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文章对湖北小麦白粉病菌有性时期对自生麦苗侵染情况进行观察.结果显示:侵染自生麦苗的主要菌源是病残体上的闭囊壳释放的子囊孢子,且闭囊壳量大、阴湿条件下自生麦苗发病重,而闭囊壳量少、阴湿条件下则自生麦苗发病轻,干燥、阳光直射条件不利于闭囊壳向自生麦苗传病.田间病残体上的闭囊壳无法与秋苗形成菌源衔接,即不能直接为秋苗提供菌源,只是侵染自生麦苗的重要菌源,在小麦白粉病侵染循环中起着间接越夏的重要作用.导致麦苗发病的闭囊壳必须在土表以上,埋于土壤中的闭囊壳一般不会导致麦苗发病,土表以上病残体或闭囊壳量愈大,发病的可能性也更大.  相似文献   

为探明温度对梨树腐烂病菌生长、病斑扩展及产毒素水平的影响,采用常规生物学方法和高效液相色谱法,测定了该病菌强致病力菌株LXS240101在不同温度下的菌丝生长、病斑扩展及产毒素水平。结果表明:菌株LXS240101最适宜的生长温度为25~30℃;在5~35℃范围内,梨树离体枝条接种梨树腐烂病菌后均能发病并导致病斑扩展,25℃时病斑扩展速度最快,面积达4.45cm2,5℃和35℃时病斑扩展速度缓慢,面积不足0.3 cm2。该菌株在梨树树皮培养基中最适宜的产毒素温度为20℃,10~25℃条件下可产生5种毒素,而在其它温度下仅产生3~4种;接种该菌株的梨树离体枝条5℃条件下未检测到间苯三酚和对羟基苯甲酸,且毒素总量最低,其余温度下均可检测到5种毒素,最适宜的产毒素温度为10℃,毒素总量可达224.14μg/g干组织。  相似文献   

茶扦插苗根腐性苗枯病菌腐皮镰孢生物学特性研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
 茶扦插苗根腐性苗枯病菌腐皮镰孢生长温度范围10~35℃,最适生长温度25℃;在27~31.5℃下培养时,RH 96%产孢量最大;孢子发芽率则以在30℃和RH 100%、25~27℃和p H 5.6~8.1时较高。黑暗、日光灯及黑暗与散光交替处理对菌丝生长和产孢无明显差异,但紫外灯处理可使菌丝生长显著减慢。孢子致死温度58℃ 10 min。室温下病菌在病残体中可存活18个月以上。该菌能利用多种单糖、双糖及醇类作碳源和利用L-胱氨酸、草酸铵、尿素、DL-α-氨基丙酸作氮源。L-赖氨酸不适于病菌生长和产孢。  相似文献   

西瓜蔓枯病菌子实体的诱导及抗性鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在26~28℃,12h光照/12h黑暗的条件下,西瓜蔓枯病菌Didymella bryoniae在西瓜叶汁B培养基上培养3周左右,能形成大量黄褐色的小点即分生孢子器;而在21~23℃,12h光照(40W荧光灯)/12h黑暗的条件下培养,在西瓜叶汁C培养基能大量形成黑色小点即子囊座。来源不同的蔓枯病菌对西瓜的致病力差异显著。用致病力最强的蔓枯病病菌菌株XD-99-04-29-01 2~4×10~5孢子/ml孢子液,喷雾接种3~4叶期的西瓜苗,保湿120h,20个被鉴定的国内外西瓜组合/品种的蔓枯病病情指数在15~50,差异明显。对美国的4个品种的抗病性鉴定结果与先前的报道一致。  相似文献   

水稻叶尖枯病初侵染和再侵染研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 本研究首次证明水稻叶尖枯病(Phyllosticta oryzicola Hara)的初侵染来源与病残体、病稻种和带菌野生杂草有关。在老病区,病残体特别是落在田中的病叶是主要的初侵染来源。病区稻种带菌率一般为0.5~2.5%,带菌部位几乎都是颖壳。田间无芒稗、西来稗、双穗雀稗、狗尾草、李氏禾、千金子、牛筋草、虎尾草、白茅、菰、马唐和芦竹等10多种禾本科杂草均可是病菌的野生寄主。试验还表明,田间水稻叶尖枯病能够进行再侵染。  相似文献   

枇杷根腐病的发生与防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经调查 ,发现枇杷根腐病是由半知菌类 (Cylindrocladium)引起的一种土传病害 ,病菌以细小菌核、菌丝在土壤或病残体中越冬或长期存活 ,主要通过土壤、农具、灌溉和病残体传播 ,防治此病的关键在于从无病菌地引种 ,减少伤根 ,加强栽培管理 ,增强树势 ,药剂防治可选用 2 0 %粉锈宁 (三唑酮 ) 80 0倍 ,4 0 %福星 70 0 0倍 ,绿凡九五 5 0 0倍 ;72 %农用链霉素 4 0 0 0倍 ,进行灌根。 7~ 10 d后再灌淋 1次 ,效果更好  相似文献   

 此病分布于河北省24个县、市,山东、四川、江苏亦有发生。病原鉴定为发光假密环菌[Armillariella tabescens(Scop.ex Fr.) Singer],并非Armillariella mellea菌所致。
病区开沟封锁,能防止病害扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

玉米细菌性茎腐病的发生为害调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统调查表明,玉米细菌性茎腐病由玉米细菌性茎腐病菌(Erwiniachrysanthemipv.zeae)所致,在玉米植株中部叶鞘和茎秆上发生水渍状腐烂,引起组织软化。病菌随病残组织在田间、地边越冬。夏季暴雨多、空气湿度大、虫害发生重等对病害发生有利。提出及时清除病残体、防治虫害、适时施药的防治措施。  相似文献   

玉米大斑病菌越冬生态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1.陕西关中夏玉米栽培区玉米大斑病菌主要越冬菌态是病斑内菌丝体,其次是病残体上的分生孢子。干枯病叶中的菌丝体和病斑表面的分生孢子可存活两年以上。2.越冬病斑内菌丝体可从气孔抽生出新分生孢子梗或由营养菌丝分化出分生孢子梗产生孢子。产孢温度范围为10-35℃,适温15-28℃,并要求保持90%以上的相对湿度或叶面呈湿润状态。3.地面以上的病残体堆积物或秸垛是主要越冬基地,因病残体绝对数量多,越冬率高而稳定,其次是散布地面的病残体。越冬病源出现时期相当长,可以作为玉米大斑病初侵染及后续侵染菌源。  相似文献   

采用平板和离体培养法测定S-921菌株及其发酵液对苹果树腐烂病菌的作用。结果表明,S-921菌对苹果树腐烂病菌有较强的抗生作用,二者在PDA平极培养基上共同培养时,能产生直径30~40mm的抑菌圈。将苹果树腐烂病菌用S-921菌株发酵液浸泡处理12小时,可失去致病能力。离体培养的结果表明,刮除病斑后涂抹S-921菌株发酵液的治疗效果最好,治愈率达100%;在病斑处划刻(间隔2~3mm)后涂抹的,仅能短时期的抑制病斑扩大,不能治愈。S-921菌发酵液对苹果树腐烂病菌具有溶菌作用,使原生质凝集,液泡消失,菌丝壁溶解,原生质外流,菌丝体崩溃而解体。  相似文献   

The effects of pre-planting solarization or fumigation with metham-sodium of sand-mulched soil on fusarium wilt of watermelon in plastic house culture were investigated at Almeria, south-eastern Spain. In two trials, 2 months' solarization increased the average maximum soil temperature by c. 5°C to 44-48° C at 10 cm depth and by 4-5° C to 40-42° C at 20-30 cm. The amount of Fusarium oxysporum in the upper 15 cm of a naturally infested soil was reduced by solarization and by fumigation. During the 9 months following treatment, the F. oxysporum population stabilized at a low level in soil solarized for 2 months, but fluctuated in soil solarized for 1 month and increased in fumigated soil. The amount of wilt in watermelon sown into this soil after treatment was generally low; plants growing in solarized or fumigated soil suffered less wilt than plants in untreated soil but the differences were not significant. In a soil artificially infested with the highly pathogenic race 2 of F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum, F. oxysporum populations were greatly reduced following solarization or fumigation, and fluctuated erratically thereafter. Solarization for 2 months completely controlled wilt in watermelon and gave a fruit yield almost five times that of plants in untreated soil. Solarization for 1 month only slowed disease development slightly but gave a yield more than twice that in untreated soil. Fumigation with metham-sodium retarded disease development considerably and tripled fruit yield. Plant performance was significantly better in soil solarized for 2 months than in uninfested control soil, suggesting beneficial effects of this treatment additional to wilt control.  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾越冬场所调查初报   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了明确二点委夜蛾的越冬场所,为预测预报和防治提供科学依据,对玉米田、豆田、花生田、棉田、甘薯田等作物植株、地表和0~5 cm表土进行调查,记录二点委夜蛾幼虫的分布部位和数量。结果表明,在玉米植株苞叶、玉米田的麦秸和杂草下、豆田、棉田、花生田、甘薯田、冬瓜田植株下或落叶下、桃园、田边地头和废弃农田杂草下均发现有二点委夜蛾幼虫,以植株密度大、落叶多、地表覆盖程度高的棉田、豆田和花生田虫口密度高。说明二点委夜蛾食性杂,越冬场所复杂, 棉田、豆田、花生田和玉米田等多种作物田以及田间杂草均可为其越冬场所。  相似文献   

为了明确棚栽嫁接西瓜黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒发病地杂草染病情况,采集3个镇(街道)5个村的发病地杂草样本进行种类识别与酶联免疫双抗体夹心(DAS-ELISA)法检测。结果发现82份杂草有18科39种,其中37种杂草78个样本染病,染病率分别为94.8%和95.1%;且在染病的杂草中有12种杂草表现着不同程度的黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒疑似症状,以繁缕症状表现最早,也较严重。说明棚栽西瓜田内杂草种类繁多,且很多都能感染或携带黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒。  相似文献   

Zhou XG  Everts KL 《Phytopathology》2007,97(4):461-469
ABSTRACT Eighty-eight isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum, collected from wilted watermelon plants and infested soil in Maryland and Dela-ware, were characterized by cross pathogenicity to muskmelon, race, and vegetative compatibility. Four isolates (4.5%) were moderately pathogenic to >/=2 of 18 muskmelon cultivars in a greenhouse test, and one representative isolate also was slightly pathogenic in field microplots. The four isolates all were designated as race 2, and were in vegetative compatibility group (VCG) 0082. Of the 74 isolates to which a VCG could be assigned, 41 were in VCG 0080, the VCG distributed most widely; 27 were in VCG 0082, and were distributed in half of the 20 watermelon fields surveyed; and 6 were in the newly described VCG 0083, and were restricted to three fields. Among the isolates in VCG 0080, 8 were designated as race 0, 21 as race 1, and 12 as race 2. Of the isolates in VCG 0082, 6 were designated as race 0, 11 as race 1, and 10 as race 2. All isolates in VCG 0083 were designated as race 2. Isolates from more than one race within the same VCG or isolates from more than one VCG were recovered from single plants and fields. No differences in aggressiveness on differential watermelon cultivars were observed among isolates from different VCGs of the same race. A diverse association between virulence and VCG throughout the Mid-Atlantic region suggests that the pathotypes of F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum may be of local origin or at least long existent in the region.  相似文献   

Soils from anthracnose-infected lettuce fields at Keilor, Werribee South and La Trobe University caused lesions of Microdochium panattonianum to develop when inoculated on to lettuce leaves. Under field conditions conidia lost infectivity within 10 weeks in pasteurized and 6 weeks in non-pasteurized Werribee South soil, 2 weeks in Keilor red and immediately in Keilor black non-pasteurized soils. Soils remained infective for 18 weeks in non-pasteurized and pasteurized Werribee South soils inoculated with conidia and for Hand 16 weeks respectively when the same soils were inoculated with infected leaf discs.
In 1983 and 1984 M. panattonianum survived for 14 and 16 weeks respectively on infected Cos Verdi debris on the soil surface, for 10 and 20 weeks respectively on debris buried at 10 cm depth and for 70 and 58 weeks respectively on debris suspended in the air. The fungus survived for similar periods on infected Winterlake debris on the soil surface and buried at 10 cm depth. In soil the decline of infectivity was primarily influenced by duration of exposure and soil moisture, and in debris by duration of exposure and rainfall that occurred over the 2 weeks preceding each sample. The disease was not transmitted on seed produced on infected plants. Seedlings grown from healthy seed inoculated with conidia did not develop anthracnose after the seed had been stored for 24 days at 5 or 20°C. The significance of these results to the management of lettuce anthracnose in Victoria is discussed.  相似文献   

There are many natural enemies of weedy plants; among them are plant pathogens. Plant pathogens are capable of affecting plants, in part because of the phytotoxins they produce. Phytoloxins of weedy pathogens are produced in culture media by most of the phytopathogenic fungi of weeds that we have studied. In most cases the phytotoxin(s) usually belongs to a family of related compounds produced by the pathogen. Phytotoxin production in the medium can be optimized by placement of the host extract into the medium. Lethal activity is usually observed in the concentration range of 10-3-10-6M. The concept of using these molecules, or derivatives thereof, or related compounds as herbicides, should be explored.  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella brassicicola (ringspot), Alternaria brassicicola and A. brassicae (dark leaf spot) and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (black spot) can infect leaves of Brussels sprouts resulting in yield losses. Infections of outer leaves of sprouts cause severe losses in quality. Crop residues can be a major primary inoculum source of the pathogens. Their population dynamics were followed in residues of leaves and stalks of crops of Brussels sprouts during 24 months using real‐time PCR assays. Leaf residues on the soil surface or buried in soil decomposed within 4 months. However, residues of stalks were present in the field after 24 months. In such residues, M. brassicicola populations increased during the first 2 months, but decreased thereafter and the pathogen was found only occasionally in the second year. Alternaria brassicicola multiplied on stalks exposed on the surface of field soil and was present on such residues after 24 months. Survival was less on residues buried in soil. Alternaria brassicae population increased in stalks exposed on the soil surface during the first months but decreased thereafter under the detection limit. Xanthomonas campestris cv. campestris populations fluctuated in time but 1 × 104 cells mg?1 stalk residue were still found after 24 months. Additionally, the four pathogens were present in residues of 11 commercial rapeseed crops that were analysed. The observed variation in population sizes of the pathogens between individual pieces of crop residues indicates a stochastic spread of pathogens. Unravelling the underlying processes will support the development of novel methods for sustainable disease prevention.  相似文献   

为探明土壤撒施石灰对西瓜枯萎病发生的影响,本试验设计5个浓度剂量的氧化钙对连作西瓜5年的土壤进行消毒处理,通过栽培感病品种并调查植株生长情况、枯萎病发病率等指标,结合土壤中尖孢镰刀菌西瓜专化型1号小种病原菌孢子量和土壤pH的变化动态,以此评估土壤施加石灰防治西瓜枯萎病的效果,并利用不同浓度的钙对尖孢镰刀菌西瓜专化型菌丝生长和产孢量的影响进行防治机理的初步研究。试验结果表明,当土壤施加氧化钙后,西瓜发病率显著降低,各处理的相对防效分别为14%、57.8%、96.3%、94.7%、94.7%。在定植10d后,各处理均有促进植株生长发育的作用,其中1.34g/kg最显著。而随着氧化钙施加量的增加,土壤pH值也不断提高,30d趋于稳定。对土壤病原菌孢子数量检测表明:各处理土壤中病原菌数量均呈现显著降低的趋势。PDA平板生测结果表明,当钙离子浓度高于80mmol/L时,病原菌的生长及产孢量开始受到抑制,随着浓度的增加,抑制作用加强。土壤施加氧化钙不仅能改善土壤的酸化,还能有效防控西瓜枯萎病,其机理可能是土壤pH值的提高改变了土壤微环境,不利于病原菌侵染;施加的钙离子抑制了病原菌菌丝的生长及孢子的萌发。研究结果对揭示氧化钙防控西瓜枯萎病机制,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In a 4-year disease survey in commercial spinach fields, pathogens were isolated from spinach root pieces placed on selective agar media. Aphanomyces cladogamus was the most abundant pathogen, followed by Phytophthora. cryptogea and Fusarium oxysporum. Rhizoctonia solani was found only occasionally. Other pathogens isolated were F. redolens, F. sambucinum and Cylindrocarpon destructans. P. cryptogea was the most severe pathogen, causing death of most plants, but A. cladogamus also caused severe root damage. Isolates of F. oxysporum ranged from highly pathogenic, i.e. P. oxysporum f.sp. spinaciae race 1. to moderately pathogenic and non-pathogenic, Rhizoctonia solani isolates also varied widely in their pathogenicity. Only a small number of the F. redotens and F. sambucinum isolates were pathogenic and most C. destructans isolates were weakly pathogenic. Isolation frequencies were relatively stable from year to year, but P. cryptogea was isolated more frequently in autumn than in spring. No clear relationships were found between pathogen prevalence and disease severity index of surveyed field plants, between pathogen prevalence and plant developmental stage, or between prevalence of the different pathogens isolated.  相似文献   

To suppress weeds in an apple (Malus sp.) orchard, we placed spruce (Picea spp.) bark mulch and cocoa (Theobroma cacao) husk mulch for 3 months in thicknesses of 0, 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 cm. To assess the development of weed cover, an innovative use of log‐logistic dose–response models was applied, with mulch thickness as the independent variable. Weed cover was measured by non‐destructive image analysis by estimating the relationship between the number of green pixels and the total number of pixels in each experimental plot. The thickness of mulch layer required to attain a 50 and 90% weed suppression (ED50 and ED90) differed significantly within and between mulch types. In all except one instance, the cocoa mulch was superior in suppressing weeds. This method was useful for the evaluation, but further research is needed to give a more general conclusion about the suppression ability of the two mulches under other climatic and growing conditions.  相似文献   

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