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To prepare students in just four years to enter veterinary practice, veterinary medical educators offer an array of laboratory and clinical experiences coordinated with didactic instruction. Recent curricular changes have reduced the numbers of animals involved in painful or terminal procedures. For each use of animals, veterinary educators are required by the USDA's policies 11 and 12 to complete animal-use protocols that include questions on alternatives to procedures causing more than momentary pain or distress. Veterinary medical educators seeking improved teaching resources and methods or completing animal-use protocols may find it frustrating to locate the relevant information, which is dispersed across many databases. This paper addresses a gap facing veterinary educators by presenting user-friendly searching tools that are targeted toward (a) locating teaching resources and (b) conducting effective bibliographic searches on standard teaching laboratory procedures, as required for animal-use protocols. These tools simplify searching by providing streamlined access to the resources being sought. Facilitating efficient and effective searching by users can improve teaching and simplify compliance with USDA requirements.  相似文献   

The term 'emotional intelligence' (EI) has become very popular in the business world and has recently infiltrated veterinary medical education. The term purports to encompass those qualities and skills that are not measured by IQ tests but do play an important role in achieving success in life. Veterinary medical educators often incorporate these in a category called 'non-technical competencies' (which includes, for example, communication skills) and acknowledge that veterinarians need more training in this area in order to be successful. Although EI looks promising as a means for teaching these non-technical competencies to students and practitioners, there are some challenges to its application. To begin with, there are three competing models of EI that differ in definition and measuring instruments. Although some research has suggested that high EI is associated with success in school and in business, there are no studies directly correlating high EI with greater success in the veterinary profession. Nor have any studies confirmed that increasing a student's EI will improve eventual outcomes for that student. It is important that educators approach the implementation of new techniques and concepts for teaching non-technical competencies the same way they would approach teaching a new surgical technique or drug therapy. EI is an intriguing and promising construct and deserves dedicated research to assess its relevance to veterinary medical education. There are opportunities to investigate EI using case control studies that will either confirm or discredit the benefits of incorporating EI into the veterinary curriculum. Implementing EI training without assessment risks wasting limited resources and alienating students.  相似文献   

The American public is concerned about food safety, and there is a growing realization that we are ill equipped to handle major food-borne illness outbreaks and bioterrorism. Since veterinary medicine plays an important role in assuring the safety of our nation's food supply, we would like to present to veterinary and public health educators a newly emerging resource for food-safety educational materials. This article describes an integrative collaborative approach for the creation and dissemination of engaging food-safety teaching resources for veterinary faculty. This USDA-funded project, Design to Dissemination: Developing Materials and Repository for Integrative Veterinary Food Safety Education, involves expert teachers in diverse fields and from many veterinary schools. The purpose of the project is to create materials that teach students food safety from farm to fork, and it offers teachers clinically relevant teaching resources that are difficult to create or locate. The educational materials are being created as smaller "building blocks" of content, commonly referred to as "learning objects" (LOs), focused on individual learning objectives. These learning objects are placed in the Veterinary Food Safety Education Learning Object Repository, where they are catalogued, stored, and kept accessible and where faculty can search, evaluate, and download teaching materials to use in their courses. In this way the learning objects can be more easily shared and reused or repurposed for other courses and applications. With this article we hope to excite faculty in veterinary schools and public-health programs and encourage them to use the repository and participate in piloting the educational materials.  相似文献   

There is a vast array of learning tools and approaches to veterinary education, many tried and true, many innovative and with potential. Such new methods have come about partly from an increasing demand from both students and teachers to avoid methods of teaching and training that harm animals. The aim is to create the best quality education, ideally supported by validation of the efficacy of particular educational tools and approaches, while ensuring that animals are not used harmfully and that respect for animal life is engendered within the student. In this paper, we review tools and approaches that can be used in the teaching of veterinary students, tools and approaches that ensure the dignity and humane treatment of animals that all teachers and students must observe as the very ethos of the veterinary profession that they serve. Veterinary education has not always met, and still often does not meet, this essential criterion.  相似文献   

Surgical training in veterinary medicine has evolved rapidly over the past several decades. Catalysts for change include pressure from concerned students and the public to reduce the use of live animals in teaching; less-than-effective preparation of students for live surgery experience; an overall reduction in faculty time and effort devoted to skills training; college budgetary reallocations mandating reductions in expensive group laboratory experiences; and more specialized case-load patterns in clinical rotations, which have reduced students' exposure to common surgical conditions. In response to these trends, methods for surgery educators to reduce, refine, and replace live animals in surgery training courses at veterinary schools have received broad attention. When these methods are used effectively in a curriculum, it is no longer necessary to sacrifice animals for adequate student training. This article describes a successful and ethical surgical training program used at the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine (OSU-CVM). This program provides early exposure to skills training using surgical simulators and auto-tutorials, ensures that basic skills are mastered before students are exposed to cadaver practice, and requires application of model-based skills to cadavers, with final matriculation to intensive exposure to multiple live-animal procedures via a collaborative surgery program with a local shelter.  相似文献   

Communication is a core clinical skill of veterinary medicine and one that needs to be taught and learned to the same degree as other clinical skills. To provide this education and essential expertise, veterinary schools in many countries, especially including North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia, have begun to develop programs and communication curricula. Human medical education, however, has 30 years' experience in developing communication curricula, and is thus an excellent resource upon which veterinary educators can build and shape their own communication programs. This article describes a skills-based communication course that has been successfully implemented for veterinary medical education at Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) and was based on the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine's well-established program. The Calgary-Cambridge Guides and supporting textbooks provide the scaffolding for teaching, learning, and evaluation in both programs. Resources such as space and materials to support the OVC program were also patterned after Calgary's program. Communication skills, and the methods for teaching and learning them, are equally applicable for the needs of both human medicine and veterinary medicine. The research evidence from human medicine is also very applicable for veterinary medicine and provides it the leverage it needs to move forward. With this extensive base available, veterinary medicine is in a position to move communication skills training forward rapidly.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature from veterinary medicine, tribal education, career development, and psychology to focus on the reasons that Native people are currently under-represented in the field of veterinary medicine. Educational implications and recruitment strategies are suggested. Local, state, and national resources are provided to help veterinary medical educators make their programs more culturally competent for Native veterinary students and faculty.  相似文献   

After teaching veterinary students for over 10 years, the author returned to graduate school as a part-time doctoral student in educational administration and policy studies. Sitting in the student's chair brought back an acute awareness of the submissive position of the student, the daunting prospects of navigating a university system, and the challenges of managing the workload of a degree program. The experience also provided a fresh perspective on instruction, including course delivery, effective use of class time, and the potential impact of the language one uses with students. These insights on teaching and learning and on the student's viewpoint may help educators become more empathetic and effective instructors and mentors of veterinary students.  相似文献   

Veterinary medical education in FADs has been and will continue to be critically important if veterinarians are expected to fulfill the profession's primary obligations to society--those of protecting our animals' health, conserving our animal resources, and promoting public health. It is imperative that curricula and instruction in veterinary schools and colleges provide the depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare all veterinarians, including those in private practice, for their key role in defending against FADs. Development and implementation of governmental and military programs to diagnose, prevent, control, and eradicate FADs will require a dedicated cadre of public sector veterinarians who have a solid educational foundation in FADs and understand the contemporary issues and global challenges we face. Animal-related industries, associations, and organizations will increasingly rely on well-educated veterinarians to help guide them in ways that will protect animals, clientele, consumers, and trading partners from effects of FADs. Agencies and organizations concerned with conservation of animal resources will require veterinary expertise necessary to prevent FADs in a multitude of animal species, including marine animals, wildlife, endangered species, zoologic specimens, and important genetic lines as well as our domestic companion and livestock species. Species affected by FADs also include human beings for those disease agents with zoonotic potential; thus, veterinary education also plays a key role in public health.  相似文献   

The process of obtaining a veterinary medical education creates a number of potential cognitive, emotional, physical, interpersonal, and developmental stressors for veterinary students. Although most universities offer stress management interventions for their students, these programs are often directed toward undergraduate students or non-veterinary graduate students, whose educational programs differ significantly from those of veterinary students. There is a need for specific stress management programs tailored to the needs of veterinary students. This article summarizes research drawn from the psychology, medical, and veterinary medical literature about the causes of stress that veterinary students experience. Interventions are discussed, and several Oregon State University (OSU) programs and liaisons are described. Stress management resources are suggested.  相似文献   

Tablet computers offer a new method of information management in veterinary medical education. With the tablet computer, students can annotate class notes using electronic ink, search for keywords, and convert handwriting to text as needed. Additional electronic learning resources, such as medical dictionaries and electronic textbooks, can be readily available. Eleven first-year veterinary students purchased tablet computers and participated in an investigation of their working methods and perceptions of the tablet computer as an educational tool. Most students found the technology useful. The small size and portability of the tablet allowed easy transport and use in a variety of environments. Most students adapted to electronic notetaking by the second week of classes; negative experiences with the tablet centered on a failure to become comfortable with taking notes and navigating on the computer as opposed to writing and searching on paper. A few performance-related problems, including short battery life, were reported. Tablet software allowed conversion of faculty course notes from a variety of original formats, meaning that instructors could maintain their original methods of note preparation. Adopting a consistent naming convention for files helped students to locate the files on their computers, and smaller file sizes helped with computer performance. Collaboration between students was fostered by tablet use, which offers possibilities for future development of collaborative learning environments.  相似文献   

Europe has a long and distinguished history in veterinary science and education, and it was here that the first professional investigations of pathological conditions in zoo animals took place. However, despite an increasing number of veterinarians working with wildlife, education in zoological and wildlife medicine has only recently become part of formal veterinary training at the undergraduate level. Consequently, current educational opportunities in zoological and wildlife medicine vary widely throughout Europe, both in availability and in composition. The need to establish agreed standards in education across Europe and to foster the mobility of students and teaching staff are reflected by international agreements such as the Bologna Treaty and the ERASMUS-SOCRATES program. Europe is also home to a number of voluntary professional organizations, such as the European Wildlife Disease Association and the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, that actively promote the inclusion of zoological and wildlife medicine in veterinary education. Zoo and wildlife medicine is currently a veterinary specialization in Europe, but educational opportunities are likely to increase in availability in the future.  相似文献   

As the demand for food-supply veterinarians changes, while the level of expertise necessary in this field markedly increases, there is a need to examine alternative modalities for delivering food-supply veterinary education. It seems clear that not all veterinary schools in the United States can sustain optimally sized facilities for the broad-based training in all species of food animals that the current and future food-supply veterinarian needs. An alternative model is for select schools to establish consortial centers of excellence in specific food-animal species, to which students from other schools can go for optimum final-year education. This alternative mode of food supply-veterinary medical education is discussed here.  相似文献   

The move to outcome-based education has been one of the most important trends in health-profession education in recent years. This paper defines outcomes and outcome-based education, describes the development of outcome-based education, identifies several different ways that outcomes have been presented, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the outcome-based educational approach. The implementation of outcome-based education at the University of Dundee medical school, Scotland, UK is described as a case study for curriculum planners in veterinary medical education. The lessons learned in Dundee from six years' experience with outcome-based education are identified to aid veterinary medical educators wishing to implement the approach.  相似文献   

《兽医内科学》是动物医学专业本科教育的专业方向课,具有较强的理论性、实践性和系统性,是动物医学专业的临床主干课程之一,也是动物临床医学的核心课。目前,该课程主要以线下双语教学方式为主,但随着信息化教育技术不断发展及国际交流合作越来越普及化,全线下教学模式局限性日渐凸显,尤其面对2020年初新冠疫情的暴发,线上居家教学成为教师和学生教与学的唯一方式。线下线上融合的双语教学能更充分的利用在线优质教育资源,对于实现资源共享、推动兽医教育与先进国家接轨、培养综合型高级兽医专业人才、增强国际竞争力具有重大意义。本文拟借助超星学习通平台探索一种教学效果相对理想的《兽医内科学》线上线下融合教学模式,并在实践教学中应用推广,主要从教学内容、教学模式、网络平台、师资队伍、教材开发等诸多方面对教学资源进行补充与创新、继续发展和完善,目标在于将《兽医内科学》双语教学发展到高水平阶段,以满足学生的学习和发展需求。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This paper outlines the design and implementation of an innovative communication skills training program at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). Based upon the body of research in human medical education reporting effective results through the use of standardized patients (SPs) for this type of training, an experiential learning laboratory using simulated clients (SCs) and patients was introduced to first-year veterinary students. METHOD: One hundred and four first-year students were assigned to 12 groups of eight or nine students plus a facilitator. Each student interacted with a simulated client and a patient while being observed by peers and a facilitator. The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide (CCOG) was used to guide students and facilitators with performance standards and feedback. Assessment strategies were utilized. RESULTS: Implementation of this program required extensive resources, including funding, expertise, facilitator training, time allotment in an already overburdened curriculum, and administrative and faculty support. Preliminary assessment revealed high student and facilitator satisfaction. The potential of this program for student education and assessment was recognized, and it will be expanded in years 2 and 3 of the DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) curriculum. CONCLUSIONS: Medical educators have created resources, including skills checklists and experiential learning modalities, that are highly applicable to veterinary medical education. Ongoing evaluation of the program is essential to determine whether we are meeting expectations for communication competency in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

The medical profession has spent much time and many resources engaging in a discourse of medical professionalism and debating the appropriate attitudes and behavior of physicians, but little has been published concerning the concept of veterinary professionalism. Physicians are commonly examined by social scientists and educationalists to establish definitions of medical professionalism in order to teach and assess these values within curricula. This challenging process has not been without criticism, however, with some calling the numerous definitions unhelpful, especially when these behaviors are not demonstrated in practice or the wider sociological implications of medical professionalism are ignored. Veterinary curricula often include professional skills, and there has been some discussion about their inclusion as well as the scope of veterinary surgeons and their role in society. Despite this, no true definition of veterinary professionalism exists, and the teaching of the values and behaviors expected of veterinary professionals may not be explicit. Regardless of the difficulties of engaging in such a discourse, perhaps it is time that this occurred and a realistic and usable definition of veterinary professionalism is established. This is a period of change for the veterinary profession, and a teachable and assessable definition can provide some clarity and assist educators within ever evolving veterinary curricula.  相似文献   

Food systems educators face a double challenge: (1) the inherent change in scope and perspective from raising animals to producing safe food in an environmentally conscientious manner; and (2) the unprecedented demand for higher education, both nationally and internationally. In the modern world, small numbers of producers are capable of feeding a growing population. As demographics have shifted from rural to urban areas, more global livelihoods are derived from manufacturing and services than from agriculture. Education, as one of those services, is accounting for an increasing percentage of world trade, through the physical translocation of students and, more recently, through online education. Within the veterinary realm, colleges outside the United States seek accreditation to better compete for students, and there is increasing pressure from private schools. Today's food systems require a high level of veterinary expertise, with specialization in a particular production system as well as the ability to contribute as part of a larger team that can address economic, bio-security, biological-waste, animal-welfare, food-safety, and public-health concerns. The need for different expertise from food systems specialists (indeed, shortages of all types of veterinary specialists), combined with global competition in education, is a call to action for the veterinary profession. This is an opportunity to revisit and reorganize the delivery of veterinary education, making use of new collaborative technologies for greater efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

近年,教育改革的风潮全面席卷各层次的教育活动,要求教育教学从传统模式中摆脱出来,要结合时代新发展,从人才需求的变化发展切入,改革教学活动,培养出更加高水平的专业人才。中职畜牧兽医专业教学需展开反思,认识目前教学中的问题,然后通过合理的措施改革教学。该文针对中职畜牧兽医专业教学存在的一些常见问题进行论述,然后论述教学改革需要关注的一些要点原则,最后提出相应的教学改革对策。  相似文献   

Although veterinary medicine endorses high moral character and adherence to a code of ethics, to our knowledge, virtually no studies have examined the influence of veterinary medical education on the moral development of its students. Using the Kohlberg standard moral judgment interview, this study examined that relationship in a sample of 20 veterinary medical students (16.0% of the veterinary college's student body). The students were tested at the beginning and at the end of their veterinary medical education to determine whether their moral reasoning scores had increased to the same extent as those of other postgraduate students. It was found that normally expected increases in moral reasoning did not occur over the four years of veterinary medical education for these students, suggesting that their veterinary medical educational experience somehow inhibited their moral reasoning ability rather than facilitated it. With a range of moral reasoning scores between 313 and 436, the mean increase from first year to fourth year of 12.5 points was not statistically significant. Statistical analysis revealed no significant correlations between the moral reasoning scores on age or gender, although there were significant correlations with Medical College Admissions Test scores and grade point average scores.  相似文献   

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