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为了科学地对发生森林火灾的森林进行灾后恢复,以湖南省为案例,选取影响森林火灾恢复力的年平均气温、年降水量、年日照时数、年发生火灾次数、单位面积活立木增长量等8项指标建立了恢复力指标体系,采用组合赋权法确定了指标权重,建立了森林火灾恢复力评价模型,对森林火灾恢复力进行了定量评价。结果表明:森林火灾恢复力主要受单位面积活立木增长量影响,湖南省森林火灾恢复力存在恢复力一般区和恢复力较弱区,没有恢复力较强区,说明湖南省森林生态系统受到森林火灾干扰后恢复潜力不高。  相似文献   

森林火灾中的人员伤亡应尽最大可能避免。相应的安全保障,可有效防范森林火灾,并在火灾发生后进行补救。从玉溪市森林防火概况、安全扑火经验、火场扑救要点、火场注意事项、火灾事故特点、火灾伤亡原因、火灾避险自救等方面,简要总结了森林火灾的安全扑救及紧急避险经验。  相似文献   

新的<森林防火条例>和山西省<森林火灾责任事故追究办法>的出台,标志着政府已将森林火灾责任事故提上了重要议事日程,可以说,森林火灾责任事故责任追究仅次于煤矿安全生产责任事故,而且有趋于同等的迹象,一场森林大火,在旦夕之间把大片苍翠茂密的森林化为灰烬,给国家、集体和人民生命财产造成严重损失的同时,也烧掉了不少责任官员的"乌纱帽",每次森林火灾都能警醒不少人员,一次次的警醍,使相关的同志们拿出了超乎寻常的精力抓森林防火,抓预防、抓扑救、抓处置,但最终看来,预防工作抓的不少,出的招数也不少,各地的典型经验也层出不穷,但森林火灾还是时有发生,而火灾发生后,在扑救与灾后处置问题上,更是人力、物力、财力耗掉不少,但效果并不明显,为此,笔者就森林火灾扑救和灾后处置谈一些看法.  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺现象对森林火灾的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
“厄尔尼诺”引起全世界范围内的气候、气象现象反常,也使森林火灾处于高度活跃期。“厄尔尼诺”现象与森林火灾密切相关,特别是与大面积森林火灾相关显著。进入90 年代后,随着全球变暖,厄尔尼诺现象出现得越来越频繁,发生大面积森林火灾可能性也会增大。  相似文献   

森林火灾档案是研究林火发生一般规律、总结防火经验教训、制定森林防火预案、评估火灾损失及灾后恢复的重要依据,是森林防火工作的重要环节。分析了我国森林火灾档案管理现状及存在的问题,阐述了森林火灾档案建立的基本要求和包括的主要内容,介绍了档案管理中遵循的原则、方法以及档案在森林防火工作中的具体应用等,为实现森林防火档案规范化、现代化管理提供有效途径。  相似文献   

对1968-2013年浙江森林火灾与气象资料进行统计分析,并对ENSO循环下浙江森林火灾与气象要素的关系进行了进一步分析,研究ENSO循环对浙江森林火灾的影响。结果表明:1968-1983年浙江森林火灾次数处于低值区,1984年起火灾次数突然上升,并于1986年达峰值,随后出现逐波下降趋势。浙江森林火灾多年平均月际变化呈单峰型,从12月开始上升,峰值出现在来年的4月,5月开始急剧下降,谷值出现在6月,海温暖异常月份,森林火灾减少;海温冷异常月份,森林火灾增加;ENSO循环影响浙江森林火灾的主要气候机理为:El Nino爆发前的冬季有利于浙江森林火灾的发生,而El Nino发生后的冬季不利于火灾发生;与之相反,在La Nina爆发之前的冬季不利于森林火灾的发生,而在La Nina发生后的冬季,有利于森林火灾的发生;ENSO循环还通过与冬季风的关系影响到浙江森林火灾峰值月份的出现时间,在El Nino年夏季,一般不利于浙江森林火灾的发生,在La Nina年夏季,当副高西伸脊点偏西,有利于森林火灾的发生,当西伸脊点偏东,则不利于森林火灾发生。  相似文献   

森林火灾损失评估是森林防火工作的重要组成部分,是灾后经济补偿的基础,其核心问题是森林价值和生态效益的确定。森林火灾损失分类是火灾损失评估的基础,不同的分类方法导致统计计算结果有很大的差异。本文综述了国内森林火灾损失分类及评估方法的研究进展,并对当前森林火灾损失评估工作进行了评述。  相似文献   

森林、草原火灾发生以后,首先要查清火因,弄清发生火灾的性质,查清烧毁的森林草原面积、林木损失的数量、扑救火灾时所造成的经济损失,以便为定案和存入火灾档案提供材料,同时也为研究森林火灾的发生规律和预防扑救措施提供科学依据。因此,搞好森林火灾的调查是护林防火工作中的一项重要工作。一、调查火因森林火灾的现场与其它刑事案件的现场不同,有它自己的特点:森林火灾发生后,大片森林和林内可燃物被烧掉,起火点和引火物一时很难发现;  相似文献   

分析了森林火灾的突发性、不可预知性、破坏性、持续性和失控性等特点,从灾难心理学的角度提出森林消防人员是森林火灾的间接受害人.森林火灾作为一种自然灾难,时森林消防人员会产生不同程度的影响,使森林消防人员产生创伤后应激障碍,需要对森林消防人员进行灾后的心理干预服务,同时对他们在日常生活学习进行心理辅导,以提高他们的心理应激能力,培养森林消防人员优秀的心理素质.  相似文献   

森林火灾的发生,在很多情况下是不可避免的,但森林火灾过后的生态状况,对于灾后生态恢复以及相关林业活动却有着重要意义,因此构建森林火灾后生态现状评价指标体系就显得尤为重要。选择根河地区森林火灾后的生态系统作为研究对象,通过对国内外各类生态系统评价指标体系的构建方式进行分析,以及对指标的文献筛选、频度统计、可行性理论分析和敏感性分析,初步构建了以森林火灾后生态恢复现状评价为目标,以生产力、更新能力、土壤条件、微生物因子、气象与立地条件和生物多样性为要素层,由23个指标构成的根河地区森林火灾后生态现状评价体系,并运用熵权法确定指标体系中各项指标的权重。这种将定性分析与定量分析相结合进行指标体系建立的方法可以达到使用最少的指标反映最大量原始信息的目的。研究思路和方法在一定程度上丰富了森林生态系统评价研究理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

Species can persist in a landscape with recurrent disturbances either through local survival or by dispersing to sites of a preferred successional stage. This study investigated in what extent forest floor dwelling land snails survived forest fires and clear-cutting. Snail fauna in LFH (litter, fermenting litter and humus) samples below retained aspen trees in disturbed areas were compared with samples under scattered aspens in adjacent forests by extracting snails from LFH samples below five aspens in several stands of each type (five forest fires, six clear-cuts, and seven undisturbed forests). LFH samples from burnt sites had a higher pH than from forests, but on average a lower abundance of individual snails (11 vs. 30 in 0.5 l LFH) and 50% lower species density (3 vs. 6 species). The abundances and species densities in the clear-cuts were less affected. There was generally a positive relationship between pH and both species density and abundance in all the stand types. Burning apparently depleted the snail fauna considerably and some species may be dependent on dispersal if they are to recover within the burnt area, while the snail assemblages at clear-cuts did not differ significantly in species composition from adjacent forests. The positive relationship between pH and snail prevalence on the burnt sites raises questions regarding the pre- and post-fire spatial variation in pH (and available minerals) within and among stands and how it relates to snail survival rates and their capacity to track suitable places after the disturbance. Retained aspens at clear-cuts seem to harbour a forest like land snail fauna.  相似文献   

Worldwide, the land area devoted to timber plantations is expanding rapidly, especially in the tropics, where reptile diversity is high. The impacts of plantation forestry and its management on native species are poorly known, but are important, because plantation management goals often include protecting biodiversity. We examined the impact of pine (Pinus caribaea) plantations, and their management by fire, on the abundance and richness of reptiles, a significant proportion of the native biodiversity in tropical northern Australia, by (i) comparing abundance and diversity of reptiles among pine plantations (on land cleared specifically for plantation establishment), and two adjacent native forest types, eucalypt and Melaleuca woodlands, and (ii) comparing reptile abundance and richness in pine forest burnt one year prior to the study to remove understorey vegetation with pine forest burnt two years prior to the study. We also examined the influence of fire on reptile assemblages in native vegetation, by comparing eucalypt woodland burnt two years prior to the study and unburnt for eight years. To quantify mechanisms driving differences in reptile richness and abundance among forest types and management regimes, we measured forest structure, the temperatures used by reptiles (operative temperature) and solar radiation, at replicate sites in all forest types and management regimes. Compared to native forests, pine forests had taller trees, lower shrub cover in the understorey, more and deeper exotic litter (other than pine), and were cooler and shadier. Reptile assemblages in pine forests were as rich as those in native forests, but pine assemblages were composed mainly of species that typically use closed-canopy rainforest and prefer cooler, shadier habitats. Burning did not appear to influence the assemblage structure of reptiles in native forest, but burning under pine was associated with increased skink abundance and species richness. Burned pine was not warmer or sunnier than unburned pine, a common driver of reptile abundance, so the shift in lizard use after burning may have been driven by structural differences in understorey vegetation, especially amounts of non-native litter, which were reduced by burning. Thus, burning for management under pine increased the abundance and richness of lizard assemblages using pine. Pine plantations do not support the snake diversity common to sclerophyllous native forests, but pine may have the potential to complement rainforest lizard diversity if appropriately managed.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting, with and without prescribed slash fire, and wild fire are common disturbances in pine forests of western North America. These disturbances can alter soil nitrogen (N) pools and N supply to colonizing vegetation, but their influence remains poorly understood for many forests. We investigated the effects of clear cut harvesting and fire on KCl extractable N pools, net N mineralization rates, phosphorus (P) fractions, seedling N uptake, and seedling growth in mineral soils sampled from a lodgepole pine forest in southern Wyoming. At a site where wild fire burned through a harvested stand of lodgepole pine and the adjacent intact forest, we analyzed mineral soils from the following four treatments: unburned clear cut, burnt clear cut, unburned forest, and burnt forest. Soils from unburned and burnt clear cut treatments had higher concentrations of KCl extractable N and higher net N mineralization rates, and produced larger pine seedlings in bioassays than soils from unburned and burnt intact forest treatments. Further, while seedlings grown in soils from the unburned and burnt forest treatments responded strongly to N fertilization, seedlings grown in clear-cut soils did not respond to fertilization. Taken together, these results suggest that harvesting had increased soil N supply. In comparing clear cut treatments, soils from the unburned clear cut had smaller extractable N and P pools, and lower net N mineralization rates, but produced larger pine seedlings than soils from the burnt clear cut.  相似文献   

This article investigates options for reforestation in degraded forests in Central Vietnam within the context of sustainable forestry and presents a forest management plan for the forests around the community of Phong My. In the past, the area was damaged during the war between Vietnam and the United States and after that by overcutting. Forests have gradually been degraded and now they are replaced by plantations of fast-growing Acacia (Acacia mangium). After final harvests, the stand remnants are burnt and the burnt area is again regenerated via artificial regeneration of Acacia. Here, we propose several mixtures in which Acacia stands can be augmented with other tree species. A proposed system of afforestation and subsequent management is given here with the goal of encouraging mixed species, multiple cohort stands, and disincentivizing the method of slash-and-burn. The proposed afforestation patterns were also used to calculate the future number of seedlings required to enable the enlargement of quality forests at the expense of degraded ones.  相似文献   

The identification of burnt forests and their monitoring provide essential information for the suitable management and conservation of these ecosystems. This research focuses on the use of remote sensing with MODIS sensor data in a Mediterranean environment, precisely in the Rif region known for its high occurrence of forest fires and the largest burnt areas in Morocco. It mapped the burnt areas during the summer of 2016 using spectral indices from MODIS images, namely the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) and the Burnt Area Index for MODIS (BAIM). Two field surveys were used to calibrate spectral indices and validate the maps. First, a monotemporal analysis using a single pre-fire image determined the appropriate threshold of the spectral indices (BAIM and NBR) for burn detecting. Secondly, a multitemporal method was applied based on dBAIM and dNBR images which represented pre-fire and postfire differences of the BAIM and NBR images, respectively. The results show that separate use of monotemporal postfire and multitemporal methods produced an overestimation of the burnt areas. Finally, we propose a new algorithm combining both methods for burnt area mapping that we name Burnt Area Algorithm. MCD45A1 and MCD64A1 MODIS burnt area products were compared to the proposed algorithm. Validation of the estimated burnt areas using reference data of the Moroccan High Commission for Water, Forests and Fight against Desertification showed satisfactory results using the proposed algorithm, with a determination coefficient of 0.68 and a root mean square error of 44.0 ha.  相似文献   

The effect of forests clear felling and associated burning on the population of soil nitrogen transforming bacteria and actinomycetes are reported at three pair sites of Chittagong University campus, Bangladesh in monsoon tropical climate. Clear felled area or burnt site and 15-21 year mixed plantation of native and exotic species, situated side by side on low hill having Typic Dystrochrepts soil was represented at each pair site. At all the three pair sites, clear felled area or burnt site showed very significantly (p≤0.001) lower population of actinomycetes, Rhizobium, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter and ammonifying as well as denitrifying bacteria compared to their adjacent mixed plantation. From environmental consideration, this finding has implication in managing natural ecosystem.  相似文献   

The nutrient contents of moist semi-deciduous forest, successional regrowth and cultivated soils were studied along with successional changes following clear-cutting and burning. Water-soluble N, P, Ca, Mg and K were measured in the primary forest, successional regrowth, cultivated soils and soils of secondary forests ranging from 1 to 6 years after cessation of cultivation. Clearing and burning of the forest releases stored essential nutrients to soils under cultivation. K and N seem to be lost more rapidly in soils under cultivation than in soils under successional regrowth.It was observed that under shifting cultivation essential nutrients build up temporarily; P and Ca rapidly build up in cultivated soils to values much higher than their original values in the forest soils. Six years after the cessation of cultivation, the soil nutrient level of the successional regrowth was still far from being restored to the level of the primary forest soils.Seedlings and resprouts were equally important in the vegetation recovery of burnt and unburnt clear-cut forest. Seedlings of pioneer woody species established themselves in the burnt and unburnt plots within 4 months. Secondary regrowth in the burnt plot appeared better than in the unburnt plot, although resprouts played a more significant role in the unburnt plot.  相似文献   

The Western Ghats in India is one of the 25 global hotspots of biodiversity, and it is the hotspot with the highest human density. This study considers variations in the regional fire regime that are related to vegetation type and past human disturbances in a landscape. Using a combination of remote sensing data and GIS techniques, burnt areas were delineated in three different vegetation types and various metrics of fire size were estimated. Belt transects were enumerated to assess the vegetation characteristics and fire effects in the landscape. Temporal trends suggest increasingly short fire-return intervals in the landscape. In the tropical dry deciduous forest, the mean fire-return interval is 6 years, in the tropical dry thorn forest mean fire-return interval is 10 years, and in the tropical moist deciduous forest mean fire-return interval is 20 years. Tropical dry deciduous forests burned more frequently and had the largest number of fires in any given year as well as the single largest fire (9900 ha). Seventy percent, 56%, and 30% of the tropical moist deciduous forests, tropical dry thorn forests, and tropical dry deciduous forests, respectively have not burned during the 7-year period of study. The model of fire-return interval as a function of distance from park boundary explained 63% of the spatial variation of fire-return interval in the landscape. Forest fires had significant impacts on species diversity and regeneration in the tropical dry deciduous forests. Species diversity declined by 50% and 60% in the moderate and high frequency classes, respectively compared to the low fire frequency class. Sapling density declined by ca. 30% in both moderate and high frequency classes compared to low frequency class. In tropical moist deciduous ecosystems, there were substantial declines in species diversity, tree density, seedling and sapling densities in burned forests compared to the unburned forests. In contrast forest fires in tropical dry thorn forests had a marginal positive effect on ecosystem diversity, structure, and regeneration.  相似文献   

Water stress and fire disturbance can directly impact stand structure, biomass and composition by causing mortality and influencing competitive interactions among trees. However, open eucalypt forests of southwest Australia are highly resilient to fire and drought and may respond differently to increased fire frequency and aridity than forests dominated by non-eucalypt species. We measured the variation in stem density, basal area, stand biomass, sapwood area, leaf area and litterfall across 16 mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) forest stands along an aridity gradient in southwest Australia that had variable fire histories. Fire frequency was defined as the total number of fires over a ∼30-year period and aridity as the ratio of potential evapotranspiration to annual precipitation. Total stand biomass and sapwood area were predicted from diameter at breast height of individual jarrah and marri trees using allometric equations. Leaf area was estimated using digital cover photography. More arid and frequently burnt stands had higher stem density, especially of smaller trees, which were mainly jarrah. Overall, both standing biomass and leaf area decreased at more arid sites, while sapwood area was largely unaffected by aridity, suggesting that these stands respond to increased water limitation by decreasing their leaf area relative to their sapwood area. Biomass of marri was reduced at more arid and, to a lesser extent, at more frequently burnt stands. However, total stand biomass (jarrah and marri) and leaf area index did not vary with fire frequency, suggesting that less marri biomass (due to slower growth rates, higher mortality or less recruitment) was compensated by an increase in the density of jarrah trees (regeneration). We conclude that increased fire and drought shift tree species composition towards more fire-resistant species and result in denser stands of smaller trees. In contrast, total stand biomass declines with increasing aridity, but has no association with fire frequency.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the microbial biomass carbon and abundance and diversity of soil microorganisms immediately after the occurrence of fire in a Japanese red pine forest, and to determine the pattern of microbial recovery within the first year after fire. The effects of fire at three slope positions were also determined. Three plots in each of the burnt and unburnt areas, measuring 10 × 10 m, were established. The first plot was located at the valley bottom, the second plot was located at the middle slope, and the third plot was located at the ridge. Analysis showed that for all parameters studied, the three plots in the unburnt area did not differ significantly and so they were treated as one control plot. The microbial biomass, abundance, and diversity structure in the unburnt and burnt plots showed significant differences. The unburnt area had the highest biomass carbon, abundance, and diversity, followed by the valley bottom, the middle slope, and then the ridge in the burnt area, and significant differences in the burnt plots were found between the valley bottom, the middle slope, and the ridge. The microbial diversity in the burnt area differed from that of the unburnt area, the microbial diversity being significantly lower in the burnt area, and the ridge was shown to have been the most affected by fire.  相似文献   

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