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<正> 近几年来,黄河故道地区葡萄发展较快,为加速品种更新,提高经济效益,我们于1988年春在金乡县先锋园艺场1.2亩4年生巨峰葡萄园,进行硬枝嫁接换种。株行距为1m×1.5m,接穗为上年秋贮藏的早生高墨、巨峰芽变等早熟品种插条。嫁接当年即亩产良种葡萄676kg,每亩出苗6230株。嫁接于3月底至4月初葡萄萌动前进行,在砧木基部用劈接法,从接口插入两个硬枝插穗,每个  相似文献   

【目的】快速有效地筛选和鉴定短枝型苹果种质资源。【方法】以新红星和宫崎短枝富士的正反交群体为试材,调查了658株3年生实生树的8项枝芽形态指标,然后进行相关性和主成分分析,并在其10年生时进一步开展类型确证。【结果】节间长度、枝条基部粗度和萌芽率的次数分布符合正态分布,枝条长度、平均成枝数、总芽数和尖削度的频数分布为偏态分布;采用概率分级法,设X±0.534 6S两个分点,将6项指标均分成3级,其中关于萌芽率、枝条长度及枝条基部粗度的分级或可应用于枝芽形态特征的评价;相关分析表明,枝条形态特征指标间信息重叠,单一指标不能直接或准确地评价枝芽特性,为此运用因子分析,将影响枝条形态的指标综合成为5类因子,即枝条的长度因子(短枝率、枝条长度、尖削度)、空间密布因子(萌芽率和平均成枝数)、节长因子(节间长度)、节度因子(总芽数)和粗度因子(枝条基部粗度)。运用主成分分析对23个单株幼树期枝条的枝芽进行短枝型苹果形态指标的综合评价,后经成年期形态确认,发现这种评价能较好地区别短枝型与非短枝型植株,符合率为86.9%。【结论】采用概率分级的方法对苹果杂种后代枝条的萌芽率、枝条长度及枝条基部粗度进行评价;利用主成分分析筛选苹果杂种实生后代中短枝型种质,为苹果后代短枝型的选择和评价提供了一种新方法和新思路。  相似文献   

以3年生‘贵人香’葡萄为试材,连续2年研究了行间自然生草和清耕对其产量、果实品质、枝条贮藏营养及抗寒性的影响。结果表明:行间自然生草与清耕相比对产量无显著影响;连续行间自然生草第2年果实可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量、固酸比及单宁含量、总酚含量均显著高于清耕;连续行间自然生草第2年枝条可溶性糖含量、淀粉含量、可溶性蛋白含量均显著高于清耕,枝条抗寒性能也比清耕有所提高。综合分析得出,连年行间自然生草可以提高‘贵人香’葡萄的果实品质和枝条贮藏营养水平及抗寒能力。  相似文献   

以7年生‘贝达’砧‘夏黑’葡萄为试材,研究喷施不同浓度烯效唑对葡萄新梢生长、副梢萌发、果实品质和1年生成熟枝条贮藏营养的影响。结果表明,200 mg/kg烯效唑(T3)处理能显著抑制新梢生长,显著减小节间长度,显著抑制副梢萌发,增大果穗,果实品质没有明显下降,对葡萄生长没有不良影响。  相似文献   

1红地球葡萄的生长特性1.1枝条成熟度差,植株抗寒性差红地球葡萄最大的缺点之一是植株不耐寒,很容易受冻。枝条贪青旺长,成熟度差,养分积累不足,在寒冷年份或早霜来临早的年份极易受冻。  相似文献   

朱蕾 《西北园艺》2023,(3):44-47
以6年生酿酒葡萄赤霞珠为试材,连续3年实施果园生草,以清耕园作为对照,探究人工种植鼠茅草、自然生草对赤霞珠葡萄园土壤养分、树体生长、果实品质与产量的影响。结果表明:行间种植鼠茅草、自然生草能够显著提升葡萄园0~20 cm土层土壤全氮、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量,较对照分别提高83.3%、45.2%,140.6%、135.4%,38.2%、35.8%,64.2%、26.6%,58.7%、30.4%;枝条粗度、节间长度、叶绿素含量分别较对照提高10.8%、10.2%,25.3%、21.7%,11%、10.5%。生草园果实可溶性固形物含量、还原糖、可滴定酸含量显著高于对照,分别较对照提高32.8%、27.3%,25.9%、15.1%,73.8%、49.7%;单株产量分别较对照提高12.8%、8.8%;行间人工种植鼠茅草效果优于自然生草,可推广应用。  相似文献   

1992年对巨峰葡萄于花前 5~7天,(新梢展叶 6~8片)时,叶面喷布 40%助壮素水剂 80 × 10-6(80ppm)加 0. 2%磷酸二氢钾,结果应果率提高 20%~33%,穗粒和穗重增加 20%~50%。巨峰葡萄喷布助壮素加磷酸二氢钾提高座果率@卢学栋$河北农技师院园艺系!昌黎066600 @范静秋$河北农技师院园艺系!昌黎066600  相似文献   

巨星是用里查马特作母本,京早晶作父本,经有性杂交育成的特早熟、巨大粒、无核葡萄新品种.该品种叶片光滑,无绒毛,裂刻较浅.当年生枝生长旺盛,枝条粗壮,节间较长,扦插比巨峰易生根.一年生苗定植后第二年平均每株结果2、2公斤,三年生巨星葡萄园亩产1750公斤.果穗巨大,每穗平均重0.6公斤,最大可达2.4公斤.6月下旬果穗开始上色,到7月10日左右果穗全部成熟,上色一致,比巨峰早熟20多天.果粒呈长椭圆形,  相似文献   

通过对酿酒葡萄品种贵人香设置梢果比1.5∶1、1∶1、1∶1.5、1∶2、1∶2.5和1∶3的不同负载量处理,测定各处理的产量、果实品质、枝条贮藏营养和抗寒性,确定辽西地区贵人香葡萄的合理负载量。连续2年的试验结果表明,果实可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量均以梢果比1∶1处理最高,果实单宁、总酚含量及枝条贮藏营养水平均以梢果比1.5∶1和1∶1处理最高;通过电导率法和组织褐变法得出梢果比1∶1处理的枝条抗寒性最强。综合考虑,辽西地区贵人香葡萄的合理负载量应为梢果比1∶1,667 m2产量以538~567 kg为宜。  相似文献   

无核8612葡萄为河北昌黎周利存先生1986年以郑州早红×巨峰育成,欧美杂交种。后发现果实色泽、品质等优于姊妹系“8611”,故暂名为“无核8612”。我们于1993年2月从周利存先生处引入该品种枝条,嫁接在12年生巨峰葡萄园里,面积约 0.2hm~2,株、行距 1m×2m,高篱架扇形整枝。1991年开始结果,1995年株产 8kg,1996年株产 9kg,折合每 666.7m~2产量2700kg左右。市场批发价每公斤6元,经济效益显著,极具推广价值。现将其生长结果状况简报如下。  相似文献   

以3~4 a生野生毛葡萄两性花品种“野酿2号”为试材,研究比较了冬剪和夏剪技术对野生毛葡萄坐果率和产量、效益的影响.结果表明:双层“干”字整形法不适于该品种,顶端萌芽和生长优势极强.生产上对2~3 a幼龄树冬剪可采取7芽以上中长修剪法,夏剪结果枝留穗数与末穗前留叶数比例以1∶(1.5~2.5)为佳,可获得50%的收果率.4a以上成龄树冬剪宜采用3~6个芽中短剪法,夏剪穗叶比则以1∶3为好,可获得30%的收果率.花前副梢留1叶摘心,副梢全留或只留末穗前全部副梢,收果率在30%以上.  相似文献   

The use of CPPU for efficient propagation of pineapple   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of forchlorfenuron (N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea) (CPPU) for efficient propagation of pineapples was investigated. About 85% of axillary buds can be forced to sprout by soaking defoliated stem pieces (12 cm in length) in a 2.5 or 5.0 mg l−1 CPPU solution for more than 3 h. The use of old stems taken from the third or fourth ratoon plants had the advantage of less liability to fungal decay, as compared to young stems from the first crop plants. The CPPU treatment combined with the removal of shoots from stems at monthly intervals significantly increased the number of shoots per stem piece (about 15 shoots per piece at 5.0 mg l−1 CPPU), and resulted in a more uniform shoot size (the percentage of shoots within a range of 5–15 cm in length was about 90% at 5.0 mg l−1 CPPU). The rooting of shoots was easily promoted within 1 month by treating the basal portion of shoots with 20 mg l−1 indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 15 min. The CPPU method required about 5 months for plantlet propagation. From these results, we found that pineapple plantlets could be efficiently propagated by the following method: (1) soaking defoliated stems in a 2.5–5.0 mg l−1 CPPU solution for more than 3 h; (2) harvest of developed shoots from the stems at regular intervals; and (3) promotion of rooting on the shoots at 20 mg l−1 IBA for 15 min.  相似文献   

Mature ‘on’ and ‘off’ ‘Manzanillo’ olives trees with three healthy branches of 10–12 cm in diameter were selected to determine changes in nitrogen levels in the bearing shoots after foliar application of urea. Each selected branch of each tree received one of the following treatments: (i) control without urea application; (ii) foliar application of urea to all the current-season leaves; and (iii) foliar application of urea to all the one-year-old leaves. Urea was applied in May, four days after full bloom in the ‘on’ year trees. Each treated leaf was immersed in a test tube containing a 4% urea solution and 0.1% Tween 20 for 5 s. Bearing shoots, composed of both one-year stems and leaves and current-season stems and leaves, were collected at intervals from the beginning of the experiment until 64 days after urea application. Nitrogen was determined in stems and leaves from each part of the bearing shoot, and in fruits during the ‘on’ year. Nitrogen uptake from the leaves was rapidly mobilized from the older to the current-season leaves of the bearing shoot, and thereafter to other storage organs of the tree or to the fruit, which is the largest nitrogen sink in the bearing shoot. No translocation of nitrogen from the current-season leaves to older leaves was observed. The rapid translocation of nitrogen from the younger leaves to other storage organs of the tree could explain the insensitivity of leaf analysis to detect excess nitrogen, since mature leaves from current-season shoots must be sampled to determine the nutritional status of the tree. The failure of leaf analysis to detect excess nitrogen may be a cause of nitrogen over-fertilization in olive orchards.  相似文献   

In horizontal apple stems extension shoots were usually produced only from buds on the upper side of the stem, while buds on the lower side remained dormant or grew into spurs, and the same tendency was shown in inclined stems bent so that the “upper” and “under” sides became reversed.

On horizontal stems lateral shoots showed a gradient of vigour, the longest shoots being produced by proximal buds. Xylem of horizontal branches was epitrophic. These responses appear to be due to effects of gravity on the distribution of endogenous growth regulating factors within stems. In trees grown horizontally and rotated, shoots and spurs grew from all sides of the stem and xylem developed concentrically.

In studies of lateral shoots of partly disbudded horizontal stems, including cincturing treatments, it was found that the vigour of basal lateral shoots was a function of bud position in relation to the apex rather than in relation to the roots.

A model for lateral shoot growth in horizontal branches is proposed, in which shoot vigour is related to the position of buds along a postulated inhibitory gradient.  相似文献   

不同摘叶程度对苹果果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以"长富2号"苹果为试材,研究了苹果采收前不同摘叶程度对冠层光照、果实品质和1a生枝条淀粉和氮含量的影响。结果表明:随着摘叶程度加大,树冠相对光照强度有所提高,果实的可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C和花青苷含量有明显改善;摘叶还能显著提高果皮色度,且30%摘叶处理效果优于15%;摘叶对1a生枝条的淀粉和氮含量影响不大,变化趋势一致,落叶后营养物质含量:不摘叶15%摘叶处理30%摘叶处理。  相似文献   

以两类不同株型梨品种(系)为试材,研究了紧凑型与普通型梨一年生嫁接苗的形态特征、生长发育特点、内源激素含量变化及15 a生树新梢的解剖结构。结果表明,与普通型相比,紧凑型嫩梢中脱落酸(ABA)和赤霉素(GA3)含量显著较少,细胞分裂素(ZR及Z+ZR)含量显著较多,生长素(IAA)含量稍高于普通型但差异不显著。紧凑型新梢顶端木薄壁细胞显著增加,导管、木质纤维和可溶性糖显著减少。首次提出确定梨紧凑型基本指标为新梢顶端木质部中木质纤维密度低于1 300个.mm-2,木薄壁细胞密度高于1 700个.mm-2,导管密度低于270个.mm-2;紧凑型梨树节间变短可能是赤霉素(GA3)含量减少引起的,顶端的膨大生长等现象则可能是细胞分裂素积累引起的。  相似文献   

多头香石竹组培快繁研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为克服多头香石竹组培苗茎秆细弱现象,通过调节激素配比,对多头香石竹品种"D90"的离体快繁技术进行了研究.结果表明:用MS BA 0.3 mg/L NAA 0.1 mg/L时,可使茎明显增粗,平均茎粗为0.779 mm,为最佳的改良继代培养基;用MS NAA 0.3 mg/L IAA 0.2 mg/L时生根率高,可达86.3%,为最佳生根培养基.  相似文献   

刘光春  耿庆伟  宋伟  翟衡  杜远鹏 《园艺学报》2015,42(12):2489-2496
以6年生果实膨大后期‘赤霞珠’葡萄为试材,运用13C和15N标记技术,分别标记不同部位和节位的枝条叶片,研究碳氮营养吸收分配规律。结果表明:标记近主干和远主干枝条叶片,叶片合成的光合产物和吸收的氮素营养在近主干和远主干枝条之间不相互转运,近主干枝条上的果实对光合产物的征调能力强于远主干枝条上的果实,δ值(表示固定的13C同化物的量)是远主干枝条上果实的4.74倍;同一枝条不同节位的标记叶片距结果部位越近,果实的δ值和Ndff值越大,说明果实优先征调距果实近的叶片碳氮素营养;副梢保留6片叶所固定的光合产物总量和吸收的氮素营养总量均大于保留2片叶的,分别是其1.1倍和1.8倍。  相似文献   


Timing of bloom sprays of ammonium thiosulphate (ATS) for foliar fertilization and fruit thinning, and of fungicides for disease control, is critical in peach production. Initial observations in commercial orchards indicated that ATS and fungicides, when applied as tank mixes, could cause burn of blossoms and shoots, but not when applied separately. Nine fungicides, alone and in combination with ATS, were evaluated on single tree plots in 1993 and five representative treatments were repeated in 1994 under commercial orchard conditions. Treatments were applied by hand-gun from a 100 litre sprayer in 1993 and by air-blast sprayer in 1994. In 1993, fruit number per tree was affected only by ATS and the numbers of blossom blight cankers per tree only by fungicide, with no interaction between ATS and fungicides. There were however some ATS × fungicide interaction regarding phytotoxicity to blossom and one-year old shoots, but the damage to the latter was slight. In 1994 blossom blight did not occur and there was no evidence of phytotoxicity to shoots or blossoms. Fruit number was not affected by any treatment.  相似文献   

霞多丽葡萄茎段丛生不定芽的诱导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以葡萄品种(Vitis vinifera)霞多丽(Chardonny)为材料,研究了外植体类型、不同培养基、不同激素及其质量浓度组合、暗处理时间对霞多丽丛生不定芽诱导的影响。结果表明,在所试的3类外植体中,仅从茎段诱导出不定芽。在所试的MS、NN1969及B53种培养基上,平均不定芽数差异不明显。当BA和IBA不同质量浓度组合时,霞多丽茎段均能诱导出不定芽,而且不同处理间不定芽诱导率差异显著,但每个外植体上诱导的平均不定芽数差异不明显,为0~2.5个。BA和IBA组合诱导的不定芽以单个芽为主。BA和NAA不同质量浓度组合对茎段不定芽诱导率和丛生不定芽数均有显著影响,当BA质量浓度为3.0mg·L-1、NAA为0.1mg·L-1时,不定芽诱导率和平均不定芽数达到最高,分别为9.7%和10.1个。由BA和NAA组合诱导的不定芽均为丛生不定芽,单个茎段诱导丛生不定芽数最高可达27个。将不定芽置于1/2MS+IAA0.2mg·L-1培养基上诱导生根,获得了完整的再生植株。  相似文献   

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