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Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH) share a long tradition in monitoring the economic performance of forest enterprises by means of forest accountancy networks. The results generated by these networks are a valuable empirical basis for forestry sector statistics in these countries. In the context of international analyses it is common practice to compare results between countries directly, without addressing the issue of compatibility. However, severe biases and even misjudgements may result from such simplistic approaches. These networks have been developed as national solutions, and their results are neither grounded on common methodological standards nor on attuned definitions, so that their compatibility is not guaranteed. The rising interest in international comparisons indicates that existing accountancy networks may well serve additional purposes. At the same time the importance of compatibility, if not standardisation, is highlighted. The institutions in charge of forestry accountancy networks in these countries recently launched an initiative to establish comparable datasets and to provide additional background information allowing a sound interpretation of any differences. This paper reflects the associated challenges, describes the agreements achieved as well as the common approaches adopted, and presents respective forestry financial results. This example illustrates the prospects as well as the limitations of deriving comparable data from heterogeneous sources. Initially, only few ratios are suited for valid comparisons. However, international compatibility could be improved substantially by computing alternative aggregates following a harmonized concept, the individual records of the participating enterprises providing respective details. In respect to some items, harmonization still hinges on specific amendments of the national data-frames. The preliminary findings indicate that the significance of biases varies to a great extent, so that a specific and prudent assessment is suggested. It is recommended that respective interfaces are provided when designing new forest accountancy data networks and amending existing ones in this respect.  相似文献   

Multifunctional forestry in Germany is characterized by long production periods and highly complex biological–technical processes. Therefore forest enterprises are complex systems, which are closely intertwined with their economic environment. To ensure their economic success, forest enterprises and forest policies need to take the economic development into consideration. The cost accounting scheme of the German Forestry Council provides a basis for management accounting in multifunctional forest enterprises and distinguishes five different production areas whereby intercompany comparisons of different kinds of ownership in forest accountancy networks (FANs) are possible. Results from such a FAN are used to illustrate the economic situation and long-term development of a panel of private forest enterprises. As well these data can support decision-making processes of individual enterprises, forest economic analyses and consultation in forest policy analyses.  相似文献   

德国奥地利森林资源监测与经营管理的特点及启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
深入分析了德国在同一抽样体系下,实施森林资源及其生态状况监测的技术特点、永续利用的经营理念与近自然的经营管理方法,以及奥地利信息技术在森林资源监测中的应用特点与科技创新的发展措施,对比我国森林资源监测状况,提出了完善森林资源监测内容和指标体系,建立森林资源及生态状况综合监测体系,加强新技术的创新研究和应用,积极争取国家基础数据共享应用的建议。  相似文献   

国外林区道路发展现状及启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
林区道路是林业和区域发展不可或缺的基础设施。德国、奥地利等较早实现工业化的欧洲国家林道建设起步早, 现已形成了与本国林业生产作业体系相适应的完善的林道路网体系。奥地利林道密度已达到89 m/hm2, 德国超过100 m/hm2, 英国、法国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰等国家也具备了密集的林道路网体系, 而日本、印度、韩国和俄罗斯林道配置水平较低。文中概述了这些国家林区道路的发展现状和经验教训; 针对我国林区道路总量不足、等级低下等严重滞后问题, 提出合理提高林区道路密度和等级, 林道建设要科学规划合理配置、重视森林生态保护, 制定林道建设技术标准和规程, 减少对环境的负面影响等建议。  相似文献   

The paper presents a typology of small-scale forest owners in Baden-Württemberg based on multiple criteria and derived using multivariate cluster analysis of long-term accountancy network data. Four distinct types of landholders are identified based on a combination of structural, financial and biophysical data. These groups fit well with the present knowledge on small-scale forest owners in Baden-Württemberg. In addition, the members of each group display clear differences in attitudes towards forestry, giving further support for the validity of the grouping. A comparison is made of this typology and typologies derived using the single criteria of forestry region, forest size class, cutting volume, proportion of coniferous trees, forest income and main source of income. This comparison demonstrates the advantages of using cluster analysis to identify types of small-scale forest owners in south-west Germany. No matter whether structural, natural or financial data are assessed, the multiple criteria typology produced by cluster analysis provides the highest percentage of statistically significant distinctions between the medians of the groups identified. A typology based on the single criterion of ‘regions’ provides the second best fit and has the advantage of being simple to develop. A more detailed comparison between these two typologies, whereby the differences between groups were analysed based on the links between individual groups in respect to individual variables, also indicated that the multiple criteria typology was superior.
Andy SelterEmail:

通过概述东亚、北美和西欧林地所有制构成来展现小型林业的现状。勾勒出小型林业的几个主要特点。讨论了小林主所面临的重要挑战,并总结了一些国家针对现存问题而采取的经济措施,对今后小型林业研究方向提出几点看法。  相似文献   

Storm damage is considered to be one of the most important risk factors for forestry in Central Europe. At the end of 1999 a centennial storm event hit the south-east of Germany and Switzerland, as well as central and western parts of France, and caused great damage. Forests in Baden-Württemberg were severely affected, with 30 M m3 of timber felled due to storm damage, three times the amount of the normal annual cut. Approximately 5.2 M m3 of the wind-thrown timber was in private forests, of which most were located in the central Black Forest. Smaller shares came from other regions of Baden-Württemberg. The economic damages and strategies of the forest owners were analysed in a multi-dimensional approach, using economic data from long-term accountancy networks, in combination with the results of a qualitative opinion poll amongst private forest owners. A storm coefficient was devised as a suitable indicator for the concerns of owners or ownership classes. The predicted operating income of the private forest owners is related to this coefficient. Cash flow simulations suggest that enterprises with a coefficient of more than 100% suffer from a reduction of their economic base. By combining the results derived from the accountancy networks with findings from the opinion poll it was found that the owners took an active decision towards self-processing and were able to save more than 30 M £ by choosing this strategy. State support which was provided in a variety of ways is also identified. A range of programs and institutional support measures mitigated the impact of the storm disaster. The effectiveness and acceptance of these measures by forest owners was confirmed by the results of the opinion poll.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感技术现已成为林业遥感研究的前沿技术之一,在林业定量监测及分析方面具有很大的潜力,同时也为森林经营与管理提供了一种更为科学和实用的新技术手段。文章主要从森林树种高光谱的分类与识别、森林树种主要生化参数模型估算、森林监测与高光谱遥感技术3个方面,总结归纳了高光谱遥感在林业上的主要研究现状,并对高光谱遥感技术在林业研究中的应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

我国林业科技的发展趋势与对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述了我国林业科技在林学主要学科、林业科学研究、林业科技推广与开发、国际林业科技合作与交流、林业科技管理等5个方面的发展趋势。针对我国林业科技发展趋势,论述了深化科技体制改革;增加科技投入;建设一支高水平的科技队伍,加速跨世纪人才的培养;创造有利于科技发展的政策环境;扩大国际合作与交流;加强林业科技管理等6大对策。  相似文献   

Under Vision 2020, a target was set in 1997 for trebling the forestry plantation area in Australia by the year 2020. Government subsidies and extension for plantation establishment have largely disappeared, hence forestry expansion is highly dependent on access to private finance. Plantation expansions throughout Australia has occurred predominantly through managed investment schemes, and to a lesser extent by joint venture schemes between landholders and government or private enterprise. Relatively small-scale hardwood plantations have been established, designed to replace the hardwood timber from the native forests that will be protected from further logging after 2024 under the Regional Forestry Agreements. Views on financing methods for forestry expansion in Queensland were investigated through by an email survey of 12 forestry and finance professionals, followed by in-depth personal interviews of the same group of key informants. Issues identified include lack of transparent information, inequitable taxation system between Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) companies and small-scale forest owners, need for further R&D on all aspects of the industry, and design of a strategic alliance model for forestry investors. Participants took the view that adoption of a strategic alliance model would encourage further investment in small-scale forestry and argued that this model could protect the interests of all the stakeholders through reducing investment risk and creating competitive advantage. The potential introduction of a carbon trading scheme also attracted interest from investors, who look for recognisable structures that may alleviate the risk of investing in an industry with which they are unfamiliar. The participants considered that further R&D should be the main focus for government participation in small-scale forestry, although recognizing current difficulties with information sharing.  相似文献   

Forest managers and policy-makers are being encouraged to incorporate carbon sequestration as a criterion for decision-making. This is a great challenge for small-scale forestry where the conspicuous lack of practical knowledge available for managers prevents the implementation of criteria to promote carbon sequestration. The carbon simulation model CO2FIX combined with local data could provide valuable information for C sequestration in these small-scale forestry systems. The research reported here focuses on community forestry located in the Juarez Mountain Range (Oaxaca State, Mexico), and analyzes the influences of forest management and wood-use (20 scenarios based on five forest management plans and four wood-use strategies) on the changes of C stock (biomass C, soil organic C, products C and fuelwood C) over time. The comparison of the whole stocks to reference results show that group-selection, based on an uneven-aged forest management system involving small patches, has only about half the C benefit relative to clear-cutting harvesting. A forest management strategy focused on oak logwood has a lower C benefit (70 %), and a forest management strategy focused on oak fuelwood has a higher C benefit (120 %) relative to the average of the studied wood-use strategies. Thus, in the study area forest managers and policy-makers who wish to mitigate climate change should increase the rotation period from 40 to 50 years in clear-cutting areas, continue with 40 years in group-selection areas, and promote the use of oak for bioenergy.  相似文献   

文章基于CiteSpace软件和科学计量指标,以CNKI与WOS数据库中1992-2018年13 845篇城市森林相关文献为研究对象,对国内外城市森林研究现状及发展态势进行分析。结果表明,年文献量呈指数增长趋势,学科交叉特征显著,与生态环境科学、林学和城市林业3门学科联系最为密切;Urban Forestry&Urban Greening与《中国城市林业》分别是国际、国内城市森林领域的主流期刊;城市森林包含多个研究方向,其中城市森林生境破碎化过程与机理探寻及生物多样性保护、城市森林生态系统服务的监测与评估、城市森林建设实践探索等3方面为关注度较高的研究热点;未来国内城市森林研究的合作强度和原创性需要加强,研究的焦点将主要集中在气候变化、乡村振兴、城市群建设、空气污染去除、城市绿地服务公平性等方面。  相似文献   

The progressive introduction of new modes of governance promoted by the international dialogue on forests during the last 20 years has resulted in a concrete change of the management of the forests, with a new style of relationship between the public authority and the local actors. The change has been considerable in some specific situations, for instance when the State plays a major role in public decisions and when the continuing economic transformation increases the importance of private estates. In both cases, small-scale forestry is especially concerned. Based on detailed examples selected in various situations where this change is significant, in western Europe (Belgium, France, Germany) and in transitioning (Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine) and developing (Marocco) countries, this special issue of the Small-scale Forestry sheds a new light on the capability of small-scale forestry to adapt to a transformation of the system of public decision-making. In most cases analysed, the barriers to adaptation, usually presented as resulting from fragmentation of the management decisions and a great number and diversity of stakeholders, also appear as drivers to change, in a global process where networks of actors are recomposed and power redistributed along a new scheme of national and regional links.  相似文献   

The current state and future prospects and challenges of small-scale forestry in Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine are examined, and Q-methodology for stakeholder evaluation of forest sustainability and pro-market reforms is applied to an example from Ukraine. Small-scale forestry already provides multiple benefits to the countries in transition. However, these countries differ according to the maturity of the reforms, and the continuing process of transition is being delayed in some of them due to institutional weaknesses, e.g. the authority of government with insufficient involvement of rural communities in decision-making. The necessity of linking international and national sustainable forestry policy to management practices at a local level is especially evident in the countries where bottom-up small-scale adaptive forestry is only starting to catch up with the top-down sustainable forest management principles. The paper highlights the necessity of reconciliation of scientific and conventional knowledge for delivering sustainability objectives to small-scale forestry at a local level. It demonstrates that the social and economic pillars of sustainable forestry reform are of a particular importance for successful performance of small-scale forestry in the countries in transition, as is active involvement of stakeholders and local communities in decision-making and policy implementation.  相似文献   

In the Venezuelan Andes, some small-scale forest plantations have become an important resource basis for forest management. In this paper, the forestry management progress in the Mucujún river watershed is analyzed. Constraints and opportunities for sustainable management within national policies, local regulations, environmental features and social benefits are also examined. Plantation assessment, and biophysical, legal and socioeconomics information, are used for guiding small-scale forestry practices in this watershed, with emphasis on the main principles of landscape management. These plantations have become an important part of the socio-ecological landscapes with potential for wood production—in the context of low intensity and low environmental impact environmental services and amenity—because of the two protected areas within the watershed. Current forest stand conditions, however, reflect that management requires improvement. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that improvement of local livelihoods may be achieved with a small-scale forestry approach, taking properly into account the basic criteria of social involvement and management of planted forests, while maintaining ecosystem services including biodiversity and water supply.  相似文献   

人工神经网络在林业上的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在目前的林业生产中,林业作业机械化、自动化与智能化的程度存在着一定的不足,在林业作业中借助人工神经网络技术优化作业系统可以有效地提高作业效率和精度。文中概述了国内外人工神经网络在林业作业应用中的研究现状以及人工神经网络在林业作业应用中的优势,介绍了人工神经网络在植树造林、森林监测、森林采伐、木材加工4个方面的应用现状,在分析林业作业应用人工神经网络存在问题的基础上,提出了人工神经网络在林业作业应用中未来的发展方向,以期提高林业作业的智能性和准确性。  相似文献   

小规模林地合作经营趋势与国外经验借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林权制度改革实际上是家庭承包经营责任制在林业领域的延伸。家庭承包经营责任制带来了林地小规模经营。分析了家庭承包经营责任制下的林农分化情况, 阐述了小规模林地合作经营的趋势及当前的农民合作经济组织形式。在借鉴国外小规模林地合作经营做法的基础上, 提出了我国小规模林地合作经营的路径:健全法制、依法治林、促进林业合作经营, 鼓励组建林业合作组织, 加强对林业合作组织的规范化管理、完善内部管理制度, 对农民进行合作经济组织基本知识培训, 促进跨区域、全国性合作组织的成立。  相似文献   

随着我国可持续发展战略的实施, 林业的重要作用日益凸显, 研究和分析国际林业发展态势, 有助于促进我国林业的可持续发展和林业对外合作与交流.文中介绍了几内亚森林资源、林业政策法规、林业机构、林业科研与教育、森林保护、林产品贸易等现状, 在此基础上总结了几内亚林业的特点及发展落后的主要原因, 并展望了两国林业合作前景.  相似文献   

国内外林业遥感应用研究概况与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
林业遥感技术不仅可以直接获取森林资源管理的数据,更能进一步揭示森林经营管理的生态影响。伴随合成孔径雷达、激光雷达、高光谱、热红外等高分辨率遥感设备和技术的快速发展,遥感在森林生物生态属性上的定量和定性测绘与监测方面发展十分迅速。文中重点介绍近几年国内外遥感在森林分布、组成、结构、动态和干扰、生产力监测上的应用概况,并从拓展林业遥感研究目标和维度、加大投入、提升平台建设能力和重点关注林业工程及数字林业规划等方面提出林业遥感未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国林产品对外贸易政策评价初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
首先回顾中国林产品对外贸易政策, 整体上概括当前中国林产品对外贸易政策; 构建对外贸易政策指标评价体系, 根据1998-2008年的林产品贸易数据, 对现有政策的效果进行实证分析评价; 得出结论:中国应将林业作为战略性产业进行扶持, 贸易政策应以国内市场为基础、以扩大出口和提高国际市场份额为目标、以国际市场为导向, 以进口保护促进出口政策, 改变外部经济的贸易政策。  相似文献   

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