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<正>1发病情况近年来,蛟河市部分中小型养猪户受猪无名高热病困扰,已造成很大的经济损失。本病是由多种病原体混合感染引起的。发病急,传播快,  相似文献   

刘小英  赵强 《猪业科学》2023,40(10):72-74
<正>猪副伤寒病是一种传染病,其发生是由致病性沙门氏菌感染引起的,猪在急性发病后表现为败血症症状,慢性发病表现为坏死性肠炎症状,还可以见于肺部病变引起病猪的咳嗽和呼吸困难。发病严重的猪如果没有得到及时治疗,则会死亡。本病给养殖场造成的危害十分严重,也造成了巨大的经济损失。本文通过对猪副伤寒病进行详细的分析和归纳,并针对其治疗方法进行探讨,旨在为本病的防控提供科学的方法,以供广大养猪场进行参考。  相似文献   

<正>猪蓝耳病,即猪繁殖与呼吸综合症(PRRS),是由动脉炎病毒科中的猪繁殖与呼吸综合症病毒引起猪的一种高度接触性传染病;是由猪繁殖与呼吸综合症变异病毒引起的一种急性高致病性疫病。本病传播速度快,发病面广,已给全世界养猪业造成巨大的经济损失。该病于1996年在我国北京及  相似文献   

仔猪副猪嗜血杆菌病主要由于运输、天气骤变、饲料的变更等应激因素诱发。仔猪一旦发病可通过空气、飞沫、污染物传播,引起全群发病,给养殖户造成经济损失。仔猪副猪嗜血杆菌病是由副猪嗜血杆菌引起仔猪发生的传染性疾病,本病可引起各年龄  相似文献   

猪肺疫俗称"锁喉风",是由多杀性巴氏杆菌引起的以呼吸系统性征候为主的传染病。本病一年四季均可发生,但主要发生于晚秋、寒冬和早春季节;本病的发生与猪体抗病力高低和病原菌毒力强弱有很大关系,通常中、小猪感染发病较多而大猪感染发病较少;多呈散发,有时可呈地方性流行;常导致患猪生长发育不良、增重缓慢、饲料利用率下降甚至死亡,可给养猪业造成相当大的经济损失。  相似文献   

生猪高致病性蓝耳病是一种免疫抑制性疾病。此病传播迅速,病程较长,引起严重经济损失。控制本病的关键是要进行综合防制,尽量避免因反复注射等外界刺激因素而加重病情,在针对原发病采取防治措施时,注意防范继发病,最大限度防止病情蔓延,减少经济损失。  相似文献   

猪气喘病是由支原体感染所引起的一种传染性疾病。猪发病后的主要表现为不断咳嗽和喷嚏,发病严重的病猪还会出现死亡。养殖场一旦发生该病很难将其彻底清除,会给养殖场造成重大的经济损失。本文主要对猪气喘病进行详细的分析和总结,旨在帮助养殖场能够防控本病。  相似文献   

猪支原体肺炎,又称猪喘气病、猪地方流行性肺炎。本病是由猪肺炎支原体(Mh)引起的一种慢性、接触性传染病,是一种重要的免疫抑制性疾病。本病存在于世界各地,其死亡率虽然不高,但由于流行的广泛性、长期性和消耗性,可使饲料转化率降低,并引起猪的多种并发病,是造成养猪业经济损失的最重要的疾病之一。  相似文献   

<正>猪支原体肺炎是由猪肺炎支原体引起的慢性消耗性呼吸道传染病,也称猪地方流行性肺炎或猪霉形体肺炎、猪气喘病。本病有明显的咳嗽、气喘和腹式呼吸症状,主要侵害猪的肺脏,给养猪业造成较大的经济损失。1流行特点本病一年四季均可发生,但以秋冬、冬春交替季节及冬季发病较多。本病仅发生于猪,各种年龄,性别,品种的猪均可感染。年龄越小越易感染且较为严重。年  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒病的发病特点及防控对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
猪圆环病毒病又称为猪圆环病毒感染(porcinecircovirus infection,PCI),是由猪圆环病毒2型(PCV-2)引起的一种传染病。由于本病正在全世界范围内传播,我国发病也较多,且目前尚无商品化疫苗和有效治疗药物,因而使养猪业蒙受了惨重的经济损失,已引起人们的高度关注。1发病特点1.1流行广泛目前,本病在美国、加拿大、德国和日本等国均有发生。近年来,我国相关的发病报道也越来越多。大量的PCV-2血清学调查结果表明,我国大部分地区均有本病存在。在有的地区,本病发生呈上升趋势,若与其它猪病混合或继发感染,其危害性仅次于猪瘟。迄今为止,本病…  相似文献   

猪弓形虫病是由刚地弓形虫感染引发的一种血液原虫病,该种疾病属于人畜共患病和典型的免疫性疾病,可以在多种牲畜群体中寄生。猪群一旦受到弓形虫感染,病情会快速传播,蔓延防控不及时,还会造成整个猪群全部发病,死亡率有时高达60%以上,是危害生猪养殖产业的常发病和高发病。因此,需要加强流行病学调查,在疾病进入流行高发期前,采取针对性措施防控,提高防控效果,降低发病率,保障养殖安全。该文探讨猪弓形虫病的流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、诊断方法和防治措施。  相似文献   

牛结节性皮肤病又称牛结节性皮炎、牛结节疹或牛疙瘩皮肤病。临床上以发热、皮肤出现水肿、消瘦、淋巴结肿大、局部溃疡、可形成坚硬的结节为主要特征,世界动物卫生组织将该病列为法定报告的动物疫病。该病潜伏期长,病毒流行传播快不易发现;发病急,是严重影响养牛业健康发展的疫病之一。加强生物安全的综合防控措施,强化动物检疫工作,可以最大限度地减少疫情的传播。牛结节性皮肤病的发生,早诊断、早处置,对控制疫情的蔓延极为重要。各地畜牧兽医部门应建立内部疫情通报制度,落实疫情报告责任,使疫情地区接壤的相关区域尽快建立免疫隔离区,防止疫病的蔓延和传播。  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo simulation has been developed to describe the spread of classical swine fever virus between farms within a certain region. The data of the farms can be imported and considered individually. Transmission occurs via the infection routes direct animal and indirect person and vehicle contact, as well as by contaminated sperm and local spread. Parameters, such as incubation period and probability of detection, can be varied by the user and their impact on disease spread can be studied. The control measures stamping-out, movement control and pre-emptive slaughter in circular restriction areas as well as contact tracing can be applied and their effect on disease spread can thus be analysed. The numbers of culled and restricted farms and animals per epidemic and per day within an epidemic, the epidemic duration and the total length of restrictions per restricted farm are given. In an example, simulation runs were performed under the condition of application of all four-control measures. Because no real farm data were available, a test area was generated stochastically with a farm density of 1.3 farms/km(2). The distributions of the number of infected farms per epidemic and the epidemic length are shown.  相似文献   

牛口蹄疫是国家一类重特大传染性疾病,会严重威胁地区牛养殖产业的安全,给养殖户带来巨大经济损失,降低牛养殖产业的生产效益。再加上牛口蹄疫是一种人畜共患病,疾病传播流行中,如果没有做好个体防护很易造成病毒,向人扩散蔓延,威胁周边居民的生命财产安全。在充分掌握牛口蹄疫病发生现状的基础上,需要进行认真细致的分析,构建针对性的防控措施,降低疾病发生流行造成的危害。在充分掌握新宾县牛口蹄疫发生现状的基础上,对牛口蹄疫疾病的诊断和提出防治措施。  相似文献   

口蹄疫是由口蹄疫病毒引起的偶蹄动物的一种急性、热性、高度接触性一类传染病,具有发病急、蔓延快、传播广、危害大等特点。我国对本病采取了100%注射疫苗强制免疫的措施,有效地控制了本病的发生及蔓延。然而在注苗免疫过程中,因个体差异等原因,个别家畜往往出现不同程度的过敏反应,有时因救治不及时或治疗方法不当造成死亡,给养殖户带来一定的经济损失,也影响了防疫工作的有效推进。文章通过一例牛口蹄疫免疫过敏病例的救治,介绍了牛在接种口蹄疫疫苗后可能出现的应激反应,并提出了解救措施,为及时、有效处理口蹄疫疫苗应激反应提供参考。  相似文献   

In the absence of data, qualitative risk assessment frameworks have proved useful to assess risks associated with animal health diseases. As part of a scientific opinion for the European Commission (EC) on African Swine Fever (ASF), a working group of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) assessed the risk of ASF remaining endemic in Trans Caucasus Countries (TCC) and the Russian Federation (RF) and the risk of ASF becoming endemic in the EU if disease were introduced. The aim was to develop a tool to evaluate how current control or preventive measures mitigate the risk of spread and giving decision makers the means to review how strengthening of surveillance and control measures would mitigate the risk of disease spread. Based on a generic model outlining disease introduction, spread and endemicity in a region, the impact of risk mitigation measures on spread of disease was assessed for specific risk questions. The resulting hierarchical models consisted of key steps containing several sub-steps. For each step of the risk pathways risk estimates were determined by the expert group based on existing data or through expert opinion elicitation. Risk estimates were combined using two different combination matrices, one to combine estimates of independent steps and one to combine conditional probabilities. The qualitative risk assessment indicated a moderate risk that ASF will remain endemic in current affected areas in the TCC and RF and a high risk of spread to currently unaffected areas. If introduced into the EU, ASF is likely to be controlled effectively in the production sector with high or limited biosecurity. In the free range production sector, however, there is a moderate risk of ASF becoming endemic due to wild boar contact, non-compliance with animal movement bans, and difficult access to all individual pigs upon implementation of control measures. This study demonstrated the advantages of a systematic framework to assist an expert panel to carry out a risk assessment as it helped experts to disassociate steps in the risk pathway and to overcome preconceived notions of final risk estimates. The approach presented here shows how a qualitative risk assessment framework can address animal diseases with complexity in their spread and control measures and how transparency of the resulting estimates was achieved.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus (BTV) can be spread by movement or migration of infected ruminants. Infected midges (Culicoides sp.) can be dispersed with livestock or on the wind. Transmissions of infection from host to host by semen and trans-placental infection of the embryo from the dam have been found. As for any infectious animal disease, the spread of BTV can be heavily influenced by human interventions preventing or facilitating the transmission pathways. This paper describes the results of investigations that were conducted on the potential role of the above-mentioned human interventions on the spread of BTV-8 during the 2006 epidemic in north-western Europe. Data on surveillance and control measures implemented in the affected European Union (EU) Member States (MS) were extracted from the legislation and procedures adopted by the national authorities in Belgium, France, Germany, and The Netherlands. The impact of the control measures on the BTV-incidence in time and space was explored. Data on ruminant transports leaving the area of first infection (AFI) to other areas within and beyond the affected MS were obtained from the national identification and registration systems of the three initially affected MS (Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands) and from the Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) of the European Commission. The association between the cumulative number of cases that occurred in a municipality outside the AFI and the number of movements or the number of animals moved from the AFI to that municipality was assessed using a linear negative binomial regression model. The results of this study indicated that the control measures which were implemented in the affected MS (in accordance with EU directives) were not able to fully stop further spread of BTV and to control the epidemic. This finding is not surprising because BT is a vector-borne disease and it is difficult to limit vector movements. We could not assess the consequences of not taking control measures at all but it is possible, if not most likely, that this would have resulted in even wider spread. The study also showed an indication of the possible involvement of animal movements in the spread of BTV during the epidemic. Therefore, the prevention of animal movements remains an important tool to control BTV outbreaks. The extension of the epidemic to the east cannot be explained by the movement of animals, which mainly occurred in a north-western direction. This indicates that it is important to consider other influential factors such as dispersal of infected vectors depending on wind direction, or local spread.  相似文献   

We describe an approach to modelling the spatio-temporal spread of foot and mouth disease through feral animal and unfenced livestock populations. We used a susceptible-infected-recovered model, implemented in a cellular automata framework, to assess the spread of FMD across two regions of Queensland, Australia. Following a sensitivity analysis on the infectious states, scenario analyses were conducted using feral pigs only as the susceptible population, and then with the addition of livestock, and initiated in the wet season and in the dry season. The results indicate that, depending on the season the outbreak is initiated, and without the implementation of control measures, an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease around Winton could continue unchecked, while an outbreak around Cape York may die out naturally. The approach explicitly incorporates the spatial relationships between the populations through which the disease spreads and provides a framework by which the spread of disease outbreaks can be explored through varying the model parameters. It highlights the emergence and importance of spatio-temporal patterns, something that previous modelling of FMD in feral animal and unfenced livestock populations has lacked.  相似文献   

猪瘟是由猪瘟病毒感染引发的一种病毒性传染性疾病,在生猪养殖中,该种疾病具有极强传染性,具有发病率高、死亡率高的特点。在疾病防控过程中,需要养殖户提高重视程度,掌握上述该种疾病的具体病理变化和临床表现,然后进行严格的实验室诊断,确定致病原,然后采取综合措施防控,避免病毒传播蔓延,造成严重经济损失。该文主要分析生猪检疫过程中猪瘟有效鉴别诊断和无害化处理措施。  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎是由传染性支气管炎病毒感染引发的一种急性呼吸道疾病,为防范鸡传染性支气管炎发生流行,需要养殖户掌握该种疾病的具体发病特点,并构建针对性的防控措施,降低发病率,保证养殖安全。该文主要分析鸡传染性支气管炎的诊断和综合防控。  相似文献   

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