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Regional anesthesia and analgesia benefit the client, the patient, and the practitioner, and their use is becoming the standard for care. Familiarity with the processes involved in the generation of pain aids in understanding the benefits of preemptive and multimodal analgesia. Local anesthetic blocks should be a key component of a treatment plan, along with opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists, and other therapies. Nerve blocks commonly used for dentistry and oral surgery include the infraorbital, maxillary, mental,and mandibular blocks.  相似文献   

The hygienic consequence of a lamb carcass cooling process can be assessed by evaluating the product's time-temperature history at a site within the carcass cavity adjacent to the 5th and 6th lumbar vertebrae. From these data, a numerical value, the process hygiene index, is generated which reflects the amount of potential bacterial growth the process allows and is proposed as an alternative quality assurance tool for assessing lamb cooling processes. Two hygienically acceptable lamb cooling processes, one producing carcasses destined for freezing and the other producing carcasses destined for chilled processing, were monitored. Acceptable cooling processes can be conveniently described in terms of a three class sampling plan where the maximum acceptable value (M) is the highest value obtained and the target value (m) is determined as the 80th percentile value of the pooled data from acceptable runs. The number (c), the proportion of sample values that may lie between (m) and (M), is determined from the acceptable run with the highest sample values. For the process yielding carcasses destined for freezing M = 15, m = 14 and c = 20% while for that producing carcasses for chilled processing M = 9, m = 6 and c = 60%. For both processes a minimum of five samples was tested per process run. Based on these values, provisional processing guidelines for the hygienic cooling of lamb carcasses are suggested.  相似文献   

In this article an on-farm monitoring approach on udder health is presented. Monitoring of udder health consists of regular collection and analysis of data and of the regular evaluation of management practices. The ultimate goal is to manage critical control points in udder health management, such as hygiene, body condition, teat ends and treatments, in such a way that results (udder health parameters) are always optimal. Mastitis, however, is a multifactorial disease, and in real life it is not possible to fully prevent all mastitis problems. Therefore udder health data are also monitored with the goal to pick up deviations before they lead to (clinical) problems. By quantifying udder health data and management, a farm is approached as a business, with much attention for efficiency, thought over processes, clear agreements and goals, and including evaluation of processes and results. The whole approach starts with setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time-bound) goals, followed by an action plan to realize these goals.  相似文献   

家蚕微粒子病母蛾检查五次抽样方案研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为了保证蚕种质量 ,提出了家蚕微粒子病母蛾抽样检查的五次抽样方案。理论计算、计算机模拟和实际检验的结果证明 ,通过适当的设计 ,可以找到与现行二次抽样方案抽样特征曲线相近的五次抽样方案 ,即具有相近的生产方风险和使用方风险 ,而使平均镜检次数明显减少。五次抽样方案的操作步骤相对繁琐 ,但可以采用计算机抽样检查软件弥补  相似文献   

Knowledge of hunter attitudes toward goose management is essential for the involvement of hunters in adaptive harvest management. Our study provides insight into processes of stakeholder involvement in adaptive harvest management, as demonstrated by the case of implementing the International Species Management Plan for the Svalbard-breeding pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus). We conducted an online survey among goose hunters in Norway in the main autumn staging area of this species, Nord-Trøndelag, which is also the area in which most geese are harvested nationally. Our results demonstrated that a majority of these hunters see themselves as active participants in management. These hunters expressed a willingness to support management objectives through the delivery of daily harvest reports and by complying with regulations, as defined by national wildlife authorities and the international management plan.  相似文献   

Strategic planning is a common pathway used by state wildlife agencies to adapt to financial constraints and changing societal needs; both are accelerating developments. Yet evaluations of organizational change because of strategic planning, especially from perspectives of agency personnel, are not well reported in wildlife literature. We provide a template for capturing employee perceptions toward an organizational change initiative within one state wildlife agency. We used an organizational change framework to recognize outcomes and create a customized employee survey to evaluate attitudes toward changes as part of the long term strategic plan. Positive employee reactions to organizational changes were evident throughout the agency. Areas for organizational improvement identified included enhancing communications about change efforts and diffusing strategies working in collaboration with stakeholder groups. Employees identified more with their individual work groups than with the agency as a whole. Insights provide a basis on which to improve future change processes.  相似文献   

Nutrient balance in the ecosystem involves profitability of the agricultural enterprise and commitments to resource management to maintain quality of air, water, and land resources. Phosphorus and N are the two nutrients of major concern, and they behave differently in soils. Most P adheres strongly to soil particles and moves laterally with the soil during erosion processes, but with high concentrations more P remains in soluble forms and moves in the water fraction. Most N is soluble and moves laterally or downward with soil water. Soil scientists and agronomists have researched soil processes, plant nutrition, cropping systems, and water quality issues mainly on a field and farm level, but now the movement is to management and regulation of nonpoint problems on a watershed basis as proposed in the Clean Water Action Plan. The plan recognizes the vast diversity of soil parent materials and climates among geographic areas, even among and within watersheds, that determine crop adaptation and cropping systems, the role of states in regulatory processes, and the need for local citizens to have operational involvement. This process insures that nutrient management guidelines will be more site-specific and solutions can be focused on the direct problem. Directed efforts will be needed to educate local citizens, landowners, and caretakers of agricultural enterprises, and regulatory agencies. Several factors, including economic and social incentives for implementation must be considered along with the technologies available. The solutions are multidisciplinary, will require long-term research to accommodate climate variation, and should be associated with a strong commitment to education. Public funding will be needed to support the effort.  相似文献   

Dysmyelopoiesis is defined as a hematologic disorder characterized by the presence of cytopenias in the blood and dysplastic cells in one or more hematologic cell lines in the blood or bone marrow. The causes of dysmyelopoiesis include acquired mutations in hematopoietic stem cells (i.e., myelodysplastic syndromes [MDSs]), congenital defects in hematopoiesis, and dysmyelopoietic conditions associated with various disease processes, drug treatments, or toxin exposure. Two major subtypes of MDSs (i.e., MDS with refractory cytopenias and MDS with excess myeloblasts) have been described that differ in clinical presentation, response to treatment, and survival time. The most frequently occurring causes of secondary dysmyelopoiesis include immune-mediated hematologic diseases, lymphoid malignancies, and exposure to chemotherapeutic drugs. Differentiation of the various causes of dysmyelopoiesis is essential for establishing an appropriate therapeutic plan and for determining prognosis.  相似文献   

2018年4月20日,农业农村部出台了《兽用抗菌药使用减量化行动试点工作方案(2018—2021年)》(以下简称《方案》)。从国家层面来看,《方案》旨在通过推进养殖业的绿色发展进程,从而进一步实现振兴乡村这一伟大目标。对于畜牧业而言,国家的此项举措无疑是为了促进畜牧行业的长远发展,但是在实施过程中,势必会与当下的养殖现状产生一些冲突。对于这些冲突,我们需要分析其成因及影响,从而为保证方案的顺利实施提供可供参考的措施。文章以生猪养殖为例,结合《方案》出台的背景,从可能出现的问题以及应对措施等方面进行分析、论述,从而为养猪人应对减抗、限抗提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Today's livestock diversity originated from the wild ancestor species and was subsequently shaped through the processes of mutation, genetic drift, and natural and human selection. Only a subset of the diversity present in the ancestral species survives in the domestic counterparts. A 2007 report released by UN Food and Agriculture Organization ' The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources ', compiled from surveys conducted in 169 countries, found that nearly 70% of the world's remaining livestock breeds live in developing countries. The UN report was presented to more than 300 policy makers, scientists, breeders, and livestock keepers at the First International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources, held in September 2007 in Interlaken, Switzerland. The conference aims were to adopt a global plan of action for conserving animal genetic resources as its main outcome. In this paper, the current and potential contributions of reproductive and molecular biotechnology are considered as tools of conserving rare breeds of livestock.  相似文献   

畜禽种业是畜牧业的基础性产业和战略性产业。本文就临夏州畜禽种业“十四五”发展规划进行专题调研,总结了“十三五”发展成效、主要经验、存在的问题,提出了临夏州畜禽种业“十四五”发展计划。  相似文献   

本文就畜禽养殖场粪污肥料化利用技术的总体规划,生产技术及工艺,生产设施及设备要求,环境保护方案等问题做了简要论述。  相似文献   

This study aims to show the distribution and the three-dimensional structure of the lingual papillae in the arctic fox. The macro- and microscopic structure of the tongue and its lingual papillae was studied in 11 adult arctic foxes. Two types of mechanical papillae were distinguished on the dorsal surface of the tongue – filiform papillae and conical papillae. The gustatory papillae in the arctic fox are represented by fungiform, vallate and foliate papillae. The keratinized filiform papillae on the anterior part of tongue are composed of one big posterior process accompanied by 10–12 secondary anterior processes. The number of anterior processes of filiform papillae undergo a complete reduction within the area between the posterior part of the body of the tongue and area of the vallate papillae. The conical papillae cover the whole dorsal surface of the root of the tongue, including the lateral parts surrounding the area of the vallate papillae and the posterior part of the root. The size of the conical papillae increases towards the root of the tongue but their density decreases. In the arctic fox, there are three pairs of vallate papillae distributed on the plan of a triangle. The diameter of vallate papillae in each successive pair is bigger. The wall surrounding the body of the vallate papilla and its gustatory trench is composed of six to eight conical papillae joined at various degree. The foliate papillae on both margins of the tongue consist of seven to nine laminae.  相似文献   

In summary, corneal wound healing is a complex phenomenon that involves interplay between the cellular elements of the cornea, numerous soluble factors, and the constituents of the ECM. Unfortunately, many studies that demonstrate marked alteration on cell behavior in vitro and even in in vivo experiments are often not helpful in the diseased patient, as shown by the results of careful clinical trials. Future work that addresses the complex milieu of the corneal wound healing environment by addressing the interaction of many of these factors will be more likely to be successful than seeking a single agent that will enhance wound healing in all situations.Modulation of wound healing processes by the application of topical therapeutic agents is, however, an expanding field of study sure to produce clinically significant improvements in the management of veterinary patients with corneal defects. The judicious use of topical cytoactive compounds has a place in the clinician's armamentarium integrated into a therapeutic plan that decreases the mechanical stresses imposed on the wound bed as well as removal of any underlying inciting cause.  相似文献   

可持续放牧方法和载畜量的监测系统   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
健康的草地和灌丛即使在生产状态下也具有持续的系统功能。系统对土地利用的整体响应难以测定 ,这对系统管理提出了要求。系统的响应是各个水平和组织层次 (细胞 -器官 -有机体 -社会与自然环境 )动态信息的整合。管理者需要在昂贵的实测之外针对不同管理方法的可持续性建立监测体系并运用于生产实践。定期观测无法为土地管理者提供有效的反馈信息 ,管理者需要排除与管理方法和放牧率选择相关的不确定因素 ,这就必须区别哪些是管理对象 ,哪些是系统反馈指标。管理者需要几天乃至几个星期尺度的系统反馈信息 ,这些信息要足够强而且不随时间、地点或管理人员变化而变化 ,省钱省时 ,对系统响应的预测确定。正确地选择系统响应指标 ,有助于修正系统管理方案  相似文献   

Objective – To present a simplified quantitative approach to acid‐base analysis and to demonstrate its clinical utility. Data Sources – Original research articles and textbooks. Data Synthesis – A simplified quantitative approach to acid‐base analysis is presented, which is derived from the Fencl‐Stewart approach and calculates the magnitude of the effect on the standardized base excess (SBE) of 5 separate variables: (1) a free water effect (marked by sodium concentration), (2) an effect marked by the chloride concentration, (3) an albumin effect, (4) a lactate effect, and (5) a phosphate effect. Six clinical cases with acid‐base abnormalities are presented in which the quantitative approach provides information that is not apparent from the traditional approach. Conclusion – This simplified quantitative approach provides a comprehensive evaluation of complex acid‐base disorders, identifies individual processes and their relative influence on SBE, and aids in the development of an appropriate therapeutic plan.  相似文献   

An algorism for diagnosis of the problem of seizures was used to develop a diagnostic plan. The plan was structured in stages for: (1) primary evaluation in the general practice and (2) specialized evaluation in difficult cases.  相似文献   

Computer simulation was carried out to determine the optimal combination of sampling plan and sample size for estimation of four health and production variables in California Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA), member herds. Three sampling plans i.e. simple random, stratified (by herd size) random with proportional allocation and stratified random with Neyman allocation, called hereafter Sampling plans 1,2 and 3, respectively, and 8 levels of sample size (10–80, in increments of 10 herds) were used to estimate parameters of 4 production and health variables: average milk production, California Mastitis Test (CMT) score, average days open and services per conception. The sampling frame used was the list of California DHIA member dairy herds in June 1984. Simulation involved generating 1000 random samples for each comparison variable for the 24 combinations of sampling plan and sample size. Three bounds on the error of estimation (5,10 and 20%) of the 4 comparison variables were specified to compute the frequency of sample means falling within these bounds for each strategy.Based on the frequency criterion, no difference was found between Sampling plans 1 and 2 for all comparison variables except average milk production. For average milk production with a 5% bound on the error of estimation, Sampling plan 2 gave more precise estimates than Sampling plan 1 for sample sizes of 40–70. However, this difference did not exist using either a 10 or 20% bound on the error of estimation. For average milk production, Sampling plan 3 yielded a substantially larger percentage of point estimates within a 5 or 10% bound on the error for all sample sizes considered than Sampling plans 1 and 2. Similar results were observed for CMT score using sample sizes between 30 and 80 dairy herds. For average days open, Sampling plan 3, relative to Sampling plan 1 and 2, yielded 4–8% more point estimates of population parameter within a 5% bound on the error of estimation with sample sizes of 40–80. No meaningful difference was noticed among the three sampling plans for estimation of mean services per conception.Sampling plan 3 was the most efficient sampling plan for the health and production variables considered in this study. With respect to sample size, the mean of such production variables as average milk production, services per conception and average days open could be estimated with precision using a sample size of 80 or less dairy herds. For disease variables with variance structure similar to CMT score, precise estimates cannot be obtained using sample sizes of up to 80 herds; a sample size substantially larger than 80 herds would be required to provide a precise estimate of the central value.  相似文献   

为满足规模化养猪场制定免疫及消毒计划的效率与时效性越来越高的需求,以山黑猪种猪场繁殖数据网络平台为基础,结合山黑猪种猪及商品猪的免疫及消毒计划,提出了猪免疫与消毒计划制定的数据管理规范,并以.Net 2005为开发语言,以SQL Server 2005为网络数据库,研制了山黑猪种猪场的智能化免疫与消毒动态提醒的分析与统计系统。系统运行结果表明,构建的分析系统实现了对不同性质猪、不同免疫种类的动态免疫提醒,以及针对不同猪舍为单位的消毒计划提醒,提高了免疫实施精细化方案制定的效率及综合统计能力,有助于人力的安排、药品的配给。此外,只要改变猪群具体的免疫计划与消毒计划,系统也可移植应用于其他猪场。研究进一步指出,免疫与消毒计划的及时、有针对性的调整,猪个体信息的动态与完整,是保证系统分析与制定免疫及消毒具体行动计划时效性的前提。  相似文献   

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