameters are known. In this study, GSI was demonstrated to be an index of reproductive state in male raccoons. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such a use for GSI in a member of the Carnivora.  相似文献   

To study the effect of estrogenic chemicals on fish, the gonadosomatic index (GSI = [testis weight/body weight] x 100) and testis histology of mature common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from 2 contaminated sites (Ishizu and Wada rivers, Osaka) and a control site were examined between June 1998 and March 2001. The concentration of nonylphenol, bisphenol A and 17beta-estradiol in the Ishizu river was 3-4 times higher than in the Wada river. In the pre-breeding and breeding seasons, there were no significant differences in body weight among carp from the 3 sites, the body weight of Ishizu river carp being significantly lower (p<0.05) than that of Wada river fish only in the post-breeding season. The GSI and testis weight in fish from the Ishizu river were significantly lower (p<0.05) than in control fish during all phases of gonadal cycle and lower than in Wada river fish in the pre-breeding and post-breeding season. No histological abnormalities were found in the testes of the males examined. Histological observation of the testes revealed a delay in the onset of spermatogenesis in fish from the Ishizu river compared with those from the other sites. These results clearly imply that the estrogenic chemicals in the Ishizu river adversely affect the testis development of the fish.  相似文献   

Wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) is a native valuable but threatened species from the south‐eastern Caspian Sea in which the endocrine control of its reproduction has not been studied. The objectives of this research were to study the reproductive strategy and changes in steroid hormones during ovarian development. From October 2009 to June 2010, 65 adult females were caught from the Golestan coast (Iran) and the ovarian histology, and gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices (GSI and HSI) were studied. Also, the plasma profiles of steroid hormones including testosterone (T), 17β‐estradiol (E2) and 17α‐, 20β‐dihydroxyprogesterone (DHP) were measured by radioimmunoassay. The GSI increased gradually during sampling times and reached maximum value at the peak of reproduction season, but the HSI decreased during spawning season. All stages of ovarian development, except the stage of Balbiani bodies, were recorded macro‐ and microscopically. Spent fish were caught at six of nine sampling times. The peaks of spawning were at late winter and early spring. The results of this study showed that the majority of wild carp collected during the sampling period displayed asynchronous oocyte development. Plasma T showed no significant differences during sampling times or at different stages of ovarian development. The level of E2 decreased gradually during sampling times reached minimum value at the spawning season, and highest value was recorded at tertiary vitellogenesis stage. The plasma levels of DHP during late winter and early spring were significantly higher than those of other sampling periods and its maximum level associated with oocyte maturation stage.  相似文献   

The raccoon (Procyon lotor), indigenous to North America, has naturalized in Japan as an invasive alien species, having been introduced into the country in the 1970s. In Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, feral raccoons have been increasing in number and spreading throughout the island. The age at the onset of puberty for raccoons is important for estimating individual lifetime reproductive success and population growth. The present study investigated the timing of and potential factors affecting the onset of puberty in male raccoons in Hokkaido. External characteristics and histology of testes were studied in 151 male feral raccoons and in 1 captive juvenile. For the majority of feral yearling raccoons, prepubertal development began in May, and spermatozoa production began in October prior to their second mating season. However, some larger juveniles attained puberty during the juvenile period. The captive juvenile, which was fed throughout the winter, attained puberty only 11 months after birth. These results suggest that if male raccoons can achieve enough body growth before the first mating season, puberty can be attained early. In both juveniles and yearlings, spermatozoa production was only observed after autumn. This timing coincided with the recrudescence of seasonally active spermatogenesis in adult males. Therefore, attaining puberty in male raccoons appears to require both adequate body nutrient development and several environmental factors that control seasonal testicular changes.  相似文献   

The below article, published online on Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ) on 21st January 2017, has been retracted by agreement between the submitting author, Amin Golpour, the Editor‐in‐Chief, Heriberto Rodriguez‐Martinez, and Blackwell Verlag GmbH. After a thorough investigation by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia in ?eské Budějovice, there is strong evidence to indicate that the peer review of this paper was compromised. The identities of the reviewers were unable to be verified, and it is believed that the paper was accepted based on recommendations from reviewers not suitably qualified. REFERENCE Golpour, A., Broquard, C., Milla, S., Dadras, H., Baloch, A. R., Saito, T., & P?eni?ka, M. (2017). Gonad histology and serum 11‐KT profile during the annual reproductive cycle in sterlet sturgeon adult males, Acipenser ruthenus . Reproduction in Domestic Animals , 52, 319–326. https://doi.org/10.1111/rda.12911  相似文献   

The raccoon is a seasonal breeder with a mating season in the winter. In a previous study, adult male raccoons exhibited active spermatogenesis with high plasma testosterone concentrations, in the winter mating season. Maintenance of spermatogenesis generally requires high testosterone, which is produced by steroidogenic enzymes. However, even in the summer non-mating season, some males produce spermatozoa actively despite low plasma testosterone concentrations. To identify the factors that regulate testosterone production and contribute to differences in spermatogenetic activity in the summer non-mating season, morphological, histological and endocrinological changes in the testes of wild male raccoons should be known. In this study, to assess changes in the biosynthesis, metabolism and reactivity of testosterone, the localization and immunohistochemical staining intensity of four steroidogenic enzymes (P450scc, P450c17, 3βHSD, P450arom) and the androgen receptor (AR) were investigated using immunohistochemical methods. P450scc and P450c17 were detected in testicular tissue throughout the year. Seasonal changes in testosterone concentration were correlated with 3βHSD expression, suggesting that 3βHSD may be important in regulating the seasonality of testosterone production in raccoon testes. Immunostaining of P450arom and AR was detected in testicular tissues that exhibited active spermatogenesis in the summer, while staining was scarce in aspermatogenic testes. This suggests that spermatogenesis in the raccoon testis might be maintained by some mechanism that regulates P450arom expression in synthesizing estradiol and AR expression in controlling reactivity to testosterone.  相似文献   

Histological analysis of the gonadal development of Leporinus copelandii Steindachner, 1875, a rheophilic Characiformes species in the Paraiba do Sul River, South‐eastern Brazil, was described. We expect that this species adapt gonadal development to succeed in this river basin that has its longitudinal profile blocked by several impoundments. Fishes were examined by routine macroscopic and histological techniques. Stages of oocyte and spermatocyte development were described, and gonadal maturation was proposed. Mean oocyte diameter obtained from histological observations increased from the pre‐spawning (4.2–175.5 μm) to spawning (148.5–262.0 μm) phases, followed by a sharp decrease in the post‐spawning (27.0–56.7 μm) phase. Based on occurrence of different oocytes phases and oocyte size distribution, this species has group‐synchronic development of oocytes. Further studies are necessary to clarify the spawning grounds for L. copelandii in the Paraíba do Sul River basin, especially considering that several impoundments obliterate the natural river course and this could limit spawning grounds.  相似文献   

Gender identification of great sturgeon during different life stages was conducted using morphology, sex steroid concentrations, histological and endoscopic techniques. One hundred and forty great sturgeons from two sturgeon farms at ages between 3‐16 years were selected for examination. Most of the morphological indices showed no significant sex‐related differences except for the ratio of fork length to distance of snout to anterior of dorsal fin (PD). The urogenital opening had no difference in shapes for both sexes. Mean sex steroid concentrations showed no significant difference in levels of testosterone, estradiol and progesterone between males and females in the stage II of maturity. 95.8% of fish were correctly sexed using endoscopy at this stage. Histological investigation indicated the ovaries of 3‐ to 9‐year‐old females were at the different stages of pre‐vitellogenic, and most males were at the early spermatogenesis for age 3. The result of this study suggests that endoscopy is a reliable tool for sex and stage determination after the age of 3 years. This method is useful in providing a quick discernment of sexes and stages compared with utilizing morphometric and blood indices. Direct observation of gonads can give us important information about the gonadal and maturity stages in sturgeon aquaculture and wild population management, with minimal damage or stress to this endangered species.  相似文献   

Histological examination of gametogenesis revealed that the current staging criteria used to assess gonadal recrudescence of the redeye labeo, Labeo cylindricus, were adequate. Gametogenesis was qualitatively similar to thatof freshwater teleosts with a clearly defined seasonal reproductive cycle. L. cylindricus undergoes seasonal gross morphological and cytological gonadal changes with previtellogenesis dominating during the winter, vitellogenicdevelopment during spring and summer culminating in large-scale spawning at the end of summer. Post-spawning mass atresiaofoocytes was evident in autumn. The histological data presented support macroscopical evidence that L. cylindricus is a synchronous iteroparous spawner, reproducing over a short period each year throughout its life-span.  相似文献   

Testicular diameters and monthly blood samples were obtained from 83 stallions aged 4 to 22 years that were maintained on Central Kentucky Thoroughbred stud farms. The effects of age, season, and exposure to increased photoperiod (16 hours light/day, December 15 to April 1) on testicular diameters and plasma concentrations of FSH, LH and testosterone were studied.The results indicated that Thoroughbred stallions show distinct seasonal and age related changes in most of the reproductive parameters studied and that exposure of such stallions to increased photoperiod produced significant alterations in these changes. Although lighting stimulated testicular growth and testosterone secretion early in the breeding season such changes were short lived. Lighted stallions appeared to become refractory to the lighting program since both testicular size and plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly reduced by June.  相似文献   

Apoptosis (programmed cell death) could be considered as a physiological process that takes part in a healthy organism, which helps to maintain organism homeostasis. The visible deterioration of semen quality and the number of germ cells is accompanied by a seasonal decrease of the reproductive activity in some species. This post-effect cascade is caused by apoptosis, which is the primary mechanism responsible for the elimination of germ cells during spermatogenesis. The aim of our study was to assess apoptotic changes in the epithelium germinativum in cat testes at different ages. One hundred and two pairs of testes were obtained from domestic cats aged between 4 months and 10 years. The paraffin-embedded tissue sections were labelled using the Oncogene and Calbiochem Research Products DNA Fragmentation Detection Kit (Cat# QIA21; Darmstadt, Germany), which allows the recognition of apoptotic nuclei in tissue sections with Fragment End Labelling (FragELTM) of DNA. The activity of apoptotic processes in cat testes collected from the spring-summer period compared with the autumn-winter season revealed that, 59.42% and 51.51%, respectively, males testes were characterized by insignificant changes. The obtained data revealed a distinctive apoptotic changes in the young animal testes before spermatogenesis onset. An intensification of programmed death cells in the epithelium germinativum in the elder cats (between 3–6 and 6–10 years) was not observed. Apoptotic changes slightly intensified in cats aged between 12 and 36 months.  相似文献   

In this study, the annual cycle of the gonadal steroids testosterone (T), 11‐ketotestosterone (11‐KT), 17β‐oestradiol (E2) and 17α, 20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (DHP) was determined using radioimmunoassay and then compared, for XY males (n = 35) and sex‐reversed XX males (n = 27) rainbow trout, to establish possible endocrinology differences. Both in XY males and sex‐reversed XX males, significant correlation was shown between body weight and T (r = 0.5046 and 0.34078, respectively; p < 0.0001) or KT (r = 0.52494 and 0.43545, respectively; p < 0.0001) concentrations. Plasma androgen levels in XY and sex‐reversed XX males were similar and showed an intense seasonal variation. The highest levels for T and 11‐KT were detected from December to April with a peak in January (51.67 ± 5.11 and 61.95 ± 4.25 ng/ml, for XY males and 57.1 ± 5.82 and 59.27 ± 4.84 ng/ml, respectively, for XX males). In addition, there was a positive correlation (p < 0.0001) between T and 11‐KT levels for XY males (r = 0.7533) and sex‐reversed XX males (r = 0.6019). Concentrations of DHP in XY males also showed seasonal variation with a peak in February (25.18 ± 12.99 ng/ml). However, DHP levels in sex‐reversed XX males were undetectable (<0.1 ng/ml) over the year. Levels of E2 were undetectable through the year in both groups of trout. In conclusion, the androgenic and oestrogenic profiles of sex‐reversed XX males were similar to those observed in XY males. The only difference in the annual gonadal steroid cycle between XY and sex‐reversed XX males was in the DHP profile.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe testicular and its main ducts structure in the yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae, contributing to the knowledge of the region in which semen is produced, storage and released, focusing mainly on the dynamic of germinal epithelium and Sertoli cells during germ cell maturation. Ten sexually mature male A. altiparanae had their testes processed according to the routine protocols to optical microscopy. Moreover, spermatic ducts and tubular compartment of the testes of three specimens were perfused with vinyl resin for gross anatomy and scanning electron microscopy. Astyanax altiparanae testes are paired organs, separated for most of their extension, joining posteriorly in a spermatic duct formed by a squamous simple epithelium. Seminiferous compartment presents anastomosing tubular type organisation, and spermatogonia spread along its extent. Spermatogenesis is of cystic type, and there is no main testicular duct. Spermatogenesis develops in ‘waves’, from posterior to anterior part of the gonad. Thus, while sperm is storage posteriorly, spermatogenesis keeps maturing germ cells anteriorly, making the germinal epithelium very dynamic, holding Sertoli cells that change their function as a cystic envelope to produce secretions of the seminal fluid and store sperm. Such kind of development is thought to be responsible by the high prolificacy of this species.  相似文献   

Expression of the protein DDX4/MVH, or VASA, has been reported in germ cells of several species. The main objectives of this study were to (i) investigate VASA expression patterns in testicular cells of stallions at two different reproductive stages (pre‐pubertal and post‐pubertal) and (ii) evaluate the use of VASA antibody as a molecular marker for single germ cells from stallions. Testicular tissues were obtained from stallions and categorized as pre‐pubertal and post‐pubertal based on the formation of lumen and status of spermatogenesis on the cross section of seminiferous tubules. The results of Western blot showed a VASA protein band located at 76 kDa, indicating that the rabbit antibody has a cross‐reactivity with horse testicular tissues. The result of immunolabelling showed that VASA was expressed in the cytoplasm of spermatogonia at both reproductive stages and in spermatocytes and round spermatids at the post‐pubertal stage. GATA4‐positive Sertoli cells and Leydig cells located in the interstitial space were not immunolabelled with VASA. These results suggest that VASA can be utilized as a molecular marker for germ cells of stallions at pre‐pubertal and post‐pubertal stages. Interestingly, immunolabelling intensity was significantly higher in pachytene spermatocytes compared to spermatogonia and round spermatid. VASA antibody was also effective for staining of single germ cell preparations. In conclusion, VASA protein expression can be used as a marker for identification of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and round spermatids in testicular tissues of stallions.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatogenesis involves highly regulated temporal and spatial dynamics, carefully controlled by several signalling processes. Retinoic acid (RA) signalling could have a critical role in spermatogenesis by promoting spermatogonia differentiation, adhesion of germ cells to Sertoli cells, and release of mature spermatids. An optimal testicular RA concentration is maintained by retinaldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs), which oxidize RA precursors to produce RA, whereas the CYP26 class of enzymes catabolizes (oxidize) RA into inactive metabolites. The objective was to elucidate gene expression of these RA‐metabolizing enzymes (ALDH1A1, ALDH1A2, ALDH1A3, CYP26A1, CYP26B1 and CYP26C1) and their protein presence in testes of young, peripubertal and adult dogs. Genes encoding RA‐synthesizing isozymes ALDH1A1, ALDH1A2 and ALDH1A3 and RA‐catabolizing isomers CYP26A1, CYP26B1 and CYP26C1 were expressed in testis at varying levels during testicular development from birth to adulthood in dogs. Based on detailed analyses of mRNA expression patterns, ALDH1A2 was regarded as a primary RA‐synthesizing enzyme and CYP26B1 as a critical RA‐hydrolysing enzyme; presumably, these genes have vital roles in maintaining RA homeostasis, which is imperative to spermatogenesis and other testicular functions in post‐natal canine testis.  相似文献   

miRNAs are small non‐coding regulatory RNAs that play key roles in diverse biological processes. In this study, we used the Solexa sequencing technique to profile miRNAs in breeder cock testes to illustrate their functions. A total of 663 co‐expressed miRNAs and 3,180 co‐expressed piRNAs were detected in three libraries. Based on Mir‐X? miRNA qRT‐PCR, three miRNAs representing low, medium and high expression levels according to the sequencing results were selected randomly to validate the miRNAs' expression profiles. Results suggested that the miRNA expression profiles data could represent actual miRNA expression levels. Moreover, target genes prediction of the co‐expressed miRNAs and further Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analyses were performed, which revealed that some candidate miRNAs were involved in the regulation of the spermatogenesis process, spermatozoa function and testicular metabolism. In conclusion, we provided a useful resource for further elucidation of the miRNAs' regulatory role in spermatogenesis, contributing to a preliminary database for functional and molecular mechanistic studies in testicular metabolism, spermatogenesis and other testes functions.  相似文献   

Intersex, or the presence of characteristics of both sexes, in fishes that are normally gonochoristic has been used as an indicator of exposure to estrogenic compounds. In 2003, during health assessments conducted in response to kills and a high prevalence of skin lesions observed in smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in the South Branch of the Potomac River, the presence of immature oocytes within testes was noted. To evaluate this condition, a severity index (0-4) was developed based on the distribution of oocytes within the testes. Using gonad samples collected from 2003 to 2005, the number of histologic sections needed to accurately detect the condition in mature smallmouth bass was statistically evaluated. The reliability of detection depended on the severity index and the number of sections examined. Examining five transverse sections taken along the length of the gonad resulted in a greater than 90% probability of detecting testicular oocytes when the severity index exceeded 0.5. Using the severity index we compared smallmouth bass collected at selected sites within the South Branch during three seasons in 2004. Seasonal differences in severity and prevalence were observed. The highest prevalence and severity were consistently noted during the prespawn-spawning season, when compared with the postspawn season. In 2005, smallmouth bass were collected at selected out-of-basin sites in West Virginia where fish kills and external skin lesions have not been reported, as well as at sites in the Shenandoah River, Virginia (part of the Potomac drainage), where kills and lesions occurred in 2004-2005. The prevalence of testicular oocytes is discussed in terms of human population and agricultural intensity.  相似文献   

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