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In China, Pinus pumila is mainly distributed in Daxing’anling, while those growing in the eastern Daxing’anling are primarily covered under the jurisdiction of Huzhong Forest Bureau. P. pumila is an evergreen shrub, 3-6 m high, and always grows vigorously. Its trunks creep along the ground, usually 10 m long or more. It is easily flammable because of the large amounts of resins and volatile oils in its body. Attacking forest fires is a dangerous work, especially in P. pumila scrubs. The fires in P. pumila scrubs are very different from those in other forest types, e.g. fierce combustion and heavy smoke. In this paper, the distribution characteristics of P. pumila scrubs were presented. Attacking techniques and safety precautions for attacking fires in P. pumila scrubs were also discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, many serious forest fires occurred in precious Pinus pumila forests in Daxing'anling Mountains of Heilongjiang Province and Inner Mongolia. But up to now, there is still a lack of proper understanding of fire occurrence environments in P. pumila forests. In present paper, we investigated and studied the fire occurrence environments. The results showed that fires in P. pumila forests had their own special fire environments. Abundant fuel, drought weather, dry thunder and high altitude terrai...  相似文献   

通过户外观测和室内饲养,在吉林市对危害榆树Ulmus pumila及其变种垂榆Ulmus pumila var.pendula,金叶榆Ulmus pumila‘Jinye’的害虫进行多年调查研究。明确害虫种类的同时,发现5种新害虫。其中,库鞘蛾Coleophora kuehnella(Goeze)和榆花象Anthonomus yuasai K?no为中国新记录种;黄腹异跗萤叶甲Apophylia eoa Ogloblin、双条隐头叶甲Cryptocephalus sinensis Weise和黑盾肿鳃长蝽Arocatus rufipes St■为吉林省新记录种。记述这5种害虫的形态特征、发生时期和危害特性等,并配有生态照片。  相似文献   

垂榆(Ulmus pumila var.pendula Rehd.)又名龙爪榆、倒垂榆等,是榆科榆属的落叶小乔木。叶部形态特征近似白榆(Ulmus pumila)的形状,唯叶片稍大枝条细长、下垂,为栽培变种,分布于我国的新疆、内蒙、河南等省区。我国于1983年由内蒙引种接穗,繁殖苗木栽植,生长表现很好。颇受广大园林爱好者的欢迎和喜爱,是一种较有发展前途的观  相似文献   

垂榆是白榆(Ulmus pumila)的变种(Ulmus pumila var.pendulaRehd.),从新疆引种到内蒙古。由于垂榆在集通铁路沿线未有嫁接栽植,从1999年至2003年,在商都铁路苗圃进行了较系统的嫁接试验,并用该苗木在集通铁路沿线的锡林郭勒盟白旗和桑根达来地区进行了栽植试验,取得了具有实用价值的试验数据,为该地区栽植垂榆提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

偃松资源开发利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
偃松(Pinus pumila),松科松属,分布在欧亚大陆(东亚部分),北自勒拿河入海口,西至贝加尔湖附近,向东可越海,在日本富士山以北各列岛均有分布.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北段,海拔950m以上山地生长着以偃松(Pinus pumila)为优势种的森林群落.偃松在不同海拔高度上与兴安落叶松、越桔、岩高兰形成不同的群落,构成寒温带针叶林地带物种多样性的组成部分,成为该地域特有的自然景观.  相似文献   

松针红斑病是国内外松树的重要病害之一,其受害树种国外报道有40多种,国内已报道黑龙江省和内蒙古的大兴安岭林区樟子松Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica、赤松P.densiflora、偃松P.pumila、红松、P.koraiensis、和红皮云杉Picea koraiensis等树种。1988年10月我们在吉林省长白山自然  相似文献   

对引进的金叶榆(Ulmus pumila cv.jinye),用单芽切接和双芽插皮接2种方式在本地白榆上枝接,并选择出成活率较高的双芽插皮接枝接方式。  相似文献   

Genetic relationship of 12 species of Section Strobus was analyzed with ISSR markers. 117 loci were detected with 12 ISSR primers. Percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) varied from 5.93% to 19.92%. P. pumila had the highest levels of genetic differentiation and P. flexilis had lowest. Total genetic diversity (Hr) of 12 species in Section Strobus was 26.21%, of which intraspecific genetic diversity (Hs) was 7.66%, and interspecific genetic diversity (DST) was 18.55%, and the genetic variation in interspecies accounted for 70.78% of the total genetic diversity. According to the cluster results of genetic distance, the 12 species were classified into two groups. The first group included P. griffithii, P.armandi, P. fenzeliana, P. kwangtungensis, P. strobus, P. monticola and P. wangii. The second group included P. albicaulis, P pumila, P. flexilis, P. sibirica and P koraiensis.  相似文献   

Lightning fire is one of natural fires; its mechanism is very complex and difficult to control. Daxing'an Mountain is the main region that lightning fires occur in China. Research on lightning fires indicates that special fuel, dry-storm weather and high altitude form the lightning fire environment. Lightning fires have close relation with lights. When lightning occurs, especially dry-lightning which brings little precipitation with surface temperature growing and fuel dehydrating, these often lead to lightning fires. Lightning fires have characteristics of geography, time and topography. The higher altitude forest region in Daxing'an Mountain, the more lightning fires occur. Valley with altitude above 800 m in the north of 51.N and Larix gmelinii-Pinus pumila, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica -Pinus pumila forests on the top of mountain are the most concentrating region where lightning fires occur. One serial dry-storming can ignites many lightning fires, the furthest between them is as long as 150 km.  相似文献   

榆白长翅卷蛾Aclerisulmicola (Meyrick ,1930 )隶属于卷蛾科Tortricidae卷蛾亚科Tortrici nae卷蛾族Tortricini。从已有的报道看 ,仅知该种寄主为榆科Ulmaceae榆属Ulmus植物 ,如黑榆Ulmusdavidiana裂叶榆U .laciniata、春榆U .propinqua、榆树U .pumila等。根据刘友樵 (中国动  相似文献   

为研发南水北调防护林带林业有害生物绿色防控技术提供基础数据,2019年6月—2020年10月,对唐县渠段两侧防护林带植物种类和病虫害情况进行实地调查.结果显示:唐县渠段防护林带共有植物23种,隶属于14科21属,主要树种有金叶榆Ulmus pumila、国槐Sophora japonica、核桃Juglans regi...  相似文献   

结合白榆(Ulmus pumila)幼林以往施肥经验及实际情况,对白榆幼林的施肥效果进行研究和分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

榆树Vlmus pumila L.也称白榆,是中国特有的乡土树种,栽培历史悠久。几年来,中国尤其北方地区大力发展诸如杨树Populus L.系列等速生树种,而对特有的乡土树种却关注极少,更难引导普遍栽培,造成地区造林树种过于单一,从而导致森林病虫害频繁发生,影响多年的造林效果,  相似文献   

中华金叶榆(Ulmus pumila cv.jinye),榆科榆属,系白榆变种。叶片金黄色,有自然光泽,色泽艳丽;叶脉清晰,质感好;叶卵圆形,平均长3~5cm,宽2~3cm,比普通白榆叶片稍短;叶缘具锯齿,叶尖渐尖,互生于枝条上。中华金叶榆是由河北省林业科学研究院、  相似文献   

阐述了白榆(Ulmus pumila)组培苗大田栽培地块选择及育苗技术,分析了采穗圃、繁殖区建设要点,同时指出了白榆组培苗大田栽培中的病虫害防治方式,以期能提升白榆组培苗大田栽培技术应用水平。  相似文献   

<正> 榆长喙壳菌[Ceratocystis ulmi (Buism.)C. Morean]属子囊菌纲,小囊菌目。无性阶段为Graphium ulmi Schwartz;同种异名为Ophiostoma ulmi (Buism.) Nanrf、Ceratosto-mella ulmi Buism;普通称为荷兰榆病。寄主主要寄主是榆树(Ulmus spp.)。美洲榆(U. americana)很易感病;而亚洲的榆树,如西伯利亚榆(U. pumila)则较抗病。  相似文献   

(10)桴树Glandbearing Oak 或Japanese Quercus glandulifera Bl.Silkworm Oak(11)大果栎Bur Oak,Mossy—cup White Quercus macrocarpa Michx.Oak 或Overcup Oak (栽)(12)沼栎Pin Oak 或Swamp Spanish Quercus palustris Muenchh.Oak, (栽)10.榆科Elm Family, Ulmaceae(1)刺榆David Hemiptelea, Hemiptelea davidii Planch(2)榆Dwarf Elm,或Siberian Ulmus pumila L.  相似文献   

本文建立了苹果(Malus pumila Miller)果实品质鉴评的模糊综合评判模型,并对苹果品种元帅(Delicious)的果实品质进行模糊综合评判。  相似文献   

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