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水稻红莲型不育系粤泰A在杂交稻育种中的利用特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验初步阐明了水稻红莲型不育系粤泰A在杂交稻育种中具有以下特点:(1)稳定的雄性不育性,在南京1994年和1995年的8月15~30日镜检其花粉可育率均低于1.5%,套袋自交结实率低于0.08%;(2)良好的制种性状,该不育系的柱头外露率达97%,异交结实率61.5%±9.8%,每平方米颖花数达42179个,均极显著地高于珍汕97A;(3)该不育系与中粳广亲和系配组杂种出穗期表现受积温影响较大,而受日长变化影响较小,呈现明显的感温特性。因此,可以预见该类组合在生产上具有较广泛的生态适应性。  相似文献   

一、材料与方法观察方法:从见穗开始,每隔3天在刚抽的穗上取3~5朵即将开放的颖花,用I—KI染色镜检花粉。并将花粉的育性分为可育、典败、圆败、染败四级。二、结果与分析 (一)育性观察结果(表2) 1.W6154S 于6月22日始穗。6月27日镜检为不育,7月2号转为可育(可育花粉占5.2%),7月10日到9月下旬,除8/4~  相似文献   

用人工冷水池与人工气候箱分别对8个水稻光温敏核不育系在它们育志换温敏感期进行5d日均温23.5℃(22-25℃)的冷水与6d日均温23.5℃(19.5-26.0℃)的冷气处理。结果表明:株S-1、陆18S、96-5-2S、139S及康201S在两种低温处理条件下均表现不育,自交结实率与花粉可染率均为0;培矮64S在人工冷气处理条件下也表现不育,自交结实率与花粉可染率为0,但在人工冷水处理条件下表现轻度可育,自交结实率为0.05%,花粉可染率为5.0%;810S与179S在两种低温处理条件下均表现可育,自交结实率为3.7%-18.5%,花粉可染率为4.3%-41.0%,但人工冷水处理条件下的自交结实率与花粉可染率明显高于人工冷气处理条件下的自交结实率与花粉可染率。说明用人工冷水池鉴定水稻光温敏核不育系雄性不育的起点温度是可行的,而且鉴定的灵敏度比人工气候箱更高。根据人工冷水池与人工气候箱鉴定的结果可知:株S-1、陆18S、96-5-2S、139S及康201S的雄性不育起点温度小于23.5℃,培矮64S的雄性不育起点温度在23.5℃左右,而810S与179S的雄性不育起点温度大于23.5℃。  相似文献   

龙特甫A的育性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对龙特甫A随机取样5穗(株)的100朵颖花进行花粉镜检,结果表明,龙特甫A育性不稳定,正常花粉比较多的颖花主杨在于穗中部,穗上部颖花绝大多烽为全不育,利用龙特甫B穗顶种子作为维持系可能是提纯龙特甫A的有效方法。  相似文献   

温光敏核雄性不育小麦花药中保护酶活性的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了揭示温光型核雄性不育小麦花粉败有的生化机制1,比较研究了温光型细胞核雄性不育小麦C49S的不育和可育花药在不同发育时期的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),过氧化氢酶(CAT),过氧化物酶(POD)的活性丙二醛(MDA),可溶性蛋白质含量的变化。结果表明,温光型核雄不育小麦不育花药SOD活性在花粉母细胞减数分裂期至小孢子早期的下降速率是可育花药的4.34-4.35倍,在成熟花粉期,可育花药的活性比不育花药高1-2倍,不育花药的CAT活性从花粉母细胞到小孢子中期有一定程度的下降;发育早期,不育花药MDA含量极显著高于可育花药;在花药发育的整个过程中,不育花药的POD活性一直比同一发育时期的可育花药高;可育花药中的可溶性蛋白质含量显著高于不育花药。以上结果说明,温光型核雄不育小麦C49S在早播低温短日照条件下,花药中有机自由基酶保护系统遭到破坏,花药中膜酯过氧化作用加剧,生化代谢出现异常,是其花粉败育的重要原因。  相似文献   

培矮64S育性表达的温敏感部位研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
培矮64S在育性转换敏感期(Ⅳ~Ⅵ期)主茎幼穗长为0.70~9.34cm,顶叶叶枕距为-20.0~-3.5cm,穗尖离地面距离为2.77~15.56cm,穗尖离第一节距离为6.70~19.92cm,分蘖上述四项指标值均小于主茎指标值。敏感期幼穗感受自然低气温(平均日均温21.6℃),表现为可育,花粉可染率为21.8%,套袋结实率为11.3%;感受人工垣定玫高水温(25℃),表现为不育,花份可染率为0.4%,套袋结实率为0,表明敏感期幼穗为其育性表达的温敏感部位。另外,在低气温条件下(平均日均温21.6℃),敏感期淹深水极显著降低可育性表达,花粉可染率为2.7%(对照为21.1%),套袋结实率为0.2%(对照为10.4%)。  相似文献   

稻穗枝梗和颖花形成的基因型及播期效应分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以71个不同基因型水稻为材料,通过大田条件下的分期播种,于齐穗期考查了稻穗枝梗和颖花形成有关指标,分析了各指标的基因型和播期效应及其相互关系。结果表明: 1)各基因型间现存一次枝梗数、一次枝梗退化数、现存颖花数、一次枝梗分化数、现存二次枝梗数的基因型值和播期效应值差异均显著,且5个指标的差异仅与特定的基因型有关,而与其是否属于杂交组合、常规品种和雄性不育系等类型无关。2)现存一次枝梗数、现存二次枝梗数、现存颖花数、一次枝梗分化数4个指标的基因型值较大,播期效应值较小;一次枝梗退化数播期效应值较大。3)单穗颖花现存数(即每穗总粒数)与现存一次枝梗数、一次枝梗分化数、现存二次枝梗数呈密切正相关,与一次枝梗退化数相关性小,现存一次枝梗数主要通过改变现存二次枝梗数来影响单穗颖花现存数。另外,还综合分析了供试71个材料单穗颖花现存数的基因型值和播期效应值,并对其大穗潜力进行了评价。  相似文献   

为了研究温敏不育系在可育和不育温度条件下的花粉发育情况,通过人工控温的方法对YS型小麦温敏不育系A3017-310和A3017-312减数分裂期分别处在不育和可育温度条件下的花粉育性进行了分析.结果表明,不育温度条件(12~16℃)下,花粉粒多数败育,I2-KI染色不着色,染色不均匀,约1/3花粉粒发育至单核中后期或双核早期发生败育,大部分花粉粒发育到二核后期或三核期发生败育(染败),两个系的花粉粒碘染败育率分别为98.7%和99.0%,花粉萌发势分别为0.7%和0.5%,花药不开裂、不散粉,自交结实率均为0;可育温度条件下(正常分蘖穗为18~22℃,再生分蘖穗为20~25℃),花粉粒多数正常,花药能正常开裂、散粉,花粉粒在这两种可育温度条件下碘染的败育率无差异,均约为20%.花粉萌发势随温度升高而增加,A3017—310由60.7%增为71.5%。A3017-312由27.4%提高为63.1%;自交结实率(国际法)为34.6%~113.7%。A3017—310和A3017—312株系来源于同一组合的F6代,它们在不同的可育条件下,育性恢复程度有所不同,表明YS型温敏不育系在育性转换为可育后控制自交结实的遗传机制较为复杂。  相似文献   

青稞新品系87-9-5是甘南农科所1987年用83A-19-1为母本,肚里黄为父本组配合杂交、南繁北育、系统选育而成。1992年参加品种(系)比较试验,平均产量5500.5kg/hm^2,较对照品种肚里黄和长芒青稞平均增产48.4%;1993-1995年参加甘南州青稞联合区试,平均产量3727.5kg/hm^2,较对照甘青一号增产13.9%,居第2位。差异极显著;1996-1999年多点生产示范中平均产量4294kg/hm^2,较对照品种增产25.38%。该品系生育期110-115d,株高84-116cm,穗长 6.9-9.4cm,穗粒数44-52粒,千粒重42.1-48.8g。籽粒粗蛋白含量11.2%,赖氨酸0.49%,淀偻6.26%。表现早熟,抗倒伏,穗大、粒多,穗脖坚韧,落黄好,较抗大麦条纹病。  相似文献   

光周期对光温敏核不育小麦ES-8育性转换特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工控制光周期和控制光温条件下,研究了光周期和短日适温对光温敏核不育小麦ES-8育性转换特性的影响。结果表明,ES-8的雄性育性受光周期的影响,表现为10~11h短光照下雄性不育,花粉败育率为100.0%;自交结实率为0.0%;在12~13h长光照下可育。ES-8存在两个光周期敏感期,最敏感期为雌雄蕊分化期至药隔形成期,次敏感期约在药隔形成期至四分体形成期。孕穗至结实期的短日(10h)适温(16/12℃昼温/夜温)处理结果表明,温度对育性的影响很小,雄性仍表现不育。  相似文献   

【目的】随着籼粳稻杂交理想株型创造与超高产育种理论的应用,我国东北地区培育出大量高产粳稻品种,逐渐取代曾经占据主导地位的日本典型粳稻。本研究旨在通过分析中国东北粳稻与日本粳稻形态、遗传和产量的差异及原因,研究籼粳杂交对东北粳稻改良的影响。【方法】利用InDel和SSILP亚种特异性分子标记、程氏指数、维管束数目比分析比较中国东北与日本粳稻的籼粳成分和属性及与产量结构的关系。【结果】东北粳稻育成品种产量比日本典型粳稻高15.79%,每穗粒数多15.22%,粳型基因频率极显著低于日本粳稻。按程氏指数分类标准,东北粳稻籼粳类型是偏粳型。相关分析结果表明,籼型基因频率与穗数极显著负相关,与每穗粒数极显著正相关,且与一、二次枝梗数及其粒数正相关。【结论】东北粳稻籼型基因频率增加导致穗数减少,每穗粒数增加,同时将结实率和千粒重维持在较稳定水平是东北粳稻品种获得高产的关键。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between the number of pollen grains per anther and spikelet fertility under low temperature conditions in the rice cultivars and lines including lines with quantitative trait loci (QTL) for cold tolerance, adapted to the Tohoku region of northern Japan. Cold-water treatment decreased anther length, the number of pollen grains per anther, and spikelet fertility in all cultivars and lines. The number of pollen grains was proportional to anther length in all cultivars and lines and under all temperatures. Spikelet fertility decreased with decreasing the number of pollen grains in cold-water treatments at 18.5 and 19.3?°C. ‘Ouu 415’, with the qLTB3 QTL for cold tolerance, had 28% more pollen grains and 9% higher spikelet fertility than the recurrent parent, ‘Hitomebore’, in the 18.5?°C cold-water treatment, suggesting that qLTB3 increased both parameters. Lines with the qCTB8 QTL for cold tolerance had significantly more pollen grains in two of the three years and significantly higher spikelet fertility in all three years in the 19.3?°C cold-water treatment, suggesting that qCTB8 reinforced cold tolerance. Ctb1, a proposed cold-tolerance QTL, had no effect on the number of pollen grains or spikelet fertility. In conclusion, the cultivars and lines with more pollen grains had a higher cold tolerance. Some of QTLs were inferred to increase the number of pollen grains and reinforce cold tolerance.  相似文献   

为了研究不同取样方法对小麦花粉育性统计结果准确性的影响,以小麦温敏雄性不育系BNS366及其近等基因系郑麦366为试验材料,分别设置早播和晚播两个播期,采用全穗取粉和中部取粉两种取样方法,所取花粉分别用I2-KI法、醋酸洋红法和DAPI法染色后进行显微观察,并统计花粉可育率和自交结实率.结果 表明,郑麦366和BNS3...  相似文献   

With global warming, rice plants may be subjected to heat stress more regularly during the heatsensitive flowering stage, causing spikelet sterility and grain yield loss.Stigma exsertion is considered to increase pollen reception and promote female reproductive success.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of stigma exsertion on spikelet fertility at high temperatures.Five rice cultivars(Liangyoupeijiu, Shanyou 63, Huanghuazhan, Nagina 22, and IR64) with differing degrees of stigma exsertion were cultivated and exposed to high temperature at anthesis.Heat-tolerant cultivars did not always show a high percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas, and vice versa.Irrespective of the presence of more pollen grains on exserted stigmas, spikelets with exserted stigmas did not show greater spikelet fertility than spikelets with fewer exserted stigmas or hidden stigmas under heat stress.GA3 application augmented the percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas;however, it did not increase spikelet fertility under heat stress.Spikelet fertility of whole panicles was negatively correlated with the percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas, but positively with that with hidden stigmas.Viability of the hidden stigmas was less reduced than that of exserted stigmas under heat stress, suggesting that hidden stigmas have an advantage in maintaining viability.Heat stress delayed anther dehiscence and reduced the viabilities of both exserted stigmas and pollens, thereby causing low spikelet fertility.Together, these results suggest that high spikelet fertility does not depend on stigma exsertion and that enclosed stigma generally contributes to higher spikelet fertility and heat tolerance under high-temperature conditions during flowering in rice.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2006,97(1):87-100
Field-based screens for genetic variation in reproductive-stage drought tolerance are often confounded by genetic variation in root depth, flowering date and biomass at flowering. To reduce these confounding effects and to impose drought stress more precisely, we grew contrasting genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in shallow containers of flooded soil. When water was withheld from the shallow-rooted indica genotype IR64 for 6 days starting at −17, −7, 0, 10 and 20 days after heading (DAH), the impact on grain yield was greatest at −7 and 0DAH. The most sensitive yield component was filled grain percentage (spikelet fertility). Data on yield and spikelet fertility were also obtained for another shallow-rooted lowland indica (BRRI Dhan 31) and two deep-rooted upland tropical japonicas (Azucena and Moroberekan). Compared with well-watered controls, withholding of water for 6 days reduced spikelet fertility by ∼80% in IR64, BRRI Dhan 31 and Azucena but by 22% in Moroberekan. In a detailed comparison, water was withheld from IR64 for 5 days and from Moroberekan for 6 days, starting 3 days before the heading date of well-watered controls. Under these stress conditions, heading was delayed for 4 days in IR64 and 6 days in Moroberekan. Spikelet fertility in the top four rachis branches was reduced by 80% in IR64 and 16% in Moroberekan, a difference attributable principally to reduced anther dehiscence and lower stigma pollen density in IR64. Two properties of Moroberekan may contribute to high anther dehiscence after stress/re-watering: (i) constitutively superior development of fibrous structures in the endothecium at the anther apex and base and (ii) better maintenance of pollen size. All ovaries of Moroberekan received pollen—an average of 60 grains in well-watered plants and 42 grains in stressed/re-watered plants. In well-watered IR64, all ovaries received an average of 31 grains, whereas in stressed/re-watered IR64, 67% of ovaries received no pollen and the remainder received an average of eight grains. Moroberekan may, therefore, be a source of reproductive-stage drought tolerance through genes that maintain anther dehiscence during recovery from low water status.  相似文献   

 以十和田与昆明小白谷的重组自交系(RIL)F8和F9群体为研究材料,在4种海拔条件下连续两年进行孕穗期耐冷性鉴定,采用方差分析、相关分析和多元逐步回归分析等方法对单株结实率与单株特定位颖花结实率间的相关性进行了研究。结果表明,单株结实率与特定位颖花结实率呈极显著相关(r=0.9011~ 0.7364),在低温冷害条件下,单株结实率与特定位颖花结实率间的相关系数高于无冷害条件;单株结实率和特定位颖花结实率与穗抽出度均呈极显著正相关。遗传分析表明,特定位颖花结实率可以替代单株结实率作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定指标,而穗抽出度可作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定的一个辅助指标。  相似文献   

云南稻种昆明小白谷耐冷性指标性状的遗传分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
 以云南稻种资源昆明小白谷与日本品种十和田配制的杂交F2、B2F1等为材料,在低温处理条件下研究了昆明小白谷7个农艺性状的遗传特性。结果表明总结实率和特定结实率是对低温最敏感的性状,可用作孕穗期耐冷性的评价指标,在无法用结实率来评价耐冷性时,也可用株高、穗长的变异率作为耐冷性指标。遗传研究发现有1~2对主基因参与调控结实率性状,回交使性状向轮回亲本趋近的速率因性状而异。  相似文献   

为探讨小麦温光敏不育系BNS花粉育性转化规律,2009年9月至2010年5月采用分期播种试验,测定了不同播期的小麦花粉育性,同时对其花粉育性与气象因子的关系进行了分析.结果表明:BNS花粉育性随播期的推迟而变化,出现了从完全不育到可育的育性转换过程,11月10日前播种花粉败育率为95%以上,表现为高度不育,11月10日、11月18日和11月26日播种,育性处在转换期,随播期推迟花粉败育率逐渐降低;BNS的花粉败育率与抽穗前10~15d的平均温度和抽穗前7~15d的平均最低温度呈极显著负相关;低温是影响BNS育性转换的主要因素,表现低温不育,高温可育,当温度低于8.9℃时表现彻底不育,此后随着温度的升高花粉败育率逐步降低;BNS的花粉败育率与抽穗前10~15d的日照时数呈极显著负相关.BNS花粉育性与温度和日照时数有极显著相关性,且其温度的影响大于日照时数的影响.  相似文献   

 本文系统介绍了诱导光敏核不育水稻育性转换的光温作用模式的内容和意义,认为光敏核不育水稻育性转换的光周期诱导,只能在一定的温度范围内才存在。讨论了诱导光敏核不育水稻育性转换的光周期敏感期、光照长度、光照强度及曙暮光影响、光期暗期与光质的影响,分析了温度的作用、温度影响的敏感期与温度分解因子的影响;并对现有不育系的生态类型和适应性作了初步分析。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2006,95(2-3):398-411
Spikelet fertility (seed-set) is an important component of yield that is sensitive to high temperature. The objectives of this research were (a) to quantify the effects of high temperature on spikelet fertility and harvest index of rice; (b) to determine if there were species, ecotype, and/or cultivar differences in response to high temperature; and (c) to understand the reasons for lower and/or differential spikelet fertility and harvest index of rice cultivars at high temperatures. Fourteen rice cultivars of different species (Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima), ecotypes (indica and japonica) and origin (temperate and tropical) were exposed to ambient and high temperature (ambient + 5 °C) at Gainesville, Florida. High temperature significantly decreased spikelet fertility across all cultivars, but effects varied among cultivars. Based on decreases in spikelet fertility at high temperature, cultivar N-22 was most tolerant, while cultivars L-204, M-202, Labelle, Italica Livorna, WAB-12, CG-14 and CG-17 were highly susceptible and cultivars M-103, S-102, Koshihikari, IR-8 and IR-72 were moderately susceptible to high temperature. There were no clear species or ecotype differences, as some cultivars in each species or within ecotypes of tropical and temperature origin were equally susceptible to high temperature (for example M-202 temperate japonica, Labelle tropical japonica, CG-14 O. glaberrima, and WAB-12 interspecific). Decreased spikelet fertility and cultivar difference at high temperature were due mainly to decreased pollen production and pollen reception (pollen numbers on stigma). Lower spikelet fertility at elevated temperature resulted in fewer filled grains, lower grain weight per panicle, and decreased harvest index. There is a potential for genetic improvement for heat tolerance, thus it is important to screen and identify heat-tolerant cultivars. Spikelet fertility at high temperature can be used as a screening tool for heat tolerance during the reproductive phase.  相似文献   

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