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Women continue to make significant contributions to farming. Not only do women participate in the traditional roles of homemaker, caregiver, and wife, they also work side-by-side with their spouses in keeping the farm viable. More daughters are entering the farming business, either as partners with other family members or as independent operators. Each year since the United States Department of Agriculture began including gender in the Census of Agriculture, the percentage of women engaged in agriculture has increased, and women's participation in agriculture is increasing faster than in other business segments. This article examines the role of women in agriculture and how sociocultural, economic, and physical factors may affect women's exposure to injury-producing events and their knowledge and beliefs about injury prevention. To date, few studies have examined work-related unintentional injuries among farm women. Even less is known about the extent to which occupational risks are recognized when women seek medical care. Differences in size and stature, increased physical strain, and low maximal oxygen uptake may predispose women to ergonomic-related injuries. Limitations of current research and recommendations for future analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

In conservative Anabaptist families, especially the Amish, children play many vital roles; this includes participation in daily living chores as well as occupationally related tasks. The goal of this qualitative study was to determine a culturally and age appropriate farm safety curriculum useful for the children of Amish and other conservative Anabaptist groups. The top areas of concern identified were lawnmowers and string trimmers, chemicals, water, livestock, confined spaces, tractors, and skid loaders. Amish children were reported to perform farm chores at a young age. Through this study, researchers did not find a strong tendency for parents to assign chores based on age or gender; rather, these assignments were based on the child's physical development, maturity, interest in the task, and birth order. The findings of this study hold up the need for additional agricultural safety curricula targeted toward children of these church groups for a broad range of ages and on a variety of farm topics.  相似文献   

Hispanic farm workers and their families in the U.S. face a number of environmental and occupational health risks, yet they are rarely given the opportunity to choose the focus of the research and interventions that take place in their communities. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) can be one effective approach to changing this situation. CBPR is an approach to research that makes community members partners in research rather than subjects of research. This article describes the experience of El Proyecto Bienestar (The Well-Being Project), a CBPR project in the Yakima Valley, Washington, with the aim of facilitating the Hispanic community's involvement in the identification and prioritization of occupational and environmental health issues among farm workers. The project utilized three forms of data collection (key informant interviews, community surveys, and a town hall meeting) to create a list of environmental and occupational health issues of concern. Investigators strove to provide opportunities for community participation in the various stages of research: study concept and design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, conclusions, and dissemination of results. This article describes the involvement that community members had at each stage of the three forms of data collection and outlines the basic findings that led the Community Advisory Board to prioritize four areas for future work. In addition, it describes the challenges the project faced from the researcher perspective. Using examples from this experience, we conclude that this model may be an effective way for farm workers and their families to have a voice in prioritizing health and safety issues for research and action in their communities.  相似文献   

鱼类养殖是通过人工方式在水中养殖各种鱼类的经济活动。鱼类养殖可以在淡水、海水或者盐碱水环境中进行,通过各种监测技术和设备来培育和管理鱼的生长和繁殖。传统的鱼类养殖监测方法存在效率低和准确性差等问题。近年来,基于深度学习的视觉技术的发展为鱼类养殖监测提供了新的解决方案。该文阐述了基于深度学习的视觉技术在鱼类养殖监测中的应用,并从鱼体测量、鱼类计数、鱼类摄食、鱼类游泳行为和鱼病诊断5个方面分别对研究进展进行梳理。在此基础上总结了鱼类养殖监测在数据采集与传输、建立鱼类养殖监测数据集、超规模参数模型、终端监测设备边缘计算、数字孪生、智能监测业务化应用不足等问题和展望,旨在为深度学习在鱼类养殖监测中的推广应用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Noise injury in agriculture is a significant yet often unrecognized problem. Many farmers, farm workers, and family members are exposed to noise levels above recommended levels and have greater hearing loss than their non-farming contemporaries. The aim of this study was to gather up-to-date information on farm noise levels and to enhance the quality of information available to assist farmers in reducing noise exposure and meeting Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations regarding noise management. Farm visits were conducted on 48 agricultural establishments that produce a range of commodities. Noise levels were measured at the ears of operators and bystanders involved in typical activities on farms. The average and peak noise levels were measured for 56 types of machinery or sites of farming activity, totaling 298 separate items and activities. Common noise hazards identified included firearms, tractors without cabs, workshop tools, small motors (e.g., chainsaws, augers, pumps), manual handling of pigs, shearing sheds, older cabbed tractors, and heavy machinery such as harvesters, bulldozers, and cotton module presses. We found that use of firearms without hearing protection presents a pressing hearing health priority. However, farming activities involving machinery used for prolonged periods also present significant risks to farmers' hearing health. Noise management strategies on the farm are essential in order to prevent noise injury among farmers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess socio-economic indicators, nutritional status and living conditions of farm workers and their families, with the purpose to develop research and intervention programmes aimed at enhancing nutritional status and quality of life. DESIGN AND SETTING: Three farm schools in two districts of the North-West Province and farming communities were selected. Anthropometrical measurements, structured face-to-face questionnaires and focus group discussions were carried out in 2002 and 2003 by a multidisciplinary research team. RESULTS: Access to electricity, water and sanitation, as well as monthly food rations or subsidies, vary and depend on farm owners. The majority of adults have education below or up to grade four, farm schools provide only up to grade seven. Distance to farm schools and intra-household issues hamper children's attendance and performance at school. Household food security is compromised due to a lack of financial resources, infrastructure and also household resource allocation. This impacts negatively especially on children, with half of them being underweight, stunted or wasted. Employment is usually linked to men, while most women have access to casual jobs only. Insecurity of residence and the perceived disempowered position towards farm owners add to feelings of hopelessness and stress. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This study highlights destitute living conditions of farm worker families. Apart from structural and financial constraints, paternalistic structures of the past might also hamper development. Based on these findings, follow-up research projects and in-depth investigations into underlying social issues with regard to nutrition insecurity and livelihoods of farm workers were initiated.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents who perform farm chores are exposed to cumulative trauma injury risks, particularly to the low back. For example, they may routinely handle heavy materials and need to adopt awkward postures during farm chores. Two potential interventions aimed at reducing low-back injury risk were examined in the laboratory: the use of a rugged cart and proper orienting of feed bags to ease feed transport; and the use of a modified feed bin, intended to allow easier access to product scooped from the bin at different levels. A lumbar motion monitor device was used to quantify trunk movement and determine injury risk level. Fourteen male and female youth who regularly perform these farm chores participated in the study. The cart significantly reduced low-back injury risk by nearly 10%, compared with manual feed bag lifting and carrying. The modified feed bin did not significantly reduce low-back injury risk, compared with traditional scooping. Regardless of the method used, however, scooping feed from the top of the bin reduced lower back disorder risk by 50% or more compared to the two lower levels. This study showed that relatively simple and low-cost solutions can be applied to farm environments to help protect the low backs of youth who perform farm chores.  相似文献   

Little information currently exists regarding the risk of low-back disorders among youth who perform physically demanding farm activities. Thus, afield study was conducted in which children and adolescents who engage in farm work were recruited, fitted with a lumbar motion monitoring system, and then observed performing their usual chores. The lumbar motion monitor was used to record the trunk movements required while youth were performing routine manual material handling tasks on a farm. Workplace factors and motions from both males and females were recorded on over 40 farm tasks, such as feeding animals, lifting bales of hay and straw, and other miscellaneous farm chores. Although the sample size and number of observations in this study were small, the results showed that the magnitude of several work-related factors, such as weight and horizontal moment arm, and trunk motions for many farm activities were equal to or greater than those associated with high injury risk jobs previously assessed in industrial workplaces. In this study, we quantified the physical demands of tasks performed by children and adolescents on farms. In addition, the specific farm chores more likely to load the spines of youth and thereby contribute to musculoskeletal injury were identified.  相似文献   

从微观层面厘清生猪规模养殖户污染防治的行为逻辑,对宏观层面优化畜禽养殖污染治理具有重要驱动作用。为分析养殖户的无害化处理和资源化利用行为的影响因素,本文以福建省406个生猪规模养殖户为研究对象,运用结构方程模型分析养殖户心理认知对其污染防治行为的影响,并通过层次分析模型检验环境规制对心理认知-防治行为的调节效应。结果表明:1)生猪规模养殖户的污染防治行为是其在心理认知的显著正向影响下,并由环境规制的综合调节而形成的理性选择。2)养殖户的污染防治行为决策源于其对责任意识、生态理性、治污能力自我评估等的认知,是对其他养殖户的参照和对政府、非养殖户环境诉求的积极响应,也是规避风险的理性选择。3)激励性和引导性措施是对约束性环境规制的重要补充,约束性规制措施对无害化处理行为具有更显著的调节效应,激励性规制对资源化利用行为更具调节作用,引导性规制对污染防治行为具有综合调节效应。4)据此,提出加强对市场激励性规制和村规民约等非正式制度手段的应用,充分考虑养殖户对生猪养殖的依赖性及其污染防治的行为控制能力,兼用引导弃养、产业转移扶持和警示惩戒手段等促进生猪规模养殖污染防治的建议。  相似文献   


Contemporary agricultural practices and the public's understanding of the same are not necessarily in synchrony. Beliefs about the economic contribution of agriculture, farming practices, and their impacts on the environment and community, and the motivations of farmers were explored via a mail survey of Illinois residents. Respondents were asked to consider farms by structure and describe what they perceive to be attributes or behaviors differentiating family or corporate farms. Respondents recognized the value of agriculture to the state. Overall, agriculture was ranked among the seven standard industry categories as that with the most important economic impact. However, this sector was ranked lower by residents in counties with or adjacent to population centers of a hundred thousand residents or more and by the non farm population. Although perceived distinctions between crop and livestock operations were not substantial, strong differences were perceived between corporate and family farms. Perceived factors differentiating the two farm types included ownership, operation size, business motivation, separation of management and labor, operator's concern for and participation with the local community and environment, heritage, source of labor, and locale of residence. Family farms were perceived in a much more favorable light than their corporate counterparts.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the one-year cumulative incidence of work-related injuries in teenage agricultural workers and to characterize the patterns and types of agricultural work performed by teenagers, we performed a community-based random-digit dialing telephone survey. We used a sampling frame of farm and non-farm households to access information on teenage agricultural workers. An agricultural community in eastern Washington State was selected due to the high number of teenage youth and its agricultural economy. Teenage agricultural workers who worked for an agricultural business owned by one of their family members were more likely to work a greater number of seasons, work fewer hours per week, perform tasks involving driving, animal care, and mechanic work, and were less likely to be seasonal workers or work in the harvest than teenagers who did not work for a family member. A similar pattern of work differences was seen when comparing non-Hispanic to Hispanic agricultural workers. Teenagers working for a family member in agriculture had a higher injury rate than teenagers working for an agricultural business not owned by a family member. The injury rate among Hispanic teenage agricultural workers was also higher than that of non-Hispanics.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify social, behavioural and cultural factors that explain the thinness of young women relative to their men in rural Maharashtra, India. DESIGN: Twelve focus group discussions were conducted to explore the villagers' understanding of why women in their area might be thinner than men. SETTING: Pabal village and surrounding hamlets, in the Pune district of Maharashtra, India. SUBJECTS: Samples of young mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers were selected from families in the village with children below 10 years of age. RESULTS: Four factors were identified that the villagers felt contributed to the disparity in thinness. First, marriage isolated girls from their own families and villages, and brought the expectation of early motherhood. Young brides were often unable to relax and eat adequately. Second, marriage increased the workload of young women. They were expected to do the heaviest household chores as well as farm work in this predominantly agricultural community. Third, women had no financial autonomy or freedom of movement, and were therefore denied access to supplementary food sources available to men. Fourth, young women felt responsible for their household's health and success. They were encouraged to fast regularly to ensure this. Despite feeling responsible, young women had no control over factors that might affect the household's well being. This made them anxious and worried a great deal of the time. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions to improve the nutritional status of young women in this region need to recognise the roles and responsibilities taken up by young brides.  相似文献   

通过对余江县3个乡镇的农户访谈式调查,对农户水土保持行为机理进行了分析。研究表明农户兼业行为、传统生产习惯、农业经营规模、农业劳动力状况、水土流失现状与家庭经济条件等因素对农户水土保持行为有较大影响。通过相关性分析,建立了多元线性回归模型。模型运行结果表明,农户水土保持行为主要受到非农收入比例、从事农业生产的时间、从事农业人口数量、经营土地面积、水土流失减产损失、家庭人均收入以及距离城市远近等因素的影响。非农收入比重高的农户,水土保持投入的积极性不高。农业人口多的农户,或者受家族传统影响较勤劳的农户,其水土保持投资也多。据此,提出了激励农户水土保持投资行为和改善水土流失治理现状的相关建议。  相似文献   

The impact of AgrAbility was evaluated through a survey of farmers and ranchers with disabilities who have been served by AgrAbility. The general demographics of the client population and assistance received were evaluated. Other information gathered included client ability pre- and post-onset of a disability and implications of self-reported outlook for the future. Eight states with AgrAbility programs participated in this cooperative survey with the National AgrAbility Project, with a 58.7% response rate (N = 618). The client population was mostly male (85.2%) with an average age of 53.3 with many working full-time (42.4%), part-time (27.6%), only off-farm (3%), or both off and on the farm (27%) in predominately row-crop (58.2%), cattle (not dairy) (46.6%), and hay or forage (41.4%) operations. Nearly half (48.2%) of the clients reported that the origin of the disability was due to a chronic health condition, as opposed to an injury. The majority of clients reported receiving information referring them to a funding source (42.0%) and receiving technical assistance with modifications around the farm or ranch (41.3%). Only two areas of farm operation were reported to have increased after the onset of disability (farm office from 43.8% to 61.2% and household chores from 30.9% to 36.0%). Field machinery operation continues to be the most common activity on the farm, with 73.3% reporting operating field machinery after the onset of disability. The present sample was more optimistic than expected. From a simultaneous multiple linear regression analysis, the factors contributing to positive future outlook include: ability to manage one's chores, machinery, and farm, F (5, 387) = 34.91, p < 0.001). Implications for safety professionals are included.  相似文献   

不同农作措施红壤坡耕地水土流失特征的研究   总被引:19,自引:11,他引:19  
研究了 6种不同农作措施下红壤坡耕地水土流失特征 ,结果表明 :同顺坡农作措施相比 ,其它农作措施均具有明显减轻水土流失的作用 ,休闲处理能减少径流流失 4 2 .8% ,减少泥沙流失量 85 .0 2 % ;等高土埂处理能减少径流流失 70 .2 0 % ,减少泥沙流失量 95 .0 4 % ;水平草带能减少径流流失 3 2 .3 3 % ,减少泥沙流失量 4 5 .88% ;水平沟处理能减少径流流失 4 5 .6% ,减少泥沙流失量 63 % ;等高农作能减少径流流失 5 6.3 3 % ,减少泥沙流失量 87.70 %。等高土埂、等高农作、休闲处理减轻水土流失的作用优于水平草带和水平沟处理 ;泥沙流失除等高土埂和等高农作以外 ,其它处理均是推移质流失量大于悬移质流失量 ;径流流失和泥沙流失主要集中在 5~ 8月份 ,约占全年流失总量的 80 %以上。影响径流和泥沙流失的主要因素为降雨量、降雨侵蚀力、植被覆盖度等因素。  相似文献   

双山基地新型精准农业“可视化管理”初步实践与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“可视化管理”(VM)是一种现代化的企业管理方法, 本研究中首次将其应用于双山基地机械化作业管理。本文基于大型拖拉机作业特点, 重点讨论了实施精准农业中的可视化管理方法。首先介绍了可视化管理的功能, 并对双山基地的精准农业可视化管理平台构成进行了简要说明。该平台的核心功能是提供了卫星与航空遥感、近地面视频监测、土壤测定、小型气象站等手段及时获取作物长势、肥力、水分、病虫害、草害、成熟度以及天气等信息, 采用可视化管理方法支持施肥与其他田间管理的决策; 同时建设了综合性农业数据库, 研发了可视化机械作业进程管理与计划自动编制软件。该平台集成了3S、视频监测、互联网等软件技术。已经完成的演示系统曾经在2010 年举办的“现代农业发展与国家粮食安全暨东北农业现代化高峰论坛”上展示介绍, 获得了到会农业专家与领导的好评。  相似文献   

We studied the atmospheric aerosol of a farm directly on farm, downwind, and in the background with the aim to characterize the aerosol source of livestock farming physically and chemically. The farm hosted chicken, cattle and pig.The farm was found to be a source of primary and secondary particles. Super-μm particles of various types were emitted from the stables and adjacent facilities related to farming activities. On farm elevated concentrations of ammonia, particulate ammonium and nitrate were observed. The significant emission of condensation nuclei and large, 2 μm-sized particles (droplets) was observed under humid conditions in plumes which most likely originated from open manure pits at least in one case. It is suggested that this aerosol mode consisted of ammonium haze droplets formed by saturation of advected air with ammonia within a few minutes. In one night, a mass uptake of Δm > 5.4 μg m-3 in the super-μm mode was observed along with a loss of Δm = —1.0 μg m-3 in the sub-μm mode based on differential sampling upwind and downwind of the farm. The particulate matter mass median diameter was correspondingly shifted from 1.32 to 3.39 μm. About one third of the mass increase was due to organic carbon. Furthermore, differential sampling showed particulate calcium and nitrate/nitric acid to be emitted from the farm, too. The study encourages to systematically characterize the aerosol emitted from livestock raising in future studies of similar kind.  相似文献   

This study analyses the influences of sociodemographic factors, business orientation of farmers, and farm characteristics on adoption of ICT-based information through primary data collected from 461 farmers in eight districts of Uttar Pradesh, India. A personal interview survey was conducted using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. The Poisson Count Regression Model was used to analyze the factors influencing use of the information derived through ICT-based systems on various agricultural practices. The findings indicate that education, income, and social category of farmers are important sociodemographic factors affecting the adoption of ICT-based information systems. Similarly, farmers who consider farming as a business venture, practice a diversified cropping system, and have small farms are more likely to use ICT-based information.  相似文献   

Family, Youth and Community Sciences (FYCS) is an agricultural science department traditionally served by a science librarian. The unique set of information requirements that have grown with the scope of the department makes it a challenge to meet the diverse needs. No longer primarily covering the rural household, the department now encompasses theoretical, methodological, empirical, and practical issues associated with urban life, social trends, and complicated life-long financial planning. The information needs of this department far exceed the standard knowledge base of the traditional science librarian and require a strong foundation in social science, business, education, and health sciences information sources. This creates a restriction in information access for the many and varied members of FYCS departments. In order to relieve the restriction, science librarians must familiarize themselves with a variety of resources from statistical databases, government and international sources, and social science databases. This article covers the changes in the FYCS department, the expansion of information needs, the resources of vital importance to research and students, and the challenges to the science librarian in meeting their needs. The article concludes that the science librarian should understand the growing interdisciplinary nature of this science field and recognize the steps that must be taken to increase access to information.  相似文献   

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