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一、及时换盆 盆栽月季随着植株的生长要及时换盆。一般从刚成活到半年以内的小植株,可用口径12cm~15cm的土盆.一年生的成株可用口径20cm左右的盆.一年生以上的壮株,可用口径30cm的盆,以利于发根。换盆时间南方在十一月下旬至十二月上旬进行,北方宜在早春解;东后进行。换盆时要去除部分老干,剪掉过长和病、弱根。先将盆底排水孔用碎瓦片垫好,  相似文献   

正1、黑松盆景18-20cm 190盆价:360万元2、黑松景观树25-35cm 22棵价:1 20万元3、日本罗汉松景观树25-40cm 23棵价:360万元4、榕树盆景20-30cm 45盆价:70万元5、真柏盆景20-35cm 20盆价:280万元6、杂木盆景(极品)5盆价:30万元7、台湾罗汉松盆景3盆价:20万元8、本地罗汉松景观树19棵价:10万元全园总价1250万元,如分类购买方可面谈,以上价格要以各品种  相似文献   

1 容器的选择 要求质地坚固 ,排水透气性良好 ,体积稍大些 ,以便能容纳较多的营养土 ,盆、箱等多种容器皆可。有些容器如釉盆、瓷盆等 ,虽然外形美观 ,但排水透气性差 ,且价格昂贵 ,不宜采用。一般采用盆口直径 4 0~ 5 0cm、深 30~ 4 0cm陶瓷盆 (未上釉 ) ,或直径 4 0~ 5 0cm、高 30~ 4 0cm的木箱。2 盆土的配制 盆土又称“营养土” ,要求疏松、肥沃。盆土配制的原料可根据各地的情况就地取材 ,选用来源广泛、成本低、不带病虫害、无污染的材料。可按腐质土 4份、园田土 2 5份、粗沙 3份、骨粉 0 5份配制 ,混拌均匀。每立方米营养…  相似文献   

1枣树盆景的制作1.1盆器和土壤的选择枣树盆景盆器以圆形为主,可选择陶盆、瓦盆、木箱或者瓷盆,盆底有排水孔,前三种透气性好,为最佳选择,瓷盆透气性较差,但更为美观,盆的大小要根据枣树的大小选择,一般内径要大于25 cm,盆高25 cm左右,后期根据枣树的生长情况换盆。土壤要求质地疏松、肥沃,通透性好,一般采用园土,腐殖土和沙土按2:1:1的比例混合,筛掉其中的大颗粒,杀菌晾晒后即可使用。  相似文献   

本件盆器圆鼓形,高7.5cm,口径23.8cm,足径18.8cm。敛口、浅腹、弧壁、平底、圈足。盆内施白釉,釉色青中闪灰,釉面光亮莹彻,釉质肥厚细润。贫外腹部用青花绘莲花纹饰,正中有青花书写正德年制楷书款。正德中晚期,有此青花盆器改用回青料,因此青花色调出现淡紫色或鲜艳浓重的深蓝色。此盆由故宫博物院收藏。  相似文献   

为探明南疆喀什地区瓜蚜(Aphis gossypii)的生物学特性,分析了在室内条件下光照对南疆瓜蚜繁殖以及瓜蚜对金瓜植株生长的影响。结果表明,光照时间为5 d时,光照具有刺激瓜蚜繁殖的作用;光照超过5 d以后,光照具有抑制瓜蚜繁殖的作用。南疆瓜蚜对金瓜植株的生长具有一定影响,对照组金瓜植株总高度的增量达到了11.00 cm,而处理组1~5号盆金瓜植株总高度的增量均小于对照组,最大值为2号盆的10.50 cm,最小值为3号盆的6.50 cm。此外,瓜蚜数量与金瓜植株的生长之间没有表现出特定的相关性。3号盆瓜蚜数目增量最大(1159头),植株总高度增量也最小,仅为6.50 cm。5号盆瓜蚜数目增量(1133头)明显大于4号盆(644头),但植株总高度增量(9.90 cm)却大于4号盆的增量(8.30 cm)。因此,光照能够影响南疆瓜蚜的繁殖,此外,南疆瓜蚜能够影响金瓜植株的生长。  相似文献   

黄锋  王海 《烟台果树》2005,(2):35-35
果桑易管理,生长快,易造形,而且果实、花色多样,色泽艳丽,叶片翠绿,观之可爱,食之味美,是美化环境、净化空气的新兴盆栽树种之一。现将果桑盆栽技术介绍如下。1 盆的选择素烧盆和木质盆最适宜栽种果桑。为增加其观赏性,可采用塑料盆或木质桶。由于塑料盆透气性差,可在盆底铺垫5cm厚的粗砂,并沿内壁垫一层新瓦,然后填土栽树。根据果桑的根系生长特点,应选花盆的上口径为50cm, 盆深50-75cm。  相似文献   

采用的诱捕器,在7~8月多雨季节,诱捕害虫常常会因为盆内灌满雨水而随雨水溢出,使观测数据不准。笔者于2006年诱捕苹果桃小食心虫和金纹细蛾时对诱捕盆进行了简单的改进后有效解决了这一问题,现介绍如下。选择硬质、盆壁较厚的塑料盆做诱捕盆,要求塑料盆最好选用绿色的,无绿色的也可选用黄色或红色的,盆口径20~25cm、深度8~10cm。在距盆沿下2cm处,对称呈十字形钻4个小孔,孔径3~4mm,作为排水孔。再在盆沿上对称钻2个小孔,将一细铁丝(18~20号)自两孔中穿过,拉直,固定在盆的中间。再在铁丝中央处扭一小环,将诱芯用一大头针自剖面向上穿过后弯成…  相似文献   

八仙花俗名绣球,是我国的传统花卉栽培品种。结合重庆气候特点,采用从德国引进的优良八仙花盆花新品种和生产技术,成功生产出株25-30cm、花径20cm、每盆着花3~4朵、开花整齐一致的高品质盆花。较为详细地介绍了生产过程和管理经验。盆花生产全过程约需12个月以上,分扦插苗期(穴盘苗期)、营养生长期、休眠期、开花期4个阶段来管理。  相似文献   

苹果、梨、葡萄、桃、杏、李子、石榴、无花果以及柑桔类等均可盆栽。盆栽时应选择好容器。用陶制普通花盆时,盆的上口径40-50cm,底径35cm左右,高30m左右。别种容器的大小可仿此规格,也可根据树体的大小,先栽于小盆,随树体的不断长大而更换大盆。选肥沃疏松通气且透水性好的土壤做盆土,山地林下的腐殖质土是很理想的盆土。一般营养土以熟土为主,掺入1/4腐熟的有机肥和1/3的细砂混合均匀即可。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare potato seed tuber production of cvs. Monalisa and Agata growing in beds, pots or hydroponics, with either single or staggered harvests. All culture systems were established in plastic sheeting-covered greenhouses protected with an anti-aphid network. The beds and 3 L pots were filled with Plantmax® substrate and placed in suspended beds. The hydroponic system utilized NFT (Nutrient film technique) and 4 m × 15 cm × 7 cm PVC tubes with a 4% slope and the fertilizers were a commercial formula. Each experiment was 4 treatments in factorial Scheme 2 × 2 with 2 cultivars (Monalisa and Agata) and 2 harvest methods (single and staggered). All three experiments were carried out in randomized design with 6 replicates and 7 plants per replicate.  相似文献   

5个矮生牡丹品种黄化嫩枝扦插技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 研究了牡丹矮生品种‘银粉金鳞’、‘蓝田玉’、‘金玉交章’、‘小胡红’和‘石原白’黄化嫩枝扦插繁殖的关键环节和影响因素。结果表明, 该5 个品种黄化嫩枝生根率依次为91.0%、80.9%、78.6%、40.6%、20.0%; 于10月中旬截取长4~6 cm、基部直径0.5 cm以上的黄化嫩枝, 将形态学下端浸泡在20~25℃的IBA 100 mg/L或‘ABT 2号’150 mg/L中16 h, 扦插于粒径3~4 mm的蛭石基质里,‘银粉金鳞’插穗的生根率最高, 达93% , 且不定根健壮、上盆栽培生长良好。  相似文献   

Biochemical analyses were carried out to characterise the basis of self-incompatibility in the olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars ‘Amygdalolia’ and ‘Konservalia’. Multiple interactions between cells of different types, origin, and function occur in the pistil. Endogenous factors play important roles in ovary and fruit development before (Stage 1) and during pollination (Stage 2), and after fertilisation (Stage 3). Changes in carbohydrate, protein, H2O2, and calcium ion concentrations, and in peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and ascorbate peroxidase activities in pistil tissue before and during pollination, and after fertilisation were investigated. In both cultivars, H2O2 concentrations were significantly higher in pistil tissue before pollination, after which they started to decrease in Stage 2 and continued non-significantly in Stage 3. Peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and ascorbate peroxidase activities were lower at Stage 1 and Stage 2, whereas these enzyme activities increased at Stage 3 in both cultivars. The lowest concentration of calcium ions was observed at Stage 1, whereas at Stage 2, calcium ion concentrations increased and reached their highest level, then decreased at Stage 3. Calcium ion concentrations in ‘Konservalia’ were higher than in ‘Amygdalolia’. In ‘Konservalia’, the highest protein concentration was observed at Stage 2. No significant differences were found in carbohydrate concentrations between the two cultivars. The biological significance of the presence of these products may differ between Stage 1, when they have a defence function, Stage 2 when there are interactions between pollen and pistil, and Stage 3 after fertilisation. This study provides support for the hypothesis that there is a correlation between self-incompatibility, stress-related enzyme activities, and calcium ion concentrations in the pistils of olive.  相似文献   

平邑甜茶幼苗生长、根构型及吸收特性的容器调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范伟国  杨洪强 《园艺学报》2009,36(4):559-564
 以平邑甜茶[Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd.] 幼苗为材料, 研究了栽培容器形状对幼苗新梢生长、幼苗根构型特征及根系营养吸收特性的影响。结果显示, 生长在“深窄盆”中的幼苗新梢生长量最大, 主根粗, 侧根多且短, 毛细根丰富, 对钙及锌的吸收能力较强, 但根系活力及根系对磷、铁的吸收能力较弱; “等高径盆”中幼苗新梢生长量小, 根冠比接近1, 主根细短、一级侧根少且粗长, 对钾的吸收能力较强; “浅宽盆”幼苗根冠比最大, 一级侧根数量、长度和粗度居中, 二级侧根粗长, 根系活力及根系对磷、铁的吸收能力较强, 但对钾、钙及锌的吸收能力弱。  相似文献   

The effect of keeping tomato seedlings in pots until the first flower opened, instead of planting them directly into the border at germination, was to hasten flowering of the first and second inflorescences but to delay that of the third and subsequent inflorescences. Delay in planting also tended to increase branching of the first inflorescence and to reduce branching of the second and subsequent inflorescences. The longer the plants were kept in pots before planting, the greater were the effects.  相似文献   


The combined effect of fruit load and water stress on fruit water content and dry-matter accumulation was analysed for three phenological stages of fruit growth. Irrigation treatments were no irrigation during Stage I (NI-SI), Stage II (NI-SII), or Stage III (NI-SIII) compared with a fully irrigated control. Three thinning treatments were imposed within each irrigation treatment resulting in fruit loads ranging from low to high. Fruit harvests at the end of Stage I, II and III were used to determine total tree fruit fresh and dry matter after each stage of fruit development. Fruit water accumulation was highly sensitive to the effect of water stress at high fruit loads in all fruit developmental phases, but reductions in fruit water content were more apparent during Stages II and III than during Stage I. On the other hand, fruit dry-matter accumulation was relatively insensitive to water stress at any fruit load level and developmental stage. However, reductions in dry-matter accumulation were obtained during Stage III from those trees that were not irrigated during Stage I (NISI). Since these reductions occurred only for mid-to-high fruit load conditions, the decreases in fruit growth during Stage III appeared to be related to a carbon source limitation. The possible reasons for this source limitation are discussed.  相似文献   

荔枝果实发育时期的新划分   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 荔枝果实的个体发育应划分两个时期(第1期和第Ⅱ期),第Ⅱ期又可划分为两个亚期(Ⅱa和Ⅱb)。第1期是以果皮和种皮发育为主,为果实缓慢生长阶段,种子的溶质累积生长率小于水分累积生长率,果皮的溶质累积生长率与水分累积生长率近似; Ⅱa期大约维持14 d,种胚快速生长,其它部分也有一定量的生长,溶质累积生长率大于水分累积生长率,而具败育种子果实不具有Ⅱa期; Ⅱb期大约持续21 d,假种皮快速膨大生长,溶质累积生长率小于水分累积生长率,成熟过程加速进行。聚类分析结果也进一步验证了这种划分方法符合数学变化规律。  相似文献   

谢启鑫  庄东红  吴奕恒 《果树学报》2007,24(2):157-161,F0003
以油柿下胚轴为材料进行了不定芽再生和再生苗生根的研究,旨在建立油柿的离体再生体系,为转基因操作奠定基础。结果表明,在所试验的所有培养基中,MS(1/2N)+IAA0.1mg/L+ZT2.0mg/L最适合油柿下胚轴培养,其不定芽再生率和外植体平均不定芽数最高,分别为81.7%和(5.3±2.1)个。再生苗接种于添加IAA和IBA各0.5mg/L的MS(1/2N)培养基上生根效果最好,生根率达100%,平均根数达(3.2±1.4)条,平均根长度为(2.4±1.0)cm,且侧根较多、植株生长迅速而健壮。再生苗生根后移栽,30d时成活率达96%。  相似文献   


Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) was evaluated on deep rooted, mature pistachio trees grown under high evaporative demand in the low rainfall southern San Joaquin Valley of California. The focus of this work was to assess the impact of deficit irrigation during various parts of the season with the goal of determining which period was most stress tolerant in terms of nut production. Pistachio nuts have a unique fruit growth pattern in which rapid kernel growth does not begin until about six weeks after full shell size has been attained. Our hypothesis was that irrigation could be reduced during this period with limited negative effects on production. The season was divided into three preharvest periods: leafout to full shell expansion (Stage 1), full shell expansion to the onset of rapid kernel growth (Stage 2), and rapid kernel growth to harvest (Stage 3). Water deprivation during Stage 1 applied 7.2% less water than the near-fully irrigated Control without any yield loss, based on mean values for the last “on” and “off” alternate bearing years of this study. Shell splitting (endocarp dehiscence) at harvest (a positive impact) was significantly higher (10.4% relative to the Control) but this was offset by a nut weight reduced by 9.4%. Stage 3 water deprivation (53% less applied water than the Control) significantly reduced nut size, shell splitting, mechanical nut removal by tree shaking, and yield, while increasing kernel blanking and abortion. Postharvest water deprivation (5.0% less applied water than the Control) had no significant negative effects on yield components. Six irrigation regimes that applied water at various rates were used to investigate Stage 2 behaviour. While there were no significant differences in yield components among these regimes, the best production occurred with deficit irrigation during Stage 2 at 50% of near-potential ETc during Stage 2 and 25% of near-potential ETc after harvest. This RDI regime saved about 180 mm of water (23.2% of the Control) and water use efficiency was significantly higher (4.69 versus 3.61 kg marketable fruit per mm water, for this RDI regime and the Control, respectively). We believe RDI during Stage 2 and postharvest is a viable irrigation strategy to save water while maintaining top yields of high quality pistachio nuts. Further work is needed to determine if the improved shell splitting harvest that occurred with Stage 1 stress can be exploited to improve grower profits.  相似文献   

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