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通过介绍1例犬脑膜脑炎的磁共振成像(MRI)影像诊断,探讨MRI在临床上的应用。患犬2个月前出现后肢轻瘫症状,MRI扫描脊柱未见任何异常,当地兽医诊断为外周神经炎,按外周神经炎治疗2周出院。1个月后复发,遂转院。转院后第3天中午突发流涎、全身癫痫症状,使用多咪静注射液后抽搐症状未见好转。血常规、生化检查未见异常,神经学检查显示眼球垂直震颤。对患犬进行脑部MRI检查,MRI结果显示患犬大脑扣带回T1WI序列均质低强度信号,T2WI序列较均质高强度信号;T1WI序列显示右侧海马体尾部有1个椭圆形均质稍低信号,T2WI序列下呈较均质高信号。结合患犬病史、影像检查结果及临床症状,怀疑患犬扣带回为坏死性病变,海马体尾部椭圆形病变为肉芽肿性脑膜脑炎。治疗方法为抗炎及使用抗癫痫药物苯巴比妥治疗,用药1周后痊愈。  相似文献   

小动物核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)技术是我国动物医学新兴的影像学检查方法。为了探究母犬产出足月死胎的原因,试验采用MRI技术对1只犬死胎进行了观察。结果表明:犬死胎脑部和肺部在T1WI序列成像为低信号,在T2WI序列成像为高信号,确认为脑水肿及肺积水,该影像为临床诊断提供了可借鉴的资料。  相似文献   

1例犬脑干脑炎的病例MRI诊断。该犬临床症状表现为咳嗽,呕吐,无法正常行走,面神经反射减弱,眼球震颤。患犬有上呼吸道感染病史,血常规检查显示白细胞总数升高,中性粒细胞数升高,血液生化检查无明显异常。脑脊液检查见激活淋巴细胞,单核细胞增多,为淋巴细胞总数的50%。脑部MRI表现为脑桥均匀肿大,基底部出现不规则的高T2信号,边界模糊,侧脑室扩张,综合各项检查分析诊断为脑干脑炎。  相似文献   

为明确不同类型的椎间盘疝出疾病的磁共振影像(MRI)特点,本文对7例犬椎间盘疝出病例的诊治过程进行总结,通过一般检查、神经学检查和MRI扫描,诊断为椎间盘疝出。其中有3例为椎间盘突出,2例为椎间盘脱出,2例为椎间盘膨出。主要的MRI表现为椎间盘退变,T2加权像上的椎间盘信号降低,脊髓、硬膜囊不同程度的受压和变形。这些结果表明MRI扫描可对椎间盘组织是否发生退变以及椎间突出的程度进行准确判断,在犬椎间盘疝出的诊断与治疗中有极高的应用价值。  相似文献   

猫硬膜内髓外脊髓肿瘤的MRI诊断及手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍1例猫椎管内硬膜内肿瘤的诊断与治疗。患猫临床检查体温、呼吸、心率均正常;血常规、生化检查结果显示正常;头颈部MRI检查,在第2至第3颈椎之间硬膜内明显可见一占位性团块,SE序列T1加权像呈现稍高信号,FSE序列T2加权像呈现稍低信号,且前段脑脊液积聚,轴位T1加权像显示正常,脊髓被团块压迫出现变形;SE序列Gd-DTPA增强扫描可见该团块强化明显。综合各项检查结果诊断为硬膜内肿瘤,遂进行颈部背侧椎板切除手术,切除肿瘤,患猫术后恢复良好。肿瘤病理组织学检查显示为肉瘤。  相似文献   

摘 要:柑橘砂囊粒化是柑果成熟期与采后贮藏期的常见生理性病害,严重影响果实品质。本文采用1.5 T 高场磁共振成像仪对采后贮藏30 d的琯溪蜜柚[Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck]果实进行磁共振扫描检查,并以同层断面解剖图为对照,评估磁共振成像(MRI)应用于柑橘砂囊粒化症无损检测的有效性。结果表明, MRI检测中,T2WI能够显著区分果肉组织与海绵层组织的信号差异,其信号强度可代表果实组织相对含水量;T2WI信号在砂囊粒化部位强度显著降低,病变组织的失水特征清晰,与解剖结果一致。T2WI对砂囊粒化的确诊率100%,显著优于T1WI成像的识别率41.7%(χ2 = 5.76,P = 0.016);T2WI和T1WI均能显示种籽照影,但T2WI对果肉组织影像的分辨率优于T1WI,因此MRI的T2WI分析可作为一种无损检测方法,对柚商品果实上市前砂囊粒化症发生程度以及种籽有无进行评估。  相似文献   

羊脑包虫病是由多头绦虫的幼虫——多头蚴引起的。多头绦虫的成虫寄生在终末宿主狗、狼、狐等肉食性动物的小肠内,卵随粪便排出体外。羊在被绦虫卵严重污染的牧地上放牧时易被感染,幼虫寄生在羊的脑内。幼虫呈包囊泡状,囊内充满透明的液体,囊内六钩蚴数量常多达100~250个,包囊由豌豆  相似文献   

羊脑包虫病又称羊多头蚴病,是由多头带绦虫的幼虫寄生于羊脑和脊髓引起的疾病。成虫寄生在犬、狼等肉食动物的小肠内,发育成熟的孕卵节片随粪便排出体外,羊采食被绦虫卵污染的饲料、饮水以及牧草时而被感染。幼虫寄生在羊的脑内、呈包囊泡状,囊内充满透明的液体,囊内六钩蚴数量不等,多的达100~ 200个,包囊一般豌豆大到鸡蛋大。该病主要侵害2周岁以内的羊,2周岁以上的羊偶有发生。1发病情况笔者所在县干沟乡一绒山羊饲养场,共饲养绒山羊104只。据畜主诉,2个月前一只体重25千克  相似文献   

探究犬胰腺磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)扫描序列总结归纳犬急性水肿型胰腺炎(acute edematous pancreatitis, AEP)的MRI影像表现。选用10只成年本地杂种犬为研究对象,手术经副胰管逆行注入牛磺胆酸钠与胰蛋白酶混合液建立犬急性水肿型胰腺炎模型,然后进行MRI扫描。MRI多序列扫描图像主观与客观分析结果显示,门控采集快速自旋回波T2加权成像(FSE-T2WI-TRIG)序列与门控采集脂肪抑制快速自旋回波T2加权成像(FSE-T2WI-FS-TRIG)序列评分较高,可作为犬胰腺首选MRI扫描序列,必要时可进行造影增强扫描。FSE-T2WI-TRIG、FSE-T2WI-FS-TRIG序列AEP表现为胰腺体积呈弥散性增大,外形不规则,胰腺实质T2WI信号呈不均匀增高,强度高于同层肝组织信号。胰腺与周围脂肪界限稍有不清,胰腺周围伴有渗出,呈条片状T2WI高信号。造影后胰腺实质不均匀强化,平均强化峰值时间为注射造影剂后60~90 s,存在明显延迟强化。研究结果表明,本研究筛选的MRI扫描序列可用于临床上犬AEP的检查,同时A...  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病(Cryptosporidiosis)是由隐孢子虫属原虫引起的一种人畜共患的肠道寄生虫病。动物感染后常见的临床体征为间歇性水泻、脱水、厌食、进行性消瘦和减重。本试验应用直接涂片法、饱和盐水漂浮法、离心法以及改良抗酸染色法对沈阳东陵区3个猪养殖场的53头猪的粪便样品进行了隐孢子虫卵囊的分离。结果显示,未经染色隐孢子虫近似圆形,无色,囊壁光滑,卵囊内可见到数量不等的暗色颗粒,卵囊平均大小为4.1μm×3.6μm。经改良抗酸染色法染色后的隐孢子虫卵囊呈红色,近似圆形,轮廓清晰,背景为绿色。不同年龄的猪  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to assess the occurrence of Coenurus cerebralis infection in Sardinian sheep. A prevalence of 0.35% was observed when 566 regularly slaughtered sheep were examined. However, in 120 sheep with suspected symptoms of coenurosis examined from November 2001 to October 2002, a total of 299 cerebral coenurosis lesions were observed with an incidence of 1% per year. Lesions were classified as migratory, cystic and secondary. Most migratory lesions were found in sheep aged 3-6 months. Cavitary lesions containing cysts in different developing stages were found with high incidence per year in sheep aged 7-12 months. Secondary lesions due to the development of Coenurus were most frequent in sheep aged 19-36 months. Most sheep were found infected in spring and in early summer, between March and June. Most lesions were located in the cortex. The mean number of protoscolices per cyst was 149 (range 10-370).  相似文献   

Computed tomographic imaging was conducted in twenty ewes with cerebral coenurosis. CT imaging allowed precise evaluation of the size and location of the cyst, which appeared as a hypoattenuating structure with a mass effect. No meaningful correlation between clinical signs and the location of parasitic cyst was detected.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out at Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, between 1996 and 1997, into the epidemiology of coenurosis in Menz and Horro breeds of sheep. A total of 37 heads from clinically sick and 183 heads from apparently healthy sheep were examined post mortem for the presence of the cystic larvae of Taenia multiceps, of which 37 and 5 heads, respectively, contained 1 to 8 coenurus cysts (diameter 0.8 to 6.5 cm). The bladder worms were located in the cerebral hemisphere in 96% of the cases (43% and 57% for left and right, respectively), 4% being in the cerebellum. Prediction of cyst locations based on the direction of circling and head deviation had a 62% success rate. A retrospective study generated from the health record book at the ILRI Debre Berhan Station in 1992–1996 (199 Horro and 174 Menz) revealed that the incidence of coenurosis ranged from 2.3% to 4.5%. There was no significant breed difference in the incidence. The age of the affected sheep ranged from 4 to 96 months, with a mean of 19.3 months, and 72% of the cases were within the range of 6 to 24 months. In a complementary survey on necropsied stray dogs, 8 out of 17 were positive for Taenia spp. Both studies confirm the endemicity of coenurosis at the ILRI Debre Berhan Research Station. Appropriate strategies for the control of coenurosis are suggested.  相似文献   

A 5-day-old male crossbred beef calf presented with a well-coordinated bilateral hopping gait of the hind limbs. Postmortem CT showed a poorly defined oval-shaped region at the L3–L4 spinal segments, which had high signal intensity on T2 weighted postmortem MRI images. On pathological examination, we identified a large cystic cavity filled with a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid on the cut surface of the spinal region. Histopathological examination revealed that the spinal cord parenchyma was compressed by the cystic structure, and the cystic cavity was lined with a thin layer of discrete ependymal cells, indicating syringohydromyelia. This is the first reported case of a Holstein-Friesian × Japanese Black crossbred calf with solitary syringohydromyelia. Our findings suggest that myelodysplasia with cystic cavities can be suspected by CT, without the need for MRI.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A syndrome of acute neurological dysfunction with increased mortality was observed in lambs of 10 dairy sheep flocks and adult animals in one flock in Central and Northern Greece. Each farmer completed a questionnaire regarding the management and feeding of their flocks. In seven of the 11 flocks the affected animals were grazing pasture, while in the remaining four flocks (5, 8, 9, 10) the animals were fed alfalfa hay (Medicago sativa) and concentrates indoors. A follow-up study of the affected flocks was conducted during the next 12 months.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Of 42 sheep with acute coenurosis that were examined, the most prominent neurological abnormalities were ataxia, depression, blindness, scoliosis, coma and dysmetria. Except for the four sheep that were comatose, all other animals had normal body temperatures and their appetites remained normal or were slightly decreased. Haematological findings of 15 examined sheep were within normal limits. The affected sheep were subject to euthanasia. A histopathological examination was performed in 13 cases. Faecal samples from dogs associated with these flocks were negative for taeniid infections. During the following 12 months cases of chronic coenurosis in these flocks were observed.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: In the 42 animals that were necropsied, the main gross findings were cystic formations between 0.5–1 cm in diameter with translucent walls that were seen lying free on the leptomeninges or partly penetrating the brain tissue, sterile microabscecess and brain necrosis. Histopathological evaluation of tissue sections of 13 brains showed multifocal purulent or pyogranulomatous meningoencephalitis, accompanied by eosinophilic infiltrations. No bacteria were isolated following bacterial culture of brain tissue Parasitological examination of the cysts from five cases revealed whitish specks on the transparent cyst wall and germination membrane representing the scolices.

DIAGNOSIS: Acute coenurosis was diagnosed in all cases studied.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Acute coenurosis can be one of the causes of acute encephalopathy mainly in lambs, but also in adult sheep. This condition is incurable, but can be controlled by changing the feeding regime. Cases of chronic coenurosis may be seen a few months later in the same flock.  相似文献   

We evaluated the usefulness of MRI and compared it with CT for diagnosis of mesenteric lymphoma in a dog. The results in the plain CT, dynamic CT and plain MR (T1WI and T2WI) images suggested that the mass was a large single nodular lesion with abundant blood perfusion. On enhanced MRI(T1WI) , the mass was depicted as a tumor with adhesion to the gut wall. Exploratory laparotomy confirmed the mass was consistent with the findings on enhanced MRI. We think that MRI might be a useful imaging tool for diagnosis of canine mesenteric lymphoma.  相似文献   

Hypoattenuating ocular lenses on CT have been described with cataract formation in humans, however published studies are currently lacking regarding this finding in veterinary patients. The purpose of this retrospective and prospective study was to describe the varying CT appearances of the ocular lens in vivo, and investigate the causes for CT density variations in a population of cats and dogs. A total of 102 canine and feline patients with CT of the head acquired at the authors’ hospital between May 2011 and March 2019 were included. A bilateral hypoattenuating halo surrounding an isoattenuating to mildly hypoattenuating core was described in the ocular lens center of every cat in which a Philips brand proprietary image construction filter was used. A similar but more varied hypoattenuating region was noted in the lenses of 45.8% of dogs where the same filter was applied, as well as 43.8% of dogs with a second, similar filter. Ophthalmic examination of three live cats and one dog with hypoattenuating lenses demonstrated normal lens translucency, excluding the presence of cataract. The effect of different proprietary filters on lens appearance was also described in three fresh cadavers with normal lenses identified on ophthalmic, macroscopic, and microscopic examination. Etiology of the hypoattenuating areas within the ocular lens was not conclusively determined. Recognition that such a variant may be seen in the absence of cataract is important, in order to prevent misdiagnosis.  相似文献   

Discal cysts, which lie directly over intervertebral discs, are rare. Two old dogs with tetraparesis were referred to our facility. In both animals, magnetic resonance imaging revealed intraspinal extradural cystic mass lesions that were dorsal to degenerative intervertebral discs at the C3-C4 level. These lesions had low signal intensity on T1-weighted images, and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. A ventral slot approach was used to perform surgical decompression, after which the symptoms improved remarkably. Discal cysts should be included in the differential diagnosis of dogs with cervical pain and tetraparesis. One effective treatment for discal cysts is surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Coenurosis is a disease of the central nervous system in sheep, caused by Coenurus cerebralis, the larval stage of Taenia multiceps, a tapeworm, which infests the small intestine of carnivores. In 80-90% of cases, the cyst is located in one cerebral hemisphere, whilst in 5-10% of cases, it is localised in the cerebellum; rarely it involves two sites in the brain of the affected animal. Listeriosis, louping-ill, sarcocystosis and polioencephalomalacia and brain abscessation should be considered when formulating a diagnosis of acute coenurosis. In all cases, it is essential to carefully examine the animal and not simply rely on results of ancillary tests (mainly of cerebrospinal fluid examination), as disorders other than coenurosis can be responsible for changes in the results of these tests. Treatment is based on surgical removal of the coenurus cyst after general anaesthesia of the animal; the approach has a very good success rate, especially after accurate localisation of the lesion. Despite that, many farmers may choose to slaughter those sheep fit for marketing for economic reasons and euthanise those in poor condition.  相似文献   

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