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为了掌握南水北调东线江苏境内工程输水河道和调蓄湖库水面蒸发损失水量,及其所造成的泵站机组损失功率,了解水面蒸发对工程调水效率的影响,分析比较了适用于工程所在地区的水面蒸发量计算模型和计算公式,计算了工程沿线输水河道和调蓄湖库的水面蒸发量,分析了工程水面蒸发量的时间和空间分布特征.通过积分,计算了水面蒸发造成的各梯级泵站的流量损失和输入功率损失,求解并分析了水面蒸发对整个江苏段工程调水效率的影响.结果表明:工程沿线水面年蒸发量自南向北、西北方向逐渐递增;蒸发量夏季最高,冬季最低;全线平均水面年蒸发量为862.2 mm.洪泽湖、骆马湖、白马湖和输水河道蒸发损失水量分别占总蒸发损失水量的77.7%,13.3%,3.6%和5.4%,蒸发损失水量约占源头泵站抽水量的17.46%,使工程平均调水效率降低10.33%.调水工程可以考虑采用管道输水,从而避免蒸发损失.  相似文献   

为了掌握南水北调东线江苏境内工程输水河道和调蓄湖库水面蒸发损失水量,及其所造成的泵站机组损失功率,了解水面蒸发对工程调水效率的影响,分析比较了适用于工程所在地区的水面蒸发量计算模型和计算公式,计算了工程沿线输水河道和调蓄湖库的水面蒸发量,分析了工程水面蒸发量的时间和空间分布特征.通过积分,计算了水面蒸发造成的各梯级泵站的流量损失和输入功率损失,求解并分析了水面蒸发对整个江苏段工程调水效率的影响.结果表明:工程沿线水面年蒸发量自南向北、西北方向逐渐递增;蒸发量夏季最高,冬季最低;全线平均水面年蒸发量为862.2 mm.洪泽湖、骆马湖、白马湖和输水河道蒸发损失水量分别占总蒸发损失水量的77.7%,13.3%,3.6%和5.4%,蒸发损失水量约占源头泵站抽水量的17.46%,使工程平均调水效率降低10.33%.调水工程可以考虑采用管道输水,从而避免蒸发损失.  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济的持续快速发展,杭嘉湖区域水质型缺水和水环境恶化问题十分严重。结合扩大“引江济太”调水试验及杭嘉湖南排放水换水试验,研究杭嘉湖区域从太湖流域进行调水解决该地区水质型缺水和水环境恶化的问题。从杭嘉湖区域整体入手,研究杭嘉湖区域水量水质联合调度及多工程联合调度,通过对各调水方案的改善效果和负面效应进行综合分析,优选出了改善效果较好的调水方案。  相似文献   

滇池环境需水量及牛栏江引水效果预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
污染源治理、生态修复和外流域调水是当前滇池水污染治理的三大重要举措。滇池流域综合治理从入湖污染物治理、生态修复和重建、外流域调水3方面,构建了以环湖截污、外流域调水、入湖河道治理、农业农村非点源治理、流域生态修复及生态清淤等六大重点工程体系为核心内容的滇池水环境综合治理对策,以实现流域综合治理目标及任务。以总体方案研究成果为基础,综合分析滇池流域水环境综合治理的改善效果,模拟分析规划水平2020年滇池水质满足规划水质保护目标的环境需水量,并结合牛栏江调水工程规划,预测牛栏江补水的水质达标效果及其环境补水水质要求,为滇池外流域调水工程规模与引水水质的合理确定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

蔷薇河承担着连云港市城区生活、生产与生态等水源供给任务,同时也是沿线农业生产的重要水源.长期以来受农村农业面源污染、酸洗石英砂点源污染等因素影响,蔷薇河水质不稳定,尤其是高锰酸盐指数、氟化物等易发超标,水质改善难度较大.本文在统计梳理蔷薇河2018—2019年水质监测数据的基础上,系统分析了蔷薇河沿程水质变化情况及水质...  相似文献   

景电二期工程利用灌溉间隙和空闲容量向民勤调水工程2001年开始正式调水,至2006年底累计调水2.42亿m3.调水计量设施为喉宽3.05 m的大型巴歇尔量水槽.调水过程中,民勤县水务局用流速仪进行了调水流量测定,提出调水流量超过4.5 m3/s时偏差过大的问题.通过对该量水槽及所在渠道过水能力和调水过程中的相关数据的分析,提出了问题产生的原因和解决问题的办法.  相似文献   

东深供水工程修建于20世纪60年代,30多年来,为确保香港的繁荣、稳定以及深圳经济特区、工程沿线各地的经济发展,东深供水工程充分发挥了巨大的作用.工程沿线全长83 km,拥有22座抽水站,6座拦河坝,2座中型水库,3座水电站,长6 km以上的大型输水隧洞,年供水能力达17亿m3以上.  相似文献   

跨区域跨流域调水是我国水资源优化配置的重要组成部分之一.太湖流域内水流缓慢,环境容量低,引水清污成为太湖流域改善水环境质量的手段之一.在污染源难以得到有效治理的条件下,引水使得江河原水中污染物发生二次迁移,对流域水环境质量产生污染风险.基于三角模糊数原理以及a-截集技术,选取氨氮关键水质参数,评估太湖流域典型调水试验受水区水质污染风险程度,从而为太湖流域水利工程的科学调度提供理论依据.  相似文献   

淮安市城市河道水环境治理对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐洪云 《排灌机械》2002,20(1):40-42
城市河道不仅具有城市防洪除涝功能,而且与城市供水、环保、绿化等息息相关。河道水环境的好坏,将直接影响一个城市的整体形象,长期以来,淮安市城区境内的里运河、大运河、废黄河、盐河等河道防洪标准低、淤塞严重,水质恶化、功能退化,远远不能适应建设大城市、绿水城市的目标。造成上述问题存在的主要原因是缺少统一规划、排水体系不足、管理体系混乱、沿线排放污水严重。为提高淮安市城市河道水环境,提出了必须超前做好城区河道综合整治规划、高标准建设防洪工程、排水工程雨污分流,充分发掘城区河道文化内涵、全面实施河道综合整治,推行城市河道管理等的一体化工作。  相似文献   

资源型、工程型、水质型缺水已成为制约隆德县发展的瓶颈.针对近年来隆德县降水量偏少、无有效降水、旱情日趋严重、城乡居民供水严重不足的突出问题,提出通过境内跨流域调水、客水调入、加快现有工程建设改造力度等工程措施,从根本上解决隆德县长期缺水的困境.  相似文献   

本研究旨在实现水资源水质水量的优化配置,通过对水资源水质水量优化配置的生态经济学理论进行分析,指出水资源水质水量优化配置的概念,在内涵分析基础上确定了水资源水质水量优化配置的具体阈值原理和模型体系框架.同时对青海水资源水质水量的优化配置进行分析,指出不同区域的水资源水质水量需要进行针对性的优化配置.  相似文献   

以杭州市清泰水厂进水泵房给水泵为对象,通过对千岛湖作为第二供应水源后水质变化进行理论分析和试验研究,以及水源变化后水泵实际流量扬程等性能进行分析研究,提出在千岛湖、钱塘江等多水源下给水泵的选型设计。通过给水泵叶轮切削的方式,使给水泵新的工况点处于高效区域内,确保给水泵安全顺利生产运行,提高进水泵房给水泵的效率,满足日供水量的要求。  相似文献   

农田水利建设一直是我国农业发展的重中之重,最初的农田一般仅依靠自然河水和雨水进行灌溉,而后由兴修的水利工程进行灌溉,农水建设发展到今天开始重视环境水生态.传统农田水利向环境水生态转变是一种必然的发展趋势.这种形式的转变能够最大限度地满足农业经济发展中的用水需求,而且不会对生态环境带来危害.本文主要分析农田水利发展对环境的影响,并概述了传统农业水利向环境水生态转变的过程.  相似文献   

The use of a simulation package to study the consequences of various water allocation policies during time of water shortage is described. The study shows that simulation can be a valuable aid to irrigation scheme managers in their decision making.  相似文献   

Summary Barley plants (Hordeum distichum, L., cv. Zita) grown in a sandy soil in pots were adjusted during a pretreatment period of 5 days to three levels of soil water osmotic potential by percolating 61 of a nutrient solution with additional 0, 22.3 and 44.6 mM KCl. A drying cycle was then started and the plants were harvested when the soil water matric potential had decreased to –1.4 MPa, respectively 6, 7 and 8 days later.No significant differences in dry matter yields, transpiration coefficients and wilting percentages were found between treatments.During the drying cycle leaf water potential ( l ) decreased concomitantly with decrease in soil water potential ( s ) with almost constant and similar differences ( l s ) for all treatments despite differences in levels of potentials. The concomitant decrease in leaf osmotic potential () was due partly to dehydration (58%) and partly to increase in leaf solute content (42%) independent of treatment. The part of total osmotic solutes due to K decreased relatively during the drying cycle.Close relationships were found between and l as functions of relative water content (RWC). Identical curves for the two levels of salt treatment agree with similar concentrations of K, Cl, and ash found for salt treated plants indicating that maximum uptake of macro nutrients may have been reached.During the main part of the drying cycle the turgor potential as function of RWC was higher and decreased less steeply with decreasing RWC in the salt treated than in the non-salt treated plants.In the beginning of the drying cycle additions of KCI lowered the transpiration rates of the salt treated plants resulting in a slower desiccation of the soil and hence an increased growth period. A delay in uptake from a limited soil water supply may be advantageous during intermittent periods of drought.  相似文献   

在水资源管理中,水量水质联合调控主要是为了协调生态环境.利用运筹学、系统方法论、宏观经济学为计算基础,通过控制流域污染物来达到水质控制的目标.基于此,本文对水资源管理中水量水质联合调控的模式进行探讨.  相似文献   

Mexico passed a new water law in 1992 that shifted from state-managed water policy to a regulated market-oriented policy with tradable water rights. Water trading will initially be closely supervised by government agencies, but the law includes a number of provisions that will allow liberalization of water markets as water users become more involved in operation and management of water and gain experience in water trading. Incentives for the Mexican water policy reforms include the growing economic value of increasingly scarce water; the rising budgetary costs from highly subsidized capital development and operations and maintenance for irrigation and water supply systems; and general liberalization of the Mexican economy, which has raised the cost of maintaining relatively inflexible water allocation systems that cannot respond to changing incentives.  相似文献   

The resource potential of shallow water tables for cropping systems has been investigated using the Australian sugar industry as a case study. Literature concerning shallow water table contributions to sugarcane crops has been summarised, and an assessment of required irrigation for water tables to depths of 2 m investigated using the SWIMv2.1 soil water balance model for three different soils. The study was undertaken because water availability is a major limitation for sugarcane and other crop production systems in Australia and knowledge on how best to incorporate upflow from water tables in irrigation scheduling is limited. Our results showed that for the three soils studied (representing a range of permeabilities as defined by near-saturated hydraulic conductivities), no irrigation would be required for static water tables within 1 m of the soil surface. Irrigation requirements when static water tables exceeded 1 m depth were dependent on the soil type and rooting characteristics (root depth and density). Our results also show that the near-saturated hydraulic conductivities are a better indicator of the ability of water tables below 1 m to supply sufficient upflow as opposed to soil textural classifications. We conclude that there is potential for reductions in irrigation and hence improvements in irrigation water use efficiency in areas where shallow water tables are a low salinity risk: either fresh, or the local hydrology results in net recharge.  相似文献   

在水利工程项目建设中,水闸工程项目占据着极其重要的作用.换言之,水闸工程质量的好坏,在很大程度上将直接关乎到整个水利工程项目的整体效果,包括使用寿命、功能发挥等.在工程建设过程中,水闸这一环节一旦出现了问题,对于整个工程及其下游地区,都会造成安全隐患,极大危害着当地居民的财产与生命安全.本文重点针对水利工程项目中的水闸设计环节,选取了春风河水利工程项目实例探讨,着重以该工程的水闸设计为研究对象,加以论述.  相似文献   

Results from a field experiment examining soil water fate within U.S. Golf Association (USGA) putting greens were used to examine the validity of a water flow simulation model. The experiment used six different sandy root zones each with depths of 300 mm overlying a 100 mm thick gravel layer. Data collected over two growing seasons consisted of measured rainfall, irrigation, drainage volume, and soil water contents; and calculated turfgrass evapotranspiration (ET). Turfgrass rooting was measured at the end of each growing season, and water retention curve and saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements were conducted at the end of the study. For each root zone treatment, HYDRUS-2D (H2D) was calibrated using a subset of the experimental data and then validated by comparing observed and predicted water contents at 76, 152 and 229 mm depth and over both growing seasons. Model efficiency (E) ranged from 0.33 to 0.78; Mean Absolute Error (MAE) ranged from 0.012 to 0.024 m3 m−3; and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) ranged from 0.015 to 0.028 m3 m−3, for the six treatments and both years. Also, RMSE values were at best slightly larger than and at worst twice as large as the mean standard deviation values of replicate measurements. Thus, H2D simulation performed reasonably well in describing the water content results of the field study. The calibration results provide evidence of hysteresis in water retention where water retention properties from the field appear to follow the sorption or wetting curve as compared with the laboratory measurements following the desorption or drying curve. This suggests that standard laboratory measurements of water release would not precisely predict water retention behavior in the field and over estimate water storage of these capillary barrier soils. The validation results provide evidence for turfgrass use of perched water held within these profiles, even though turfgrass rooting is shallow and water storage principally occurs deep within the root zone. Thus, the perched water of USGA putting greens should serve reasonably well as a water reservoir for subsequent turfgrass use, allowing for water conserving irrigation practices that makes use of this stored water.  相似文献   

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