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笔者在临床中曾遇一60日龄仔猪,体重9.5公斤,左侧有一睾丸,无阴茎、包皮,尚有外阴户,小便由雌性尿道排出。行小挑见:右侧子宫角发育正常,卵巢、输卵管肿大,左侧子宫角、输卵管、卵巢较正常的短小近一倍,色苍白,无韧性。小挑后一切正常,留睾丸,至5月龄体重25公斤,有雄性爬跨行为。行  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同日龄伊拉兔睾丸和附睾组织在性成熟前的变化规律,为其初情期及性成熟的判定提供组织学依据。【方法】将45只伊拉兔随机分为9组,每组5只,从30日龄开始每隔15日采集1组试验兔的睾丸及其附睾,运用形态学与组织解剖学方法对其生长发育规律进行研究分析。【结果】随着日龄的增加,睾丸指数、睾丸重、睾丸长径、睾丸短径及厚径等指标逐步增加,且150日龄时各指标均显著高于其他组(P<0.05);30、45、60日龄睾丸内生精小管排列稀疏,75、90、105日龄时睾丸间质成分逐渐增多,管腔逐步形成,120、135、150日龄时间质细胞进一步增生并成群分布,90日龄起出现圆形和长形未成型精子,120日龄的睾丸生精小管、附睾管腔中出现少量成型精子,150日龄时有大量精子密集分布于睾丸管腔内,且在120、135、150日龄时生精小管面积、上皮细胞厚度、支持细胞数均显著大于其他组(P<0.05);30日龄以上各组间质细胞个数在各组间差异不显著(P>0.05),但均显著高于30日龄;120、135、150日龄时附睾头、体、尾的直径均极显著高于其他组(P<0.05),而附睾头的柱状上皮厚度和纤毛长度则从105日龄起就显著高于30、45、60、75和90日龄组(P<0.05)。【结论】伊拉兔睾丸和附睾随日龄增加同步发育,在120日龄时达到初情期,在150日龄时睾丸和附睾已发育成熟,基本达到性成熟。  相似文献   

雄性雏鸵鸟生殖器官的形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明雄性雏鸵鸟生殖器官的形态学特点,采用石蜡切片和HE染色技术,对6羽45日龄雄性非洲雏鸵鸟的生殖器官进行了研究,并与家禽的相关结构进行了比较。在光镜下观察了雄雏鸟生殖器官的形态结构,结果表明:(1)鸵鸟睾丸没有睾丸纵隔和睾丸小叶,曲精小管中精原细胞排列紧密且整齐,睾丸间质较少;(2)附睾由睾丸网、输出小管和附睾管组成;(3)输精管管壁由黏膜、肌层和外膜3层组成;(4)阴茎由2个圆形的纤维性淋巴体、淋巴间隙和微血管共同构成。  相似文献   

每年9月秋分节气之后,气候逐渐由炎热变凉爽,白昼时间迅速变短,夜晚变长,在这种光周期条件下,乌苏里貉生殖器官即开始发育(当年出生的青年貉)和再发育(二龄以上的成年貉)。9月下旬至11月下旬为种貉准备配种前期,种公貉睾丸到11月可发育增长到16~18毫米大,12月到翌年1月;为准备配种后期,睾丸进一步迅速发育;1月底至2月初。睾丸直径可长至25~30毫米,睾丸质地松软而具弹性。阴囊明显、下垂,附睾中已有成熟的精细胞。种母貉的卵巢及双角子宫,9月下旬随着秋季光周期的变化而开始发育,子宫逐渐增厚、变粗;到1月下旬至2月上旬,卵巢已产生成熟的滤泡。  相似文献   

生殖器官的先天性异常在睾丸和附睾主要表现为发育不全或形成不全(一侧或双侧睾丸缺失),隐睾、睾丸发育不全,沃尔夫氏管节段性发育不全,旁睾、雄性子宫等。阴囊的先天性异常表现为阴囊发育不全或缺失,两侧阴囊分离和阴囊疝。阴茎和包皮的先天性异常表现为尿道裂口、短阴茎、阴茎系带过短,包皮口狭窄和假两性畸形。  相似文献   

家兔作为一种实验动物 ,推动了繁殖技术的发展。本试验通过对不同年龄公獭兔的睾丸进行组织学观察、测定 ,研究精子的发生规律 ,为系统地进行繁殖生理工作提供依据。1 材料与方法选 60日龄、75日龄、90日龄 3个年龄公獭兔各5只 ,用外科手术法摘取两侧睾丸 ,放入 Bouin氏液中固定 ,二甲苯透明 ,石蜡包埋 ,切成 5~ 8μm切片 ,H.E.染色。在显微镜下观察 ,并进行定量组织学指标测定及差异性比较。2 结果和讨论2 .1 睾丸定量组织学指标的测定结果 见表 1。表 1 獭兔睾丸定量组织学指标   μm,个 /精细管60日龄 75日龄 90日龄曲细精管…  相似文献   

枫泾猪公猪生殖器官和性机能的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验用不同年龄枫泾公猪73头。结果表明,公猪生殖器官相对生长率以90日龄前最高。睾丸曲精细管外径在初生、30、60和90日龄分别为65μ、76μ、127μ、和209μ,210日龄已达329μ。精子在曲精细管和附睾尾部管腔中首次出现的日龄分别为70和80。于88(81—96)日龄,体重19(15.5—27.0)公斤,小公猪首次出现射精能力,精子活率为0.48,可见枫泾公猪性成熟之早。  相似文献   

选用不同日龄东北民猪母猪16头和公猪18头,进行卵巢和睾丸的组织学观察。结果表明,母猪在90日龄时均出现成熟卵泡,并且有1头试猪出现黄体;公猪90日龄时曲细精管出现精子,120日龄时附睾内出现精子。  相似文献   

大鸨生殖系统形态结构初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对7只不同年龄♂♀体大鸨生殖系统的形态结构解剖发现:大鸨雄性生殖系统由睾丸、附睾、输精管和交配器组成,无真正的阴茎,而具有阴茎体。睾丸一对,黑色、长形、豆状,右侧在前,左侧睾丸略大于右侧。大鸨睾丸从孵化出壳到性成熟无颜色变化,只是体积和重量增长。附睾在幼年时不明显,而在成体发情期时显著,呈前端较大的纺锤形。输精管外观为半透明、黑色弯曲的线状,沿输尿管向后延伸至泄殖腔壁形成突起,即输精管乳头;雌性生殖系统由卵巢和输卵管组成。卵巢和输卵管仅左侧正常发育,右侧输卵管退化为—短白色盲管。左卵巢因卵泡发育而呈葡萄串状。左输卵管在性未成熟时为一直形细管,性发育成熟后有较多弯曲,管径也增大,可分为漏斗部、壶腹部、峡部、子宫和阴道5部分。  相似文献   

采用免疫组化技术检测55、104、300和1140日龄建昌黑山羊睾丸、附睾头和附睾尾中促卵泡素受体(FSHR)和孕酮受体(PGR)分布和表达水平。结果表明:FSHR和PGR在建昌黑山羊的睾丸和附睾中均有表达,而且在睾丸和附睾的表达水平与发育日龄有关。  相似文献   

为了更深入地了解连城白鸭睾丸生长发育规律。试验通过测定100、120、140、160、180、200、240和480日龄连城白鸭的睾丸长径、短径和重量等指标,比较分析连城白鸭各阶段睾丸重、睾丸体积和睾丸指数之间的关系,结果表明:连城白鸭100日龄至480日龄间的体重无显著差异,而100日龄至180日龄睾丸生长发育迅速,睾丸总重、睾丸总体积和睾丸指数迅速增长;180日龄至240日龄,睾丸生长发育相对减缓,睾丸总重、睾丸总体积和睾丸指数增长也相应减缓;240日龄后,睾丸的生长发育进入相对静止状态。表明了连城白鸭睾丸的生长发育较迟于体重的生长发育。  相似文献   

Objective— To describe a minimally invasive technique for preparation of teaser rams by needle-assisted ligation through the tail of the epididymis.
Study Design— Experimental study.
Animals— Mature rams (n=6), estrus-induced ewes (2).
Methods— After local anesthesia, epididymis ligation was achieved by restraining the testis distally within the scrotal sac and passing suture through a hypodermic needle inserted between tail of epididymis and distal pole of testis, caudomedial to craniolateral through the scrotum. The needle was removed leaving the suture in place and the testis pushed up dorsally, then the needle was reinserted through the original holes and the suture passed back through the needle, which was withdrawn. This resulted in the suture forming a complete loop around the epididymis. The suture ends were tied ligating the epididymis. Semen was evaluated pre- and postligation. Testes were removed after 30 days for gross and histologic examination.
Results— Epididymis ligation was accomplished without postoperative complications. Three weeks after the epididymis ligation, no motile and live spermatozoa were found in ejaculates. From 5 to 28 days after epididymis ligation, attraction to ewes and libido was unchanged and similar to 14 days before ligation.
Conclusions— This novel minimally invasive technique is a simple, alternative method for preparation of teaser rams.
Clinical Relevance— This method is simply performed, without skin wounds, and minimal postoperative care is needed. The technique should be readily adaptable to other species.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of testis structure was performed during early post-natal development in Wistar rats. For this purpose, at 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 60 and 90 days after birth, weights and volumes of testes were recorded and fixed in Bouin's solution. For stereological studies, 5-μm paraffin sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin. Relative and then absolute volumes of seminiferous tubules, germinal epithelium, seminiferous tubuli lumina and interstitial tissue were estimated by point-counting method. The results showed that weight and volume of testis in rats increase 75- and 86.28-fold during post-natal development, respectively. The greatest growth rate (2.96-fold) of testis was observed between days 35 and 42. Also, diameter of seminiferous tubules increased significantly (P<0.001) between different ages and represented 5.55-fold increase during post-natal development. The percentage volume of tubular tissue increased 1.4-fold between birth and 90 days of age. Interstitial tissue formed 36.68±0.90% of testicular parenchyma at birth. This percentage decreased progressively during post-natal development until 90 (9.00±0.55%) days of age. Lumen of seminiferous tubules was recognized at day 28, and its relative volume increased with age. This study provides systematic data on the stereological characteristics of developing Wistar rat testis.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of intermittent and continuous exposure of lactating rats to Aroclor 1242 (a PCB congener), testis weight, daily sperm production (DSP) and Sertoli cell number per testis were examined in the adult male offspring. Thyroxine (T4) was also measured because of the well-documented effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on this hormone. In experiment 1.3 groups of lactating female rats received daily subcutaneous injections of low (0.8 mg) or high (1.6 mg) doses of Aroclor 1242 in 0.1 ml corn oil from parturition to weaning of pups at 21 days. In experiment II, 3 groups of lactating rats received 2 subcutaneous injections per week of 0.8 or 1.6 mg Aroclor 1242, as in experiment 1. In both experiments, control rats received vehicle alone. Serum T4 was measured at 21 and 90 days of age, and testis weight, DSP and Sertoli cell numbers were examined at 90 days. In experiment I (continuous exposure), both the low (0.8 mg) and high (1.6 mg) doses suppressed T4 concentrations at 21 days of age. Testis weight was increased by 14.8% (LD) and 16.5% (HD) compared with controls. DSP was increased by 20.4% in the low dose and 25% in the high dose animals compared with controls. The number of Sertoli cells per testis was increased by 32.6 and 39.4% in low and high dose animals, respectively. A similar study in which the lactating females were only dosed twice per week (experiment 11) did not show any differences in these parameters. These results indicate that continuous exposure of lactating female rats to PCBs increases testis weight, sperm production and Sertoli cell numbers in the adult male offspring.  相似文献   

皖西白鹅睾丸胚后发育的组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验取 1 ,1 5,30 ,60 ,1 2 0 ,1 60 ,2 0 0 ,2 4 0 ,360 ,540共 1 0个日龄组的皖西白鹅的睾丸做胚后发育的形态学研究。发现皖西白鹅性成熟较晚 ,在 2 0 0日龄组的睾丸内才有精子出现 ,睾丸的生精过程分 4期 :① 1~ 60日龄为精原细胞增殖期 ;② 1 2 0日龄左右为初级精母细胞增殖期 ;③1 60日龄左右为次级精母细胞增殖期 ;④ 2 0 0~ 2 4 0日龄为精子形成期。至 540日龄仍保持有旺盛的生精功能。构成附睾区的睾丸旁导管系统有 4种管道 :①睾丸网 :腔大壁薄 ,腔面不规则 ;②睾丸输出小管 :管腔较大 ,富含皱襞和纤毛 ;③附睾小管 :管径最小 ,上皮有纤毛 ;④附睾管 :切面最少 ,管腔圆整。  相似文献   

Developmental changes in pituitary content and secretory patterns of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL), testicular size and steroidogenic function, testicular LH- and FSH-binding activity, and growth of the accessory sex organs were examined for 24 Dorset X Leicester X Suffolk rams (born in March) every 30 days from 30 to 150 days of age, and again at 200 days. Pituitary LH and FSH contents increased between 30 and 60 days of age and remained constant until 150 days, when contents were somewhat greater than on either 120 or 200 days. LH-pulse amplitude and frequency, and mean FSH concentration, were highest at 60 and (or) 90 days of age. Testicular growth increased dramatically between 90 and 150 days of age in association with increases in the number of LH- (100-fold) and FSH- (33-fold) binding sites in the testis and a small increase in blood testosterone concentration (1 ng/ml). During the same period, pituitary content and blood concentration of PRL increased to maximal values, epididymal, vesicular gland and bulbourethral gland weights increased 6-fold, and body weight doubled. Between 150 and 200 days of age, testosterone concentration increased considerably (8 ng/ml), as did LH-pulse frequency and the amount of LH- and FSH- binding in the testis; the reproductive organs continued to grow at a rate faster than that of the body as a whole. Testicular development of ram lambs was accompanied by increases in the secretion of all three pituitary hormones with gonadotropic properties, and in the number of LH and FSH receptors.  相似文献   

The safety and consequences of fine- (FNA) and large-needle aspiration (LNA) to the testicular parenchyma and its normal function have not been thoroughly established. This study was performed to accurately assess, by serial clinical, in vivo ultrasonographic and seminological examinations, the type and extent of the effect of FNA or LNA on canine testes. Eighteen sexually mature, 1-2 years old, healthy laboratory Beagles were used. One of their testes was aspirated using a 23-G butterfly needle (FN) and the other using a 19-G butterfly needle (LN). Two dogs at a time were orchiectomized 10, 60 min, 2, 14, 29, 63, 76, 90 or 180 days post-aspiration. Five and 2 days and 1 h before aspiration (in all dogs), immediately post-aspiration, and 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, 19, 29, 35, 43, 49, 56, 63, 70, 76, 90, 111, 132 and 180 days post-aspiration (in the remaining intact dogs), evaluation of scrotal surface temperature over each testis, evaluation of scrotum-testis volume by electronic sliding callipers, ultrasonographic evaluation of testicular volume and texture and clinical and semen examination were performed. Following FNA and LNA, the clinical and ultrasonographic appearance of the testis were normal. Sperm production nearly always remained unchanged, with the exception of a slight decrease in spermatozoal motility 2-14 days post-aspiration. However, even then, with the exception of six samples, spermatozoal motility was above normal values. Within the parameters of this experiment, testicular FNA and LNA have no ill effect on sperm production or clinical and ultrasonographic appearance of the canine testis, and therefore, both FNA and LNA should be considered safe.  相似文献   

贵州香猪睾丸发育中支持细胞和生精细胞数量变化观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解香猪睾丸发育过程中生殖细胞和支持细胞数变化规律,用手术取出30,40,50,70,90和110日龄(每个年龄组n=3~4)香猪右侧睾丸,经中性多聚甲醛固定,石蜡包埋,组织切片采用免疫组化SP法,用单克隆抗体GATA-4检测睾丸支持细胞的特异生长转录因子-4,经DAB显色、苏木素复染。光镜下核呈棕色者为支持细胞,核呈蓝色者则为生殖细胞;经显微照相并用Scion image软件测量生精小管及管壁面积。结果:30~110日龄睾丸支持细胞数维持在稳定水平(P>0.05),而生殖细胞数随日龄增加而增多,70日龄生殖细胞数快速增多(P<0.05),持续到110日龄。同样,从70日龄开始睾丸生精小管和管壁面积显著性增大(P<0.05)。香猪睾丸支持细胞快速增殖发生在30日龄前,而生殖细胞数随着日龄的增长而增多。  相似文献   

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