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为了对一例因单侧睾丸肿大而就诊的7岁雄性未绝育博美犬进行诊断,试验采用体格检查、B型超声波检查、血常规指标检查、生化指标检查及细胞学检查进行初步诊断,然后根据诊断结果进行治疗。结果表明:该犬经初步诊断患有睾丸精原细胞瘤,进行手术切除双侧睾丸后预后良好;术后经过病理组织学检查进一步诊断,确诊为精原细胞瘤。  相似文献   

对犬精原细胞瘤进行病理学诊断和分析,探讨犬精原细胞瘤病理学特点,为诊断睾丸原发性肿瘤提供资料。观察比较犬精原细胞瘤组织病理学特征,总结精原细胞瘤的临床特征,为今后该类肿瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断提供有效资料。精原细胞瘤睾丸常见的原发性肿瘤,常见于老年犬,恶性睾丸肿瘤的发病率低。  相似文献   

隐睾是犬的常见病,分为腹股沟隐睾和腹腔隐睾。本文对3例犬腹腔隐睾进行了微创摘除和组织病理学观察。利用腹腔镜对犬进行腹腔探查,找到隐睾,并使用微创手术器械将隐睾摘除。术后3个病例均恢复良好。术后对隐睾样本进行组织病理学观察,结果显示均发生病变,3例隐睾的组织病理学诊断结果分别为睾丸支持细胞瘤、睾丸精原细胞瘤和慢性睾丸炎。结论:利用微创手术治疗犬腹腔隐睾具有创口小、出血少、术后恢复快等优点。由于腹腔隐睾发生病变的概率较高,应尽早手术摘除。  相似文献   

睾丸肿瘤(Tumor of Testis,TOT)常见于犬,公犬发生睾丸肿瘤的几率很高,是犬类仅次于皮肤癌、位居第二的高发性肿瘤,有些品种如拳师犬、吉娃娃犬、波美拉尼亚犬、贵妇犬等易发。睾丸肿瘤是一个不太规范的形态学统称,病理学分类上通常包括精原细胞瘤、精母细胞瘤、睾丸间质细胞瘤和畸胎瘤等类型。睾丸肿瘤的发病率和恶变率随着公犬年龄的增大而升高,特别是高龄犬较常发,  相似文献   

通过研究隐睾症比格(Beagle)犬睾丸、附睾的组织病理学改变,建立适用于GLP的实验动物背景性资料。采用常规组织学方法,对比格犬隐睾及正常侧睾丸、附睾进行光学显微镜观察,确定组织病理学变化特点。与正常组织相比,隐睾胶原纤维组织增生,睾丸曲细精管内仅见少量精原细胞及支持细胞。附睾间质增宽,间质内填充增生的胶原纤维,附睾管内精子缺如。需加强比格犬自发病变的病理监测,为药物安全性评价提供实验动物的背景资料。  相似文献   

正犬睾丸肿瘤是犬的常见肿瘤,主要有三种,即支持细胞瘤、精原细胞瘤和间质细胞瘤。支持细胞瘤又称赛特利细胞瘤或足细胞瘤,是这3种肿瘤中最易辨认的肿瘤,该肿瘤体积大,发病后肿瘤睾丸分泌雌激素,引起雌性化、脱毛及血恶液质。2016年3月初,作者遇见1例睾丸支持细胞瘤,现将诊断和治疗情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

收集深圳市2010年-2012年部分宠物医院的犬肿瘤病例41例,采用组织病理学方法对犬肿瘤病例进行组织学分类,并对患病动物的年龄、性别和发生部位进行了统计分析。38例确诊肿瘤病例中,皮肤肿瘤有19例,包括鳞状细胞癌4例、基底细胞癌5例、乳头状瘤3例,皮脂腺瘤和肛周腺癌各2例,脂肪瘤、黑色素瘤、角化棘皮瘤各1例;乳腺肿瘤9例,包括乳腺癌3例、乳腺鳞状细胞癌2例、乳腺癌肉瘤2例、黏液癌1例,患犬以雌性为主;其他部位肿瘤分别有纤维肉瘤2例,血管瘤、肺癌、淋巴瘤、睾丸精原细胞瘤、睾丸支柱细胞瘤、组织细胞癌、鳞状细胞癌、乳头状瘤各1例。上述结果显示,犬肿瘤的高发部位是皮肤,其次是乳腺,其发生年龄以7岁以上为多,在发病动物的品种上没有明显差别;除乳腺肿瘤外,其余肿瘤的性别差异不大。本研究为犬肿瘤的流行病学及诊断提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

犬的避孕方法有手术法、药物法和冷冻法.其中手术法(又称阉割法)是把睾丸和附睾切除,为临床上常用的方法。手术法的避孕效果确实,可避免睾丸和附睾的疾病。但手术创伤较大,偶尔出现并发症,术后犬的正常生理生殖活动改变较大。  相似文献   

犬睾丸支持细胞瘤是兽医临床常见的犬睾丸肿瘤,主要发生于老年犬,尤其患隐睾的病犬,病犬表现为脱毛、色素沉着、不育等临床症状。2009年8月,我们根据病史调查、临床检查、腹腔探查及病理解剖学检查的结果,诊断病犬为腹股沟隐睾良性支持细胞瘤,手术治疗取得良好效果。  相似文献   

结合临床特点,对1例犬睾丸肿瘤进行了病理学分析。结果表明:部分肿瘤组织结构、曲精小管的构造明显,瘤细胞的体积较大,呈多边形,核膜清晰,核仁明显;瘤细胞呈片状排列,瘤细胞分裂相较多,且常见瘤巨细胞。根据病史、临床症状及病理组织学分析患犬所患的睾丸肿瘤为睾丸精原细胞瘤。  相似文献   

A 15-year-old crossbred dog was presented with a severe cough of acute onset and an enlarged right testis. Symptomatic treatment for presumed 'kennel cough' failed to produce any improvement and at re-examination the dog had developed a swollen right forelimb. Radiographic examination suggested a diagnosis of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (Marie's disease) associated with pulmonary metastases from a testicular tumour. The dog was re-presented five days later with acute-onset severe vomiting and the owner elected for euthanasia. Necropsy was performed and histopathological assessment confirmed the presence of a Sertoli cell tumour in the right testis with multiple pulmonary and renal metastases. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is a rare complication of metastatic canine Sertoli cell tumour. The authors know of no previously reported cases.  相似文献   

Abstract— The testes of the dog descend near the time of birth but little is known about the normal variability of this or about the retractability of the juvenile testis after descent. Therefore, it is difficult to give a firm diagnosis or prognosis when presented with a prepubertal dog in which one or both testes are not in the scrotum. Ectopic testis, displaced testis, anorchidism and monorchidism must also be considered in the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography and nuclear imaging were used in the diagnosis of scrotal hernia in a dog. Both techniques were useful as aids in the differential diagnosis of scrotal enlargement. Nuclear imaging was useful in ruling out testicular torsion; ultrasonography revealed a normal-appearing testis amid fluid and portions of omentum.  相似文献   

A bilateral testicular neoplasm from an 11-year-old mixed-breed male dog was removed surgically and examined histologically. The neoplasm was nonencapsulated and composed of acinar and tubular structures lined by one or more layers of neoplastic polyhedral epithelial cells with an abundant mucinous secretion. On histochemistry, all neoplastic cells and associated secretions were periodic acid-Schiff positive. Some neoplastic cells and all associated secretions were positive on mucicarmine stain, and some neoplastic cells, all the stroma, and associated secretions were positive on alcian blue stain. On immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells had strong diffuse cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for cytokeratin and vimentin, weak scattered cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for carcinoembryonic antigen and neuron-specific enolase, and no immunoreactivity for S-100. On the basis of histopathology, histochemistry, and immunohistochemical findings, a diagnosis of mucinous adenocarcinoma of rete testis was made. Rete testis adenocarcinoma is a well known but very rare neoplasm in humans. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the mucinous variant of adenocarcinoma of the rete testis in a dog.  相似文献   

文章研究治愈母犬胃内异物的同时做绝育手术的效果。对病犬采用临床检查、血常规检查、血清生化检查、影像学检查等方法确诊胃内有异物,并通过手术取出胃内异物的同时进行绝育。结果表明:从母犬胃内取出一块大小为2 cm×1 cm×1 cm的石子,并成功给母犬做绝育,术后恢复效果较好。该病例的诊疗经验为临床上犬胃内异物的诊治和绝育手术提供参考。  相似文献   

对接诊的1只8岁犬进行了一般检查和B超检查,保守治疗无效,手术切除肿物,用10%福尔马林固定病变组织,制作石蜡切片,观察病理组织学变化,确诊为犬乳头状囊腺瘤。并对此病的病因、发病机理、诊断和治疗方法等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A 7-year-old male miniature schnauzer dog with unilateral cryptorchidism was presented for elective orchiectomy. Surgery to remove the cryptorchid testis revealed a fully formed uterus with horns attached to both testis and the body and cervix terminating at the prostate gland. The gross and microscopic diagnosis for the genital tract was persistent Müllerian duct syndrome with unilateral cryptorchidism. Additional associated lesions included cystic endometrial hyperplasia and a solitary, intratubular seminoma within the undescended testis. Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome is rare among domestic animals but is more common in miniature schnauzer dogs because of inheritance as an autosomal recessive trait.  相似文献   

A case of intersexuality in a Pug that was bought as a male in a pet shop is described. The dog was presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Turin, for a reddish mass protruding from the prepuce. The mass had the aspect of an enlarged clitoris, with a caudoventral direction and a dorsal urethral ostium. A gonad was palpable in the left inguinal region. Laparotomy confirmed ultrasound detection of an abdominal uterine structure together with the right gonad. The histology of both gonads was similar, showing an exclusively masculine character, with seminiferous tubules lined only by Sertoli cells; the uterus showed a normal histological structure. Karyological analysis revealed a female karyotype (78,XX), and polymerase chain reaction showed the absence of Sry. The diagnosis was an XX male. The pathogenesis of the XX sex reversal syndrome in dogs is not completely understood, as Sry, the master gene regulating testis differentiation, is not present; to date, no genetic cause has been identified for this phenotypic condition in dogs. This case is unusual because the dog showed an inguinal testis, implying a partial activity of the mechanisms leading to abdominal testis translocation along a gubernaculum and transinguinal migration.  相似文献   

An eight-week-old male puppy affected with trypanosomiasis and dumb rabies was presented at the University of Nigeria Veterinary Hospital. The dog had a septic wound on the side of the face. The clinical signs suggested trypanosomiasis and this diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory examination. After treatment with Berenil and antibiotics, the puppy apparently recovered, but a week later became anorectous and recumbent. Dumb rabies was suspected and the dog died in a quarantine kennel less than 24 hours later. Negri bodies were detected in brain smears from the dog and a mouse inoculation test was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Dumb rabies poses serious public health hazards to dog owners and their families, as well as to those occupationally exposed to dogs.  相似文献   

The right testis and epididymis were excised from a Beagle dog that ejaculated high percentages of sperm with detached tails and with coiled tails. Cross sections of the organs were stamped on glass slides and histological examination of the organs was performed to find the portion where sperm with the abnormal tails appear. Many sperm with tails whose axoneme was exposed near the neck region were observed in the testis and they decreased in order from the caput, to the corpus, and the cauda epididymis. Sperm with detached tails and sperm with coiled tails gradually increased in the epididymis. These findings indicate that the tails of sperm with an exposed axoneme detached in the epididymis.  相似文献   

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